Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.


Neo Member
There's replacing cruel mode with acts 4-6, new classes+items and a new endgame coming. Cruel and the current end game were rushed in to test balance and provide temporary content.

That said, I've stopped playing it. Not coming back until they change the 1 hit kill enemies and make crafting viable without being forced to trade.
I hear a lot of people parroting this talking point that end game is just a "placeholder" and will be completely different once the last acts are added to the game.
Is this officially confirmed anywhere?

Im pretty sure this endgame will be improved iteratively, but will not at all be completely replaced as people are claiming..


I found a fireflower, so I was thinking about trying this build too

Made a budget/compromised version of this but it still works well. Had good enough jewels, found cheap scuffed fireflower (corruption fail), 3x3-slot cast on minion deaths instead of 2x5-slot and a sceptre I had for a previous wand/sceptre build. Biggest issue is getting the low level spirit gem for raging spirits (play new campaign to rituals quest for reward). Seen enough to know it's well worth investing in, fun stuff! No doubt they'll kill it before I really get a chance to (ab)use it.


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Rodent Whores
Rentahamster Rentahamster

budget build:

main build:

That looks crazy but I think I might get sick playing that haha


This is completely excessive and not necessary for the build but its entertaining.
Great Job Reaction GIF
I've put this one on the backburner until a decent endgame patch is released. I just stopped having fun grinding tier XV's with my warrior, which boiled down to:
Juicing up maps and nodes, with a high chance of getting 1/2-shotted half-way or completing but still ending up with without a sense of satisfaction or progress with an assortment of insta-vendored/disenchanted trash gear and a handful of splinters.


So I could play this right now, only I can't because as known it hard freezes the whole PC.
Too bad, because probably once it is fixed officially I'm already off to Diablo 4 season whatever comes next, not to mention Civ 7 drops in a month now.


I could sort of (but not really) believe that Elon could have gotten as far as he did in Diablo 4, but there's no way he's level 90+ on hardcore trade playing like this.

Y'all just dont understand his genius. He is clearly the smartest person to ever grace this planet or any other. He just does really bad builds and then the internet makes him better ones. Pure genius. /s


Rodent Whores

These PoE2 Early Access problems are currently being investigated and we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

High priority issues:

  • Migration out of Solo-Self Found leagues is temporarily disabled.
  • Investigating cases where some players experience crashes related to Multithreading and have to restart their PCs. This seems to mostly be for players with the Windows 24H2 update.
  • Some cases where Atlas states can be "bricked" by being cut off.
  • Ascent to Power quest text in Cruel Act 2 is misleading.
  • Hitbox problems with some of the skills used by Zalmarath, the Living Colossus.
  • The Mad Wolf of Ogham Act 1 Quest can become bugged and remain active telling you to Travel East.
  • Delirium encounters sometimes having no Delirium monsters.
  • Inherent Weapon Skills not showing in trade window or when linked in chat.
  • Rolling Slam Aftershocks not hitting.
  • Lost Tower radius not visible when using Map Device from Hideout.
  • Ritual Altars sometimes unable to be activated after nearby enemies are slain.
  • Dodge Rolling when near interactables can sometimes briefly stop you from using Skills.
  • Kopec boss checkpoint sometimes doesn't work.

If a bug you're experiencing isn't on this list it doesn't mean we're not aware and looking into it, this is just a list of common important problems. Any other issues please make a bug report or respond to another thread if it looks to be the same problem, thanks.


Rodent Whores

0.1.0f Patch Notes​

  • Fixed a bug where Rare monsters could pause Delirium mist for an extended period of time, even before touching the Mirror of Delirium. This could result in opening a mirror and having no monsters spawn, or the mist not expanding fully. In addition, Delirium mist is now paused for 10 seconds when opening a Strongbox (previously 5). Note that unrelated to Delirium Mist, further changes to Strongboxes will be made in an upcoming patch to make them less terrible.
  • Fixed a bug where "increased effect of small Passive Skills in Radius" on Time-Lost Jewels was affected by increases and reductions to modifier effect, such as through The Adorned Unique Jewel.
  • Fixed a bug where if a player changed their maximum life, energy shield or mana (such as through equipping and unequipping items) their current life, energy shield, mana, overcapped mana, or overcapped energy shield would also increase.
  • Fixed a bug where overcapped life from Life Remnants would be erased whenever maximum life changed (such as from levelling up or weapon swapping).
  • Fixed a bug where the projectiles of Zalmarath, the Colossus' knife attack were incorrectly positioned on top of the player.
  • Fixed a bug where aftershocks of Rolling Slam were not dealing damage.
  • Fixed a bug where Ritual Altars could sometimes fail to activate.
  • Fixed a bug where Xesht, We That Are One could sometimes endlessly throw hands.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mad Wolf of Ogham quest could be incompletable if you travelled to Act 2 by other means than talking to The Hooded One.
  • Fixed a bug where many Precursor Tablet modifier descriptions did not display when hovering over Maps in radius of the completed Tower.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur after entering Demon Form while fighting Zarokh, the Temporal.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur with Fiery Death Support in party-play.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur on PlayStation 5.

This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to update your client to receive the client changes in this patch.



So true. What's the point making a game look so good when the basics of where you can and cannot go are lost. I'd take a complete dumb down of the graphics or a huge glowing line around OOB areas over pterry leaves, trees and vines any day.


Rodent Whores

This Sunday, January 12 at 12:30PM PST (Jan 12, 2025 10:30 AM (HST) in your local time), we’ll release a short announcement video with details of upcoming Patch 0.1.1 for Path of Exile 2 and the issues we are addressing in it. Tune in to to watch it live!

Following the patch announcement, Game Directors Jonathan and Mark will join the Tavern Talk podcast with community streamers Ghazzy and DarthMicrotransaction to discuss the details of 0.1.1 and answer your burning questions. We’ll be restreaming the podcast on our channel so feel free to watch it there or join the stream on DarthMicrotransaction’s Twitch Channel.

See you there!


Game is just a one shot simulator now. I'm not having fun at 91 on juiced maps. Yes I'm a warrior and armor is horrible but not much else I can do besides stack it and Life currently.

Resists capped. I still get one shot before I can reliably react through max block and 5k hp sometimes. Makes me want to just stop playing for now.


Just completed Sehkmet trail 4 for full ascendency.

Ngl, those trials are ass. Also, it's a good thing i specced shield charge onto my witch, because old time twat pulled off that move that put down 6 hourglasses or so, that you have to touch before the clock runs down. Except, they're literally miles apart on either side of the arena and I wouldn't be able to get them all without the charge.

Really hope they adjust how these things are tuned. Anyway, basking in the extra ES from my 4th ascendency passive picks.


panda-zebra panda-zebra Congrats on level 90!
Thanks! The "safe" slow crawl with easier maps was a shit idea tbh, lol. Annoying deaths like getting aimbot melted by hordes of spitting snakes before I knew they were even there wiped out hours of grind several times, such a pisser. Those deaths are always going to happen, so it was kinda asking for prolonged pain.

Back to playing normally now. Found a citadel, lost to wolf boss (only just tbf) but still over half way to 91 after that, so it seems better to just have fun and go for it with this build as it is. Spent 4 of the 5 divines that dropped in past few days on maxing out the cast on minion deaths. My take on this build uses CI and Ghostwrithe, got 6K ES and 2K mana which seems troublesome, and she moans about it constantly, but so much mana on kill and regen it's already right back up by time I glance down at it. Makes for a shitty time vs bosses with few adds, so need to make a cheat sheet of all locations with bosses to avoid the crap ones.
Just here to complain, but that Zalmarath fight SUCKS BALLS. Holy shit.

I've tried him about 30 times but I constantly get fucked by the glitchy camera and adds. The adds sometimes appear out of nowhere and then disappear and re-appear. And when he destroys half the plateau the camera just doesn't know where to go. Like its colliding with something and glitching out.
I don't know man. I had little trouble so far, but that fight just goes on and on and every time I have his HP to around 15% he throws everything at you, including the adds that fuck me up.

Long time since I've raged at a video game, but this is it.


Those River hags in the sunkin city are by far the worst enemy I’ve faced so far. Fuck them, fuck them all to hell lol



Pretty short video: he chains runs on the Ravine map, without killing last rare (always at the end on this linear map) to be able to reset the map with another waystone.
It looks quite safe.
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I've got a load of issues with how progression works and build itemisation because of how bad loot/crafting/slams/trade is, but it's pretty good that EA is likely to be the worst version that this game will ever be, and I've sunk a hundred hours into it with much enjoyment.
Depends, GGG is known to be stubborn about a bunch of things. Also they need to sell stash tabs, which is why this game being pay for QoL is off-putting. At the end of the day companies make games to make money and if their calculus shows them that keeping a smaller population hooked but grinding for a long time because it makes more money, they make just keep things as they are.

We'll see from today's announcements / interview.


Rodent Whores
Just here to complain, but that Zalmarath fight SUCKS BALLS. Holy shit.

I've tried him about 30 times but I constantly get fucked by the glitchy camera and adds. The adds sometimes appear out of nowhere and then disappear and re-appear. And when he destroys half the plateau the camera just doesn't know where to go. Like its colliding with something and glitching out.
I don't know man. I had little trouble so far, but that fight just goes on and on and every time I have his HP to around 15% he throws everything at you, including the adds that fuck me up.

Long time since I've raged at a video game, but this is it.



Gold Member
I still can’t get past Graenor…. Debating about when to throw in the towel.
I was stuck on him for days. Get your frost res up. A few tweaks to your build here and there will work wonders. Don't keep smashing your head against the wall and not make some changes.

Ignore me if you are doing this already.
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