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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sasameki Koto 13 [FINAL]


Not bad. The characters were likeable and the humor was pretty decent. The only thing that bugged me was
there was never a confession or a kiss between Ushio and Sumika (besides that half-ass one where Ushio wore the mask for practice). I mean what the hell? How can you build something up like that and fail to nail something so crucial in the final episode?

Regardless of that "minor" setback, I would recommend it for anyone wanting to add another GL show on their backlog.


Nice mouretsu pirates set, too bad us one wont be as ornate and have features.
Does stuff like that event footage usually make it into U.S. releases or does that typically go missing? I haven't really paid a lot of attention to those.

The mini-drama and its vocal song will probably not make it.
I'd assume the textless OP/ED will (hopefully all versions of them), and maybe the soundtrack. Soundtracks seem to be reasonably common pack-ins in N.A. releases.
Second thread?! I've missed so much!

Medaka Box 3

The series is whatever, so... whatever. New blonde dude seems lame but the Judo captain is at least a little cool I guess. Forcing myself to continue at this point.

Fate/Zero 16

... Lancer is always stuck with the worst master ): So much happened, but I feel it was done right. So much potential for deleted scenes...
My heart pretty much dropped when Sola's arm got cut off, the contract explanation started, and when Sola/Kayneth both got shot down by that one bitch.
But what really took the cake was when
Lancer was forced to kill himself. Him being my favorite servant below Iskander and Gil, I was pretty devastated.
Overall, it was a good episode but now I'm sad and extremely worried about what's next. ):


Subete no aware
Sasameki Koto 13 [FINAL]


Not bad. The characters were likeable and the humor was pretty decent. The only thing that bugged me was
there was never a confession or a kiss between Ushio and Sumika (besides that half-ass one where Ushio wore the mask for practice). I mean what the hell? How can you build something up like that and fail to nail something so crucial in the final episode?

Regardless of that "minor" setback, I would recommend it for anyone wanting to add another GL show on their backlog.
Holy shit, I totally forgot about this show - mostly because it came out right after Aoi Hana and was "inferior".

If you care about the manga - they (spoilers)
have a happy ending where they come out to everyone
. I think it's the first time I've seen that in a yuri book.
Fate/Zero 16

... Lancer is always stuck with the worst master ): So much happened, but I feel it was done right. So much potential for deleted scenes...
My heart pretty much dropped when Sola's arm got cut off, the contract explanation started, and when Sola/Kayneth both got shot down by that one bitch.
But what really took the cake was when
Lancer was forced to kill himself. Him being my favorite servant below Iskander and Gil, I was pretty devastated.
Overall, it was a good episode but now I'm sad and extremely worried about what's next. ):

Ah you captured the image I wanted!
Lancer didnt deserve to die, was too happy and excited, just like Ryuunosuke
Poor Lancer,
cursed with a NTR mole, then forced to kill himself just when he was about to get the honorable fight he wished for. His great dying speech and curse made it all worth it though.


The Light of El Cantare
Fate/Zero 16:


Emiya Kiritsugu vi Brittania commands you!

Oh hey it's

Wow, so
Kayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-

Cool! We finally get to see

Well at least
Fate/Zero 16:

Oh hey it's

Wow, so
Kayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-

Cool! We finally get to see

Well at least

I cant. Definitely my reaction at each point.
Ah you captured the image I wanted!
Lancer didnt deserve to die, was too happy and excited, just like Ryuunosuke
Ryuunosuke totally deserved to die,
but I feel it was too soon.

Fate/Zero 16:

Oh hey it's

Wow, so
Kayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-

Cool! We finally get to see

Well at least
Uh... yup, captured it perfectly, I would say.


The Light of El Cantare
It was more effective than all of Madonka.

I would rather make a contract with Kyubey than
agree to a Self-Geas with Kiritsugu
. Hell, in Meguca world making a contract nets you the very same reward as winning the whole freaking Grail War and things are at least okay in your life for a while before everything goes to shit. In F/Z world it looks like
you generally die before you can even make your wish


HeartCatch PreCure! 9

Trying to guilt trip a child into convincing one of their parents to accept a job offer they've refused is a really shitty thing to do. Thankfully they've added more special attacks into the fight scenes to try and keep things fresh.
Does stuff like that event footage usually make it into U.S. releases or does that typically go missing? I haven't really paid a lot of attention to those.

The mini-drama and its vocal song will probably not make it.
I'd assume the textless OP/ED will (hopefully all versions of them), and maybe the soundtrack. Soundtracks seem to be reasonably common pack-ins in N.A. releases.

I've never seen a soundtrack in any of the DVD/BDs I've looked at or purchased.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.


Fate/Zero 16:

Oh hey it's

Wow, so
Kayneth reached a deal with the churcFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU-

Cool! We finally get to see

Well at least

Yeah that pretty much covers it. Scene for scene.


Tragic victim of fan death
Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.

His aura makes it so that it has to be CG.


Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.

Something something otherworldly presence
Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.

He has an ability that fogs him up and hides his identity. I assume the CG is because of that.


He has an ability that fogs him up and hides his identity. I assume the CG is because of that.

I assume so, much like how Saber's invisible sword is all digital effects. It would kind of cool if they switch to hand drawn animation when he reveals his identity/true form.


Tragic victim of fan death
... now I feel kinda dumb for not thinking of that. ;_;

If I remember from the handbook, he's not entirely CG. I believe his model is actually normal and only his aura is CG. Only in certain scenes is he entirely CG. I forget though. I have to look back. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I

I had to take a two week vacation from Haruhi after Endless Eight, but now I'm back.

Oh, so this is what this final arc is about. I'm cool with it.
A closed circle.
Oh hmm. Well maybe not then.
Was thinking it was more common than that.
Or well, amongst shows in which the Japanese release comes with a soundtrack, anyway.
I know the Madoka LEs have them.

The Madoka LEs are part of Aniplex USA's attempt to introduce Japanese-style releases to the American market, and aren't representative of what the majority of releases here have been like. Most publishers, Funimation and Sentai for example, usually just release the show in simple packaging with a clean OP/ED, though certain companies such as NISA and Nozomi will have more elaborate packaging and include an art/interview book.


Black Lagoon 9

I love the title of this episode, "Maid to Kill." Hehe. Anyways, episode starts off different as it goes a few minutes prior to the end of the last. This time was used to further flesh out the child's past and connection to Roberta, the maid.

Afterwards, we are back where the show left us,
Roberta blasting asses into the sky.


Life lesson: Tip in your maid cafes.

So, "wreck shops" the bar, of course. The kid gets afraid from seeing his caretaker in this new light. And dayum, she crazy too...I kinda like it.


Maid hawaii desu-ne~


Just a good reaction face, especially one right before a grenade goes off on your foot.

Glad I got to see this stoic maid in action.

As for the gang, they ran like punks!


Fate/Zero 14:

The animation in this episode was bad ass, but I'm curious. Why are all the other heroes drawn traditionally while Berserker is always CG? I haven't been able to discern why they would do that, it's kind of jarring.

Hey I thought you weren't a fan of the show!

Decided to give it another chance?

Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...


Sankarea 3

That whole opening sequence was rather creative. Some interesting scenes like the one above, demonstrating the father's dominance over his daughter, and there was also that cut when he slapped her that rips the scene horizontally to open to the next scene. I liked it a lot. Actually I liked the whole episode a lot, the director is doing a really good job on this series I hope he continues to handle the story boarding.


Sankarea 3

That whole opening sequence was rather creative. Some interesting scenes like the one above, demonstrating the father's dominance over his daughter, and there was also that cut when he slapped her that rips the scene horizontally to open to the next scene. I liked it a lot. Actually I liked the whole episode a lot, the director is doing a really good job on this series I hope he continues to handle the story boarding.

Agreed. I also was impressed by how beautiful the episode was in total juxtaposition to the ugliness that's happening between Rea and her father and especially during the last 5 minutes of the show. It was a little bit shocking and hard to watch and yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. The visual direction is fantastic.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Accel World 03

Great anime mysteries: who could Cyan Pyle be? This is the kind of episode where you're looking at a product that probably made more sense in a different medium. Lots of sitting around with people mind gabbing. It wasn't super interesting, but I guess if its in service of propelling things forward the following episodes stand the chance to be better. I still don't understand why they have to move their hands around and poke at stuff to control their brain computers. It really bugs me actually, but I guess if they didn't do that they'd really just be static husks.
Lupin the Third - The Woman Called Fujiko Mine 3

Except for the bullet slicing and the neat fusion of traditional Japanese music and jazz, a fairly dull episode. Not bad per se, but lacking the purposeful direction of the first two episodes and not particularly revealing as to Goemon's character. Hopefully the next one doesn't fall completely on its face.

Kids on the Slope 2

Jamming and Christianity? They're hitting all my buttons!

Tsuritama 2

Still not sure about this show, but I'm on board for now. Fishing doesn't interest me, but I liked the knot issue and how it developed Yuki's character. (It helps that I can sympathize with being unable to tie knots, as I was the world's worst Boy Scout in that regard.) The music is seriously awesome, with Akira's theme being a special highlight. Can't wait to see more of him.

Sankarea 3

Despite the variety of scenes and moods on display, this was mostly good. I've seen complaints about Rea's father being too exaggerated, but I imagine his portrayal is fairly close to the subjective experience of someone in a similar position as her. Now that the setup is through, next week will be the real test to see if the director can keep up this quality over the long term.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Hey I thought you weren't a fan of the show!

Decided to give it another chance?

Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...

I decided I need to stop getting so emotionally attached to fictional characters and just watch the story and pretty animation. I miss out on tons of good fiction because I can't stand the characters or hate them as if they were real people. I get to strung up too much.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the Fate/Zero.


Fate/Zero 15:



Agreed. I also was impressed by how beautiful the episode was in total juxtaposition to the ugliness that's happening between Rea and her father and especially during the last 5 minutes of the show. It was a little bit shocking and hard to watch and yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. The visual direction is fantastic.

Ah yes the final few minutes were quite compelling. The sudden rainfall that gives way to a sparkling scene in the sunlight. The episode ending was pretty well crafted I think.

Sankarea 3

Despite the variety of scenes and moods on display, this was mostly good. I've seen complaints about Rea's father being too exaggerated, but I imagine his portrayal is fairly close to the subjective experience of someone in a similar position as her. Now that the setup is through, next week will be the real test to see if the director can keep up this quality over the long term.

Yeah, the show could head in many different directions in the next episode or so. There's potential for it to continue to be good or completely fall apart.


Crystal Bearer
Fate/stay night

Wait a second, my brother just blew my mind out of this universe.

I'm so freaking dumb for not noticing that. What. The. Hell.

I love that realization. Once you realize it and rewatch the hints are very evident.


which is awesome. Yall should seriously consider chatting in the F/Z OT.

Yeah, I really should. But a lot of FSN stuff in there (which I have not seen or played), that's good though as it seems to have overlapped thoroughly, or maybe there are just a lot of parallels.

Anyways, I've responded to a part of your impressions in the thread.
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