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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Same thing happens when you dare criticize Jason Schrier in the mildest way. I got nuked permanently for that. He’s a public figure, but bc he has an era account he’s fucking infallible and a holy light of divinity.

Era needs any industry people on there just for the validation. That's why there are so many verafied "Indie developers" that have never even shipped a game.

What they have yet to figure out for themselves is that they work for Schrier as his attack dogs but he will never go and bat for them.
Era needs any industry people on there just for the validation. That's why there are so many verafied "Indie developers" that have never even shipped a game.

What they have yet to figure out for themselves is that they work for Schrier as his attack dogs but he will never go and bat for them.

Ever notice how consistently some of the "verified" ppl post? I always wonder what the fuck they can be working on, and how it can be of any importance whatsoever, if they have seemingly SO much free time on their hands. Case in point Claven, or whatever the fuck his name is. insufferable "verified" douchebag that never shuts the fuck up.


Ever notice how consistently some of the "verified" ppl post? I always wonder what the fuck they can be working on, and how it can be of any importance whatsoever, if they have seemingly SO much free time on their hands. Case in point Claven, or whatever the fuck his name is. insufferable "verified" douchebag that never shuts the fuck up.

That's becuse they are so bottom of the rung "Industry" that they spend all their time working posting on Era as their job sucks.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Fucking unreal. Even the mildest attempt at humor is mercilessly punished by the mentally deranged and vicious mods. Who the fuck are they protecting? Tom Warren? From literally the most benign conceivable comments on the internet? Hilarious how half that thread is banned for no conceivable reason. What a filthy, toxic place.

Same thing happens when you dare criticize Jason Schrier in the mildest way. I got nuked permanently for that. He’s a public figure, but bc he has an era account he’s fucking infallible and a holy light of divinity.

That Tom guy has been writing silly console war (pro Microsoft) articles for as long as I can remember. At least since the very early days of the PS4 and PS5. I wonder why some people are able to laugh at him in thread, while others get banned. Hmmm. Perhaps that big ol' female schlong protects them from the mods.


Don't make it about me but if you insist, go ahead and make it about me. Poor me, what the world has done to me. Even in death these fuckers are narcissistic buzzkills.

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And yet these people are a-okay with massive BLM protests/riots. Fucking hypocrites.
SNK now cancelled

To be honest, they have a good reason this time

If it takes a Saudi Prince to get me a new Lee Trevino Fighting Golf game, then so be it. The rivalry between Super Mex and Miracle Chosuke has been dormant far too long.

Reply's from page one. These are the "intellectual progressives." Like watching Stephen A Smith lighting up the thesaurus on one of his rants.

This feels gross.

That's definitely the grossest part of this.



SNK now cancelled

To be honest, they have a good reason this time
LOL, the entire beginning of the thread is them asking each other what it means because even the OP is unsure of what he posted. I really shouldn't be surprised at how stupid these people are but still....

Also, our angry SJW from the other page P-tux asking the hard hitting questions in the thread:



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Me me me! I need to be the center of oppression!


Also, this dumb fuck still can't properly form a sentence. "Weren't", Slayven. "Were" not "Was".

Anyways. I decided to pop into ree and that was the very first post I saw.



What a clown. Who authorised this moron to speak on behalf of anyone?

A big problem I see over there, and here on the gaming forum to some extent, is that "Criticism" is held up as some thing that is always necessary and always valid.

This is magnified when it comes to social or political issues.

When was it universally decided that a sexualized image of a chick with a dick is "transphobic"? Seems to me like the kind of thing that would obviously be a grey area. On one had you want trans acceptance but in the other hand you can't have trans models posing in the same way that "cis" models have been.

I don't think it's really a universal truth that sexualized imagery is "wrong".

So that "criticism" can be dismissed.

The Tweet that was sent out with the "did you just assume their gender" comment is once again subjective in its offensive nature. Who decided even that trans people MUST be taken seriously and only seriously? We can all talk about how fluid gender is but never joke about assuming someone's gender.

Another "criticism" that barely registers and can be dismissed.

Imagine you go to a stand up show and the guy makes a joke about suicide. You can be upset or you can laugh or you can go nuts because your friend killed himself etc etc. A whole spectrum of reactions. It doesn't make "criticism" of that comedian or that joke automatically valid. It definitely doesn't justify using the criticism as a jumping off point for trying to cancel future shows or whatever.

I see it as a very Feminist Frequency style of argumentation. Cherry pick some snippets of content. Deem them problematic. Imply that because you belong to Group X anyone who doesn't agree with your criticism is Group X phobic or ist or whatever. Reaffirm that the criticism is totally valid and very very serious and things must change. When people push back harder just double down on claims that they are just bigots.

You just have to criticise the media you love, everyone! Who cares about the quality or validity of the criticism!? It's coming from, or in supposed defense of, an oppressed person so just think how we tell you to think, bigot!
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So that person won't buy or play Cyberpunk or anything CDPR related because of their TRANSPHOBIC CRIMES but they still have a Harry Potter avatar?


Surprised nobody in that thread gave him shit about it lol. But I suppose his comment was woke enough so they let it slide... for now. He better change it when that Harry Potter game comes out tho.
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Not that I like scalpers either but that scalper thread is full of morons. People seem to think that because this group exercise made £x million that each individual made £x million too? That's not how it works 🤣 They all subscribe to some bot software sold by the main company that allows them to get multiple orders. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them. They all made maybe a grand each.

It's threads like this that really illustrate why they are like they are. When it comes to race and gender they have all the arguments down pat, complete with pseudo-intellectual phrases and buzzwords that make it look kinda like they understand stuff even if everything is presented in a bewildering fashion. But confront them with something new where they haven't got a crib sheet to construct their opinions from and it all comes crashing down.

The best thing is one idiot says something early on and the rest of them just parrot it for pages and pages, even if it makes zero sense. A couple of takes on similar lines and that's good enough for the rest.
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Poor David Wise :/

Even David Wise gets rude ass comments. What is wrong with these people?
Jesus Christ these people...


That fuckin' twitter name lol and that poster at the bottom is treading on thin ice!


Gold Member
Not that I like scalpers either but that scalper thread is full of morons. People seem to think that because this group exercise made £x million that each individual made £x million too? That's not how it works 🤣 They all subscribe to some bot software sold by the main company that allows them to get multiple orders. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them. They all made maybe a grand each.

It's threads like this that really illustrate why they are like they are. When it comes to race and gender they have all the arguments down pat, complete with pseudo-intellectual phrases and buzzwords that make it look kinda like they understand stuff even if everything is presented in a bewildering fashion. But confront them with something new where they haven't got a crib sheet to construct their opinions from and it all comes crashing down.

The best thing is one idiot says something early on and the rest of them just parrot it for pages and pages, even if it makes zero sense. A couple of takes on similar lines and that's good enough for the rest.
I'll take my snark and sometimes shaky wit any day over to-memory textblocks.

What I really feel for is the no-discussion part. Parrot and parrot, but no dissent, or you're off.
Not that I like scalpers either but that scalper thread is full of morons. People seem to think that because this group exercise made £x million that each individual made £x million too? That's not how it works 🤣 They all subscribe to some bot software sold by the main company that allows them to get multiple orders. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them. They all made maybe a grand each.

It's threads like this that really illustrate why they are like they are. When it comes to race and gender they have all the arguments down pat, complete with pseudo-intellectual phrases and buzzwords that make it look kinda like they understand stuff even if everything is presented in a bewildering fashion. But confront them with something new where they haven't got a crib sheet to construct their opinions from and it all comes crashing down.

The best thing is one idiot says something early on and the rest of them just parrot it for pages and pages, even if it makes zero sense. A couple of takes on similar lines and that's good enough for the rest.

The ideal situation is when a mod has one of the first replies, just to make it completely clear to everyone about the correct thing to parrot.


Gold Member

Poor David Wise :/

Even David Wise gets rude ass comments. What is wrong with these people?
They are incapable of doing great - or even good - things, so they envy anyone who does (and isn't a woman or trans) and they want to cancel them.

To say it with Dante's words:

And this blind life of theirs is so debased,
⁠They envious are of every other fate.






Not surprised, that guy was creepy as shit even when he posted here. Also lmao at nonconsensual tail touching and shoving them in orifices. Funny how these people are for me too but also want to creepily touch random people.



Nepenthe again following her usual modus operandi. Everyone else is an asshole, only she is in such an elevated position to be able to discuss these kind of serious topics. Imagine a mod having that amount of disdain for you for talking about fucking hair in a social media argument. The majority of you are not capable of discussing hair, lmao. If you still post there, you need to have a word and get some self respect.

I swear, Nepenthe sounds like Hitler or Stalin. She thinks everyone else are cockroaches and she is the bugspray.


Lol all the man babies are feeling attacked. Guy posts nothing but after gaming at 120hz how much better it is and most of the responses are whining about why are you insulting people? Why are you belittling them? Except he did none of that, he just shared how awesome the experience was for him experiencing 120hz for the first time. But hey still need to be a victim and defend the imaginary victims like a true hero.


I stumbled upon that "ND is racist against black people!" thread after looking for a picture on google images, and looking through the last few pages I found a couple of gems.


This is some peak virtue signaling. "I don't wanna choke out these virtual black men!" :messenger_tears_of_joy: And I guess I didn't get the memo that said talking about racial issues was a requirement just because the game attempts to be realistic.


Why did it have to be a white dude tho?

Era when an enemy character is black/when an enemy character is white:


And another poster was wondering why there weren't any black seraphites up until that big brute guy, well someone was stoned, half-asleep, or simply wasn't paying attention. There were plenty of them.
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TLOU is kinda overboard with the "all dark skinned people must die" shit though.

I felt the same way about all the white people I killed in the hundreds of hours playing the Borderlands series.

Not really, it's a video game and they are just pixels.
They're so damn annoying

David wise "liked" some tweets they disagreed with so hes trash? My ass

It's all they do, reduce everything and everyone to good or bad, waiting for the smallest detail to finally be able to throw someone among the bad. Make one dumb comment, like one wrong tweet, get accused of a single thing (true or otherwise), be somewhat affiliated with someone else deemed to be problematic. It's happening all over with Cyberpunk threads. It happens/ed in AVGN and Girlfriend Reviews because the former has a friend who did some offensive comics a billion years ago, the latter because they... *checks notes*... namedropped Pewdiepie for a throwaway joke and Boogie likes them. Hell, they do it with their users: make one dumb remark or post a single inappropriate (for them) meme, and you're forever labeled for it. My permaban stated, among others, that I posted transphobic content: which was a copypasta meme (that actually mocked transphobes, but they ain't very sharp) that I posted in a copypasta thread 2 years prior. That one incident was enough for them to label me as transphobic.

For how much they want everyone to feel welcome and equal, they sure do their best to make sure everyone gets labeled.
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