2023 Console Screenshot Thread |OT| Crap, Crap, Mega Crap, I'll Give Ya 200 Bucks for All of Them

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Gold Journalism
My wife Karen Fukuhara in Callisto Protocol 😍 and a stealth shot

OUR wife.
These look great! Do you know if TLOU pt 1 makes changes beyond resolution and framerate for fidelity and/or photo mode? Because I swear your pics make it look better than my copy (playing on performance mode), though it could be the way you frame your pics!
The Last of Us Part I - PS5 - Fidelity


Tears of Nintendo
These look great! Do you know if TLOU pt 1 makes changes beyond resolution and framerate for fidelity and/or photo mode? Because I swear your pics make it look better than my copy (playing on performance mode), though it could be the way you frame your pics!
I honestly can't tell cuz I haven't played in performance mode - maybe you should check DF video for that? But you will see changes like objects changing to much less complex ones, shadows changing resolutions depending how far you place the camera, how many objects are on screen etc. and there's no way to make native 4K screens cuz the game is too heavy for that and for PS5 - I honestly don't think that PS5 Pro will change any of this.
Just look at this one for examoke. There's not even that many objects on screen, complext geomentry with tons of foliage and yet this is what PS5 can offer IQ-wise.

And here's even worse example:
It looks great in motion while you're playing, but on still images you can clearly see that the more complex the shot is, the more IQ degrades and becomes more softer and much less sharper. It'll be very interesting to compare screens I've made with the PC version which won't have this problem.


cuz the game is too heavy for that and for PS5 - I honestly don't think that PS5 Pro will change any of this.
Horizon looks better while being open world and with better IQ

Dont blame it on the PS5. It's either a very unoptimized engine or bad optimization job.

ND didnt developed this game from scratch, they took the project after a small company inside Sony wasnt able to finish the work

4 months since launch, and the game havent received even one patch since then to fix issues, including performance in 40 FPS mode

I wouldnt use this game as an example of a game pushing the PS5 to its limits


Wow Superposition Superposition - DeS PS5 looks absolutely jaw dropping in your screen shots.

I platted it on PS3, so I’m not replaying it now, but wow. Graphically it’s the best game I’ve ever seen (and it launched 2 years ago now!)
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