Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Preview Thread




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Not gonna watch it, since I know I'm not gonna play it...
But is this basically looking like The ME: Andromeda of DA?


Finished watching. I'm hyped.
It's the beginning of the game, so can't expect too much.

Graphics are great.
Combat looked solid.
Dialog is... passable.
No judgment of scene directing, as it's the opening of the game and there's urgency for the characters.

As of right now, I plan to get this, next year. I liked DA:I, so hope this is better.


Not feeling the artwork.
Not feeling the gameplay.

I get it that DA2 and DA3 were more action button smashy. I wish this DA4 follows closer to BG3.


Tears of Nintendo
So, where do I even beging....

The overall art style, art and level designs, enemy designs are all terrible and almost on the same level of generic creative impotence as in Immortals of Aveum. Seriously, they didn't even tried. The Ice mage looks cool and I like her design, but everyone else is horrible with terrible facial animations from 10 years ago and cartoon-ish look. My eyes hurt when I look at this game after playing BG3 with exceptional character models and animations for an isometric CRPG. I mean, none of the Dragon Age have a unique look to them and coherent visual design and art style and after so many years they still can't figure this shit out. I guess what I would say overall about the visuals is that this game looks like a 2015 game at best and ugly af and UI is dogshit basic. Some of the Inquisition's locations even look way better. Also, what's up with a shit ton of bloom like it's 2006 again?

But what's good to see is that the combat is actually not that bad and much better than in the previous game with MMO BS combat. We've seen just one class here but I can't imagine the others are worse. It looks like they've gone for DA2 route again by making combat more action oriented but even more so now than in DAII which is good to see. Will I be playing the game just for that? Fuck no, there's way too much I don't like about it so it's a hard effin' pass. Honestly, can you imagine what these people will do to the next Mass Effect?
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So according to that footage they've at least settled on a combat system. So it's an action RPG now. Ok. Now focus on making that fun and feel good (it still looked janky)

I'll miss the combat of Dragon Age Origins but I rather have them focus on one thing instead of trying to please both camps and fail miserably, like they did in Inquisition.

But yeah, what that gameplay "deep dive" showed was decent.


This "amazing" gameplay made me revisit the classic "The Revenge of Shit Mountain" topic, mainly to look for "press A for awesome" gif, but it seems like all pictures from it are gone. What a shame :/ One can hope that at least the OT for The Veilguard may become a worthy succesor of TRoSM.
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The trailer shown at the Xbox showcase was pure dog shit and turned me right off but I went into this gameplay preview as open and unbiased as possible, hell I even held out some hope that maybe just maybe the marketing team had lost their mind and the gameplay would show the true game.

Unfortunately this does nothing for me it just doesn't feel like Dragon Age to me in the slightest the push toward more actiony combat same as in 2 really doesnt excite anything in me although I will admit playing a rogue in 2 was for more "fun" than in origin, but once we reached the "bring the scaffolding down" part I was just out.

I Dont Think So No Way GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
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