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Oh God, my school is drug testing

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Of course, because the hundreds of people killed each day by the drug dealers don't count!

Don't fool yourself, paying for drugs is financing organization even worse than the ones you're fighting in the Irak/Afghanistan.

Um, what??

That's a result of prohibition. Prohibition drives marijuana underground where there is ZERO regulation. If anyone is getting killed by drug dealers, it's because they are the only ones that some people can get weed from. In a regulated market, people don't get killed. Are people killing each other to get a hold of alcohol since prohibition on that ended?


Of course, because the hundreds of people killed each day by the drug dealers don't count!

Don't fool yourself, paying for drugs is financing terrorists even worse than the ones you're fighting in the Irak/Afghanistan.

which makes an excellent case for legalization.


Unconfirmed Member
Of course, because the hundreds of people killed each day by the drug dealers don't count!

Don't fool yourself, paying for drugs is financing terrorists even worse than the ones you're fighting in the Irak/Afghanistan.
Yeah, I totally forgot there's no way to grow your own plant at home, and the only way to get some is through some shady dealer.

The Jason

Of course, because the hundreds of people killed each day by the drug dealers don't count!

Don't fool yourself, paying for drugs is financing terrorists even worse than the ones you're fighting in the Irak/Afghanistan.

Drug dealers are the only people that prohibition benefits, its the only reason they exist.


Um, what??

That's a result of prohibition. Prohibition drives marijuana underground where there is ZERO regulation. If anyone is getting killed by drug dealers, it's because they are the only ones that some people can get weed from. In a regulated market, people don't get killed. Are people killing each other to get a hold of alcohol since prohibition on that ended?

Nope, plenty of innocent people are killed everyday in Latin America thanks to people buying that shit in North America.

which makes an excellent case for legalization.

I'm all in for legalization, but as long as it's illegal then you're financing terrorists.

Yeah, I totally forgot there's no way to grow your own plant at home, and the only way to get some is through some shady dealer.

If you plant your own it's alright I guess, but I said: "paying for drugs is financing terrorists".


Nope, plenty of innocent people is killed everyday in Latin America thanks to people buying that shit in North America.

I'm all in for legalization, but as long as it's illegal then you're financing terrorists.


I feel like I'm conversing with children in this thread.



I feel like I'm conversing with children in this thread.

Why? Tell what part of my post is false? Is nice if you think you're cool because you're smoking that, but you should know a lot of men, women and kids are being terribly killed each day so you can buy it from your local drug dealer.

edit: Just to be clear, I'm not against using drugs (is your life, anyway) but as long as it's illegal, when you pay for it you're financing people worst than Al-Quaeda


Why? Tell what part of my post is false?

The problem is that you're still blaming the users instead of blaming a horrible law created by horrible and ignorant people. If anyone is "financing the terrorists" it's the very government body that created prohibition in the first place. THEY fuel the underground economy with a law that most sensible people disagree with.


It's not really an issue of the person being a pot smoker or which drug they use, unless it's an addiction or side effect which affects your fitness to practice.

In health care professions where you handle medicines, you also have to handle controlled drugs with legal requirements for storage, record keeping etc etc. The hospital needs to be able to ensure that the staff it employs follow those legislations. If staff members are breaking laws relating to illegal recreational drugs which are the same laws which controlled substances fall under, then that is a liability a hospital will not accept once they are revealed, as in the worst case scenario it can lead to patient harm.

Professional degrees such as pharmacy, medicine and nursing etc. all run on the idea that your fitness to practice is monitored when you start the degree. If you do something during university which could impede your fitness to practice, then that itself could prevent your from ever registering once you graduate. This leads to some universities drug testing to flag the people who meet the above criteria early.


The problem is that you're still blaming the users instead of blaming a horrible law created by horrible and ignorant people. If anyone is "financing the terrorists" it's the very government body that created prohibition in the first place. THEY fuel the underground economy with a law that most sensible people disagree with.

Or you can stop buying it. So people don't have to die for you to smoke it and feel like a cool guy.
Of course in an ideal world, making it legal would be the best solution but we know it isn't happening right now. The USA government actually banned a project of legalization in Central America.


Seriously? You have never, and I mean NEVER, met someone that you can't be around after they have had a few drinks over the course of the evening?

Complete shit or you are still underage/college.

Maybe put me in the pretentious douche category as stated later; the shit people find humorous, the inane train of thought, the stupid comments people make etc drive me insane.

So yeh, probably the pretentious douche in me.

Between alcohol, ecstasy, speed, meth, special k, coke and weed, weed will always fuck me up the hardest. This doesn't necessarily mean it's the same for all people but it will be for some. Hence when people associate those other drugs as 'hard' but weed as some sort of totally innocuous past time I wonder if they have ever actually done those other drugs to get an actual sense of where weed can fit into the scale of things.

Also don't assume that because it won't / is highly unlikely to kill you in one go, that it isn't going to have short or long term effects that are any less detrimental to your health.

As to dependency: if you are only looking at physical dependency as the sole source of dependecy, you're an idiot. Psychological and habitual dependency can be just as powerful. To say marijuana is not addictive solely on the basis of physical dependency is being selectively ignorant.


Don't you consider telling other adults what they can and can't do with their own bodies as being a civil rights issue??

Not at all. We tell adults what they can and can't do all the time in laws, normally for their safety and the safety of others.

Helmet laws, vaccinations, seat belt laws, DUI laws, etc etc. All very good things that we force on people for their own good. Many illicit drugs that are controlled substances are regulated for similar reasons, they're dangerous to the user and/or to others around them. I don't consider it anywhere close to being a civil rights issue because restricting the above for safety reasons has nothing to do with your race, gender, sex, disability, etc.

The Jason

Why? Tell what part of my post is false? Is nice if you think you're cool because you're smoking that, but you should know a lot of men, women and kids are being terribly killed each day so you can buy it from your local drug dealer.

edit: Just to be clear, I'm not against using drugs (is your life, anyway) but as long as it's illegal, when you pay for it you're financing people worst than Al-Quaeda

The point is that people will get drugs not matter what. The fact that the only way to get those drugs is by supporting criminals is a result of it being illegal.


The point is that people will get drugs not matter what. The fact that the only way to get those drugs is by supporting criminals is a result of it being illegal.

So... you could stop buying it. If you can't stop buying drugs then you do have a problem.

And if you're ok paying for it even knowing how many people are being raped, killed every day thanks to it then hey! I can't respect you and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Would you guys keep buying it if you were financing Al-Qaeda and the 11 september kinds of things? If so, then USA people are very hypocrite.


So... you could stop buying it. If you can't stop buying drugs then you do have a problem.

And if you're ok paying for it even knowing how many people are being raped, killed every day thanks to it then hey! I can't respect you and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You are of course aware that some people who pay for pot do not finance the horrors you speak of? Some dealers grow locally, happens a lot in Canada I'd say. BC is probably another place product could be imported from as well. Don't forget people pay at medical dispensaries where available.
Man, there are so many people here that is so against Cannabis that it baffles me.

I hate to sound preachy, but please educate yourself.

OP: Work out. You will want to sweat a good amount everyday (THC sticks to the fat), drink about 1-2 gallons of water (seriously) because you will want to pee out the THC.

Also how much do you weight? How tall are you? How often do you smoke?


Fair enough and point taken.

But consider this, gay people aren't arrested for being gay and being with their partners on the scale that I mentioned in regards to marijuana, are they?

Thing is, I look at it as a civil rights issue, mainly in regards to the reasons I cited in my previous post. I believe (just as with gay rights) that everyone has the right to do what he or she wants to do with their own body as long as nobody else is being harmed.

Don't you consider telling other adults what they can and can't do with their own bodies as being a civil rights issue??

Don't you have anything to add to the conversation or is that all you have to say?

You're working off a flawed assumption. I AGREE with your previous post wholeheartedly. Where you're going wrong is that a private nursing school has nothing to do with the drug war, that is perpetrate d by the government, not a private entity like a nursing school.

I think it is unlikely that nurses and doctors will ever be allowed to practice medicine while taking drugs regardless of the legal status of the drug so long as it affects their competency to practice. I think ultimately until there is a cheap and effective test for determining that a person is not CURRENTLY affected by marijuana (the level of THC can be measured though its not cheap or easy or accurate enough I believe) I don't see it ever not being an issue.

The issue ultimately is civil liability for the organization involved so it really doesn't matter whether marijuana or other drugs are legal or not, at least in this case.
But in any cas


It worked for me, same with those cigarette commercials.



Would you guys keep buying it if you were financing Al-Qaeda and the 11 september kinds of things? If so, then USA people are very hypocrite.

A shit load of the worlds heroin supply comes from Afghanistan. But we are not talking about heroin ....

i wish you would stop using a computer because you "understand" the complexities behind mineral wars.

Ever heard of foxconn? I am never buying a phone.


So... you could stop buying it. If you can't stop buying drugs then you do have a problem.

And if you're ok paying for it even knowing how many people are being raped, killed every day thanks to it then hey! I can't respect you and you should be ashamed of yourself.

i wish you would stop using computers because you "understand" the complexities behind mineral wars. idiot.

The Jason

So... you could stop buying it. If you can't stop buying drugs then you do have a problem.

And if you're ok paying for it even knowing how many people are being raped, killed every day thanks to it then hey! I can't respect you and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Its really simple economics. When there is demand for a commodity, there is an opportunity to make money by supplying it. The more difficult it is to supply, the more the price goes up, and the more incentive the suppliers have to meet demand. If demand goes down so does the price, and so gives consumers an incentive to buy more. The only solution is to cut the drug dealers out by opening the market (making it legal).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
How is this legal? Some disturbing police state shit right there.


You are of course aware that some people who pay for pot do not finance the horrors you speak of? Some dealers grow locally, happens a lot in Canada I'd say. BC is probably another place product could be imported from as well. Don't forget people pay at medical dispensaries where available.

And how could you be 100% your pot is coming for those places, and to know if they aren't related to the carteles in Latin America? I'm not sure how much % of the drug in Canada/USA is coming from those guys but surely is most of it. They aren't more rich than the countries they live in for letting some random guy take their business in canada/usa cities.

Its really simple economics. When there is demand for a commodity, there is an opportunity to make money by supplying it. The more difficult it is to supply, the more the price goes up, and the more incentive the suppliers have to meet demand. If demand goes down so does the price, and so gives consumers an incentive to buy more. The only solution is to cut the drug dealers out by opening the market (making it legal).

That doesn't make it right to finance terrorist, does it?

i wish you would stop using computers because you "understand" the complexities behind mineral wars. idiot.

Go live in a country affected by the drug dealers and later come here. Go live the reality first, before saying idiotic things kid.


And how could you be 100% your pot is coming for those places, and to know if they aren't related to the carteles in Latin America? I'm not sure how much % of the drug in Canada/USA is coming from those guys but surely is most of it. They aren't more rich than the countries they live in for letting some random guy take their business in canada/usa cities.

Because BC bud is renown ;P

You want a druggie sticking needles in you?

I lol'd


And how could you be 100% your pot is coming for those places, and to know if they aren't related to the carteles in Latin America? I'm not sure how much % of the drug in Canada/USA is coming from those guys but surely is most of it. They aren't more rich than the countries they live in for letting some random guy take their business in canada/usa cities.

Now you are talking about Cartels. You said Al-Qaeda before ...


Oh really? Because I consider the war on drugs (aka the war on people who use weed) to be the greatest single civil rights violation since slavery. Forgive me if I'm intolerant of other people's intolerance and discrimination towards people who smoke pot and have no problem with the 800,000+ arrests that occur every year, mostly minorities. Yeah, I have a problem with that and the legal incarceration and enslavement of those who haven't done harm to others.
Lets just forget segregation.
Man, there are so many people here that is so against Cannabis that it baffles me.

I hate to sound preachy, but please educate yourself.
A legitimate position against marijuana would, by necessity, be a position against alcohol. If someone here were willing to stand by their morals and be so virulently against alcohol too, I'd respect their opinion.


Go live in a country affected by the drug dealers and later come here. Go live the reality first, before saying idiotic things kid.

quit dancing around my point, idiot. how do you feel about the electronics you're typing on right now? the innards weren't made from sunshine and rainbows, similar to the drugs you're so adamantly against.

and fuck ribery.


A legitimate position against marijuana would, by necessity, be a position against alcohol. If someone here were willing to stand by their morals and be so virulently against alcohol too, I'd respect their opinion. Until then, they are just parrots who haven't turned a critical eye toward what they are repeating.

I'm more okay with pot than liquor, and I sell liquor for a living. But then, I've never seen pot destroy someone's life.

The Jason

That doesn't make it right to finance terrorist, does it?

Seeing as you are making a moral argument, would you make the same statement in regard to alcohol drinkers if alcohol was still illegal? That it is their fault for supporting criminals because they can't stop drinking? Because the only reason they are not supporting criminals is because it is legal.


Go live in a country affected by the drug dealers and later come here. Go live the reality first, before saying idiotic things kid.

Agreed. THAT'S why it should be legalized. Because right now all we're doing is creating a large and lucrative black market that is making a lot of thugs very wealthy. It's almost EERIE how much it parallels alcohol prohibition in the US and the rise of organized crime.


You're working off a flawed assumption. I AGREE with your previous post wholeheartedly. Where you're going wrong is that a private nursing school has nothing to do with the drug war, that is perpetrate d by the government, not a private entity like a nursing school.

I think it is unlikely that nurses and doctors will ever be allowed to practice medicine while taking drugs regardless of the legal status of the drug so long as it affects their competency to practice. I think ultimately until there is a cheap and effective test for determining that a person is not CURRENTLY affected by marijuana (the level of THC can be measured though its not cheap or easy or accurate enough I believe) I don't see it ever not being an issue.

The issue ultimately is civil liability for the organization involved so it really doesn't matter whether marijuana or other drugs are legal or not, at least in this case.
But in any cas

If pot was legal HCP's would be allowed to smoke it in their free time, just as they are allowed to drink in their spare time, as long as it does not impede their fitness to practice the following day.

The issue isn't just one of civil liability, it is however certainly to do with the fact that certain drugs are illegal to use as you want. If you look at US law, most illegal recreation drugs fall under schedule I of the controlled substances act, the same controlled substances act also contains Schedules II, III, IV, and V which contain commonly used medicines such as morphine. These drugs are regulated for safety reasons and due to abuse concerns, and thus have more stringent controls, record keeping, requirements etc in place depending on the schedule they are in.

A hospital is highly unlikely to employ a health care professional who's job involved handling these medicines, if they are known to have been actively breaking the law in regards section I of the controlled substances act. You are also unlikely to be allowed to register with your professional body unless significant remedial measures have been taken. The university taking a stance in regards to all of this is just getting it out of the way early, depending on the obligations they have agreed with the professional bodies.


Drink a lot of cranberry juice and you'll be fine within a week.

edit: I'm reading the last page or 2 now..and wtf did this thread turn into lol. Now my post seems off topic


Cartels are worse than Al-Qaeda...

But you said Al-Qaeda .... you have to make sure you know what you are talking about before you post stuff like that. I mean you don't have to I guess, but everyone is going to fuck with you otherwise.
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