Anyone moving from PS to XBOX this generation? Hello....


For me spending 500 for a console and cheaping out on games is kinda... ehm.

I prefer to support big productions than smaller games, and arguably if you want to cheap out not getting the games on launch date and not being tied on a netflix like subscription seems more reasonable economically.
Don't forget that gamepass once it goes to the normal price is like 120$ a year, will you really play all those filler games?

I hear all this huge praise about how great it is for budget gamers but I really disagree, 120$ per year for renting games sounds dumb.

Also gaming isn't the same as watching movies, the majority of people will get tied to the gamepass ecosystem and only play a few games per year, making the whole concept even dumber.
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How does them being on PC make them not 1st party?
They ain't first party exclusives to the console. People buy a playstation since most first party titles are rarely released on other platforms hence why don't fanboys were freaking out when hzd pc was announced.

I bought an xbox one and eventually sold it when I realised that it's completely useless since I could always play a better version of the game that was interesting me on pc. But oh well, enjoy the flops

Kagey K

They ain't first party exclusives to the console. People buy a playstation since most first party titles are rarely released on other platforms hence why don't fanboys were freaking out when hzd pc was announced.

I bought an xbox one and eventually sold it when I realised that it's completely useless since I could always play a better version of the game that was interesting me on pc. But oh well, enjoy the flops
Xbox doesn't really have first party titles, they all end up mostly on pc.
You said first party titles, not 1st party exclusives. They have 1st party games.

The rest of your post is irrelevant to me.


Gold Member
I'm probably going with XSX for now. Seems like it's going to be pretty difficult to get a PS5 in 2020. I'll get a XSX now for BC and better looking third party games compared to PS4Pro/XOX. I'll definitely have a PS5 in 2021. Demon Souls at launch, R&C and GoW Ragnarok assure that.


You said first party titles, not 1st party exclusives. They have 1st party games.

The rest of your post is irrelevant to me.
As irrelevant as xbox is to the gaming world? Since with a pc gamepass I can completely forget its existence?

Got ya

Stop playing with words, when we refer to first party its always first party exclusive titles.

Do you see first party nintendo games on other consoles/pc? No

Do you see first party sony games to other consoles/pc? Very rarely

Microsoft? 😂
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I do plan on building a PC down the road. So In the sense I might get game pass for my PC. (Fable and Psychonauts might be a worthwhile play)


"Xbox is irrelevant to me, so it must be irrelevant to the rest of the gaming world too"
I really don't care, I know some don't have a good enough pc to run some games and xbox is a viable solution. I'm just toying with xbox fanboys, I feel like I'm in my 20s all over again.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X

It would be sad if it wasn't so funny how bad this guy a few others are losing it because people aren't properly worshipping his precious Sony exclusives.

Extreme Sony fans are like SJWs, they lose their minds when anyone goes against the narrative of how great Sony games are. Everyone has to like what they like; people are not allowed to have diverse tastes in gaming.


It would be sad if it wasn't so funny how bad this guy a few others are losing it because people aren't properly worshipping his precious Sony exclusives.

Extreme Sony fans are like SJWs, they lose their minds when anyone goes against the narrative of how great Sony games are. Everyone has to like what they like; people are not allowed to have diverse tastes in gaming.
I find it funny that I'm being refered to someone worshipping sony exclusives since I played hzd for the first time on pc and don't even possess a playstation since I sold mine after ff7r.

It makes it even more fun

Kagey K

It would be sad if it wasn't so funny how bad this guy a few others are losing it because people aren't properly worshipping his precious Sony exclusives.

Extreme Sony fans are like SJWs, they lose their minds when anyone goes against the narrative of how great Sony games are. Everyone has to like what they like; people are not allowed to have diverse tastes in gaming.
I’ve discussed with enough people here to know when a conversation is worth having and when it’s pointless. This one was pointless.

Just endless back and forth babbling and goalpost moving if you continue to engage.


How much teraflops is ghost of tsushima? Since I'd like to pick this game up when I get my ps5 but worried I might not enjoy it since it might not have lots of flops

Kylars Bluff

Neo Member
Started last gen with PS4, then moved onto XONEX, now beginning new gen with PS5 preorder. It’s the Gaming Circle of Life....


The nicest person on this forum
What does Sony moneyhatting a timed exclusive have to do with the path Xbox will take?
If they having hard time getting big Japanese IP like FF to their system then I'm pretty sure they are not getting Atlus games or other niche Japanese games or even when DQXII gets announced it gonna take another decade to release on Xbox.
Does anyone know if they are doing anything in terms of achievements? Any updates. I like xbox but the ps trophy system is a lot better.
If they having hard time getting big Japanese IP like FF to their system then I'm pretty sure they are not getting Atlus games or other niche Japanese games or even when DQXII gets announced it gonna take another decade to release on Xbox.

But Xbox has had Final Fantasy since the 360. Sony paying to make one or two installments timed exclusives doesn't change that.

As for niche Japanese games, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis will be Xbox console exclusive, that doesn't reflect poorly on Sony though.

I see where you're coming from, of course, but I don't think one game being timed exclusive is any indication about the direction for the generation.


The nicest person on this forum
I see where you're coming from, of course, but I don't think one game being timed exclusive is any indication about the direction for the generation.
Tell me, when Persona 6 get announced or Project Re Fantasy get more info what are the chances its coming to Xbox? When Dragon Quest XII to get announced is gonna get released on Xbox in same day or not get released at all? But I'm 100% sure all them will come to Playstation, THATS my biggest problem with Xbox, its always coin toss with them.
Bro, all powers to you. It sounds a perfect case for gamepass.

I would suggest you get 3080 instead if you care about dollar/TF measure, which is a ridiculous one btw. you can play flight simulator 2020 and crusader king3 on pc but not on xbx yet. Xbx games all come to PC but not the other way around.


I'm really only a multiplatform gamer. COD and Rocket League etc.

I went to PS4 last generation solely because of the power difference but always preferred the XBOX controller.

I'm not interested in RPG's, TLOU, Spiderman, GOW and all those run around hack slash games. I'll probably give Cyberpunk a go because of 1st person and that whole setting.
I think I just prefer competitive skill games over story driven. If I want a story I prefer watching movies.

So again probably just down to $ per Terraflop, I'm going back to XBOX. Am I the only one?

With that taste in games, I'm shocked you ever left lmao.

Welcome back to the fold, amigo.


I'm a multiplatform gamer, but usually depends on what I get at launch.

Started gaming in ps1/n64 gen. Got n64 first, a year after it came out in 1997. Got ps1 in 1998 when the dualshock system came out

Ps2/xb/gc gen I got the ps2 first in early 2001, then then go at launch later that year
Xbox i got Xmas 2003

Wii/ps3/360 gen I got wii at launch, with the 360 shortly after that xmas. Then got a ps3 when the slim came out...that was a crazy gen. Planned to only own a ps3, ended up getting the other 2, and only got the wii at launch day.

Got a wii u at launch.

Got a ps4 at launch. Got xbox one when the series s came out

Got a switch at launch.

Got a ps4 pro and one x later once there were deals to be had.

I also decided not to go for series x or ps5 until someone purchased my ps4 pro today, so that may change and I may get both at launch now lol. Will see. Depends on if I choose to see my one x or not.

Multiplat is the way! Don't really believe in "one vs the other"

Ps2 was a first party and exclusive machine for me, as I tended to get third party games on GameCube and later on xbox when I had one, despite it being my first console that gen

I played most third party games on 360, ps3 was exclusive machine for me

Current gen ps4 was my main until the ps4 pro and then that until the one x

I tend to just play exclusives and then third party games I go where the power is.

This upcoming gen i imagine ill be gaming on the series x as a result, but ps5 will be for exclusives or a superior port
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Just saying that I learned with the OG Xbox power isn't everything when I'm envious of everything my friends are playing. No thanks


Gold Member
Moving from PS to Xbox only if the Xbox has bluetooth 5. Does the xsx has bluetooth?
No, Blue Tooth is not included, as it doesn't support the low latency targets Microsoft has set.

On topic, I jumped from Xbox 360 to PS4 after the Xbone DRM fiasco. Over the course of the generation, the number of Sony exclusives that I felt were worth owning just hasn't added up. The seven different flavours of cinematic third person action game are all well and good, but I prefer more breadth in my libraries, and Sony doesn't seem to be interested in catering to what I'm looking for. With the exception of God of War, the titles I've enjoyed the most are third parties.
Microsoft is offering me extremely cost effective powerful hardware, a massive breadth of games for a very low price, and the titles they're providing are more in line with where my tastes are. Xbox Series X and Gamepass is exactly what I'm looking for.
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I'm dying laughing at some of you guys responses. This isn't a war. This isn't some religion. Get a grip lol. None of you guys should care what platform the other person chooses. And vise versa. Most games are going to be multiplatform with crossplay.

I mean, this has been a thing since the beginning of video games. Anyone old enough to remember the Mario vs. Sonic wars of 90s would find the current Sony vs. Microsoft spat rather tame.


I will never ever buy a Microsoft console haven't ever had the need for one they have nothing that remotely piques my interest and plus I hate Microsoft as a company I try my best to avoid them like the plague they are I don't even use windows if I can help it. So no I won't be switching from playstation to answer the question. ✌

Cringe lol
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