Path of Exile 2 - THE Game to Save Gaming


Gold Member
This bodes well for the chances their servers don't explode tomorrow. /s

I wish there was an offline mode like Last Epoch. I'd still buy cosmetics and stash GGG, pls
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Lokaum D+

This bodes well for the chances their servers don't explode tomorrow. /s
Poe2 servers tomorrow 100%

explosion GIF


Gold Member
"Down For Maintenance is currently down for maintenance. Please try again later.

Thanks for your patience!"

"Maintenance" hehe


Sounds a bit overwhelming. :goog_relieved:

Might just do like with Diablo IIR and beat it once and move on. That said, there are many classes that look super fun to me so I might end up playing this multiple times.

When do we expect to get the other 3 acts? All of them before EA is over?
The game has 6 classes in EA, but they will add another 6 till launch


One thing for the new guys…Dont be scared by the talent tree…Most of people drop the game after they see it 😀


Gold Member

Here is my video showing me in game for a min. This input lag better be reduced dramatically tomorrow. It didn't feel great.

Lokaum D+

i took day off and i ' m sending my daughter to her grandmother, hopefully i'll be able to play this all day
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Gold Member
Probably because the game wasn't meant to be live at that point.

I hope so! Anyway, I can confirm that your character locks on to the closest enemy, they have a red outline, and then meleeing them and strafing around them feels good. Great impact on attacks. So meaty. Feels way different to D4. Also, after the opening cinematic the game doesn't futz around. You see the line of characters about to be hung, pic your character, name them, and you go straight into the action. No character creator. I wonder if they will have character skins for sale.
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Here is my video showing me in game for a min. This input lag better be reduced dramatically tomorrow. It didn't feel great.

Was it 60fps on S?

Anyways I wonder why they don't just throw the torrent link up? We don't need to bombard their servers for a pre-load.
Sometimes armors are specific to classes but most of them can be used on any class. Also, I think I saw you ask about bonuses. There is no pay 2 win in this so armors are completely cosmetic. Servers open at 11am PST. For me it's 1pm central.

Thank you very much! I appreciate the help.

688 people queued when I tried to play on PS5 haha.
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Gold Member
Was it 60fps on S?

Anyways I wonder why they don't just throw the torrent link up? We don't need to bombard their servers for a pre-load.

It felt smooth but I couldn't tell for sure, I was too excited just taking everything in and then I got disconnected. I had FSR on so the image quality was not good, stretched out on my 55 inch OLED in my face. I didn't plan on using the S on this TV but since it was up, I had to sacrifice. It will probably look fine on my OLED 1080p screen, but it was grainy.
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Gold Member
Dude is playing Live still, wtf! On PS5

Edit: nevermind, he was jebaiting people, I think.
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Dude is playing Live still, wtf! On PS5

I'm jelly.
edit* People in chat spamming it's closed beta footage. Dude streamin for clout prolly.

I wonder if we'll find out soon then, if PoE2 will have any special currencies that PoE1 doesn't have? Like will there be new tabs to buy that don't exist in PoE1? I'm just tryin to think of what I need to spend my 300 points on. I've got plenty of stash tabs, currency tab, divinity card tab, etc.
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I'm jelly.
edit* People in chat spamming it's closed beta footage. Dude streamin for clout prolly.

I wonder if we'll find out soon then, if PoE2 will have any special currencies that PoE1 doesn't have? Like will there be new tabs to buy that don't exist in PoE1? I'm just tryin to think of what I need to spend my 300 points on. I've got plenty of stash tabs, currency tab, divinity card tab, etc.
Just hang on to it until you need it, no reason to buy a bunch of tabs right now


Steam pre-load is done, i'm going to bed now. Can't wait for the server disaster tomorrow and over the weekend. It's all part of the experience folks and I love it!


Rodent Whores
edit: I added a few more things.

Here are a few general tips for new players based on public information and also how things work in PoE1. It's nothing that I would consider spoilers, since it's very basic information. This will be helpful to save some headache early on especially if you're used to the way Diablo 4 works.

Each level up grants you one skill point on your passive tree. These can be allocated to attribute nodes (also known as travel nodes) or other nodes in clusters that boost particular other stats. You might be tempted to go straight for the +10% damage nodes from the start, but generally speaking, most players will eventually end up respeccing it to take more attribute (travel) nodes so that they can path to more substantial passive nodes that are further up the tree. This is the decision making gameplay loop - Do you take more attribute nodes to get to high level passive nodes earlier, or do you take the low level passive nodes now and wait until you have enough money to respec later?

Strength grants you life, Dexterity grants you accuracy, and Intelligence grants you mana. There are also attribute requirements on gear. High armor gear requires high STR. High evade gear requires high DEX. High energy shield gear requires high INT.

You gain different skills by consuming something called an uncut skill gem. Then you can choose any skill from any class to use. Some are restricted by weapon type. Generally, you want to stick to your own class' skill set in the beginning, but feel free to experiment if you're feeling adventurous. Each skill can be modified two times with a support skill gem that you can obtain by consuming uncut support skill gems. You can only use one support gem on one skill at a time, so it's not like you can put the same strong support gem into every skill that you use. You will have to think hard about which characteristics about each support gem fit the skill it's matched to as well as your playstyle. Support skills work sort of like how legendary powers work in Diablo 4.

Some skills are better suited for single target DPS and some skills are better suited for AoE DPS. This can also be modified with the right support skills. Keep in mind what is the right skill for the right job if you're fighting a boss or trash mobs.

Some skills have cool interactions with each other. For example if you fire projectiles through a flame wall, your projectiles will get bonus fire damage. This is cool in party play. Experiment to find more cool combos :)

The NPCs in this game are actually worth a damn and carry good gear. Check back periodically to see if they have anything new because they can randomly have godlike rare items in the shop. For weapons, keep an eye out for +damage or +skills. Like in most ARPGs, keeping your weapon updated is very important in early game progression.

Crafting is a little complicated, but don't worry about that in the beginning. Just know that you can use consumables to turn normal items into magic, and magic into rares, so if you see a good quality normal item or magic item drop or in the shop, it's still valuable to you.

Wudijo made a crafting guide.

edit: more stuff

If you die, you respawn at a checkpoint and all other mobs respawn too. This is the penalty for death. It's actually not that bad because if you died you might be underleveled, and clearing the instance again will get you more EXP. If you die on a boss, you will have to restart the boss fight. You can't portal out during a boss encounter. If you want to manually reset an instance for farming purposes, ctrl+click on a waypoint.

Due to server limitations, if you are idle in town for too long and the dungeon you are in has no active players inside of it for 8 to 15 minutes, the server will close that instance.

If you want to link an item in chat, ctrl+alt+click.

There is a weapon swap feature in the game where you can swap between two different sets of weapons. If this is too complicated, don't bother with it. If you want to min/max, this will be useful. As you progress in the game, you will acquire the ability to split up your skill tree with weapon set passive points that only apply for when you are using a particular set of weapons. For example, if you want to be a mage with both fire and ice, you can have a staff with fire buffs and a staff with ice buffs and swap between them, and assign your fire skills and fire passives to the fire staff and the ice skills and the ice passives to the ice staff. Or, if you want two different weapon sets for single target DPS and AoE DPS, that is possible too.
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Preloading on steam now.
Coming home early tomorrow from work to launch this puppy.
My excitement is high, but incidentally I'm working through FFXVI and enjoying that quite a bit, so will have to juggle a bit.
Wife seems to also be on board, we usually play co-op on separate PCs, and once she gets hooked on something she gets fairly dedicated hehe...
The fact this game is F2P still irks me a bit, hopefully they don't let the monetization go overboard and if I pay like $30-60 I should have everything I need to enjoy the game save for cosmetics. I believe POE1 you could do the story and then some without needing extra tabs, but eventually deeper into endgame it was almost impossible without them (I never got that far because I found the game too tedious/repetitive, just couldn't suck me into the world, also felt too bloated with all the random league mechanics peppered everywhere in the campaign, which I wasn't a fan of).


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
wow they just posted an update of over a million key redemptions, and they're giving the warning about servers lol


With the 300 basic points from ea which stash should we go for? Think it's worth waiting some sale in tab space (maybe they'll make one for the launch or for Christmas)?


With the 300 basic points from ea which stash should we go for? Think it's worth waiting some sale in tab space (maybe they'll make one for the launch or for Christmas)?
Currency tab and Maps tab are the most important
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