Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Preview Thread


Seems just decent enough for the story to be able to carry it, but its hard to trust them to deliver on that front either after Andromeda and Anthem.
There was a good game somewhere in Anthem. Admittedly, buried under mounds of nonsense, but it did have something to it. I think it’s a pity how it turned out; almost as if they tried too hard.

I really do worry about the combat here. Have watched again and it looks ‘flashy’ rather than fun. Modern BioWare are obsessed with over the top effects. It’s off putting.


Gold Member
What a game lead by


And written by


Has a strange tone? I wonder why? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh No Facepalm GIF by CANAL+ Polska


Gold Member
This is my issue with BG3. I feel like all the hype is just because of the sex and nudity. The game is basically Divinity Original Sin with more cinematic dialogues. Take away all the fetishization, as you call it, and I don't think the game becomes a phenomenon. It's not like we've seen an explosion of interest in other CRPGs or anything.
You are wrong to the power of a million suns. The main draw of BG3 is a HUGE amount of choices and consequences to quests, even seemingly random ones. Plus amazing environmental reactions.

And of course in addition to that we have excellent writing from characters to story to quests.

The Bear crap and similar is just for the lols. This game didn’t get the accords based on that crap.


Typical grumzz garbage tweet. It means every companion is romanceable you muppets. How is that a bad thing? I doubt any of you would complain if Panam or Judy would be bi, hell theres mods for that, which were praised for both being bi. Dont see how this is anything but a win since you can just pick whoever you want to romance now. Dragon Age Origins also has BI companions.

Honestly, if the game doesn't force anything on me, I guess we're good. My brother finished AC Valhalla and played as the male Eivor and even though he never chose for it, he apparently did get a romance scene with a dude in the game. It sounds funny as hell, I won't deny that, but I do not want such shit.

This was apparently because female Eivor is THE Eivor and Ubi basically didn't bother changing that for male Eivor, lmao.
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Gold Member
It generally makes sense in these types of games in order to be able and romance most companions regardless of your character. Is it that much different than Inquisition or even Baldur's gate 3?

BG3 no

But it's pretty obvious you never played DA:I if your saying this (or at least not far enough to romance)

You are limited by sex and race with some romances, this is because they wrote characters with sexual preferences. One for example was an ugly whiny unlikable man hating female elf so therefore would only romance other females.
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Tell me you never played DA:O without telling me you never played DA:O.

You mean the writer of this article? I play Origins years ago and loved everything except combat. I had a hard time with being able to enjoy that, unfortunately. At some point in the story I took a break and never finished it. Kinda regret it.


BG3 no

But it's pretty obvious you never played DA:I if your saying this (or at least not far enough to romance)

You are limited by sex and race with some romances, this is because they wrote characters with sexual preferences.
I haven't tried all permutations, but my point was that it's not that far from what these sort of games have been doing for years. Even the first dragon age had a couple of bisexual characters even way back then. It's the one type of game where it actually makes sense so you are not restricting your romance options. I'd say this is the least of the game's actual problems.
I haven't tried all permutations, but my point was that it's not that far from what these sort of games have been doing for years. Even the first dragon age had a couple of bisexual characters even way back then. It's the one type of game where it actually makes sense so you are not restricting your romance options. I'd say this is the least of the game's actual problems.

Being bi is not the same as "whatever is fine". True writers create well-rounded characters, not blank slates in which they don't have personal preferences. That alone is very telling of how bad characters and worldbuilding will be.


So according to that footage they've at least settled on a combat system. So it's an action RPG now. Ok. Now focus on making that fun and feel good (it still looked janky)

I'll miss the combat of Dragon Age Origins but I rather have them focus on one thing instead of trying to please both camps and fail miserably, like they did in Inquisition.

But yeah, what that gameplay "deep dive" showed was decent.
I did said it months ago they should. They've been trying to make an action game since DA 2 and have failed. I guarantee everyone complaining about the lack of said tactical Gameplay won't buy Baldurs Gate 3
Watched a few moments ago, and all I was thinking was:

I'm out.
Whats crazy is so many here are now ok with it just because it's Bioware. Or they only own an Xbox or something and need something to play. I just don't get it. I loved origins and mass effect too, but I didn't play andromeda based on principles. Also playing a ton of other games too. There are other games out there that scratch the rpg itch. Even the old bioware kind. The people that made BG1/2 , nwn , origins and mass effect, kotor, etc... are dead, ie they no longer work there.

This is woke zoomers first rpg garbage.
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Because of course noone is straight!!! :messenger_tears_of_joy: Easy pass on this wokefest

Look I get it. I really do. I hate DEI and I think it's poison to the entertainment industry. But Grummz is like a fucking sledgehammer to the problem. There's nothing wrong with companions being playersexual. It's not making everyone in the setting gay, as much as it just letting players of all types just getting to fuck who they want, and not get left out. That's really it. It worked great for Baldur's Gate 3. This is such a non problem.

As much as I loved Panam in Cyberpunk 2077, it would've been nice to smash Judy as Male V.

Oh wait I did. Thank you mods.


Gold Member
Look I get it. I really do. I hate DEI and I think it's poison to the entertainment industry. But Grummz is like a fucking sledgehammer to the problem. There's nothing wrong with companions being playersexual. It's not making everyone in the setting gay, as much as it just letting players of all types just getting to fuck who they want, and not get left out. That's really it. It worked great for Baldur's Gate 3. This is such a non problem.

As much as I loved Panam in Cyberpunk 2077, it would've been nice to smash Judy as Male V.

Oh wait I did. Thank you mods.

If that's all it is, then great, no issues from me. Let people have their choice, but nothing (in either direction) should be forced on anyone


Gold Member
I really liked what I saw outside of it doesn't look like you can send commands to your party which is unfortunate but not a deal breaker.


What's with the bright saturated rainbow colors? Makes it look like an indie mobile title. Look at visually appealing games like witcher and copy their color design if you can't do it yourselves....

Hype deflated again. It looks like a cross gen game all in all.
You are wrong to the power of a million suns. The main draw of BG3 is a HUGE amount of choices and consequences to quests, even seemingly random ones. Plus amazing environmental reactions.

And of course in addition to that we have excellent writing from characters to story to quests.

The Bear crap and similar is just for the lols. This game didn’t get the accords based on that crap.
Thank you, 10000 times this ☝🏻

It's absolutely mind-blowing... The creativity, freedom and interaction is on a whole new level. Everything is made with such care and love in a way that I haven't seen in many, many years.


Gold Member
The gameplay reveal was ok.
There was nothing particularly impressive or bad about it. At least the melee combat looks a bit better than Inquisition, I hope they show some mage gameplay in the future.
The visuals looks pretty decent though I miss the darker tone of the original, but at least they didn't try to force a joke or sarcastic comment every 2 sconds like other games.

Look I get it. I really do. I hate DEI and I think it's poison to the entertainment industry. But Grummz is like a fucking sledgehammer to the problem. There's nothing wrong with companions being playersexual. It's not making everyone in the setting gay, as much as it just letting players of all types just getting to fuck who they want, and not get left out. That's really it. It worked great for Baldur's Gate 3. This is such a non problem.

As much as I loved Panam in Cyberpunk 2077, it would've been nice to smash Judy as Male V.

Oh wait I did. Thank you mods.

Personally I think it depends on the writing in how it's handled.
I don't mind every character being available as a romance option to both genders as long as the player is the one to initiate the romance option.

I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 but what I found annoying about Dragon Age 2 is that seemingly every male character I was simply nice to would end up falling in love with my (male) character and it would make the party dynamic weird with awkward romantic undertones in the dialogue and the eventual awkward interactions where I'd have to tell them I didn't feel the same way


Revealing melee combat like that during the month of our Lord? Poor form EA. Save that shit for July. Now I have to rinse my brain out.

Aside from the MMO combat + good bow aiming, the glow-y artistic choice isn't working for me. At all. Avowed seems to be making the same mistake. If we could take the glow out the city could look really cool. They just throw too much colored light around. Pulsating purple glowing enemies don't excite anyone. Am I in a battle for life and death against an unimaginable evil or am I at a ren fair rave? I do not know.
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What’s the like to dislike ratio on the video?
Was 50/50 when i checked few hours ago, 36k likes and 36k dislikes, lemme check now: 53k likes/70k dislikes, not even surprised, i loved previous DA, including inquisition and i cant help but feel disgusted with that one =/


"You've made a valiant effort, but this story does not end with my downfall."

Proceeds to fall down due to our Main Hero moving a piece of wood.

What is it with these western studios? Why are they so bad at this?
This really does look kind of generic and uninteresting. Granted, I wasn't huge fan of Inquisition, but this appeals even less I think.
Diversity hires, women leading this shit now, and ofc woke agenda, aka focus on wokeness as top1 priority, not quality of the game, it will bomb hard.


These decisions the characters are making aren't even close to the kind that Bioware used to make. I loved those old quirky good/neutral/bad decisions. Playing as Renegade Shepherd was one of my favorite things in gaming. This decision wheel seems just... lame


Gold Member
Look I get it. I really do. I hate DEI and I think it's poison to the entertainment industry. But Grummz is like a fucking sledgehammer to the problem. There's nothing wrong with companions being playersexual. It's not making everyone in the setting gay, as much as it just letting players of all types just getting to fuck who they want, and not get left out. That's really it. It worked great for Baldur's Gate 3. This is such a non problem.

As much as I loved Panam in Cyberpunk 2077, it would've been nice to smash Judy as Male V.

Oh wait I did. Thank you mods.
You should read the article, they specifically say the characters are not “player sexual”, they are “pan sexual” and will pair up with other NPCs and talk about it in the story and shit.

This is just degenerate.
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not particularly upset with anything i've seen of this game (tho I could've lived without that 'witty', oh-so-clever trailer). but i can say this: if i'm at all disappointed, it's only because i am sick to fucking death of elves & dwarves. & also cat-people, lizard people, whatever, but most especially elves & dwarves. because, fundamentally, when it comes to party members, it's always the exact same damn elf & the exact same damn dwarf!...

orcs? not so much...


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Because of course noone is straight!!! :messenger_tears_of_joy: Easy pass on this wokefest

Let me see if I understand this.

A game that lets you 'romance' any character you want, regardless of gender/preference is a bad thing?

Just to be clear, this means:
  • If you insist that gay/queer main characters do not belong in video games, you can be straight
  • If you insist straight characters do not belong in video games, you can be gay/queer
  • If you insist it doesn't change the game at all and you don't care that much either way, you can do whatever the fuck you want
Those are all no go? This counts as woke garbage now?

A role playing game that lets you role play any sexual orientation you want is a bad thing?


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Diversity hires, women leading this shit now, and ofc woke agenda, aka focus on wokeness as top1 priority, not quality of the game, it will bomb hard.
Again, what is woke about what's shown so far?

I honestly have no idea wtf this means anymore.

balls of snow

Gold Member
These decisions the characters are making aren't even close to the kind that Bioware used to make. I loved those old quirky good/neutral/bad decisions. Playing as Renegade Shepherd was one of my favorite things in gaming. This decision wheel seems just... lame
Thats dragon age 2 wheel. So Hawke would actually across the game have the personality you frequently choose in the dialogue wheel. Be the quipy marvel guy you always wanted to be. Or straight to the point renegade ish. Or the herald of light. Once you get deeper in the game the decisions get more intense. Hopefully the same is here.


Let me see if I understand this.

A game that lets you 'romance' any character you want, regardless of gender/preference is a bad thing?

Just to be clear, this means:
  • If you insist that gay/queer main characters do not belong in video games, you can be straight
  • If you insist straight characters do not belong in video games, you can be gay/queer
  • If you insist it doesn't change the game at all and you don't care that much either way, you can do whatever the fuck you want
Those are all no go? This counts as woke garbage now?

A role playing game that lets you role play any sexual orientation you want is a bad thing?

I've been seeing this Grumz dude's tweets popping up lately and it's always the same kind of shit. He's clearly looking extra hard to start shit, solely for the sake of starting shit.


Gold Member
Let me see if I understand this.

A game that lets you 'romance' any character you want, regardless of gender/preference is a bad thing?

Just to be clear, this means:
  • If you insist that gay/queer main characters do not belong in video games, you can be straight
  • If you insist straight characters do not belong in video games, you can be gay/queer
  • If you insist it doesn't change the game at all and you don't care that much either way, you can do whatever the fuck you want
Those are all no go? This counts as woke garbage now?

A role playing game that lets you role play any sexual orientation you want is a bad thing?

Take a deep breath.

I clarified my comments
I've been seeing this Grumz dude's tweets popping up lately and it's always the same kind of shit. He's clearly looking extra hard to start shit, solely for the sake of starting shit.
Clout chasing is still clout chasing regardless of the content.


Different fish, different bait, same hook.


Maybe it will surprise me but I was legitimately bored by the 20 minute showcase. It doesn't help that they decided to demo the beginning of the game where the characters are lvl 1 and the combat is just pure button mashing. How is that a good idea?
Maybe it will surprise me but I was legitimately bored by the 20 minute showcase. It doesn't help that they decided to demo the beginning of the game where the characters are lvl 1 and the combat is just pure button mashing. How is that a good idea?

I think thats the entire games combat. They "mass effect"ed it. Linear mission based levels, 3 abilities per char. Im expecting an A B C type of ending at this point. Like I said, im in it for the story, but this is no longer an rpg, at all.


A game that lets you 'romance' any character you want, regardless of gender/preference is a bad thing?
Yes, that's correct. Every companion/party member/associate/whatever being a walking sex doll for the player character's use is incredibly lame. It's simply impossible to take "romance" elements in a game seriously when you already know that every single NPC is ready and willing to fuck you by default. Games which give romance interests agency and preferences are far more interesting than those that don't. Something which Bioware used to know before online pissbabies started throwing tantrums because Jack wouldn't go muff diving with them.


I thought Dragon Age was open world? This looks like a super linear COD Campaign?

They showed one specific mission early on in the game. Inquisition started off in a similar type of area, and opened up later, but even then certain story spots limited exploration. I’m not saying for sure it’s open world, but this 20 minutes was focused on one specific early section so it would be presumptuous to say it’s not open world just from this.
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