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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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What a coincidence as I saw that this was posted today.

Edit: That song would be nice as an instrumental, actually...

I'm not going to lie, I actually do like that song. However, I first heard it in Sonic Generations, and I posted the song to represent Shadow at his worst to make it a perfect combination of horrible. I would have done Silver, but I think the combination with Shadow holding a realistic gun is more potent.

Also hoping qqmore will click it.

qq more

I'm not going to lie, I actually do like that song. However, I first heard it in Sonic Generations, and I posted the song to represent Shadow at his worst to make it a perfect combination of horrible. I would have done Silver, but I think the combination with Shadow holding a realistic gun is more potent.

Also hoping qqmore will click it.

Confession time:
I like Shadow The Hedgehog's OST. Well, mainly the level themes and maybe "All Hail Shadow", as much as I disagree with the song's title. The only good thing about the game :lol
Incidentally, I really, really like Sonic 3D. Not even ironically. It doesn't feature the same gameplay as the mainline Sonic series, sure, but I still really enjoyed what we did get. Mostly the Saturn/PC versions, though; don't have as much fondness for the Genesis version's soundtrack, or how off-blue Sonic is in that version (seriously, it's like a desaturated cyan, compared to the nicer dark blue shade the other versions use). It helps to think of it as a mixture between Sonic's basic moveset and the old Sega arcade game Flicky...

Although IIRC some of the bosses are a bit bullshit. I recall having issues not hitting Spring Stadium's boss's arms (which hurt you - not the hands, which obviously would, but the arms), running away from the homing flames from Volcano Valley's boss without falling into the lava like an idiot, and the blue fluff attack in Panic Puppet's boss that bounce around horribly unpredictably (also, its true weak point was incredibly unobvious).
It helps to think of it as a mixture between Sonic's basic moveset and the old Sega arcade game Flicky...

Yeah, I like Sonic 3D well enough as a mashup between Sonic and Flicky. Don't really get why they dropped the Flickies' Island subtitle in the US, 3D Blast doesn't convey that concept at all. Saturn version with that Richard Jacques hotness.
Yeah, I've always thought of 3D Blast as a Sonic themed Flicky sequel instead of a proper Sonic game. Probably why I was able to get some sort of enjoyment out of the game.


I'm not sure how the Saturn version is, but I've only played the Genesis version, and I find that game to be bad and rather confusing.
Genesis 3D Blast wasn't bad, it was just...slow. Not "slow" in the "i wanna go fast" sense, but more in the "this game is clunky and doesn't control nearly as well as other games."
I don't think i've ever progressed outside the first zone of 3D blast, it's so boring. Then again i've only played the mega drive version.
I think i'd rather play Sonic Blast GG.
...Do you really prefer Blue Marine Zone?
Who doesn't love getting lost in Blue Marine Zone?
See with a sentence like that for a zone with that name you'd wager it was getting lost via being absorbed in the aquatic visual wonders of the zone as opposed to it being a horrible mess that one never escapes from.
That and the visual wonders are the worst of pre rendered sprites.

Blunt and to the point, a valid point perhaps.
You're just jealous that I can get it off the 3DS VC and you still can't, I think.
I miss Traveller's Tales old logo. And now all they do is Lego games, because they are adorable and make them a shitload of money so good for them, I guess


For the longest time, i thought it was some tiger lady with a big dress, travelling around the world telling stories. The Sega Genesis version is blurry, alright!?
I'm more used to the logo from Toy Story on the Genesis (pretty darn good game, btw). Will admit, an actual game starring that freak of nature would've been kind of interesting.

Blurry Genesis just makes me like my S-Video modded one even more :3

...Although now I have to put up with vertical lines of discoloration. Not so bad on the CRT I've got it hooked up to, at least, but it can be very distracting on my LCD HDTV.
I always thought the same thing, hehe...

yeeeeeees I'm not alone

and yeah, I mostly know the title from Toy Story, which is MUCH better then any 16-bit licensed platformer has any right to be. Great visuals, lots of fun gameplay variety, and boy was that Buzz nightmare boss creepy! "You don't wanna be in the way when my laser goes off"
yeeeeeees I'm not alone

and yeah, I mostly know the title from Toy Story, which is MUCH better then any 16-bit licensed platformer has any right to be. Great visuals, lots of fun gameplay variety, and boy was that Buzz nightmare boss creepy! "You don't wanna be in the way when my laser goes off"

I had a choice between Lion King and Toy Story when I was a kid. I went with Lion King, got stuck on that damned second stage and wished I had gone with Toy Story ever since.


Today when I went out to get dinner I was wearing my Sonic Regular Show shirt and the guy in line in front of me had a Sonic hat on.
=Five Shittiest Sonic Games I Have Played=

5. Sonic Adventure 2

The Sonic stuff can't make up for everything else.

4. Sonic Heroes


3. Tomy Water Game

Just gets boring after a while.

2. Knuckles Chaotix

No level design. Literally none.

1. Sonic and the Secret Rings

I put the Wiimote down and went for a piss. Came back to an A rank.

=Five Shittiest Sonic Games I Haven't Played=

5. Sonic Free Riders

Kinect, so awful by default.

4. Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car

Fuck the police.

3. Tails and the Music Maker

More like who cares.

2. Sonic 2006

I hear this isn't very good.

1. Sonic Generations 3DS

Because I don't own it but all my friends do.


And now you know.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
=Five Shittiest Sonic Games I Have Played=

5. Sonic Adventure 2

The Sonic stuff can't make up for everything else.

4. Sonic Heroes


3. Tomy Water Game

Just gets boring after a while.

2. Knuckles Chaotix

No level design. Literally none.

1. Sonic and the Secret Rings

I put the Wiimote down and went for a piss. Came back to an A rank.

=Five Shittiest Sonic Games I Haven't Played=

5. Sonic Free Riders

Kinect, so awful by default.

4. Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car

Fuck the police.

3. Tails and the Music Maker

More like who cares.

2. Sonic 2006

I hear this isn't very good.

1. Sonic Generations 3DS

Because I don't own it but all my friends do.


And now you know.

Heroes and Chaotix are both shit, but there's no way they're worse than Sonic Blast.
I had a choice between Lion King and Toy Story when I was a kid. I went with Lion King, got stuck on that damned second stage and wished I had gone with Toy Story ever since.
I'm sorry. :(

I don't even remember how I wound up with Toy Story on the Genesis, in retrospect. Don't really mind, though, that game gave me plenty of hours of fun as a kid. I remember The Claw's boss fight being a brick wall for me for the longest time (not so hard now, now that I have the pattern down), so I had to skip the stage more often than not.

But yeah, I picked up The Lion King for the Genesis a few years ago, complete with box (no manual), from a thrift store for a few bucks (right time, right place, I guess). I tried to play it the other day, but something about the game really puts me off. The second stage really annoys me, honestly; the ostrich segment is okay until it asks me to double-jump, so I do, and I hit the air so hard that I instantly die (I so cleared the bird's nest, why did I die anyway?). If I clear that, then I have to swing from hippo tail to hippo tail, 3-4 in a row, over a bottomless pit, only for it to turn out that the collision detection for Simba latching onto swinging things is complete ass, meaning I'll clearly be in contact with the tail and won't grab it, falling to my death, more often than not exhausting whatever lives I had spare from the ostrich segment. And if I somehow clear the tower of hippos? Another ostrich segment, only this time I don't get any warning as to what's coming up. And I still slam headfirst into solid air and die.

Okay, enter cheat code, go to third level instead... now I've got to climb a sort of zig-zag column of bones that Simba swings from (well, I don't think I have to, but I want to). Except either I'm not getting enough height, or Simba's shitty "grab onto" collision detection strikes again, because I'm going clear through the next-higher bone, despite being all over it, and falling back down. Is this my Genesis acting up? Let's boot up an emulator, cheat to the same level - nope, the collision is just as shitty on here as it is on there. Good thing this isn't a life-or-death situation...

Oh hey, a life-or-death situation, climbing this tall column with a bunch of small ledges I can just grip onto as my only means of ascending. Green... something? Instant death, rising below me? Great. Guess I can just hop my way up here oh I'm dead again. Okay, now I'm at the top - hey, there's something else up there? I wonder if I keep up the pace I can make - dammit dead again. Well, maybe if I take the first exit so I'm safe, it'll - yeah, the green slime thing just closed off access to whatever that was. Great. Okay, getting tired of this now.

It's amazing how annoying this game is after the beaut that was Aladdin. I want to say it's the same development team, but I think this game was produced about the same time several Virgin Interactive blokes broke off to form Shiny Entertainment and make the Earthworm Jim games, so maybe not?


So after this Sonic Universre arc there'll be an issue for
Sonic All-Stars Racing, which I sincerely hope will feature the other characters from the game in it, and after that CHAOTIX DETECTIVE AGENCY ARC, GET EFFIN' HYPE!
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