The Metroid series has been around for 35 years, and it was always like this. It is much older than Dark Souls, LOL.He is giving his opinion. You can agree and disagree with him but people calling stuff like handholding, and people comparing his complaint to souls game cryers are noobs who had problems defeating boss like Index gundyr for sure and are overcompensating their incompetence at video games, for them every game they like is flawless in design. I love Dark Souls, all three of them but even they have made horrible design choices at many places. He is simply saying this kind of inconsistency is unacceptable for a good-level design. And I partially agree with him.
Also, I will say gamers are not used to being handheld now, and you are not some elite. You are a pretentious buffoon. Infact presence of the internet has put you into this inaccurate line of thought that many people have high intuition. They dont, you don't, the inclusion of game help feature in PS5 UI is the proof of how most people nowadays play. If they face a hurdle they quickly google something about it. If there was no internet most people won't find out how to get on arch dragon peak because you won't know if it exists ffs. The difference is that when you play Dark Souls 'III' you know what kind of inconsistencies you are signing up for, with Metroid Dredd you don't.
This is a logical fallacy known as "appeal to authority." Try something else. You have no idea what other people's experiences are on this board in terms of designing games/software/puzzles, or what their work experience/intelligence levels are.Yeah, I think I'm just going to go ahead and trust the guy who made a living designing AAA games over the opinions of people whose biggest contribution to games is just playing them. K thanx bye.
This is a logical fallacy known as "appeal to authority." Try something else.
Heck, I would have been mad if it DIDN'T have hidden blocks! I was actually very disappointed with Fusion back when it came out, because it was so straight forward. Some people just can't accept that there are plenty of games for all tastes, and whine to high heaven if a game doesn't fit their taste. Sad.The ones complaining also probably dont know about using bombs to reach higher points too which then reveal openings to roll through. Hidden walls have always been a thing with this series. As someone who's played them all, going into this i expected to have walls to shoot through at some point.
Clearly, you are very young.It's not a secret room. It's a main path (so they say).
I play games my whole live and I would not shoot that.
I don't get it why would I go around shooting walls ? There is another corridor on mini map. I assume there is entry from another room on the right later on
so what your food tastes like garbo, I'm a professional chef. I know what I do.Uwe Boll is a director of many movies. He knows what makes a better movie than me, who hasn't directed a movie, right?
That is one hell of a cope and seethe post, lol.The ones defending this for the following reasons would fail a design class and be fired from a design job asap. Here's why:
#1- Saying 'this is metroid and it's how the series is' is a ridiculous statement. UNLESS the game makes it clear from the start there is a prerequesite to playing DREAD that you have to have played earlier games in the series, that excuse is hollow and embarrassing. A person's understanding of a game should not have to come from a previous game (esp. when the last meaningfully relevant one in the 2D series was Super Metroid in 94). And it should not have to come from a guide or the internet or twitter. If the game doesn't tell you how to play, it's the game's fault.
#2- Saying 'the game DOES tell you how to play in the tutorial' is also ridiculous. In the first 10 minutes of exposing the Player to exposing interactive blocks, you get:
a- blocks that LOOK literally like glowing blocks.
b- blocks that look like nothing, just the level.
c- blocks that look like weird bio/bloody/heart sections.
All 3 can be shot and destroyed. However the b type (that looks like just the level) is basically telling the Player 'we will give you ZERO visual cues for what can be damaged...just go into a room and shoot stuff and hope that helps if you are stuck.' This would be like there being NO CRACKS to cue you on bomb walls in Zelda and Players going 'you suck at Zelda cause you're SUPPOSED to enter every room and start throwing bombs randomly until something breaks open'.
ALSO, given there are multiple challenges in the game (exploration, genuine puzzles, combat, map reading,etc.) getting 'stuck' BECAUSE you are not shooting something is not clear. In a game with over 100 rooms to visit, how am I supposed to know WHICH room requires the 'blast everything' solve vs. 'Oh, the solve is in a room 10 rooms away where I need to hit a button or some such shit?'
#3- The 360 aim on the Joy Con controller is shit. I used it as rarely as possible. Not because I wasn't aware of it but because it's a fucking pain in the ass to press that little narrow slice of a button up top. People's answer: 'oh yeah- everyone knows you should play with a pro controller'. Really?!? Then ship the fucking game with a pro controller or at least let Players know that shit on the box/download. A lot of defense of this game is simply defending bad decisions from Nintendo because 'that's shit you should know if you were a REAL fan of Metroid!' Get the fuck out of here, you gatekeeping stooges. Please.
#4-Shooting the enemy crawling on the ceiling IS a great tell to help Players understand the section. However, the enemy ALSO- as part of its path- crawls on parts of the ceiling that are NOT breakable. I happened to kill it on one of those non break sections. And so he was GONE and thus that hint was no longer an option for me. I guess that's my problem too, right? I should have magically known there was a magical window in which to shoot the enemy so it would open up a section of the level and it's my fault- even tho the enemy that is designed as a tool tip GOES to places where the tool tip won't pop. Insane defense.
Look, you can love Metroid all you like. And you can love how arcane it can be. And you can even love- silly as I think it is- your being accepted in a little club that has a secret 'Only WE are the ones who really 'get' this game!' handshake. But what you can't do is try to prop up shit design and call it good. I mean you can TRY that, but those of us who actually know the craft and have worked in the craft of design- whatever you think of my various games- know a hell of a lot better and are very aware that you're full of shit.
I love you.
Don't do drugs.
It's sad but clear as day what happened to him.That is one hell of a cope and seethe post, lol.
"Don't disrespect muh Jaffe!" LOL, I'm sure his skin is thick enough to not be bothered by hyperbolic forum drama.I think Mr. Jaffe's reaction is a little bit overblown, but the snarky comments towards him are uncalled for. The man has done a lot for gaming and deserves respect for that. Also a friendly reminder that he is one of the few developers/ex - developers that still interacts so openly outside of just twitter.
As for this particular situation: I think there are several hints inside the room that you are to shoot the ceiling. The lay out of the room pushes you up in a natural way. There's an enemy on the ceiling which I think is not there to give it away, but to serve as a quick reminder that you can shoot upwards.
It shows the next room right above you. The fact that you can see that it's empty while the map shows an opening in the same room suggests that the opening is not an entrance, it's an exit and that the solution to getting in there is in the room you're currently in.
You could argue that it could still use more work to increase the clarity of it, but I think it's too far to call it bad design all together. I've seen far more grievous examples than this for sure. I think the frustration comes from the fact that "Where the fuck do I go next!?" Is one of the worst feelings in gaming if it overstays its welcome.
This.I wonder how many of these types of gamers didn't see the second half of SOTN
Well, I was an adult, and I thought it sucked. But I don't have an issue with games that don't have it,different strokes for different folks.Qte is crap but it was a different time and performing qte actions was exciting at the time. At least to kid me
I am 32... I play games since 1995...Clearly, you are very young.
Yes, because not everyone has played and/or grew up playing Super Metroid; especially with how the industry has grown since the SNES days, you really think people of all walks of life are going to know that going into Metroid Dread? I think it's the game designer's job to take into account, not only old-school fans, but new ones as well; especially if we're talking about Metroid, a franchise that hasn't been getting Nintendo's attention nearly as much as Zelda/Mario.
Despite that, you still got people like Jaffe not knowing what to do. Maybe he didn't read the tutorial? In any case, a game can benefit from a better tutorial. For example, off the top of my head: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, a game from 10 years ago, gives you both text and video to explain to the player how to play:
Are you telling me Nintendo couldn't have made it more clear than just a text? C'mon man, no need for those ad-hominem attacks.
Well maybe Nintendo should assume that. Not everyone's going to fully grasp the mechanics in the first few hours and to make it obtuse for the players is just working against the game.
So you weren't even alive when the original Metroid came out? You just proved my point!I am 32... I play games since 1995...
Games did some stuff back then because of technology limits and no supervision or knowledge of good design.
Game does not have to be cryptic asshat in order to be difficult
So fucking what ?! Do I need to be 42? What metric is the "correct" one to be able to have an opinion on this grandpa? Or is just everyone younger than you (supposedly) wrong ?So you weren't even alive when the original Metroid came out? You just proved my point!![]()
No supervision?I am 32... I play games since 1995...
Games did some stuff back then because of technology limits and no supervision or knowledge of good design.
Game does not have to be cryptic asshat in order to be difficult
Everyone needs some sort of curator or a improving experience. There is a reason why items improve over time and designs change.No supervision?
Nintendo needs people telling them what to do now?
And they didn't know what good design was, which led to them being the most beloved gaming company to ever exist in the history of the world? To the point where their main characters are as recognizable as Disney characters?
Because they don't know what a good game is?
It's the same reason why doom 2 levels are hated mazes and key hunts. Because you can get stuck for a long time looking for keycard. It does not mean this is a good thing because a game is old and classic.
Now THAT is some good design!Jaffe's Jigsaw Puzzle
At the same time not everything DOES improve with time, and there ARE timeless designs. The idea that everything improves with time is objectively false.Everyone needs some sort of curator or a improving experience. There is a reason why items improve over time and designs change.
If nothing changed or was never improved you would not be able to write to me now on this forum.
Just because someone made a game, amazing for it's time, it does not mean it's design is timeless. Exact same reason why qte are trash now but many were drooling over fahrenheit.
Whatever you say, going back to the topic, I am still with jaffe on this. The example shown by him is just plain bad. Of course I would probably shoot at the ceiling but I can understand why some wouldn't. There is no crack, no sign, minimap has other entry... Game does not indicate you can do that with this block.
Played 1 Metroid game or all of them does not change this.
It's the same reason why doom 2 levels are hated mazes and key hunts. Because you can get stuck for a long time looking for keycard. It does not mean this is a good thing because a game is old and classic.
I don't see what that have to do with being a Metroid fan or experienced player. Is this game only for 50 year olds who played all these games? NO! It's a switch game for kids!!! Who have never played Metroid!
secrets or deep cuts in it, should be a content for old fans. Not main path
Are you trying to make things more confusing? Years ago we had players asking "Why can't Metroid crawl?" in Miiverse.![]()
Here I fixed the bad game design. Everyone wins.
#1- Saying 'this is metroid and it's how the series is' is a ridiculous statement. UNLESS the game makes it clear from the start there is a prerequesite to playing DREAD that you have to have played earlier games in the series, that excuse is hollow and embarrassing. A person's understanding of a game should not have to come from a previous game (esp. when the last meaningfully relevant one in the 2D series was Super Metroid in 94). And it should not have to come from a guide or the internet or twitter. If the game doesn't tell you how to play, it's the game's fault.
#2- Saying 'the game DOES tell you how to play in the tutorial' is also ridiculous. In the first 10 minutes of exposing the Player to exposing interactive blocks, you get:
a- blocks that LOOK literally like glowing blocks.
b- blocks that look like nothing, just the level.
c- blocks that look like weird bio/bloody/heart sections.
All 3 can be shot and destroyed. However the b type (that looks like just the level) is basically telling the Player 'we will give you ZERO visual cues for what can be damaged...just go into a room and shoot stuff and hope that helps if you are stuck.' This would be like there being NO CRACKS to cue you on bomb walls in Zelda and Players going 'you suck at Zelda cause you're SUPPOSED to enter every room and start throwing bombs randomly until something breaks open'.
ALSO, given there are multiple challenges in the game (exploration, genuine puzzles, combat, map reading,etc.) getting 'stuck' BECAUSE you are not shooting something is not clear.
In a game with over 100 rooms to visit, how am I supposed to know WHICH room requires the 'blast everything' solve vs. 'Oh, the solve is in a room 10 rooms away where I need to hit a button or some such shit?'
#3- The 360 aim on the Joy Con controller is shit. I used it as rarely as possible. Not because I wasn't aware of it but because it's a fucking pain in the ass to press that little narrow slice of a button up top. People's answer: 'oh yeah- everyone knows you should play with a pro controller'. Really?!? Then ship the fucking game with a pro controller or at least let Players know that shit on the box/download. A lot of defense of this game is simply defending bad decisions from Nintendo because 'that's shit you should know if you were a REAL fan of Metroid!' Get the fuck out of here, you gatekeeping stooges. Please.
#4-Shooting the enemy crawling on the ceiling IS a great tell to help Players understand the section. However, the enemy ALSO- as part of its path- crawls on parts of the ceiling that are NOT breakable. I happened to kill it on one of those non break sections. And so he was GONE and thus that hint was no longer an option for me. I guess that's my problem too, right? I should have magically known there was a magical window in which to shoot the enemy so it would open up a section of the level and it's my fault- even tho the enemy that is designed as a tool tip GOES to places where the tool tip won't pop. Insane defense.
The ones defending this for the following reasons would fail a design class and be fired from a design job asap. Here's why:
I could offer you examples of times in history when only a handful of people saw the writing on the wall and it took many years for others to see it (Civil Rights and Gay rights come to mind)
Look, you can love Metroid all you like. And you can love how arcane it can be. And you can even love- silly as I think it is- your being accepted in a little club that has a secret 'Only WE are the ones who really 'get' this game!' handshake. But what you can't do is try to prop up shit design and call it good. I mean you can TRY that, but those of us who actually know the craft and have worked in the craft of design- whatever you think of my various games- know a hell of a lot better and are very aware that you're full of shit.
I love you.
Don't do drugs.
Okay. At that point there aren't many obvious places you can go. You're shut off from numerous points it's impossible to go back on due to your lack of abilities. The Metroidvania genre often does this when it wants you to figure out an ambiguous way forward, by eliminating the way back. The screen Jaffe got stuck on has an unexplored exit on the screen above, implying it might be productive to go upwards somehow. Fortunately for the player, it's simply a matter of shooting the scenery nearby for a clue, which the game tells you beforehand is a good idea.
It's not idiot-proof design, because idiots have gotten stuck on it, and many, many sections like it, long before this game released. It's indirect, but it's not unintuitive or arbitrary. In fact, it's fairly logical. It just requires some willingness to think and trust in the game's design, which is solid throughout.
The ones defending this for the following reasons would fail a design class and be fired from a design job asap. Here's why:
#1- Saying 'this is metroid and it's how the series is' is a ridiculous statement. UNLESS the game makes it clear from the start there is a prerequesite to playing DREAD that you have to have played earlier games in the series, that excuse is hollow and embarrassing. A person's understanding of a game should not have to come from a previous game (esp. when the last meaningfully relevant one in the 2D series was Super Metroid in 94). And it should not have to come from a guide or the internet or twitter. If the game doesn't tell you how to play, it's the game's fault.
#2- Saying 'the game DOES tell you how to play in the tutorial' is also ridiculous. In the first 10 minutes of exposing the Player to exposing interactive blocks, you get:
a- blocks that LOOK literally like glowing blocks.
b- blocks that look like nothing, just the level.
c- blocks that look like weird bio/bloody/heart sections.
All 3 can be shot and destroyed. However the b type (that looks like just the level) is basically telling the Player 'we will give you ZERO visual cues for what can be damaged...just go into a room and shoot stuff and hope that helps if you are stuck.' This would be like there being NO CRACKS to cue you on bomb walls in Zelda and Players going 'you suck at Zelda cause you're SUPPOSED to enter every room and start throwing bombs randomly until something breaks open'.
ALSO, given there are multiple challenges in the game (exploration, genuine puzzles, combat, map reading,etc.) getting 'stuck' BECAUSE you are not shooting something is not clear. In a game with over 100 rooms to visit, how am I supposed to know WHICH room requires the 'blast everything' solve vs. 'Oh, the solve is in a room 10 rooms away where I need to hit a button or some such shit?'
#3- The 360 aim on the Joy Con controller is shit. I used it as rarely as possible. Not because I wasn't aware of it but because it's a fucking pain in the ass to press that little narrow slice of a button up top. People's answer: 'oh yeah- everyone knows you should play with a pro controller'. Really?!? Then ship the fucking game with a pro controller or at least let Players know that shit on the box/download. A lot of defense of this game is simply defending bad decisions from Nintendo because 'that's shit you should know if you were a REAL fan of Metroid!' Get the fuck out of here, you gatekeeping stooges. Please.
#4-Shooting the enemy crawling on the ceiling IS a great tell to help Players understand the section. However, the enemy ALSO- as part of its path- crawls on parts of the ceiling that are NOT breakable. I happened to kill it on one of those non break sections. And so he was GONE and thus that hint was no longer an option for me. I guess that's my problem too, right? I should have magically known there was a magical window in which to shoot the enemy so it would open up a section of the level and it's my fault- even tho the enemy that is designed as a tool tip GOES to places where the tool tip won't pop. Insane defense.
Look, you can love Metroid all you like. And you can love how arcane it can be. And you can even love- silly as I think it is- your being accepted in a little club that has a secret 'Only WE are the ones who really 'get' this game!' handshake. But what you can't do is try to prop up shit design and call it good. I mean you can TRY that, but those of us who actually know the craft and have worked in the craft of design- whatever you think of my various games- know a hell of a lot better and are very aware that you're full of shit.
I love you.
Don't do drugs.
Jaffe is a shock jock. Holy shit, you guys keep falling for it time after time.
He wants a reaction/discussion/engagement and you all are giving it!
Sure, he's getting paid for it.It's fun to watch grandpa Jaffe try to keep up with the most obnoxious Youtube personality trends.
Sure, he's getting paid for it.
In a game with over 100 rooms to visit, how am I supposed to know WHICH room requires the 'blast everything' solve
Jaffe is a shock jock. Holy shit, you guys keep falling for it time after time.
That is what I love about David Jaffe, no matter what he is discussing, he is always a "straight shooter."
I get the feeling he just can't understand that something can both be a great design AND him not personally like it. Hence the mental gymnastics of "Doom/Metroid used to be good design, now it's bad". That Jaffe fellow said that the Metroid designer would fail Game Design 101... maybe that is why SO many modern games have bad (IMO) design, lol. Naa,plenty of great ones out there.At the same time not everything DOES improve with time, and there ARE timeless designs. The idea that everything improves with time is objectively false.
It doesn't matter if you're "with" Jaffe on this, I think it's been shown to be completely untrue for many clearly stated reasons. You can keep digging in your heels, but the puzzles are solvable and logical. It's great design. Plenty of people who are playing this for the first time and didn't grow up with Metroid are getting through it perfectly. You're. just. wrong. You can not understand why 1 + 1 = 2, it doesn't mean it ain't a fact.
You are right. For example, in this thread, he blamed the controller for not being able to use the 360° aim. He LITERALLY blamed the controller, instead of saying "Damn, my bad, lol". This is what 7 year old me and my friends would use as an excuse while playing Combat on the 2600. He can't be serious.Jaffe is a shock jock. Holy shit, you guys keep falling for it time after time.
He wants a reaction/discussion/engagement and you all are giving it!
Pretending to be retarded is almost the same as being one.Jaffe is a shock jock. Holy shit, you guys keep falling for it time after time.
He wants a reaction/discussion/engagement and you all are giving it!
My man. I haven't thought of that in over 30 years. That was some bullshit, lol. Kids (and Jaffe) in here crying about OBVIOUS blocks to shoot, it's funny.I'd be right there with the criticisms if they were about the fake lava from Metroid 1. Anyone remember that?
They don't want to have to pay attention. They just want to follow an arrow and see pretty graphics and watch cutscenes that only a 12 year old would not find cliched dreck. But instead of sticking to games that give them that, they cry to developers to turn all series into that. They think they are entitled to have every game cater to them. I blame the popularity of echo chambers like Reddit for this mindset, but who knows? Fortunately, it looks like there are more and more games being designed with an old-school mentality, so there are plenty for all.the same argument for the lava I could totally understand, Metroid 1 in general is brutal, even required me to draw a map as the game's layout is rather confusing...
... but this??? lol
Kinda worrying that some players seem to don't put any attentiveness to the game they're playing.