Just as Xbox finally starts getting support from ATLUS and Square Enix, Capcom turns its back — but why? (Windows Central, Cope & Corden)


Gold Member
This fucking guy man.

Danny Devito Popcorn GIF by The Animal Crackers Movie


I think younger generations play more free to play games and don’t purchase games as much as the older generation regardless of gamepass. Could be wrong though.
I think younger generations play more free to play games and don’t purchase games as much as the older generation regardless of gamepass. Could be wrong though.

You're right but as they get older will their habits change since they will then have money? Why go bother you parents and beg for money when you can just play a free game.


I'm SURE it has zero to do with the fact that Xbox has conditioned its users to NOT buy games but to rent them! I mean, the most common question I see from Xbox users is- "I'll wait for this to come to game pass". And people said a sub service like this wouldn't change gaming... Thanks Uncle Phil!
I immediately wrote that off since they don't own the gaming rights. But then I remembered that leak saying they license exclusive rights to X-Men for like a decade or something crazy. Definitely a lot of X-Men in there too. Who knows, I guess it's not impossible.

Not impossible, just highly improbable. These are old ass games, and Microsoft are bending over backwards to bring as many of their games to PlayStation (and Switch) as possible.

Also it would ultimately be up to Capcom here as for platforms; for what I understand Sony's X-men license would just cover new games over the next 10 years, not previously released games (especially those made by 3P).

At least, that's how I think it would work.
Marvel retains the rights to Marvel "multi-family" games and older game which Marvel vs Capcom collection is. More importantly I would love to hear the creative ways xbox fans come up with to blame Sony for capcoms other collections skipping xbox too, like Mega Man Battle Network Collection or Monster Hunter Stories. Is it not just easier to accept the fact that the platform isn't worth porting to if the projected sales are so small?

Believe it or not Jawmuncher had a rational take: these games are on MT Framework and Capcom never made MT Framework compatible on Xbox One. So likely it's not being made compatible with Xbox Series either (or PS5, hence why it's coming to PS4 and PS5 gets it through BC).

Of course they had to ruin this conclusion by basically saying Microsoft "needs" to do something to get this game on Xbox. Like, what else could they do but pay out for a Game Pass deal? Which is something Capcom aren't interested in doing since that'd undermine their B2P sales on other platforms?

I don't really have to accept anything. The main thing people pointed to for sales is Ace Attorney, and that just got announced again yesterday. I don't personally even really care about these games, or any 2D fighters. The sales argument is a potential explanation, but until Capcom answers people I see no reason to assume. Really small time games come to Xbox all the time. Just yesterday that Metal Slug mobile game got added to the store. A lot of people here have a clear agenda to only push the explanation they want. I am fine just waiting to hear what Capcom says, if they ever decide to answer. We know they are fine taking GP deals for some of their smaller stuff too. GP probably saved Exoprimal from total irrelevancy. Kunitsu-Gami is next month. And besides all of this, if the next gen system rumors are true, none of this will even matter to me in a couple years.

Read what I wrote above about the MT Framework issue. That is the most likely reason this isn't on Xbox. Notice it doesn't have a native PS5 version either; just a PS4 one that will be on PS5 due to BC.

Only Switch and Steam have native versions among modern platforms, the former because it's such a big install base especially for these types of Capcom games, the latter because, well, it's PC. And Capcom already said PC (Steam) was a big platform for catalog (legacy) games.
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Something is seriously mentally deranged with these people. I don't understand the sense of entitlement people like Jez (or I'm sure, Phil Spencer) feel Xbox is "owed" games simply because it's a brand that exists, or simply because it's been a fledging console business carried by a $3.5 trillion Big Tech mega-conglomerate's profits from other areas not related to gaming for like the past 8-10 years.

I think it speaks to an unearned sense of esteem; these people are so obsessed with Xbox still being the Green PlayStation instead of being a brand with its own identity. That's a big reason why the console is struggling to stay relevant in the global market to begin with. No one's interested in an inferior PlayStation. These people feel that any game (even 3P) that PlayStation gets, Xbox is "owed" that same game, especially if it's a Japanese title. But the only thing they base these things on are their feelings. They pretend as if companies like Capcom don't have 2+ decades of sales data on Xbox platforms to discern if a port of old Marvel games to the platform (without a Game Pass deal, which they might not want because it could cannibalize sales on other platforms) is worth the costs in development, optimization & QA testing for the smallest platform.

Especially when considering, most Xbox owners ALREADY HAVE ANOTHER SYSTEM that this game is going onto! Be that a Switch, a PS4, PS5 or PC...there is 0% chance any of the Xbox people complaining about this collection skipping Xbox don't have an alternative. No one gives a shit if you "prefer" playing it on an Xbox; as an Xbox owner you are the least significant portion of the customer base and you don't get to dictate terms just to suit your preference. If you genuinely care about the game, you'll pick it up on one of the many other platforms it's already coming out on, and at least one of which you own in addition to your Xbox.

I'm just so tired of shill press trying to make games skipping Xbox sound like a violation of their civil rights, or like it's some humanitarian crisis that just has to be resolved. It's nowhere near that important. And the biases are clear, because we never see these same folks complain when games skip Switch, or especially if they don't get a PlayStation release. It's the gaming equivalent of a certain political ideology where individualism is shunned and where being unique is shamed. Where equity is pushed instead of equality, and where equality can allow uniqueness/individualism, equity does not.

That's basically what all these fringe complaints from people like Jez sound like to me. The idea that Xbox missing out whatever 5% of 3P games that don't leave PlayStation or Switch (but mainly PlayStation; remember these people are obsessed with Xbox being a Green PlayStation) is inherently "wrong" and unfair, is hilarious. The idea it's entitled to have these games simply for existing, is ludicrous.

Man you always type so much but still seem so out of touch. Bizarre. No offense.

Is it really entitlement to wonder why a Capcom fighter isn’t coming to your console?

Also since when does anyone want Xbox to be a “Green PlayStation”? I’ve never even heard of this theory until you just typed it. Xbox fans don’t want a “green PlayStation”, and Xbox themselves have been doing everything they can to differentiate Xbox and PlayStation these last two gens. That’s been their problem, they offer a different experience than PlayStation and the masses don’t want it.


So ignoring Switch and PC Capcom games are doing worse on Xbox than Square-Enix games do? As in Xbox only sale roughly 3.8%~ of what PlayStation pulls in? No wonder Xbox had to pay Japanese Publishers to bring games to their platform and it also explains why they don't bother to do so if they don't get that upfront payment.
I'd advise against applying these %s to all Capcom games. Each title will sell differently.
Sure, this is funny to the diehards,
but this post proves the point that there is something more than just sales with the MvC collection.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is on Xbox
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy is on Xbox
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection just announced for Xbox

If the sales are that low - then why did a new Ace Attorney Collection get announced for Xbox just yesterday?
That's a fair point, I guess the porting costs are low enough to make it still possible. Do we know if the new collection will be physical on Xbox? Going digital only with that version would save costs too.
For fucks sake just get a PS5 or even a PC. All Microsoft games are on going to be on those platforms (Or already are), and they haven’t offered a good 1st party title in like 15 years that prompts one to buy their console. Why even bother with this platform? So you can pay for a Netflix gaming service?

Actually, come to think of it, they did publish a good game recently, and they nuked the studio that made it. Such a game is also on the PS5. So yeah, you can play Microsoft’s best game since 2010 AND 99% of 3rd party games.
I don’t think you understand how good of a deal gamepass is or how many good games are on it.

I say this as someone who owns all modern consoles and a gaming pc.
Is it really entitlement to wonder why a Capcom fighter isn’t coming to your console?
Yes. Yes it is.
When your console lost the console war, the consequences happen. Phil might pretend console wars are not a thing but it absolutely is a thing. And the result of losing the war is you lose third party games. Like with the Gamecube.

So it is an entitlement when you know your console doesn't sell well, and yet still think it makes sense that other people would be willing to lose money porting to your hardware.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Yes. Yes it is.
When your console lost the console war, the consequences happen. Phil might pretend console wars are not a thing but it absolutely is a thing. And the result of losing the war is you lose third party games. Like with the Gamecube.

So it is an entitlement when you know your console doesn't sell well, and yet still think it makes sense that other people would be willing to lose money porting to your hardware.

gary coleman wtf GIF

Wondering why a multi-platform publisher isn't putting a game out on one of the platform it actively puts games out on is not 'entitlement'.

Believe it or not Jawmuncher had a rational take: these games are on MT Framework and Capcom never made MT Framework compatible on Xbox One. So likely it's not being made compatible with Xbox Series either (or PS5, hence why it's coming to PS4 and PS5 gets it through BC).

RE5 and 6 ports, Dragons Dogma, MH World are all MT Framework games and present on Xbox One. That rationale doesn't check out.

Xbox shills have just become embarrassments and they dont even realize it.

You tell 'em, chief 😇


That's what I hate on Xbox. This is not their fault (well, kinda) but this is so annoying.

It has always been like this. Since OG Xbox.
Silent Hill 1❌
Silent Hill 2✅
Silent Hill 3❌
Silent Hill 4✅
Shattered Memories❌
Zero (Origin)❌
SH2 Remake❌
Metal Gear Solid🟠 (2 decades later on the "Collection")
Final Fantasy XIII✅
FF XIV🟠 (a decade later)
FF7 Remake❌
FF7 Crisis Core Remaster✅
FF7 Rebirth❌

I could do this for Street Fighter, for many other series... The releases on Xbox are inconsistant, getting a game doesn't mean you'll get the sequel, and vice versa. Which helps a lot people making the PS their choice console. At least they know they'll get "everything". Now that MS is making exclusives again (I mean from a console point of view), the Xbox can become console can become appealing again, but for many classic games series, the fact that you never know if you'll get it or not, and the sequel etc... Is annoying.

But they're nice surprises, DraQue III HD2D wasn't expected from me.

But again I dunno if I'll get I & II HD2D on it so I'll pick it up on PS... and people thinking like this make less sales on the Xbox versions, keeping publishers believing that Xbox gamers don't buy those games. :D
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gary coleman wtf GIF

Wondering why a multi-platform publisher isn't putting a game out on one of the platform it actively puts games out on is not 'entitlement'.
Did you wonder why CoD didn't launch on the Game Cube?

Unless you are really young, you would have remembered that there was a time when it is not given that a console would get third party game support. It only gets done if it makes money.

When a console struggles, they lose third party support. This is normal. it just had not been relevant for a few gens so the young kids didn't know that.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Did you wonder why CoD didn't launch on the Game Cube?

Unless you are really young, you would have remembered that there was a time when it is not given that a console would get third party game support. It only gets done if it makes money.

When a console struggles, they lose third party support. This is normal. it just had not been relevant for a few gens so the young kids didn't know that.

You're missing the point.

When a company like Square Enix doesn't put a game on Xbox, no one asks a question because it's almost expected of them. They only just pledged to change their release habits a month or so ago.

It's unusual for Capcom to do that, hence it's a more questionable thing.

There's no harm in asking the question, the issue is the way this article is presented, using a lot of twitter posts as reference instead of trying to ask it rationally. Twitter is a cesspool.
Wondering if this have anything to do Sony saying no due to spiderman rights.

Doesn't explain the Mega Man Collection recently.

RE5 and 6 ports, Dragons Dogma, MH World are all MT Framework games and present on Xbox One. That rationale doesn't check out.

All Capcom mainline games starting with Lost Planet 2, up until Monster Hunter World, use MTF2. This is because they fucked up and overshot their (then) successor to MTF2, Panta Rhei (Deep Down engine, PS4 reveal), and had to dial back on specs, and were shuffling between MTF2 and UE5 for their mainline titles, till RE7 launched (before MHW) and became the successor to MTF2. All these games were built on MTF2 to begin with.

Whereas these legacy collections need to be ported over, and then to Xbox, which requires more resources and they thought the sales on Xbox One is not worth going back and investing in a port to, as most MAU's and DAU's have moved over to the Series consoles.

If this were a current gen game, it would have received a port, like most Capcom releases these days.
It’s simple. Xbox gamers rarely support or buy games especially Japanese games. Buy and support games and more companies will put their games on your platform because they like to make money. Also, this issue has been going on long before Gamepass was introduced, so Gamepass isn’t the entire problem.
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Yes. Yes it is.
When your console lost the console war, the consequences happen. Phil might pretend console wars are not a thing but it absolutely is a thing. And the result of losing the war is you lose third party games. Like with the Gamecube.

So it is an entitlement when you know your console doesn't sell well, and yet still think it makes sense that other people would be willing to lose money porting to your hardware.

Oh yeah, the GCN.. because the super popular Switch is just swimming in all of the big third party titles. Oh wait, it isn't. Here's where you say it's because of the hardware, and then I reply that it was pointless for you to have ever compared MS and Sony to Nintendo in the first place.

Also, gotta roll my eyes at the console war nonsense. lol @ consequences. These are consumers, not fellow posters on GameFAQS. Relax.

We've seen whatever that sales data was for Ace Attorney quoted a million times in this thread, and yet another Ace Attorney game is coming. Are you implying MvC fighting game collection would be less popular than Ace Attorney? People are wondering what is going on here because it doesn't really make sense.

Also, lets stop acting as if this is some sort of HD-DVD vs Bluray type battle. Despite what GAF would tell you, games sell on Xbox.

Now, maybe the whole MT stuff means Capcom would see it maybe less financially feasible to release an Xbone version. So then they can come out and say that, and THEN if people still claim they should release it anyway, then you'd have a point.


Gold Member
dumb question but why is only one aa game one mega man game and only one fighting collection using the mt and the rest are not???
RE5 and 6 ports, Dragons Dogma, MH World are all MT Framework games and present on Xbox One. That rationale doesn't check out.

Those are also all way bigger games than this collection though. RE5 & 6 & Dragon's Dogma are probably due to the Xbox BC program. MH World...well, that's Monster Hunter. Of course they'd get that working on XBO.

Oh yeah, the GCN.. because the super popular Switch is just swimming in all of the big third party titles. Oh wait, it isn't. Here's where you say it's because of the hardware, and then I reply that it was pointless for you to have ever compared MS and Sony to Nintendo in the first place.

Also, gotta roll my eyes at the console war nonsense. lol @ consequences. These are consumers, not fellow posters on GameFAQS. Relax.

We've seen whatever that sales data was for Ace Attorney quoted a million times in this thread, and yet another Ace Attorney game is coming. Are you implying MvC fighting game collection would be less popular than Ace Attorney? People are wondering what is going on here because it doesn't really make sense.

Also, lets stop acting as if this is some sort of HD-DVD vs Bluray type battle. Despite what GAF would tell you, games sell on Xbox.

Now, maybe the whole MT stuff means Capcom would see it maybe less financially feasible to release an Xbone version. So then they can come out and say that, and THEN if people still claim they should release it anyway, then you'd have a point.

I really hope people aren't trying to push the conspiracy that Sony forced Capcom to keep this off Xbox because they have a 10-year exclusivity deal on (new) X-Men games.

Because that would be some cap. Kinda like people who kept saying LEGO forced Sony to put LEGO Horizon on the Switch :/

All Capcom mainline games starting with Lost Planet 2, up until Monster Hunter World, use MTF2. This is because they fucked up and overshot their (then) successor to MTF2, Panta Rhei (Deep Down engine, PS4 reveal), and had to dial back on specs, and were shuffling between MTF2 and UE5 for their mainline titles, till RE7 launched (before MHW) and became the successor to MTF2. All these games were built on MTF2 to begin with.

Whereas these legacy collections need to be ported over, and then to Xbox, which requires more resources and they thought the sales on Xbox One is not worth going back and investing in a port to, as most MAU's and DAU's have moved over to the Series consoles.

If this were a current gen game, it would have received a port, like most Capcom releases these days.

Well that clears things up 👍
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You're missing the point.

When a company like Square Enix doesn't put a game on Xbox, no one asks a question because it's almost expected of them.

Wait, what? xD no this isn't true. Square-Enix not putting some FF games on Xbox became a lightning rod by Jez and tons of other Xbox media & fans about "anti-consumer exclusivity" by Sony. Acting like Sony were forcing Square-Enix to not support Xbox with those games, when it was Square-Enix's choice to make the games exclusive.

It got so bad that somehow, Xbox not getting FF XVI and the FF VII remakes meant that Japanese devs were abandoning the system, even when Xbox gets like 90% of the same Japanese games PlayStation does these days (and most of those are Day 1 across both platforms).

They only just pledged to change their release habits a month or so ago.

They didn't really pledge anything, because they've always been a multiplat publisher. Again, not getting 2-3 Final Fantasy games got blown out of proportion by certain people to pretend Square-Enix were not supporting Xbox at all, even when it got almost all of their other games.

It's unusual for Capcom to do that, hence it's a more questionable thing.

Just because it's more unusual, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. It's also unusual for Capcom to not put games on PlayStation but they've done that a few times, like when they released that Ghouls 'n Ghosts collection. That was a Switch exclusive for a while before it got ported to other platforms.

Didn't see the media say that was a bad thing that had to be fixed ASAP.

There's no harm in asking the question, the issue is the way this article is presented, using a lot of twitter posts as reference instead of trying to ask it rationally. Twitter is a cesspool.

The question's also a bit of a cesspool, NGL.


Port begging as a business model? This is the future I guess.
I mean it would be lit of studios said "if you want it pre order the port" and if it makes a certain amount it's greenlit and six months later you have a port.

don't listen to me, this is a terrible idea and will 100% be taken advantage of


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Wait, what? xD no this isn't true. Square-Enix not putting some FF games on Xbox became a lightning rod by Jez and tons of other Xbox media & fans about "anti-consumer exclusivity" by Sony. Acting like Sony were forcing Square-Enix to not support Xbox with those games, when it was Square-Enix's choice to make the games exclusive.

It got so bad that somehow, Xbox not getting FF XVI and the FF VII remakes meant that Japanese devs were abandoning the system, even when Xbox gets like 90% of the same Japanese games PlayStation does these days (and most of those are Day 1 across both platforms)


Who said anything about Sony or 'anti consumer exclusivity' anywhere in the part you quoted ..
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Who said anything about Sony or 'anti consumer exclusivity' anywhere in the part you quoted ..

That's some of the general discourse that's starting to form about the topic because of course it is.

The real problem is, the media play right along with that and egg it on. They encourage it.

We have these data also:

leaked numbers from Nov 25th 2020 for Monster Hunter World And Iceborrne.

MHW PS4: 8.693 Million
MHW Xbox: 1.789 million

Ps4 Ice borne: 4.545 million
Xbox IB 448k

Yet people wanna pretend Capcom don't have the answers 😂
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