Gold Member

Over the past 2 months Resident Evil 3 at Steam Database tracked attention due to multiple encrypted depots the game has received:
This has sparked rumors of an expanded edition, like Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition, or Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen for the game.

It's 15 depots in total of unknown sizes, with branches labebed as qa_dev, ex_dev and nv_dev. The game still gets updated regularly for unknow reasons, while VIILAGE, RE7 and RE2 are mostly untouched.
What ex_dev and nv-dev mean are unknown. But qa dev means Quality Assurance. So for example, depots labebed as 'qa_jd_dev_01' means "quality assurance_japanese depot_ developer_01"
What other depots could be?:
- nv_dev could mean either New Version Development/New Version Launch or Nvidia Launch.
- The first qa_tu1_dev problably means Quality Assurance_Title Update 1_development
- Yes, Resident Evil 2 Remake got four new depots, the first one being last month (qa_dev and nv_dev). Two of them are for Quality Assurance.
What it can not be:
- A DLSS/RT update - Resident Evil 2 did not receive as many updates as RE3 did. It begs the question, why would RE3 get a technology upgrade but not RE2?
- A Steam Deck update - Resident Evil 2 did not receive as many updates as RE3 did.
- An update linking to purchase RE VIIlage or Watch the New Movie - Resident Evil 2 received the update to purchase RE3 at it's main menu before Resident Evil 3's launch. If it was something to add a link to the VIILAGE/Welcome to raccoon City purchase page, it would have been done by now.
- Bug fixing - The game did not receive substantial patches for hotfixing after release, neither Resident Evil 2 did.
Didn't Resident Evil 2 Remake also got new depots?
- The 21 GB update isnt part of the new depots, as they are from August 6, 2020. They are in fact the release game files. The new depots are encrypted and are not available for public.
- File branching replacement, for compatibility.
- A New Game Version.
- Rumors suggest that an updated version is in the works called either Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Edition or Resident Evil 3: N3MESIS. None of these rumors have been backed so far.
What do you think these updates are?
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