Seriously? You have never, and I mean NEVER, met someone that you can't be around after they have had a few drinks over the course of the evening?
Complete shit or you are still underage/college.
Maybe put me in the pretentious douche category as stated later; the shit people find humorous, the inane train of thought, the stupid comments people make etc drive me insane.
So yeh, probably the pretentious douche in me.
Between alcohol, ecstasy, speed, meth, special k, coke and weed, weed will always fuck me up the hardest. This doesn't necessarily mean it's the same for all people but it will be for some. Hence when people associate those other drugs as 'hard' but weed as some sort of totally innocuous past time I wonder if they have ever actually done those other drugs to get an actual sense of where weed can fit into the scale of things.
Also don't assume that because it won't / is highly unlikely to kill you in one go, that it isn't going to have short or long term effects that are any less detrimental to your health.
As to dependency: if you are only looking at physical dependency as the sole source of dependecy, you're an idiot. Psychological and habitual dependency can be just as powerful. To say marijuana is not addictive solely on the basis of physical dependency is being selectively ignorant.