After so many attempts to like triple A games lately, it’s refreshing to actually enjoy one


so dont enjoy well made triple AAA games (all of them from sony) but you enjoy a buggen riden shitfest like cyberbug? good for you,people have some strange tastes sometimes

think you missed the part where i said i really like gran turismo, ratchet and clank games and horizon zero dawn but sure!


Good for you op.

Funny that you are loving a melee\stealth build, most probably the 2 weakest aspects of the gameplay in cyberpunk, the first one is just fucking terrible in every possible aspect, and the second one has stupid ass IA and make the game a joke in terms of challenge if you use magic\hacker things.
Lol, but that's an RPG at heart: a problem, multiple solutions.

guns blazing, stealth, hack stealth, hack combat, melee stealth, melee combat, unarmed... no kills, technical, social....

Every quest is made of some, your character is bound to be using one of them. Side quests are on par with Deus Ex side quests in terms of design and approach.

It's an immersive sim, but open world.

The simulation doesn't look as good as GTA's, but plays better. But they'll work on look and feel with each new iteration. Like it or not, Cyberpunk "2" will start from this, not from nothing like this one. I'm already in.

If CDPR just patches this game to work flawlessly and deliver a better next title, they're still in the same game they've always been: be ambitious, patch and stabilize, rinse and repeat.
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i havent played ghosts but it does look like assassins creed japan :/ and assassins creed games are just ugh. like usual though im tempted to grab it just because it looks so damn good


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

I literally have no idea how someone can feel that way about all 3 of those games. It'll be like hearing someone say playing Halo Online in 2002 is a horrible experience. Or that they had a horrible time playing Mario 64 solo or local split-screen gameplay in GoldenEye 64 in 1996\97. Like how is it possible?
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i havent played ghosts but it does look like assassins creed japan :/ and assassins creed games are just ugh. like usual though im tempted to grab it just because it looks so damn good
Last AC game i enjoyed was Black Flag, previously ACII. I despise these games now.

GoT is what AC games would be if they were actually good, with an actual combat system and none of the junk, better art, visuals, narrative, environments. Something Ubisoft could never produce, then.

Good story can't save dull gameplay.

The story is literally the worst aspect of TLoUII. But nice rhetoric.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

The story is literally the worst aspect of TLoUII. But nice rhetoric.

Last AC game i enjoyed was Black Flag, previously ACII. I despise these games now.

GoT is what AC games would be if they were actually good, with an actual combat system and none of the junk, better art, visuals, narrative, environments. Something Ubisoft could never produce, then.

It's so odd to see people that love the new AC games, talk about them. Because so many of those people hated the original AC games from the PS3\360 era. I LOVED AC 1 and 2. Really liked Black Flag and BrotherHood, and kinda liked AC3. But I just can't get into the new AC games.
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I feel ya OP. Theres very few AAA that i manage to enjoy, even some highly praised ones like the new GOW felt like a chore to play, with pretty visuals but boring story and boring combat. I stopped playing around half of the game and never picked up again, which is pretty rare for me since i tend to at least finish playing what i start (out of avarice if anything).

I was also so-so with The Witcher 3 which is why i only had level-headed expectations for CP2077, but i do like some of the stuff i'm seeing.
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Gold Member
I'm one of the fortunate few, it feels, that is enjoying Cyberpunk 2077 without any issues at all. I suppose I'm seeing the game others will get to see when CDPR finish the game next year. And, yeah, it's easily the best game released this year, easily the best game I've played since Doom 2016, and fastly becoming one of the best games I've played... period. Fingers crossed CDPR can get the game where it needs to be so everyone can get a chance to enjoy it without all of the issues.


Honestly it’s been such a long time for me. I don’t really vibe with Sony’s first party stuff to the point where I stopped trying to like them (didn’t play tlou 2 as I didn’t like tlou 1)

god of war felt like the same thing.

I do have a ps5 but haven’t played much as I’m waiting for gt7

death stranding I thought I would absolutely love as mgs5 was one of the best playing games I’ve ever tried but it was so absolutely boring to play

And then cyberpunk comes out and I wasn’t even hype for it like that. I liked Witcher 3 but not to the point where I couldn’t wait to see what was next from the studio but I find myself really hooked to this.

playing a stealth/katana build and really fun going into quests scoping areas messing with cameras finding alternate ways to clear the areas and admittedly save scumming for when I get caught :p

also really enjoying the story and the graphics on my Pc are absolutely incredible. I’ve seen how it is on consoles and I would personally only really bother with it on ps5/xsx or pc

But yeah most AAA these days I try for a few hours and after the pretty graphics wear out and the stories usually do very little for me personally I end up shelving the game. So it’s a nice change to actually be able to join into the exciting with others enjoying a big release :)
Gotta say I agree. Immersive world, great voice acting, no cutscenes, fantastic soundtrack. Absolutely loving this - it’s the first game I’ve got completely hooked on for over a year.
i just wanna say that if rockstar wanted to, they could swoop in on this opportunity

rockstar releases all kinds of payware DLCs

what they could do next is create an official cyberpunk skin for their base game, cyberpunk weapons, cyberpunk gear, cyberpunk missions


i think if they do this they will blow cyberpunk 2077 out of the water


i just wanna say that if rockstar wanted to, they could swoop in on this opportunity

rockstar releases all kinds of payware DLCs

what they could do next is create an official cyberpunk skin for their base game, cyberpunk weapons, cyberpunk gear, cyberpunk missions


i think if they do this they will blow cyberpunk 2077 out of the water
Rockstar mission and overall game design is one of the most atrocious of the AAA industry.
They could never, never pull off even a half-good RPG with their current design philosophy. They might be able to pull off a good looking cyberpunk world, but if there's anything we can say with certainty CP2077 got more than right was in creating exactly that.
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I literally have no idea how someone can feel that way about all 3 of those games. It'll be like hearing someone say playing Halo Online in 2002 is a horrible experience. Or that they had a horrible time playing Mario 64 solo or local split-screen gameplay in GoldenEye 64 in 1996\97. Like how is it possible?
Because some people, like Hendrick's Hendrick's , are bent on trying to brainwash people (those who never played these games) into thinking that everything produced by a certain publisher is overrated, from both critics or gamers.
The problem is that they've never played said games so often provide very out of this world claims, resulting pure cringe to those who had, or heroes from the same kind of people who have no real world idea of what these games are. This Forum is full of these people.

They also often praise much lesser versions of these games just because produced by third party developers.. if i have to guess, it's a way to cope with the current gaming situation.
The difference it that when i, a Nintendo and Sony fan at the time, was a little more than a child and noticed that Xbox 360 was getting all the praise on the Internet, i didn't pretend Bioshock, Gears, Halo were overrated, nor i felt the need to downplay them online.. i went on and bought a 360 and enjoyed them.
But this require having little emotional investment and a sort of maturity, which i guess is asking too much from certain users.
But again, they are still hardcore Xbox fanboy after the generation just passed.. so.
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Good for you OP. I'm really enjoying it myself. :)

At times it doesn't really feel like it's doing anything really NEW per se, but I love the amalgamation of things (along with the few new things) in this kind of universe. It's really cool, I'm loving it a lot.

It makes me wish we'd get a Shadowrun like this, haha.


Good for you OP. I'm really enjoying it myself. :)

At times it doesn't really feel like it's doing anything really NEW per se, but I love the amalgamation of things (along with the few new things) in this kind of universe. It's really cool, I'm loving it a lot.

It makes me wish we'd get a Shadowrun like this, haha.

it really isn’t doing anything new yeah I agree. In saying that for me the only “new” experience I’ve had in the past few years has been half life Alyx. That was incredible! And aaa too I guess!


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I'm sure the fact you’re a known hardcore Xbox fanboy has nothing to do with this opinion.

Only Sony first party i'd call boring is Uncharted 4.

Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, Infamous: Second Son, First Light, Spider-Man, God fo War, Gran Turismo, Killzone, Ghost of Tsushima Days Gone, Driveclub.. no matter the genre, no matter the developer, all Sony games are boring as hell.
And the OP is the one to blame for this fanboy comment too.
It's easily fixable. Just imagine Microsoft branded it, not Sony. Your perspective will change drastically, believe me
Because some people, like Hendrick's Hendrick's , are bent on trying to brainwash people (those who never played these games) into thinking that everything produced by a certain publisher is overrated, from both critics or gamers.
The problem is that they've never played said games so often provide very out of this world claims, resulting pure cringe to those who had, or heroes from the same kind of people who have no real world idea of what these games are. This Forum is full of these people.

They also often praise much lesser versions of these games just because produced by third party developers.. if i have to guess, it's a way to cope with the current gaming situation.
The difference it that when i, a Nintendo and Sony fan at the time, was a little more than a child and noticed that Xbox 360 was getting all the praise on the Internet, i didn't pretend Bioshock, Gears, Halo were overrated, nor i felt the need to downplay them online.. i went on and bought a 360 and enjoyed them.
But this require having little emotional investment and a sort of maturity, which i guess is asking too much from certain users.
But again, they are still hardcore Xbox fanboy after the generation just passed.. so.
Thank you all for the laughs and tears.
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The usual suspects are going down pretty hard on this thread.
A: "I didn't like X and Y game made by Sony"

We don't live in a hivemind people. We aren't obligated to enjoy any particular Sony title just like you aren't forced to enjoy CP2077


The usual suspects are going down pretty hard on this thread.
A: "I didn't like X and Y game made by Sony"
And you are part of the same discourse. It's just that you're a PC gamer, so i more often that not actually agree with you.

But still, you were caught straight up lying about GoW in more than one Thread. Maybe it's time to finally prove that you have played it, even just to bitchslap us? For the tenth time, send me your PSN.

We don't live in a hivemind people. We aren't obligated to enjoy any particular Sony title just like you aren't forced to enjoy CP2077
Thankfully, God forbid the opposite.

If only those posts came from actually objective gamers and not people with embarassing post history regarding certain brands. Fanboys spreading nonsense on a brand they hate is not good for the community, is spam.
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it really isn’t doing anything new yeah I agree. In saying that for me the only “new” experience I’ve had in the past few years has been half life Alyx. That was incredible! And aaa too I guess!
Yessss! I wholeheartedly agree! Alyx was so good!


But still, you were caught straight up lying about GoW in more than one Thread. Maybe it's time to finally prove that you have played it, even just to bitchslap us? For the tenth time, send me your PSN.

Don't really feel the need to prove to an internet random i played or not X game. I also don't feel confortable sharing my psn on the internet either since its my real name unlike with my steam/GOG.
But who knows, the R$70,00 i spent on the game just to leave it unfinished still hurt. If i ever feel like finishing it and i remember this i might take a photo with my GAF username somewhere.
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Both TLOU and God of War have a better story than CP77, you can't really compare them if you dropped these 2 after you got bored of pretty graphics.

I love how you assume what you said is a fact. You realize different people have different taste or opinions of stories right? I got the platinum for GoW and couldn't even finish LoU2 and so far CP2077 is right up there, it's fucking great.




Don't really feel the need to prove to an internet random i played or not X game. I also don't feel confortable sharing my psn on the internet either since its my real name unlike with my steam/GOG.
But who knows, the R$70,00 i spent on the game just to leave it unfinished still hurt. If i ever feel like finishing it and i remember this i might take a photo with my GAF username somewhere.
Yeah, nice try.. but it's not you saying GoW is boring that brings that reaction. It's you having been caugh up lying before. And since then you said so many insane things regarding GoW that's it's just impossible to believe you for someone with a functional memory, you want me to list them?

And man, are you really denying there's a huge population here on GAF without Sony consoles saying the most asinine things about their games? Are you really this blind and naive?

Speaking of which: 👇
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X

The vast majority of Sony first party is as good as games need to look for me but holy shit between Horizon, God of War, TLoU 2, and Ghost of Tsushima I never need to buy melatonin again.

Well produced, well made games that are just excruciating to play.

The most entertaining thing about those games is seeing the SonyBros get all offended if you say don't like the hallowed Sony 1st party games. Then they try to argue why you are obligated to like them, you are not allowed to not like Sony games 🤣 🤣 🤣

Personally I did like HZD and I thought TLOU 1 was decent - the rest boring af.


It's you having been caugh up lying before. And since then you said so many insane things regarding GoW that's it's just impossible to believe you for someone with a functional memory, you want me to list them?
Are you talking about how i managed to cheese combat with axe throwing? Thats 100% truth though, i managed to get through a lot of the fights like that. Just keep throwing the axe and hit the enemy every now and then if you have the chance, worked almost flawlessy, i think except in one or two boss fights. The strategy worked better the more I leveled too. Was playing on the challenge difficulty btw, although admittedly this might not work in the god of war one since enemies self-regenerate (which i honestly thought it was a really lazy way of making the game harder)

That was, pure and simply, my exact experience with the game's combat, i'm merely describing it. Whether you like it or not, believe me or not, think it insane or not.

And man, are you really denying there's a huge population here on GAF without Sony consoles saying the most asinine things about their games? Are you really this blind and naive?
How do you even know if they have consoles or not? How do you know said population is huge or any significant?
From where I stand its a fairly reasonable position not to like major Sony titles, theres plenty to dislike about them.


Are you talking about how i managed to cheese combat with axe throwing? Thats 100% truth though, i managed to get through a lot of the fights like that. Just keep throwing the axe and hit the enemy every now and then if you have the chance, worked almost flawlessy, i think except in one or two boss fights. The strategy worked better the more I leveled too. Was playing on the challenge difficulty btw, although admittedly this might not work in the god of war one since enemies self-regenerate (which i honestly thought it was a really lazy way of making the game harder)

That was, pure and simply, my exact experience with the game's combat, i'm merely describing it. Whether you like it or not, believe me or not, think it insane or not.
No, am i not talking about this.

Beat Sigrun on Give me God of War normal and NG+.. no one can’t come to me and say GoW’s combat is shallow, It takes effort to master and it’s rewarding as hell.

Found it to be pretty shallow actually. I was playing on hard and found out the most effective tactic was always to keep throwing the axe from a distance. Meleeing the enemies when there's more than 2 of them often wasn't worth the risk, and that would've been fine throwing the axe constantly didn't get old so quickly. Lack of enemy variety and difficulty based on damage-sponging didn't help either

That’s hilariously moronic, pardon me.. beating Sigrun by throwing axe on hard would mean spending a good hour or more on the fight, making it ten times more difficult than it already is since you wouldn't even have time to actually do it without being mercilessly attacked, using the least effective technique possible.
I find really, really hard to believe you actually played the game after this take, even more so considering what you said on multiple enemies, which just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

I played half of it and put it on hiatus since it bored me to death, so i didn't get to sigrun yet. WIth that said, that strategy worked perfectly fine with almost everything up to that point, even trolls who're supposed to be bosses.

And i actually did try to play without relying in that strategy since i figured it might be more fun that way. It didn't really played much different from other melee games like that, in fact it was worse because of that horrible camera that makes fighting while surrounded a pain in the ass.

You can easily tell he didn’t play the game. Just play along.

As for insane things you said, like Crysis having deeper combat mechanics than GoW, there are plenty in this Thread, starting from here:

And i hate you for wasting my time like this.

How do you even know if they have consoles or not? How do you know said population is huge or any significant?
Because i'm not braindead yet. And to be fair you don't really need an MIT degree to see that if some users are only praising certain things while shitting on other certain things, even when the delta on ratings from both critics and users is huge, it's not really a coincidence.
Some are here right in this Thread, with their post history ready to be read.

From where I stand its a fairly reasonable position not to like major Sony titles, theres plenty to dislike about them.
And from where i stand it's an absolutely insane position to have. Disliking single player games with huge efforts put in every single element, from studios constantly fighting each other.. you guys totally deserve todays shitty gaming industry.
I’m enjoying the game too but let’s be honest. It’s not even close to some of the games you mentioned above. Cyber punk feels more like a standard run of the mill PC game. If it wasn’t for the nice boobs and butts I would have dropped this one hour in. Controls and graphics are janky AF.
Really? It's the virtual T&A that's keeping you going? Man, you must really be thirsty. Just load up pornhub, have yourself a fap, and be done with it. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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Last AC game i enjoyed was Black Flag, previously ACII. I despise these games now.

GoT is what AC games would be if they were actually good, with an actual combat system and none of the junk, better art, visuals, narrative, environments. Something Ubisoft could never produce, then.

The story is literally the worst aspect of TLoUII. But nice rhetoric.

I imagine you spent a bit of time gathering those videos. Good for you. Shame I'm not gonna waste my time watching them.


Really? It's the virtual T&A that's keeping you going? Man, you must really be thirsty. Just load up pornhub, have yourself a fap, and be done with it. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
I agree, however i will say that RDR2 lacking in this regard was a huge down for me. That game was about immersion down to the most intimate things and having that blatantly cut content stuck out like a sore thumb. Arthur "blue balls" Morgan.

I imagine you spent a bit of time gathering those videos. Good for you. Shame I'm not gonna waste my time watching them.
Choosing to stay ignorant is allowed in a free society. I just copy/paste from another post so no worries.


Please enlighten me on what I am to learn from watching videos of games I've already played.
I don't know, that you weren't able to get the most out of these game's mechanics to make them work the way they are supposed to be played by skilled players, perhaps?

NeoGAF officially made me a Sony fanboy at this point, i can say that quite confidently now.
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Found it to be pretty shallow actually. I was playing on hard and found out the most effective tactic was always to keep throwing the axe from a distance. Meleeing the enemies when there's more than 2 of them often wasn't worth the risk, and that would've been fine throwing the axe constantly didn't get old so quickly. Lack of enemy variety and difficulty based on damage-sponging didn't help either
I played half of it and put it on hiatus since it bored me to death, so i didn't get to sigrun yet. WIth that said, that strategy worked perfectly fine with almost everything up to that point, even trolls who're supposed to be bosses.

And i actually did try to play without relying in that strategy since i figured it might be more fun that way. It didn't really played much different from other melee games like that, in fact it was worse because of that horrible camera that makes fighting while surrounded a pain in the ass.
In other words, how i found combat boring and cheesed it with axe throwing.
No, am i not talking about this.
Yes, how i found combat boring and cheesed it with axe throwing. Exactly what i was talking about

As for insane things you said, like Crysis having deeper combat mechanics than GoW, there are plenty in this Thread, starting from here:
I said it was a more complex game, since it has real time physics for once as well as highly interactive enviroments. Things that help making combat more complex and creative.
Although thinking back on it was kinda dumb to compare the two.

And i hate you for wasting my time like this.
No one forced you to do this.

Because i'm not braindead yet. And to be fair you don't really need an MIT degree to see that if some users are only praising certain things while shitting on other certain things, even when the delta on ratings from both critics and users is huge, it's not really a coincidence.
Some are here right in this Thread, with their post history ready to be read.
Your mistake is thinking that some meta/open/whatever critic rate, or some random awards, actually matters for all people's enjoyment.

Some of us have their own developed taste on things, we don't necessarely like whatever is being praised em masse by the press or the general population for our own reasons, and i see no reason why we should. I'm even playing and liking a game right now that has absolutely no metascore, by neither users nor critics.

And from where i stand it's an absolutely insane position to have. Disliking single player games with huge efforts put in every single element, from studios constantly fighting each other.. you guys totally deserve todays shitty gaming industry.
I think its more insane being forced to like something just because of a X or Y reason imposed by someone else.


In other words, how i found combat boring and cheesed it with axe throwing.

Yes, how i found combat boring and cheesed it with axe throwing. Exactly what i was talking about
Oh, so it's not you saying Sigrun on GMGOW was pretty shallow and went on in describing your experience against her, just to then admit you haven't fought her and were playing at another difficulty when faced with the absurdity of your claims.

No one forced you to do this.
I was ironic. And i'm forced behind a desk in front of a computer at the moment anyway, so it's all good.

Your mistake is thinking that some meta/open/whatever critic rate, or some random awards, actually matters for all people's enjoyment.
Nah, i'm just calling out what is beyond obvious for everyone with a brain and a little bit of familiarity with this board's users.
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Oh, so it's not you saying Sigrun on GMGOW was pretty shallow and went on in describing your experience against her, just to then admit you haven't fought her and were playing at another difficulty when faced with the absurdity of your claims.
Point me exactly where i said anything about her boss fight in specific. Pretty sure i was just giving a general impression of the game

I was ironic. And i'm forced behind a desk in front of a computer at the moment anyway, so it's all good.
good for you

Nah, i'm just calling out what is beyond obvious for everyone with a brain and a little bit of familiarity with this board's users.
For me its beyond obvious you don't have to like everything the mass press/general public like though
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Nah, i'm just calling out what is beyond obvious for everyone with a brain and a little bit of familiarity with this board's users.

i dont know who the "regulars" are here as im mainly a lurker and have only really begun posting a bit lately, but im sure there are people who will dismiss games because its not on their platform of choice, or because they are fanboys. its pretty sad i know.

cant speak for anyone really but myself-these sony games i mentioned that are so large and popular, i dunno, im pretty old now so it may be just out of touch. i didnt get into gaming with sonys cinematic third person action games. i got into games pretty young and then found what i liked with whatever console/s i owned at the time. there have been plenty of big releases i didnt like over time but with gaming being bigger than ever now, those big releases are more emphasised and loud i guess. i do try them, to a point, but yeah as i said its rare that any of them "hook" me. you know when you play something and you cannot stop playing? i mean, sometimes it happens with games with shitty gameplay (WoW for example) but because im not really into stories from tlou, gow, days gone etc, they do little for me as i dont really enjoy that style of gameplay. they are very well done with extremely high presentation values that cannot be denied. i just dont really find any entertainment in them personally.

as listed there are some exceptions though. i totally expected to not like HZD but i ended up buying it three times. twice on ps4 second time for the DLC as i sold it the first time after completing it, and then on pc

and im a sucker for GT so i buy every single one. i even loved gt sport i thought it was fantastic.

gravity rush 1 and 2 are other games i loved

none of the games i love are as polished as sonys big budget games ill admit but they are just more aligned to what i like to play i guess. i mean one of my fav ps4 games was also the last guardian with its horrible framerate and often broken controls and pet who didnt listen to you sometimes lol


I agree OP, most AAA games are boring as shit, they look amazing but the gameplay usually is pretty lacking.


Point me exactly where i said anything about her boss fight in specific. Pretty sure i was just giving a general impression of the game
The user was specifically talking about GMGOW and mentioned her fight as an example. You quoted him, it's not rocket science.
Even if you weren't talking about her, you never played GoW at least in the difficulty object of discussion and yet still felt the need to try to downplay what he said.

For me its beyond obvious you don't have to like everything the mass press/general public like though
True. It's the reason i'm almost daily having arguments about TLoU2 against.. Sony fans.

i dont know who the "regulars" are here as im mainly a lurker and have only really begun posting a bit lately, but im sure there are people who will dismiss games because its not on their platform of choice, or because they are fanboys. its pretty sad i know.

cant speak for anyone really but myself-these sony games i mentioned that are so large and popular, i dunno, im pretty old now so it may be just out of touch. i didnt get into gaming with sonys cinematic third person action games. i got into games pretty young and then found what i liked with whatever console/s i owned at the time. there have been plenty of big releases i didnt like over time but with gaming being bigger than ever now, those big releases are more emphasised and loud i guess. i do try them, to a point, but yeah as i said its rare that any of them "hook" me. you know when you play something and you cannot stop playing? i mean, sometimes it happens with games with shitty gameplay (WoW for example) but because im not really into stories from tlou, gow, days gone etc, they do little for me as i dont really enjoy that style of gameplay. they are very well done with extremely high presentation values that cannot be denied. i just dont really find any entertainment in them personally.

as listed there are some exceptions though. i totally expected to not like HZD but i ended up buying it three times. twice on ps4 second time for the DLC as i sold it the first time after completing it, and then on pc

and im a sucker for GT so i buy every single one. i even loved gt sport i thought it was fantastic.

gravity rush 1 and 2 are other games i loved

none of the games i love are as polished as sonys big budget games ill admit but they are just more aligned to what i like to play i guess. i mean one of my fav ps4 games was also the last guardian with its horrible framerate and often broken controls and pet who didnt listen to you sometimes lol
Sorry this Thread turned into ugly CW, but only mentioning Sony games as negatives, in a Forum like this is right now, didn't really bode well.

I also am relatively old and got into gaming young, and that's why i have i HUGE fondness for well crafted, old school single player games.
The most entertaining thing about those games is seeing the SonyBros get all offended if you say don't like the hallowed Sony 1st party games. Then they try to argue why you are obligated to like them, you are not allowed to not like Sony games 🤣 🤣 🤣

Personally I did like HZD and I thought TLOU 1 was decent - the rest boring af.
TLOU1 was my game of the generation for PS3/360 era — it was awesome and I don’t know what happened.

I also quite liked Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, but yeah, the others... just not for me.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Glad some people are enjoying cyberpunk. Valhalla might be that game for me, I disliked the last 2 but this one tightened up enough to make it enjoyable to me. Also had a lot of fun with the new spider man but it was so fucking short...
I did enjoy playing Ghost of Tsushima this year. But the Story and characters were painfully boring to me. Only the beauty of the game is what kept me playing. Gameplay was just ok. I did platinum it so I basically did not miss any content. But god I wanted to skip the cut scenes everytime someone started talking so bad! The weakest part of that game.

Cyberpunk I only just completed the main story. And I am already hyped for my next play through. Story and writing for the characters is fantastic. Its like Witcher level good to me. Main plot line with Johnny kept me totally hooked. And the the side stuff with Panam and Takemura were fantastic.

Visually CP was mixed bag. In some scenes it truely looked like one of the most beautiful games ever. But in others it looked worse than PS3 gen games.

In the end it was the story and characters that carry CP for me. That plus all the possible builds give this game so much more replay ability.
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The user was specifically talking about GMGOW and mentioned her fight as an example. You quoted him, it's not rocket science.
Even if you weren't talking about her, you never played GoW at least in the difficulty object of discussion and yet still felt the need to try to downplay what he said.
The user made an offhand comment about the fight then went on to talk about the game in general. I answered the latter. Its not rocket science to understand that, specially when i was even talking about engaging multiple enemies.

I see no problem in expressing my dislike or disagreement about the game, its not downplaying. This is game forum, thats what we're supposed to talk about here. The second hardest difficulty should be more than enough for me to understand the game, its dumb to say i'm not allowed to have an opinion just because it wasn't an even harder difficulty.

What is even dumber though is calling everyone who doesn't like what you like a liar, firmly believe they didn't play the game, or didn't play the game right, or whatever. Not everyone has the same tastes as you, no matter how much you try to convince someone they should like TLoU2 or GOW for X or Y reason, they don't have to, and thats fine.


To end this, since i want to play right now, I want us to play a game of our own. Here are the rules.
I'll give you a list of various games i liked or am current liking, along with some opinions.

You're free to make whatever you want of that, you're free to think i have shitty taste, you're free to think the games are crap, you're free to think i have insane opinions, you're free to laugh, and you're free to voice those here or not.

The objective of the game is: I cannot answer anything you, or anyone else's for that matter, says about the list (Boldening this just so you know i can still talk about subjects that aren't related to whats in the list). If i do, i lose. Without further ado:

Nier Automata -> One of the best games of all time, almost shed a tear at the end

Undertale -> A defining experience everyone should take notes of

Death Stranding -> I actually think the gameplay is pretty good and one of its best aspects

Higurashi When they cry -> The one i'm going to play right now, liking it enough affect my real life responsibilities.

Crosscode -> I think its better than God of War in every aspect except graphics

Katawa Shoujo -> Made me hole up in front of the PC for 2 weeks straight (Thankfully i was on vacation)

VA-11 Hall-A -> Excellent story with excellent characters. Liked it so much that i limited myself on how much i could play it so the game would last longer

Saya no Uta -> THIS is how you make edgy, upsetting and gory stories. Not the bullshit TLoU2 tried to pull.

EYE Divine Cybermancy -> The best and most fun broken piece of shit game i ever played.

No Mans Sky 1.0 -> Yeah, the release version. I actually liked that.
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