Microsoft is releasing DirectStorage API to PC soon, how beneficial do you think it could be to open world-ish games like Metro Exodus for example?
Ben Archard: Well, the key word there is beneficial and I think it will be very much so. Faster read access doesn't just allow for faster loading times, but also faster asset streaming. So that not only seems to promise more content in the environment but potentially more varied content as large assets such as high resolution textures and geometry are able to be paged in and out more rapidly
Rise up PC gamers!
Ben Archard: Well, the key word there is beneficial and I think it will be very much so. Faster read access doesn't just allow for faster loading times, but also faster asset streaming. So that not only seems to promise more content in the environment but potentially more varied content as large assets such as high resolution textures and geometry are able to be paged in and out more rapidly

DirectStorage API Will Be Very Beneficial to PC Gaming, Says Metro Developer 4A Games
We talked to 4A Games Senior Rendering Programmer Ben Archard about the arrival of the DirectStorage API on PC and what it means for games.

Rise up PC gamers!