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Just as Xbox finally starts getting support from ATLUS and Square Enix, Capcom turns its back — but why? (Windows Central, Cope & Corden)


Hey guys how's Atlus doing with their releasing on Xbox strategy



The only reason Atlus is making all this shit for Xbox is because MS is probably paying the porting costs. There's no way Atlus thinks this is financially viable unless their costs are zero. SMTV:V is not on Gamepass BTW so there's no excuses here
Games on disc.
What year is it?


Guessing that some port(s) just isn't worth the effort for Capcom. The sunken cost and time in added development of Xbox versions, plus declining software sales might just say to them to just skip it.
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Lord of Edge.
Hey guys how's Atlus doing with their releasing on Xbox strategy



The only reason Atlus is making all this shit for Xbox is because MS is probably paying the porting costs. There's no way Atlus thinks this is financially viable unless their costs are zero. SMTV:V is not on Gamepass BTW so there's no excuses here
Xbox doesn't cater to virgins.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
The number of paying customers is lower on the Xbox platform and I doubt (speculation here) that Microsoft wants to shell out enough money to cover the return Capcom would want for a collection of 15+ year old games.


The game is for Switch & PS4 . Series S has nothing to do with this
Just because a game doesn't have impressive tech doesn't mean it's gonna run flawlessly on underpowered hardware or meet whatever requirement xbox sets for it's clause. I don't find BG3 to be particularly demanding and that game was held up because of Series S parity shit.
A Japanese company skipping a poorly selling console from a company that performed poorly in Japan over the course of their entire history. Not surprising - Japanese gamers have embraced PC anyway. Capcom is doing really well right now and they have some excellent analysts, if this doesn't tell you the future of Xbox I don't know what does.
Once again…thanks for your question in your thread title, but nothing but a long ass string of random quotes of other peoples opinions. I’d like to hear your opinions for once, as opposed to others peoples…especially if you post a thread asking a question.


Just because a game doesn't have impressive tech doesn't mean it's gonna run flawlessly on underpowered hardware or meet whatever requirement xbox sets for it's clause. I don't find BG3 to be particularly demanding and that game was held up because of Series S parity shit.
The game is on Switch & PS4
Is Atlus really supporting? I know there is unicorn overload but outside of that hasn't it just been persona games, which are in gamepass? Really just seems to be they don't mind the money up front and anything else is a bonus but idk, could be misinformed on other games.

I'm honestly surprised more publishers haven't started skipping. Xbox brand, if isn't dead, is in extreme life support. Small install base, plus their whole philosophy is gamepass instead of paying for games. Also the hassle of needing to have a S and X version on top of that, I really wonder how many copies a pub needs to sell on Xbox just to break even.


You clearly don't understand.

If the games are being made for PS4 & Switch the specs & parity clause of Series S has nothing to do with the game not being on Xbox.
Let me put it this way.

Let's say I owned the Snake IP, like the old one that used to play on Nokia 6800 phones. Then let's say I look at releasing that game natively on platforms. Does Xbox run the old Nokia OS? No it doesn't, so I have to port it. Even though it's a simple game with simple code, I have to pay somebody to do it.

Now let's say Xbox says "well if you want to release the game on Xbox, it has to run to certain performance metrics on both series S and X, it has to have multiplayer, it has to have bla bla bla" whatever else is required in the clause. Not a big deal, I can probably do it, I have the source code, the system is well documented, but I'm spending out of pocket to make these changes for just that platform's whims.

Now look at the demand and sales estimates. How much money am I likely to make, and how many sales will Snake on the Xbox platform make? Probalby not many because other people that are interested in Snake probably have it on their phones, or on their calculators, in an arcade collection or even on their Nokia 6800 that they're used to playing it on.

So why would I spend the money to satisfy the requirements to release Snake on Xbox and likely end up losing/barely breaking even?

This is how I feel like Capcom views Xbox. I don't know what the clauses are, nor what requirement(s) each game needs to meet are. My opinion is just me guessing that there's probably a threshold of "willing to put up with annoyances as long as I'm making money from it" that some number crunchers at Capcom entered into a spreadsheet and determined wasn't met.

I'm not saying the Series S can't play it, I'm saying that there's probably a business reason that they're not doing it, and it might have something to do with xbox's requirements.
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Gold Member
Small games that already won’t sell a high volume, so not worth porting. Anyway, nobody on GAF cares, since people here usually have every current gen console and/or PC.


Pejo Pejo If i'm understanding this correctly, he's simply stating that the Series S requeriments may have nothing to do with the Marvel vs. Capcom situation because it's a PC/Switch/PS4 only game, there's not a native PS5 version being released here, which implies that a native Xbox Series version wouldn't be released either, and this is just a matter of Capcom not wanting to support the Xbox One, whose software can be played on Xbox Series through BC.


Pejo Pejo If i'm understanding this correctly, he's simply stating that the Series S requeriments may have nothing to do with the Marvel vs. Capcom situation because it's a PC/Switch/PS4 only game, there's not a native PS5 version being released here, which implies that a native Xbox Series version wouldn't be released either, and this is just a matter of Capcom not wanting to support the Xbox One, whose software can be played on Xbox Series through BC.
O onQ123 my apologies if this was what you were getting at, I misunderstood.


I play on PC and certain games are locked on old consoles and cant get them on pc.

Not current consoles. PS2/OG Xbox . Those consoles had sick exclusive games. X360/PS3 still has rd1 locked there.
They did a remaster but not PC.
It's fairly easy to play PS2 and Xbox games on PC now, and RDR1 has a switch port, Do I need to spell it out?
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For fucks sake just get a PS5 or even a PC. All Microsoft games are on going to be on those platforms (Or already are), and they haven’t offered a good 1st party title in like 15 years that prompts one to buy their console. Why even bother with this platform? So you can pay for a Netflix gaming service?

Actually, come to think of it, they did publish a good game recently, and they nuked the studio that made it. Such a game is also on the PS5. So yeah, you can play Microsoft’s best game since 2010 AND 99% of 3rd party games.
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Gold Member
I got to think MS pays them to port. There is no way that SEGA and SE don’t realize that sales on Xbox platform for JRPGs is minuscule.
I suspect these types of deals will stop happening over the next couple years if Game Pass still isn’t growing. It won’t be worth the time or investment for any party.


I suspect these types of deals will stop happening over the next couple years if Game Pass still isn’t growing. It won’t be worth the time or investment for any party.
If Microsoft keeps scratching checks to offset the porting costs, these deals will continue.


Consoles sales and game sales in the shitter and a fading userbase.

We are already hearing from various sources devs questioning releasing on Xbox.

Do the maths folks, this is only the beginning.
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Sounds like Capcoms older engine MT Framework(that this fighting game is on)is no longer supporting Xbox one? Or there is an issue with it and Capcom doesnt see any investment in finding a solution? Not sure which is which.

Very few still play on Xbox one. Certainly no where near the amount of ps4. Also that old engine has no support of porting games to current gen platforms. Which is why no ps5 or x/s versions. At least that's what I read.


Sounds like Capcoms older engine MT Framework(that this fighting game is on)is no longer supporting Xbox one? Or there is an issue with it and Capcom doesnt see any investment in finding a solution? Not sure which is which.

Very few still play on Xbox one. Certainly no where near the amount of ps4. Also that old engine has no support of porting games to current gen platforms. Which is why no ps5 or x/s versions. At least that's what I read.
The sales of MT Framework-based games on Xbox's SDK aren't worth keeping a dedicated team to support the engine on there. Better to re-assign these people (who are programmers and engineers, so their time is not cheap) towards more fruitful endeavors.
With how poor the xbox series consoles have been selling, its gonna only be worth porting to xbox if Microsoft pay you to launch on gamepass. Otherwise what's the point? Hardly anyone will buy your game on xbox in comparison to the other platforms.


Gold Member
If Microsoft keeps scratching checks to offset the porting costs, these deals will continue.
Obviously. What I’m saying is Microsoft will stop writing those checks if the ports have no meaningful impact on Game Pass growth/engagement.

Ev1L AuRoN

No gamepass deal, no port, that's what's come to, release a game without a Microsoft check doesn't make sense for most publishers, specially for smaller titles. I try to imagine who is this gamer who love fighting games and only has an Xbox, it doesn't compute, the hardcore members of the FGC are on PC and PS5.
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There are some classic Marvel vs. Capcom games, that's too bad. I assume these will end up on PC, either directly or as part of the Capcom arcade thing. Last I checked, every major Capcom release is on Xbox.


Gold Member
For fucks sake just get a PS5 or even a PC. All Microsoft games are on going to be on those platforms (Or already are), and they haven’t offered a good 1st party title in like 15 years that prompts one to buy their console. Why even bother with this platform? So you can pay for a Netflix gaming service?

Actually, come to think of it, they did publish a good game recently, and they nuked the studio that made it. Such a game is also on the PS5. So yeah, you can play Microsoft’s best game since 2010 AND 99% of 3rd party games.
All of these Xbox shills with a persecution complex could have bought a PS4 in 2016 and played all these games instead of whining about it... but nope.
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