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[Forbes] Sony Should Be Putting All PlayStation Exclusives On PC, Day One

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It doesnt matter what revenue sharing deal they have with disney for Spiderman. Kevin Feige making Spiderman has nothing to do with digital vs theatrical only strategies. Sony could have gone with a digital hybrid solution but they didnt. And lets not even bring up WB movies, they literally finished dead last last year and have refused to release any HBO numbers.
Feigi works for Disney. Sony managed to get numbers, due to Disney movies. Amazing spiderman was their product, while the new spiderman are Disney products.

Only reason why that movie wasn't on Disney+, is because Sony owns them. They would have out it on their service, if Sony didn't own the character.
Remember, Disney+ is Disney product.

Getting 40 million PS+ subs took Sony 10+ years. Gamepass has been around since 2017 and after five years its now at 20 million subs. Sony will lose money when they start out. Surely. Just like MS did. MS was no longer selling 3 million copies of Gears and Halo in the first month like they used to so it was easy for them to swallow that loss. It wont be easy for Sony to do the same. Spiderman is the perfect example. They didnt do a digital release for spiderman with a fucking pandemic ravaging through the entire planet, why would they do it just so they can one day have 40 million subscribers?
That is what would happen to consoles. The last of us 2 benefited from the pandemic. It also benefited from ps4 numbers being higher. That is how they got those sales.

And now they are starting new journey with ps5. They don't have 120m ps5. There is a pandemic. And if they do ps5 Spiderman 2 next year with 30m console users, they got that much big sales. It took them 4 years, and close to 120m console to hit just 20m sales, especially with discounts. We aren't talking about 60$ price. No way they can hit 4m in 1 week. Especially at the 70$ price tag.

Stalker 2 didnt even come out last year. MLB isnt AAA. Hitman didnt launch on Gamepass. Mass Effect didnt launch on Gamepass. Surely this thread is about Day one sales, right?
Stalker 2 is gamepass day1. It's on the description. How does that change the day1 release argument for this game.

ME did launch day1 as a 10 hour trial. That is it. It come later to the console. Not as day1 though.

I mean surely the fact that B games like Hitman 3 and remasters like ME not launching day one on Gamepass proves my point, no? Seeing as how they eventually came to gamepass proves that MS was interested and still couldnt convince these publishers to give the day one revenue.
Did you just call hitman 3 a B grade game.

Ok I am done with this conversation.

John Wick

How many titles do Sony studios release in a year? If they can port 6 or 7 games a year it seems like they'd have too much capacity as it is. :messenger_beaming:
I stated Sony published games. How many have they released since the PS5 came out?
6 or 7 already. How many have come to the PC? Zero.
That 6-7 figure is Sony maxing it's porting ability which is years away.

John Wick

i didn't say every published game (in the past)....they will develop next batch of exclusives (or next next) but the time of complete exclusivity for playstation is arriving to the end line. That's it
Since the PS5 came out Sony have published 6-7 games. Non of them are on PC yet. It will be a while since Sony need to port GOT and The Last of Us 1 and 2. Maybe Bloodborne and others. Will be a while before they catch up.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
How split is your gaming between PS5 and 2080? Most with a 2080 or going to play all the multi-plats on that, and most of the mult-player since online play is free.

That's the misconception (that users willing to spend the $$$ on a good gaming PC are going to be the same kind of customers for Sony as those that do all their gaming on console). I would say that a strong number of PC first gamers that also have a PS console use it for nothing but a handful of exclusives.
Hard to say since I am in the middle of a gaming rut. Cant get myself to commit to any of these dated cross gen games. lol

I do prefer physical since they have better black friday sales and I can trade them back in so I bought CoD, Guardians and Deathloop on PS5 over black friday. But then again, Epic finally had a good christmas sale so i bought Kena, RDR2 and Horizon on PC. Something like Cyberpunk or Mafia which had way better PC versions I of course bought on PC. i suppose it really depends on a number of different factors, but I prefer console gaming overall. PC gaming is infruriating at times. A puzzle. I played Horizon pretty much without HDR recently because the game wouldnt recognize windows HDR. This is an issue with a lot of games especially ones that support Dolby Vision.
Hard to say since I am in the middle of a gaming rut. Cant get myself to commit to any of these dated cross gen games. lol

I do prefer physical since they have better black friday sales and I can trade them back in so I bought CoD, Guardians and Deathloop on PS5 over black friday. But then again, Epic finally had a good christmas sale so i bought Kena, RDR2 and Horizon on PC. Something like Cyberpunk or Mafia which had way better PC versions I of course bought on PC. i suppose it really depends on a number of different factors, but I prefer console gaming overall. PC gaming is infruriating at times. A puzzle. I played Horizon pretty much without HDR recently because the game wouldnt recognize windows HDR. This is an issue with a lot of games especially ones that support Dolby Vision.

I'd never argue against the convenience of a console, I'll just get a XSX and use that for the gen (and pick up a PS5 when there gets to be some BF sales on it).

But for users that want the control and advantages of PC and are willing to pay for them (even more so in the current market), I don't see them playing much of anything on console if it is available with PC. Especially with crossplay being supported as much as it is. Keeping games exclusive to console might get PS5 another console sale, but it probably won't be the kind of customer they make most of their $$$ from. Even worse is the fact that with the supply shortages these PC gamers buying PS5s are taking those units away from users that would be console only gamers (and much more profitable customers).
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

First party exclusives benefit from being designed around a set spec and utilising all unique aspects of the hardware. It should be the job of third party port houses to figure out how to translate that to PC after the fact.

If PC is considered for launch, I feel like we would lose exclusives that truly take advantage of the console hardware and instead just feel like third party PC ports.

Exactly! Clearly this author and some on GAF just have no idea how the gaming business works. This is literally the opposite of what Sony should do. Why should they focus SO much on the PC audience, when the Playstation audience should be their #1 priority?

If PC gamers just NEED PlayStation 1st party games day one so so bad....., GO BUY A PLAYSTATION 5!!!!!!
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Zenimax helps MS gain most of rpg fans. That will inflict huge blow to Sony.
lets put it this way. Xbox owns obsidian and bethesda. Both are rpg studios. Rpg fans will go to xbox to play those rpg games. Rpgs studios will prefer xbox console, because it has more rpg users.
The same thing is happening to Sony. MS had japanese support during x360. now most of them are on PlayStation console. And those japanese studios are going to Switch now.

No, doesn't affect Sony beause as I said Bethesda games weren't even a 3% of the games sold on PS4.

And Sony has a tons of RPG like the ones from Square Enix (FF, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Forspoken, Mana, Star Ocean..), Bandai Namco (Tales, Ni no Kuni, Soulsbornes), Sega (Yakuza, Persona..), CD Project, Ubisoft, Vanillaware, Kadokawa and many other relatively small Japanese ones. Many of them not available on Xbox at least temporally and with the multi ones selling more on PS.

MS did buy Zenimax because Sony had a big lead regarding amount of exclusives. And still will be the case, but now with less distance. I mean not only in RPGs, in general.

But we have to wait and see if it's the case, because Sony is growing their existing studios, acquiring new ones (plus have a remaining acquisitions budget of as I remember $14B for the next few years), last year spend a record amount of money on signing 2nd party games for the next 7 years and Jimbo said they also planned to increase their amount of 3rd party exclusives, and that PS5 will have more exclusives than the previous consoles.

that strategy is worthless at this time.
Sony's current strategy is the most successful one any console platformer had in gaming history.

Business world evolves every time. We get new stuff. if a company cant compete with these new ideas, they will be left behind. Sears is clear example of that. They couldn't compete with E-commence businesses.
This is why Sony was the first console platform holders on investing hard on things like game streaming or VR. And why they release new generations of their devices and services and keep tweaking them. And why they have been (and will continue) increasing their investment in additional areas like streaming, PC or mobile, to reach new audiences and countries where traditional console market can't reach. And why they are working to increase their efforts on MP or GaaS (and I assume they'll start testing F2P).

But as now they not only compete, they dominate sales of consoles, games for console, game subscriptions or console VR and revenue generated by their gaming division (vs the other platform holders). Plus the sales of their top 1st/2nd party games keep growing.

To consumers eyes, that is a great value for them. We are still in the start of the 2nd year. Imagine, what gamepass will get in 3 years. How will sony compete with a service like that?
Sony has their own game subscriptions, that are a way better business than the MS ones because they have a way bigger amount of subscribers and cheaper cost because of not puttting the day one games there, but instead selling them and getting more money from them.

The Gamepass amoung of subscribers in July 2021 was basically the same they had in January 2021 (~18M), and in September 2021 they stopped sharing these numbers. So doesn't sound as a big danger for Sony, who seems to be merging their game subs services on a 50M subs service if the rumor is true, which also mentions what seems to be an extra tier PS Now tier without cloud gaming (similar to base GamePass but without day one games) and that they will increase its catalog with games from all their generations.

This will help them grow the service, and a bit more the other plans they have for it -not to compete with GP, they were already mentioned back in 2014 when they announced it-: to release it on smartphones, tablets and smart tvs.

But I think these game subs improvements are something secondary for their game subscription success: the main reason for successs I think it's the huge PS userbase and its huge and very diversified catalog.

The one that sells your console, is your software product, and what you offer consumers. So far, xbox is ahead of that. Gamepass+xcloud is huge software for consumers.
No, even if you personally may like more the MS offering, Sony is more successful on both hardware, games and services. Sony game subscriptions have more subs and Sony 1st/2nd/3rd party exclusives sell more than the MS ones.

You basically have a subscription model, that lets you play tons of game from your console, pc, phone, browser, and tv. All of that for 15$. You basically dont need to own xbox device at all for that.
I know, Sony announced this back in 2014 when they announced PS Now and their long term plans for it.

We are going in to uncharted territory. We have VR devices now. We have cloud gaming devices. These are tiny things that can change the way we view gaming as a whole. if you told me 15 years ago, that I can play console games on phone, I would have laughed at you. but here we are. Any momentum you had, is being destroyed by these anomalies.
Things change but 'slowly'. Streaming didn't evolve faster because of tech limits of internet connection quality, data caps, wifi and 4G technology, streaming technology, etc. Now we have better tech but things like wifi 6 routers, phones or 5G will need many years to be standard in most countries.

I assume PSVR2 will solve or at least improve many issues PSVR1 had but I think will continue being too expensive and will have other issues preventing it to go mainstream, but will continue helping them to increase and improve the VR market.

I think game subscriptions, cloud gaming and VR will grow during this generation, but won't be mainstream until at least the next one. And I bet Sony will dominate all 3 markets.

I think the big disruptors of this generation will be PC handhelds like Steamdeck and play-to-earn via NFT games (as the previous one was GaaS and specially F2P, which now have more players and generate more revenue than paid games). F2P become very popular because many people who couldn't afford paid games saw them more appealing, and they prefer to play spending $0. There's already people in emerging markets earning more money selling the in-game items they don't want anymore in Play-to-earn games than in a normal job, so I see a lot of potential there to grow. If people prefers to play for free than to play paying, they will also prefer to earn money for playing than to pay or to don't spend/earn.

PC (hybrid) handhelds will have more or less the same performance than a console or the average PC people use to play (which btw aren't new $2000 PCs), will be hybrid and will have an insane catalog thanks to PC library (now with Sony and MS games) plus emulators of tons of things including Switch running at a better performance than the original console plus all streaming services plus mobile games (Google is integrating Google Play on Windows, fan made emulators won't be needed). During many years the hardware of consoles, handhelds, smartphones, tablets and computers have been merging more and more becoming more and more similar, and I think these handhelds will complete that.

I think the Xbox successor (if it exists) will be a PC hybrid handheld, and even if the Switch successor will continue having a Nintendo OS only in terms of hardware will essentially be the same, and will be their last one. I also think Sony will release a traditional PS6 console but will also increase their focus on streaming, PC and will open their own PC store/client. And will be also their last console unless it's a hybrid PC handeld. At that point their revenue will come more from subscriptions and games (playable everywhere via streaming) than from hardware, so they won't care about having their own gaming hardware.

At this point, MS could buy any big publisher.
Yes, and Sony too, but they don't need to do it.

And well this publisher also has to want -or need to sell-, and doesn't seem the case of Activision, EA, Take 2, Ubisoft, Konami, Square, Bandai Namco or Capcom. They are in great financial shape. And not only MS and Sony are buying, there's also people like Tencent, Embracer, EA or Take 2 making bold acquisitions, which leads to overpricing the studios.

I think we'll see some acquiitions more in both MS and Sony side, but will be on a smaller scale. Individual studios instead of big publishers.

They gained 8 studios, and multiple IPs from bethesda alone. imagine what would they gain, from other publishers. Embracer has 86 studios, and 250 franchises. Their worth is $10.75b. What do you think will happen, If ms bought them?
I would say MS and Sony have no reason to be interested on Embracer.

current catalog. Their past catalog is great. No one will deny that. But they havent done those serious during ps4. We didnt even see Socum serious on ps4. Genre, not weird games. From shooter, mmorpg, racing, rpgs, fighting, etc.
Their current catalog includes many goty winners in the last decade, plus many GOTY candidates including the most awarded game ever and like half a dozen games that achieved or pretty likely will achieve 20M units sales.

Socom was a series with mediocre sales that nobody outside USA cared about it.

And yes, their current catalog (if we understand for this the games let's say they released for PS4) is more diverse than any other publisher, maybe only rivaled by Ubisoft. You can check out the games and genres they published here (remember, they also published VR and PlayLink games), which doesn't include 3rd party exclusives (which every generation have been way more than their 1st+2nd party games) or multi games. They have many games that are so unique that can't be included on a common, standard, popular genre.

That could be bought by other publishers. MS bought skyrim. biggest rpg game. They could buy other rpg games.
You need in-house studios, to not lose those Ips. They could do bloodborne type business. Hire 3rd party studios to make the game for them, and Sony will own that IPs.
As I mentioned most best selling and best rated RPGs already are PS exclusives or are multi with PS as their best selling platform. This is why MS had to buy Skyrim and Fallout (still on PS like ESO and Fallout 76 btw) and not Sony.

Sony already has a shit ton of successful IPs and periodically release new very successful ones, they don't need to buy them outside. And specially in genres like RPG where their platform is the leading one.

And well, RPG is only a genre. There's a ton more. Most of them dominated by Sony. If you want to highlight one that will dominate MS instead of Sony you should look at strategy, not RPG. A genre were Sony won't be interested to compete because it's very small in consoles because it's mostly a PC genre.

Hiring 3rd party studios to make 1st party game published by Sony -who owns the IPs- are called 2nd party games. Like Bloodborne, Demon's Souls or Death Stranding or the Quantic Dreams ones, or the ones that the creators of Destiny, CoD BO and Assassin's Creed are doing for them.

Same as Rpgs. You need your own series. They have Socum. But they arent touching it for some reason.
They aren't touching Socom because they had other IPs with better way better sales. They are interested on games with a global appeal, not in games that only appeal a single country.

To put it in simple way, Think the market like Stock market. It can change to positive or negative. If you dont have any back up plan, you might lose everything.
Sony isn't betting everything on a single card, they have many fronts and they are the top dog in most of them:
  • 3rd party sales on PS (gaming history records for any console platform holder)
  • Console 1st+2nd party sales and awards during the last generation/decade (selling better than they ever did, winning more awards than any console platform holder ever did)
  • PC ports (selling great even if are several years old games, seems GoW will outsell many big hitters)
  • Their platform is the most popular one for the top multiplayer games and for most genres
  • Hardware sales (PS4 and PS5 achieved many gaming history records for any console platform holder)
  • Game subscriptions (gaming history records for any console platform holder)
  • Cloud gaming (no other cloud gaming service posted a bigger subs number than them and they have the biggest catalog)
  • VR (only console platform holder betting hard on it)
  • Mobile games (even if they did mobile games since way over a decade ago, they will start betting on them harder soon, they already have a big performing game)
  • Movies and TV shows made by them using their gaming IPs (Sony is a major in these other areas, so they will perform well)
  • Gaming division revenue (gaming history records for any console platform holder, have money to continue growing their studios and do the acquisitions they may consider or are available)

They are doing a great job in most areas and are growing basically in most of them, so what common sense say is that they will continue being successful. Their performance may decrease in a few of them or temporally not being the top dog in a specific area, but that's all. They won't magically fail in most of their fronts.


Report me if I continue to console war
You stated which specs you THINK would provide an similar experience. So did I. We don't agree. You really need to get over it.

I guess you must think when the Ps5 is 1800p and the xsx is 2160p (or vice versa) the PS5 is not a similar experience to the XSX.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
A year after release I think is fair. Allows for people to still get PS5s and enjoy their games first and then PC gang gets a nab at it.


Report me if I continue to console war
It won't. The PS5 and SX aren't even being utilized yet properly with most games being crossgen. They will both get much better when developers target their specs properly. Even now a PC can't load games in 2-3 secs.
Thanks to the SeriesS that PC will always play nice with current gen, the resolution will be 10-30% lower on some titles, but with DLSS + RTX it will perform equal to the PS5 +XSX, possibly better on CPU bound games.
A year after release I think is fair. Allows for people to still get PS5s and enjoy their games first and then PC gang gets a nab at it.
Why not both? Most of the ones with ps5's, were never gonna get a PC, and vise versa. Especially with a shortage in hardware, it's the perfect time to get the ball rolling. It's a win win solution. The few people who would actually get mad at something like this, aren't going to sell their ps5 and go PC. And even if they did, they would still be buying the same games from Sony either way. Why only sell 20m games, when you can sell 40m instead?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Exactly! Clearly this author and some on GAF just have no idea how the gaming business works. This is literally the opposite of what Sony should do. Why should they focus SO much on the PC audience, when the Playstation audience should be their #1 priority?

If PC gamers just NEED PlayStation 1st party games day one so so bad....., GO BUY A PLAYSTATION 5!!!!!!
Should is the key word here.

They SHOULD focus on the PS audience.
And Yet they didnt bother creating PS5 SKUs for any of their games besides the $30 Ghost of Tsushima upgrade.

They SHOULD focus on the PS5 audience.
And Yet they are releasing THREE of their BIGGEST first party exclusives on last gen consoles.

They SHOULD patch The Last Guardian and Bloodborne to run at 60 fps.
And yet they shutdown the studio that helped make these masterpieces.

They SHOULD not port MLB to Xbox let alone allow it to be on Gamepass.
And yet PS5 owners got no real graphics upgrade due to the studio tied up to 4 different Xbox ports, and were charged $70.

They SHOULD have greenlight Days Gone 2 right away.
And yet they had Sony Bend waste their time on a PC port instead.

They SHOULD NOT port their biggest exclusives to PC to give PC gamers a reason to buy a PS5.
And yet, in two weeks Uncharted is coming out on PC, and they just acquired THE biggest PC porting studio in the industry.

It's time to see the writing on the wall. Sony should do things that benefit PS5 owners but they havent been doing them.
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Exactly! Clearly this author and some on GAF just have no idea how the gaming business works. This is literally the opposite of what Sony should do. Why should they focus SO much on the PC audience, when the Playstation audience should be their #1 priority?

If PC gamers just NEED PlayStation 1st party games day one so so bad....., GO BUY A PLAYSTATION 5!!!!!!
PC gamers don't need PS games day one. Haven't you figured that out by now? Look at the success of God of War and Days Gone on PC. They've sold well and that was years later after the PS releases, not day one. PC gamers will wait. There is plenty of amazing content on PC already that PC gamers don't need a couple of Sony games.


That's all the proof you need right there that Sony needs to do better.

They've been selling GOW for $10-$20 the last several years on PS4. They could have been getting a lot more revenue releasing it on PC. Those PC numbers would have been even higher. PC gamers that also own a PS4 might have said what the heck, it's only $10. I'll take the subpar experience because of the value. Now if it was on PC at that same time, PC gamers would gladly have paid a lot more for the PC version since it's superior.
PC gamers don't need PS games day one. Haven't you figured that out by now? Look at the success of God of War and Days Gone on PC. They've sold well and that was years later after the PS releases, not day one. PC gamers will wait. There is plenty of amazing content on PC already that PC gamers don't need a couple of Sony games.
Shining Stephen King GIF

Turning Natalie Portman GIF by foxhorror


King Snowflake
Sony should be doing alot of things. Mainly putting out some games for my PS5!
I finished finding all the stuff in Astrobot. And I'm at the point of no return in Ratchet Rift Apart before the final fight.
I know Aloy is up next but I'm actually gonna wait till dust settles and some sorta collective thumbs up is given.
I haven't touched mine since I finished Ratchet in July. I have Horizon on preorder, but am a little annoyed that it is cross gen. I bought this dust collector solely for Sony exclusives and I wanted them to be PS5 exclusives. I game mainly on PC.

If the games were on PC day one, I would not have bought my PS5 and some lucky PS5 searcher would have a system they would likely use more than me and net Sony more money. 6 months would be fine too.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
We have zero official information about what games will be ported to PC . You are the pretending to know the future.......and I'm the delusional one?

jennifer lawrence ok GIF
Umm yes? Pretty sure its explicit how Sony feels about PC now. There is a reason why they acquired a studio dedicated to bringing those console games to PC. Also why they (the studios) are championing for these moves.

Its really to appease the manbabies that they ain’t releasing them day one on PC…yet.


Identifies as young
Umm yes? Pretty sure its explicit how Sony feels about PC now.

You don't know what the word "explicit" means then. I've stated repeatedly that Sony very well may do day one PC releases eventually. Factually, Sony has NOT said that will be the case at this point. Saying they have been "explicit" about this is an exercise in blatant willful ignorance.
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As always, such a short-term view on things.

Yeah, the PS5 would probably still do extremely well, and would still have a solid chance at doing better than the PS4, but the problem is that you would be sending a message to your clients that a PC is all that you will need going forward. So when the PS6 came, and assuming that the cost of PC parts eventually came down, it would make far more sense that someone buys a PC, that would cater to all its gaming needs, excluding Nintendo, and it would also be something that you would use daily in your day to day life, as PCs basically became an essential item in most people lives. So instead of spendinf money on a PC, something that you would buy reagardless, and on a PS6, you would just buy the PC.

I already hate that MS basically went third party, and now it seems that Sony is also going. Hope that doesn't translate to less innovation and worse experiences with consoles.
Yeah but that’s not stopping people from buying Xboxes. The people buying on PC where never going to buy a PlayStation anyway.

That number is not large enough to impact console sales.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
You don't know what the word "explicit" means then. I've stated repeatedly that Sony very well may do day one PC releases eventually. Factually, Sony has NOT said that will be the case at this point. Saying they have been "explicit" about this is an exercise in blatant willful ignorance.

I’ll say its denial to say they ain’t doing that, when they are obviously paving the road frantically right now. Its not a “may” at this point of time, but if it helps you sleep at night, you can go ahead and think it is I guess.


Identifies as young
I’ll say its denial to say they ain’t doing that, when they are obviously paving the road frantically right now. Its not a “may” at this point of time, but if it helps you sleep at night, you can go ahead and think it is I guess.

You are just repeating your own speculations endlessly. No idea why you think my sleep would be bothered either way. Do you have another point you want to make?


As always, such a short-term view on things.

Yeah, the PS5 would probably still do extremely well, and would still have a solid chance at doing better than the PS4, but the problem is that you would be sending a message to your clients that a PC is all that you will need going forward. So when the PS6 came, and assuming that the cost of PC parts eventually came down, it would make far more sense that someone buys a PC, that would cater to all its gaming needs, excluding Nintendo, and it would also be something that you would use daily in your day to day life, as PCs basically became an essential item in most people lives. So instead of spendinf money on a PC, something that you would buy reagardless, and on a PS6, you would just buy the PC.

I already hate that MS basically went third party, and now it seems that Sony is also going. Hope that doesn't translate to less innovation and worse experiences with consoles.
PC =! gaming PC.

Most people have a PC, yes, but people with a PC that can actually play games is far less than the entire PC market. Most PCs you find out there have intel integrated graphics and have very little capacity to run games like current-gen consoles.

In that regard, there will always be people that play games on consoles (hence that's why both PS and XB still sell) and people that play on a PC. Besides, having an architecture that's basically a streamlined x86-64 PC makes everything extremely easy to port, so it would be practically "almost free money" for developers and publishers to release games on PC.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
You are just repeating your own speculations endlessly. No idea why you think my sleep would be bothered either way. Do you have another point you want to make?

I believe you’re losing sleep over this because you insist its speculation when its not. But like I said, sure its “speculation” if you insist. The rest of us will just sit back and watch as Sony continue to increase their effort onto PC including day one release.


Why aren't the calling out Nintendo for not going third party? Timed Exclusives are partially why the hardware an eco system does so well.


Report me if I continue to console war

Looks like I struct a nerve.

Topher realizes that he may have double standards for what he qualifies as a similar experience.

So now he deflects with gifs.

Lets see what he deflects next with.
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worst suggestion. a mistake that xbox made. less people gonna end up find the 'need' to own PS5. it is a nice console, give us reason why to own it.
they need to grow PS5 userbase number too. more people end up buy PS5, more user base audience grow for their game with additonal of pc user base which is, more sales.

talk about sales, sony current strategy of launcing on Playstation first and pc later is better than launch at pc and playstation at same time. just look at how Rockstar release their game. RDR2 and GTA V for example. usually after game launch once then its done. but this way they can ride the hype twice. also it encourage user to buy their game twice. basically double dip. if their game launch on ps5 and pc at same time, people just gonna choose one preferable platform. it gonna be split. usually nobody gonna buy same game twice for different platform on launch day. those already owned pc version probably wont bother to buy ps5 version later since they already has 'superior' version(assuming a good port day 1). they also wont bother to buy the console itself.

also their studio quality of polish is also due to them be able to focus on one platform.

there is pro and cons owned consoles vs pc. no need to be part of shareholder to supported or against the decision.
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An Absolute Desaster
Do they realize that Sony makes much more money by selling them on their own platform? Also I think they will still sell a lot, when releasing the game much later than on Playstation as just proven by God of War. So why should they, what is their advantage?

They will continue with having a timed exclusivity on Playstation to sell Playstation consoles and get more money by selling on their own store and offer it to the people which they couldn't convince to buy a Playstation at a later time. That is the only strategy which makes sense for them.

People should stop dreaming and finally realize that it is different for them compared to Microsoft, because Microsoft also have Windows, they couldn't care less if they sell on XBOX or PC.


Identifies as young
Looks like I struct a nerve.

Topher realizes that he may have double standards for what he qualifies as a similar experience.

So now he deflects with gifs.

Lets see what he deflects next with.


I believe you’re losing sleep over this because you insist its speculation when its not. But like I said, sure its “speculation” if you insist. The rest of us will just sit back and watch as Sony continue to increase their effort onto PC including day one release.

I mean.....if you just don't know what words mean then I can't help you.


I believe you’re losing sleep over this because you insist its speculation when its not. But like I said, sure its “speculation” if you insist. The rest of us will just sit back and watch as Sony continue to increase their effort onto PC including day one release.
Where is your actual evidence for this statement to be true other than pc gamers wet dreams? Have Sony secretly announced gt7, horizon zero dawn forbidden west and God of War Ragnorark are even coming to PC yet?

Not giving much credence to your statement is it?

While PlayStation exists PC will never be a priority unless you really think Sony want to throw away money.

No PC gamer buys a $70 game, and unless Sony make their own PC store and client, Sony will have to give money to a third party to further dilute their earnings.

Get real pal. Sony releasing day 1 on PC is never happening on their single player block busters.


Having PS5 exclusives to be "not-exclusives" would just be stupid. PC world is too full of piracy and what makes PS5 special, are exclusives.

Sony doesnt need to port any games to PC, more like PC needs Sony games if anything.

Just dev games only to PS5, make them as good as they can be and use all PS5 features.

Then port them (by different team possibly) to PC 2-3 years later. Porting them years after the release -> no fear of gaming being less than they could be (on ps5) and there would be enough time to make them basically be exclusives for the system.

Everybody wins.


Having PS5 exclusives to be "not-exclusives" would just be stupid. PC world is too full of piracy and what makes PS5 special, are exclusives.

Sony doesnt need to port any games to PC, more like PC needs Sony games if anything.

Just dev games only to PS5, make them as good as they can be and use all PS5 features.

Then port them (by different team possibly) to PC 2-3 years later. Porting them years after the release -> no fear of gaming being less than they could be (on ps5) and there would be enough time to make them basically be exclusives for the system.

Everybody wins.
That's the approach that we want. But something tells me Sony may be cross platform designing many titles from day 0.


worst suggestion. a mistake that xbox made. less people gonna end up find the 'need' to own PS5. it is a nice console, give us reason why to own it.
they need to grow PS5 userbase number too. more people end up buy PS5, more user base audience grow for their game with additonal of pc user base which is, more sales.

talk about sales, sony current strategy of launcing on Playstation first and pc later is better than launch at pc and playstation at same time. just look at how Rockstar release their game. RDR2 and GTA V for example. usually after game launch once then its done. but this way they can ride the hype twice. also it encourage user to buy their game twice. basically double dip. if their game launch on ps5 and pc at same time, people just gonna choose one preferable platform. it gonna be split. usually nobody gonna buy same game twice for different platform on launch day. those already owned pc version probably wont bother to buy ps5 version later since they already has 'superior' version(assuming a good port day 1). they also wont bother to buy the console itself.

also their studio quality of polish is also due to them be able to focus on one platform.

there is pro and cons owned consoles vs pc. no need to be part of shareholder to supported or against the decision.
it was proven by studies before and by Microsoft's sales data today that the vast majority (we talk about overwhelming) of the base doesn't overlap with the console userbase. The vast majority of PC gamers won't buy a console and those who have decided to buy a console don't decide not to because the same game comes out on other device ...but instead there is a huge amount of people who own and spend on both platforms. Another thing that people on here absolutely don't want to understand, is that the number of PC gamers obliterates that of consoles ...and there are entire continent where console gamers basically doesn't count compared to PC gamers. This image below is a 2014 study today the PC scene has grown A LOT in the last 6 or 7 years


Keep in mind that the number of console players is to be divided between Nintendo Sony and Microsoft ... so you will understand the huge gap between the PC community and the console one. Plus the PC community doesn't will never suffer from the STOP / GO and the user reset due to the generational change.
This should make it clear how ridiculous are the positions of pseudo armchair forum manager that predict bankruptcy and other nonsense in a hypothetical moment where Sony would release the games. on day one. Only one thing would happen, would earn more money. The rest as I said before are just fanboy fears

Gamers are gamers and people should stop seeing them as closed and ghettoized communities
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Games that sold over 20m on PC you can count with 1 hand, over 10m sellers you can almost count with two.
20m is impressive by anyone, except Nintendo. That's normal for them. Not normal for others. But you missed the point. You will sell more with PC and ps5 day one releases. That was the whole point of my post.
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