So, tested Astra in a few fights and got her EX and Ult to 11 (will max them out when I get to her and Ellen's story during weekend). It's really cool that she always stays on the field, sings and buffs attack and Crit DMG for the whole team, heals everyone with her Ult and replaces basic attack of the rest of two agents with chain attack (or is it quick assist? idr

) automaticaly. Good stuff. Not on the level of Tokyo Mirage, but WTF is even?
With all that said, I think you need to swap agents way too early to get the bonus buff and as a result, you're almost not generating energy for agents and basically rely on their basic attacks (even though buffed) and Ults instead of EXs. I think they should tweak Astra a bit so that agents could restore more energy and use their EXs often, say, let them fight longer before buff activates. I mean, sure, you can totally ignore it and choose to generate more energy instead and let other agent use Astra's buff, but I don't think it was designed for you to do it that way
Also, I think her skirt is way too high and during free roam in the districts, I just can't help but imagine a giant army of otaku (wich we can't see) running behind her with hanging and drooling tongues, bleeding noses while looking at her ass