The losers are always the ones that complain the most. Before they are silenced.
My liege...
The losers are always the ones that complain the most. Before they are silenced.
Is it that bad? I gave the first episode a watch and it seemed like stupid fun.
The idea of how the qwaser's manipulate the elements at the atomic level to make weapons or perform moves or what have you was actually a really interesting idea. The focus on using breast milk as an energy source to activate these powers was strange in how it was implemented though.
New page. No takers? I'm at your mercy here folks.
The idea of how the qwaser's manipulate the elements at the atomic level to make weapons or perform moves or what have you was actually a really interesting idea. The focus on using breast milk as an energy source to activate these powers was strange in how it was implemented though.
strangely amazingThe idea of how the qwaser's manipulate the elements at the atomic level to make weapons or perform moves or what have you was actually a really interesting idea. The focus on using breast milk as an energy source to activate these powers was strange in how it was implemented though.
Hito should convince Evilore to get a really moe anime avatar for like a day. If that annoying avatar thread wasn't so old and locked, I'd say he should just post "sup" in there.
I might just not be reading the right threads, but I kind of like Evilore being generally neutral on matters of personal taste. That's just being a good admin, I guess.
Someone give him an RKB avatar as punishment.
But he locked the Oreimo thread
The idea of how the qwaser's manipulate the elements at the atomic level to make weapons or perform moves or what have you was actually a really interesting idea. The focus on using breast milk as an energy source to activate these powers was strange in how it was implemented though.
But he locked the Oreimo thread
I might just not be reading the right threads, but I kind of like Evilore being generally neutral on matters of personal taste. That's just being a good admin, I guess.
Is there a non strange way to implement that?!
That's the best part!
Not really. The guy has expressed dislike for quite a few things in rather venomous ways (modern anime being one of them).
Poor wording, sorry. I meant more of just having to suck on breasts in general to activate your powers is strange.
And nothing of value was lost.
I tried watching it that the other day since people were talking about it but I can't do it. It's sort of disturbing the stuff they do in there.
RKB avatar would be harsh.
Damn. Kind of wish I had an avatar of that potato from Accel World now.
It's up to you guys. I'm ready for anything.
How long do I have to keep the avatar though?
Is there a non strange way to implement that?!
Yes. That's strange.
I'm not picking the image for the avatar, you guys have to. Wouldn't be fair if I picked it.
I haven't seen it yet but imagine if that was one of the design changes for the new Spiderman or if it was in Batman. That would just come across as really weird haha.
I'm not picking the image for the avatar, you guys have to. Wouldn't be fair if I picked it.
I'm not picking the image for the avatar, you guys have to. Wouldn't be fair if I picked it.
I haven't seen it yet but imagine if that was one of the design changes for the new Spiderman or if it was in Batman. That would just come across as really weird haha.
I'm not picking the image for the avatar, you guys have to. Wouldn't be fair if I picked it.
Best to Worst Haircut of 2012
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
I remember someone already had a Ro-kyu-bu avatar once as part of a punishment game or something. I think that was back last summer or fall. I don't remember who it was.
And nothing of value was lost.
swag of the gods.
Wait what? How the hell did you watch the episode? I thought it was cancelled cuz of the Olympics? The fuck?
Someone just got ducktrolled.