go ask k-on gaf. Think they can take that challenge.
I was gonna say...
go ask k-on gaf. Think they can take that challenge.
You know, it's been a little while since I finished this and it still bothers me how often vampires are required to feed in this show. Humans take a longass time to mature, so if they were to be treated as livestock having to kill them too often is an unsustainable strategy. In other stories vampires can wait a bit longer or use non-preferred alternatives.Considering that, everyone would have been fucked either way.
Nanoha A 7
Mahou shoujo is serious business.
Great stuff with some surprisingly decent fight animation. tuxedo mask of this show is quite OP.
And i love divine buster. yummy.
Looks like Neregate posted the first iteration of their Fall season chart, and it's definitely a visual step up from what they had before IMO.
edit: Moetron seems to have done the same.
Well, I made a MAL. Hope you assholes are happy![]()
Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox 12
Between this and Ladies vs Butlers, I'd say the latter one is much better in terms of, well, everything.
That is Penguin Musume.
Bow down to your new goddess.
Narag is like a god or something. Able to absorb so much bad anime and survive it.
And one can't forget the dance of the derp
Nanoha A 7
Mahou shoujo is serious business.
LvB wins automatically due to crazy drill-hair girl. At least she was semi-amusing when here hair went crazy.
I couldn't do it, it's most impressive.
LOL that's actually pretty amazing. XD
I enjoyed AIR a lot as well, but I admit the ending made me scratch my head.
Duo time, show starts to really pick up from there.Gundam Wing 10
I didnt sign up for this, why HeeroI need a break from Wing as I cant go on after this.How in the world do they kill him off so early, he was so awesome and then he just self sacrifices?
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai SEASON 2 has been announced.
I couldn't resist it. I just bought that figure. I've actually been looking for that one for a while but it rarely shows up. Not gonna miss it again.
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai SEASON 2 has been announced.
Duo time, show starts to really pick up from there.
Such an awesome show.[/QUOTE]
Duo getting in the spot light is actually hype inducing.
Damn, Hosoda's raking in some mad money.After its second weekend at the Japanese box office, Ookami Kodomo has pulled in over 1 billion yen in takings. That's over 12 million USD at the current exchange rate. It looks like it's on track to outgross Eva 2.0 (40 million), but whether it can match Ghibli's Poopy Hill (56 million) from last year is another matter.
all the characters(Trowa,Quatre,Zechs,) start getting more development/spotlight around that point.Duo getting in the spot light is actually hype inducing.
Phi brain S2 ep17
I like how destroying the rings turn the guys into wusses. Creepy Pinocle is officially Kaito's bitch now.
Uh, man, I dropped both Upotte and Fate/Zero after the first episode but Upotte was way worse. If not for everyone talking about the stupid concept I would not have finished Upotte's first episode, still wish I'd dropped it 5 minutes in like with Fate/Zero, but I wouldn't say I was more entertained by it in the slightest.Upotte! had a much better first episode than Fate/Zero.
It was certainly far less boring.
I'm no Pagan mythology expert but it seriously sounded pretty far fetched, I bet taking these lessons seriously would be like learning about Christianity from Neon Genesis Evangelion.Campione! 04
I think all archers should materialize their bow like that.
I don't know why I like this show so much. It has all the wrong ingredients for a crappy show, it's a harem in every which way, there's so much exposition that it never ends, there's catty girls fighting over the one guy and quite a lot of downtime.
But, when the action happens, it looks really cool. I like the whole quick lesson in the history of the gods and all those flying swords doing their thing. The girls are super over aggressive when kissing the lead and it's plenty of fun even though it should be stupid.
Excellent!Also, from the Funi/Geneon panel:
Serial Experiments Lain stuff
Nonsense! I watched the sub and had a fantastic time watching it!Sukeban Deka Dub 1
The entire premise of this is so over the top it's criminally fabulous~ and should be watched by everyone, but only the Dub.
Yuru Yuri 02
Good old "sounds like they're having sex but in reality they're just using hilariously inappropriate dialogue for the thing that they're doing" joke, it never fails
Damn, Hosoda's raking in some mad money.
also why do you hate on Goro and his best work yet duckroll, hasn't he suffered enough having Hayao as a father?!??!?!
Uh, man, I dropped both Upotte and Fate/Zero after the first episode but Upotte was way worse. If not for everyone talking about the stupid concept I would not have finished Upotte's first episode, still wish I'd dropped it 5 minutes in like with Fate/Zero, but I wouldn't say I was more entertained by it in the slightest.
Anyways, recent-ish shows I've dropped after one episode:
Glass Fleet
Arcana de Familia or whatever
One Piece
Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
Sword Art Online
So I can't Play H
Queen's Blade (whoops, should've paid attention to what it was going to be)
Un Go
No way, I don't just drop anything in 5 minutes or less, if I can't make it through that there's no way I'd like the show.Oh man... you dropped Fate/Zero? Any chance you'll give it another go? You're really missing out.
No way, I don't just drop anything in 5 minutes or less, if I can't make it through that there's no way I'd like the show.
nanoha a 10
oh noe, i totally didn't see that twist coming.... ok i did.
wonder when love and hope overcomes the odds. Should be in the next few eps.
Eva doujins are god damn amazing even though I never watched the showEva has better "fan art" so it automatically wins.
Cause it sucks, you don't have to force yourself to watch something you deep down know you hateI liked Bebop, I just couldn't finish it. Eva has been on my list since I started watching anime.
I don't think you will like JoJo characters design that much to be honestThat JoJo../Ill wait for gifs or something to see, reason I never got into the manga was everyone appears on the older end of the spectrum, so its not as appealing as other series.
kayos90, just for you I'm gonna watch Guilty Crown to see why you think it's the greatest anime ever.
What about the first episode did you just not like?
The character art, the manner of speech, the shit being said, I also sort of know what it's about and that didn't interest me either.What about the first episode did you just not like?
The fanwanking.
TBH I'm surprised GAF like F/Z that much, given almost the entire purpose of it is for fanboy (like me) of the series.
People can't be satisfied knowing F/Z is awesome, they have to convince us come hell and high water that the first episode wasn't garbage!
Why did you drop the best mystery anime of the last 10 years? Un-Go was a glorious masterpiece.Uh, man, I dropped both Upotte and Fate/Zero after the first episode but Upotte was way worse. If not for everyone talking about the stupid concept I would not have finished Upotte's first episode, still wish I'd dropped it 5 minutes in like with Fate/Zero, but I wouldn't say I was more entertained by it in the slightest.
Anyways, recent-ish shows I've dropped after one episode:
Glass Fleet
Arcana de Familia or whatever
One Piece
Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
Sword Art Online
So I can't Play H
Queen's Blade (whoops, should've paid attention to what it was going to be)
Un Go
Why did you drop the best mystery anime of the last 10 years? Un-Go was a glorious masterpiece.
Because I'm not a survivor. Man, I dunno, masterpiece? Really? I can't really think of too many "mystery" anime in the same vein as Un-go to compare it with so being the best in 10 years seems like a low hurdle to clear to me. What's its competition? Future Boy Conan? Gosick? Do horror mystery stuff like Ghost Hound count? If so I think that trounces the shit out of Un-go.Why did you drop the best mystery anime of the last 10 years? Un-Go was a glorious masterpiece.
I don't think you will like JoJo characters design that much to be honest
The most outrageous one is still whoever dropped Cowboy Bebop after the first episode.