Well wouldn't ZombiU technically be an FPS as well?
So far that means
Medal Of Honor Warfighter
Blops 2
Alien Colonial Marines
Hmmm the WiiU's launch window actually doesn't look to bad overall when you also take into account
Assassins Creed 3
Darksiders 2
Trine 2
Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon Online
Pikmin 3
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Ninja Gaiden 3 (The good version)
Batman Arkham City
Madden 13
Rayman Legends
Nintendoland (Yes im counting this

Just Dance 4 (Yes im counting this also lol it will sell even if some people hate it.)
Wii Fit U
Dragon Quest X
Game and Wario
Lego City Undercover
NBA 2K13
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Need For Speed Most Wanted (Amazon listing for a WiiU version and A Criterion developer listed Wii U in his LinkedIn profile as a console he's working on. However this is from a site that GAF does not look favorably on so could be false)
12 exclusives
Out of the 12 exclusives
1 guaranteed big seller and 3 potential ones (NSMBU and ZombiU/Pikmin 3/Nintendoland if it's not bundled)
2 New IPs
16 Multiplats (5 late by at least 1 to 2 months so effectively 11 current multiplats)
Out of the 11 current multiplats
4 are big sellers (Well 3 definitely, FIFA/COD/Just Dance 4. im not so sure of Madden)
Not sure how that compares with other launch windows (Specifically the PS360) but that doesn't seem to bad.