What's this? A new season? Do we finally get some A-tan?
Unconfirmed info for the new Hayate series:
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- TV Tokyo
- October
- Anime original story by Hata
- Same voice cast
Original Creator: Kenjirou Hata
Director/Character Design: Masashi Kudo
Series Director: Yooichi Ueda
Concept: Kenjirou Hata
Series Composition: Rie Koshika
Sound Director: Toshiki Kameyama
Music: Wataru Maeguchi
Production: Manglobe
Opening Theme: "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by eyelis
Ending Theme: "Love Trap" by Ruka Suirenji starring Haruka Yamazaki
The unconfirmed info lists the following characters and cast:
Ryoko Shiraishi as Hayate Ayasaki
Rie Kugimiya as Nagi Sanzenin
Rie Tanaka as Maria
Shizuka Itou as Hinagiku Katsura
Mikako Takahashi as Ayumu Nishizawa
Ayumi Fujimura as Chiharu Harukaze
Haruka Yamazaki as Ruka Suirenji
Season 3. Rumors are that it's a semi-original story written by the manga author because he wanted to rearrange a few things. Ruka is confirmed to be in, but not A-tan so far.
Nichijou 1-2
This shit is so fucking meta. It's like I'm being trolled and only found out by chance.
No, it is not season 3. It is not a continuation of the existing anime series. It's a brand new series. The author made it very clear when he blogged about it.
Nichijou 1-2
This shit is so fucking meta. It's like I'm being trolled and only found out by chance.
Very strange for him to do this.
Nichijou 1-2
This shit is so fucking meta. It's like I'm being trolled and only found out by chance.
Plot did not move at all. It was just random escapades by Funeral Parlor doing stuff. They always alluded to something bigger but it never moved into that direction until late into the series, much to my dismay. This the exact problem with E7AO with me. Sure I'm seeing character development/explanation and such but by piling episodes on episodes of the stuff for a long time means that you have so little for plot. It's just not paced very well in the grander scheme of things imo. I would give the show a six out of ten because everything about the show is okay to average with the exception of animation and music.
welp, i've got some news for you!RKB 2
Wow. That was surprisingly not... bad? Show actually isn't terrible when they aren't throwing naked lolis in your face, which this eps had none.
Which makes eps 1 quite... baffling? (I think my mind blocked out eps 1...)
Anyhow hopefully there are more eps like this and less like eps 1. The idea of a fairly standard sports show that stars cute girls is fine. It all depends on which side of the line they step around more often.
And the cg basketball is superior to kuroko's.
I'm not sure how it would work sand and all...*high five*
I agree the show would have been better without the blatant fanservice but meh whatever.
And RKB has more actual and enjoyable basketball to it then any other basketball series I've watched. They might be in their bikinis sometimes but whatever! Beach Basketball will be an Olympic sport soon enough.
welp i sure have news for you
If Guilty Crown is episodic for half the series I don't see that hindering my enjoyment that much. I enjoy shows like Noir and Burst angel, which are quite episodic until at least the halfway point, when a plot suddenly shows itself. I may very well be prepared to survive the onslaught of the show.
What shall I watch next? I got my Guilty Crown curiosity out of the way temporarily. Onto something new.
Marathon that shit.
Those living in the London area may be interested in knowing that the BFI Southback is going to be having a screening of the first Tiger and Bunny movie on the 23rd of September (that's, like, the day after it opens in Japan).
Not sure if I'll be there myself yet - waiting on details of where in Scotland it's going to be screening that same weekend, since that's potentially a far, far shorter trip for me.
I could swear someone told me that the beginning was intentionally like that so they'd lose people with short attention spans or whatnot before getting to more traditional storytelling. At least that's what I remembered when I asked the same thing.
It should be noted that it's not really a "barely animated storybook" but rather an actual storybook. The book just happens to come with an image drama DVD or Blu-ray, depending on which one you get. It's not really an anime release, but an actual book. It's also pretty cheap - 3,675yen for the DVD version, and 4,200yen for the Blu-ray version.
Once again, this is a low priced actual storyboard:
I dont understand the comparison to E7AO. E7AO seems much deeper and less streamlined in the plot and storytelling department than Guilty Crown. Guilty Crown's plot was paced well and just deep enough for just about everyone watching to wholly understand it and its intricate nature by the time both of the two arcs in it finished. Much of everything was explained in due time, all events actually did directly relate to this story as told in the life of Ouma Shu, and it was fitting for the delivery and support of its action. E7AO is just way more complex and pretty, at times, difficult to follow and understand without undertaking much browsing of discussion or rewatching multiple times. Both anime felt like much was happening in their story but its way harder to understand E7AO.
Marathon that shit.
Too bad these aren't storyboards for an anime. Would have been amazing.
Next week's Shounen Sunday will announce the director, series writer, and character designer for the Magi anime. We should get a leak on the details by this weekend.![]()
Too bad these aren't storyboards for an anime. Would have been amazing.
Yes, it's a God Warrior from Nausicaa. I'm assuming it's from that Anno thing.Isnt that the thing in Nausicaa or something?
Not quite but Anno designed/worked on both so any similarity makes sense.What is that? Eva?
Saki side A 6
girls can't get bester than this.
hmmm... on to Utena next!
Full sales are up.
*1, 43,358 *43,358 Nisemonogatari vol.4 Limited Edition
Jeez. Now my post looks fucking stupid. Sorry guys. I'm just dumb.
Fuck the olympics.
Take that back!
for some reason I just saw the PV for Kizumonogatari.
Please let the staff be good.
natsuyuki rendezvous - 04
We might all go on and on about the NTR, but what makes us get the feels is the innate understanding of the nature of communication and how hard it is to connect with others at times, those moments when communication fails and you long to reach out to the other but they're locked in a similarly unfortunate situation. :/
The love and resentment that binds the three characters together is always interesting to see. As usual the show balances humor and /the feels/ deftly. Which is what makes it all the more bittersweet, I suppose.
Also good god what an ugly hat.
You can't talk about that episode without including a glorious image of that hat:
You'll notice that for the first two seasons, they were clearly continuations even though different staff and studios handled them. One is Hayate no Gotoku! and the other is Hayate no Gotoku!!
You'll notice that for the first two seasons, they were clearly continuations even though different staff and studios handled them. One is Hayate no Gotoku! and the other is Hayate no Gotoku!!. Starting with the movie they did with Manglobe, they decided on a different format moving forward. They're keeping the title as Hayate no Gotoku! and using subtitles instead to define that story.
The Chicago Bulls of the 1990s.America has like one Lebron/Jordan/Kobe/whatever every few years... here, they have 6 super awesome players gathered in one place. I really think this team is better than any American dream team ever assembled. lol
I can't tell how many layers deep we are. Is this post sarcastic too?I don't know about you, but apparently sarcasm transfers well on the internet.
Maybe I'm just interpreting the post wrong, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't positive.Trying to get on UltimaDrago's good side I see.