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Wii U Release Day Thread

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I preordered at a website but got only into the 2nd shipment slot.

Asked today at a local Big Supermarket and they will sell on Friday at 7am. Apparently noone asked about it before, the clerk had to take a look if they were getting it and they don't do preorders.

I'll walk in at the opening and buy the black set. And Zombi U. And a Pro Controller propably.


Today I saw the first Wii U kiosks in Belgium:

You make it sound like GAME are opening premium bundles, ripping out Nintendoland and stuffing ZombiU in.

sorry, I should have worded it better.

basically they are giving you zombiu instead of nintendoland and adding a £40 charge for the pro controller, which is probably what it will retail for.
Kinda wishing somewhere would have a weird blowout deal on Wii U games already.

I want a meaty single-player experience.

Yeah, I did some thinking and wend ahead and jumped on BLOPS2, because I figured it was the one least likely to drop in price over the long term (Until recently, BLOPS was still selling used for around $50, most places). But, yeah, I'm waiting on some good sales, because I want to play AC3, Darksiders, and Arkham City (for the second time).


I think I'm going to tempt fate and go all digital from now on. I really dislike swapping out discs. Using the Wii U controller makes it easy to power up and start. It may seem stupid, but since I'm used to gaming on Steam putting a disc in to play a game feels archaic. Plus, us deluxe owners basically get 5 dollars off every purchase of a new game with the points rewards system.

My main concern is how competitive will Nintendo be with eShop pricing? It will be a big disservice if they only stick with MSRP. I have no interest spending 60 dollars on a game six months old. Now if it's under 20 I'll give it a chance.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think I'm going to tempt fate and go all digital from now on. I really dislike swapping out discs. Using the Wii U controller makes it easy to power up and start. It seems stupid, but since I'm so used to Steam putting a disc in to play a game feels archaic. Plus, us deluxe owners basically get 5 dollars off every purchase of a new game with the points rewards system.

Leaning the same way.

Fox Mulder

Today I saw the first Wii U kiosks in Belgium:

that looks better than the demo stations I saw here in the US. Looks like it's setup to let you play multiplayer, which should help sell the concept to people more than holding the tablet controller and playing some videos.


If EA gets their shit together and releases the ME trilogy on Wii U, they can have my 60 bucks on those double dips. But no way am I spending 60 dollars on the worst game in the trilogy (IMO) for a second time.
I'd double dip on Mass Effect 3 if it were the same price as on 360.I figure it will be in a month or two when EA realize no one is buying it at 60.
I'll bite on Mass Effect 3 when the price goes down, next buy 2 get one Fred deal I think I'm gonn bite on some games.
I believe Gamestop is doing one this week for reward members or somthing


I think I'm going to tempt fate and go all digital from now on. I really dislike swapping out discs. Using the Wii U controller makes it easy to power up and start. It may seem stupid, but since I'm used to gaming on Steam putting a disc in to play a game feels archaic. Plus, us deluxe owners basically get 5 dollars off every purchase of a new game with the points rewards system.

My main concern is how competitive will Nintendo be with eShop pricing? It will be a big disservice if they only stick with MSRP. I have no interest spending 60 dollars on a game six months old. Now if it's under 20 I'll give it a chance.

Might go digital with Nintendo games as they don't discount easily and I find they have replayability. But third party stuff I'm wary of.

I wish Nintendoland was a download in the deluxe. Would have been cheaper for Nintendo than pressing discs, would prevent the used market being flooded and encouraged people to sign up to the eshop.

Not sure whether to rebuy on digital and trade the game in


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
What happens if you have both a physical disc version of the game in the drive and the digital version downloaded to the system? Someone needs to buy a second copy of a game they own and get back to us.
Is there a way to enable on screen pop up alerts for when friends are online, like with the 360? I hate getting that blinking light and not knowing if it's a message or just somebody signing on.
I am a bit confused. I keep seeing that another player can add blocks and stuff on the screen in the new Mario. I assume the person does this with the gamepad. There is only one gamepad, with what do I play?


What happens if you have both a physical disc version of the game in the drive and the digital version downloaded to the system? Someone needs to buy a second copy of a game they own and get back to us.

I would imagine it will load whatever version you select. IE if you select the disk version it will use that.
I'll bite on Mass Effect 3 when the price goes down, next buy 2 get one Fred deal I think I'm gonn bite on some games.
I believe Gamestop is doing one this week for reward members or somthing

Based on all the videos and feedback I've seen, the safest games to buy when they're cheaper are: Sonic Racing (despite a game-breaking bug it's the best console version), Mass Effect (not nearly as good as the 360 version, but passable and highly enjoyable), Darksiders 2 (same graphical issues as the other console versions), and Black Ops2 (can't match the 360 version in single player, but multiplayer is said to be very solid if you can look past the controller/button layout). I think Assassins Creed is supposed to be close to the other versions as well.
Talked to a guy last night while playing Black Ops 2 online who bought the system thinking it was a portable. Got it home and was pissed off, but says he loves it now.


Crossing my fingers but I haven't had a single issue/lockup/whatever with my launch system. Well, that's not entirely true, the system update did stop at one point and required re-initialization, but that didn't really bother me.

I've ordered screen protectors for the Gamepad as well since very tiny scratches do seem to be forming. Hopefully it doesn't wreck the great sensitivity of the touch screen.


Based on all the videos and feedback I've seen, the safest games to buy when they're cheaper are: Sonic Racing (despite a game-breaking bug it's the best console version), Mass Effect (not nearly as good as the 360 version, but passable and highly enjoyable), Darksiders 2 (same graphical issues as the other console versions), and Black Ops2 (can't match the 360 version in single player, but multiplayer is said to be very solid if you can look past the controller/button layout). I think Assassins Creed is supposed to be close to the other versions as well.

BLOPS is marvelous on Wii U for multiplayer - the GamePad <3

Ein Bear

Based on all the videos and feedback I've seen, the safest games to buy when they're cheaper are: Sonic Racing (despite a game-breaking bug it's the best console version), Mass Effect (not nearly as good as the 360 version, but passable and highly enjoyable), Darksiders 2 (same graphical issues as the other console versions), and Black Ops2 (can't match the 360 version in single player, but multiplayer is said to be very solid if you can look past the controller/button layout). I think Assassins Creed is supposed to be close to the other versions as well.

I wouldn't even call ME3 "Not nearly as good" as the 360 version, from that DF article the two are very close. Kind of funny how after being the game that kicked off the massive 'Technical Issues' thread, it turned out to be one of the best ports.

I really hope they do the full trilogy at some point. I can't bring myself to double dip just for ME3, but I'd definitely buy a nice ME: Trilogy set.
Based on all the videos and feedback I've seen, the safest games to buy when they're cheaper are: Sonic Racing (despite a game-breaking bug it's the best console version), Mass Effect (not nearly as good as the 360 version, but passable and highly enjoyable), Darksiders 2 (same graphical issues as the other console versions), and Black Ops2 (can't match the 360 version in single player, but multiplayer is said to be very solid if you can look past the controller/button layout). I think Assassins Creed is supposed to be close to the other versions as well.
At first it was hard to get use to the Gamepad for BLops multi, but I'm actually quite enjoying it now. Just ordered a Wiimote, can't wait to try out the Wii and chuck control.


Ok so if I want to enjoy the new Mario with someone the way its meant to be, I need to buy a Wii U, The Mario game and a old Wii controller? This starts to be costly to play a new Mario game...

Having to spend a lot of money for a new console, new game, and extra controllers is hardly a new phenomenon, and Mario's better as a single player experience anyways.


If they did it like Live, you would still be required to have the game disc in the drive to play it off the hdd. Otherwise you could install rented or borrowed games.

The system is probably the best justification for having a digital library though. I'd consider buying all of my first party WiiU games digitally if they fix the profile being tied to hardware.

Yeah, I was just kind of hoping with how they tie accounts to hardware they might opt for that eventually. That's an interesting question though.. what would you guys rather have? An account that's easily transferable/accessible between systems, or being able to install all your disc-based games on the HDD and play w/o the disc?


Bish loves my games!
So I finally got some quality time with my Wii U this weekend. My initial impressions follow. More stream of consciousness than anything else so apologies for inaccuracies etc.

+ Love the feel and flexibility of the Gamepad. Love being able to play console-quality games in my lap with twin sticks, shoulder buttons and a sexy HD tablet screen. Love being able to boot up the system without turning on the TV. Gamepad feels like something that will get a LOT of use in my home. Great addition to the Nintendo arsenal of peripherals. Potentially a real game changer.
+ Love seeing New Super Mario Bros in HD (even if I am getting a little tired of the formula after NSMB2 3DS). Can't wait to see other Nintendo franchises in HD. Finally!
+ Enjoying Zombie U so far. A little frustrating and slow but I guess that's the point.
+ Miiverse is cute. Doodle posts are fun. Seems like the game-based mini-communities will be successful.
+ Netflix is pretty ace.
+ Full digital version of games available from E-Shop day one is awesome. A huge plus for me.

- Transferring my Wii content over to the Wii U was a pain. At least it's done now but sheesh. Talk about user unfriendly.
- 1.5gb day one patch also sucked but whatever. Minor road bump.
- Wished TVii worked out of the box. Have a feeling that's going to be great.
- Why can't I resize my screen so the Wii-U image fits my TV correctly?
- Laggy UI is teeth-grindingly irritating. It's got to speed up with a future patch, right?
- Wii virtual console within a console is maddening. It would of been so great to play WiiWare games (that didn't require waggle) on the Gamepad. I hope this is something they patch in later.
- Physical range of Gamepad stinks (at least in my home). Can't play upstairs or in bed (about 12ft). Hope signal boosters are released at some point.
- Online feature set seems incredibly barebones to me (though still learning my way around it TBH). I'm just used to the ease and convenience of Xbox Live for multi-user party chat, invites, etc.
- I am heartbroken Nintendo didn't go the extra mile (or should that be extra meter?) to pack the Wii U with enough raw power so that 3rd party multiplats would be definitive or at least on parity with 360 at launch.

Anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic overall. Looking forward to some more play this week.


What happens if you have both a physical disc version of the game in the drive and the digital version downloaded to the system? Someone needs to buy a second copy of a game they own and get back to us.

Do they share saves? Eg if I get Nintendoland bundled with the deluxe but then decide I'd like it digitally later, will my save carry over?


Ok so if I want to enjoy the new Mario with someone the way its meant to be, I need to buy a Wii U, The Mario game and a old Wii controller? This starts to be costly to play a new Mario game...

Yep. Wii U + NSMBU + Wii Remote.
That's if you are playing on the GamePad, assisting your friend by creating blocks, picking off enemies, etc. The GamePad in multiplayer is labeled as "Boost Mode" and you don't actually control a character on-screen. If you want to play with your friend without Boost mode and the two of you are on-screen (playing as Mario and Luigi), you'll need two Wii Remotes since you can't use the GamePad as a controllable player.

If playin solo, you can use the GamePad to play as Mario, though. Kinda dumb how Nintendo designed it that way where you can't use the GamePad in multiplayer as a playable character versus using it as an assist tool.


So I finally got some quality time with my Wii U this weekend. My initial impressions follow. More stream of consciousness than anything else so apologies for inaccuracies etc.

+ Love the feel and flexibility of the Gamepad. Love being able to play console-quality games in my lap with twin sticks, shoulder buttons and a sexy HD tablet screen. Love being able to boot up the system without turning on the TV. Gamepad feels like something that will get a LOT of use in my home. Great addition to the Nintendo arsenal of peripherals. Potentially a real game changer.
+ Love seeing New Super Mario Bros in HD (even if I am getting a little tired of the formula after NSMB2 3DS). Can't wait to see other Nintendo franchises in HD. Finally!
+ Enjoying Zombie U so far. A little frustrating and slow but I guess that's the point.
+ Miiverse is cute. Doodle posts are fun. Seems like the game-based mini-communities will be successful.
+ Netflix is pretty ace.
+ Full digital version of games available from E-Shop day one is awesome. A huge plus for me.

- Transferring my Wii content over to the Wii U was a pain. At least it's done now but sheesh. Talk about user unfriendly.
- 1.5gb day one patch also sucked but whatever. Minor road bump.
- Wished TVii worked out of the box. Have a feeling that's going to be great.
- Why can't I resize my screen so the Wii-U image fits my TV correctly?
- Laggy UI is teeth-grindingly irritating. It's got to speed up with a future patch, right?
- Wii virtual console within a console is maddening. It would of been so great to play WiiWare games (that didn't require waggle) on the Gamepad. I hope this is something they patch in later.
- Physical range of Gamepad stinks (at least in my home). Can't play upstairs or in bed (about 12ft). Hope signal boosters are released at some point.
- Online feature set seems incredibly barebones to me (though still learning my way around it TBH). I'm just used to the ease and convenience of Xbox Live for multi-user party chat, invites, etc.
- I am heartbroken Nintendo didn't go the extra mile (or should that be extra meter?) to pack the Wii U with enough raw power so that 3rd party multiplats would be definitive or at least on parity with 360 at launch.

Anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic overall. Looking forward to some more play this week.
The gamepad is not HD
I think I'm going to tempt fate and go all digital from now on. I really dislike swapping out discs. Using the Wii U controller makes it easy to power up and start. It may seem stupid, but since I'm used to gaming on Steam putting a disc in to play a game feels archaic. Plus, us deluxe owners basically get 5 dollars off every purchase of a new game with the points rewards system.

this was my intention and one of the big reasons I wanted a wii u when it was re-revealed at e3,but the lack of account migration (sorry, broken record) has single handedly destroyed any interest I had in doing so.

the second nintendo introdude a proper account migration system like that on ps3 or xbox 360, I will go full digital on wii u.
Yeah, I was just kind of hoping with how they tie accounts to hardware they might opt for that eventually. That's an interesting question though.. what would you guys rather have? An account that's easily transferable/accessible between systems, or being able to install all your disc-based games on the HDD and play w/o the disc?

What does having an account tied to your system have to do with not needing the disk in the drive?

They aren't really related.

Even if someone invented a software to uniquely encode each disk, so that the encoding of the disk can be tied to your account.. it would never stop:

- Someone using that game elsewhere not connected online, unless an "always online" requirement exists
- Someone from selling a disk back to a store, screwing over a potential buyer

Disk based games on consoles that install will always need to be in the drive.


I bought a Wii U mainly because i love the idea of gaming on it without a TV. Is there a list of games that can be played with the gamepad only? I assume games like ZombiU require both screens but dont know about any others.
Having to spend a lot of money for a new console, new game, and extra controllers is hardly a new phenomenon, and Mario's better as a single player experience anyways.

Having to buy two 44.99$ controller from an older console generation to play a new generation game in co-op is totally new to me and I have been buying consoles for 25 years.

I know new consoles and all that involve spending a lot of money, but it seems like Nintendo pushed it far for people who never had a Wii. Way to get new customers to join you or to get people to come back to Nintendo! The console looks great, I just did not expect to have to do this.
Wasn't sure if this warranted its own thread and here's a good place as any. Why Borderlands 2 isn't coming to Wii U, apprently.

We get asked if there is going to be a Wii U version of Borderlands, and the reason why there’s not is because we couldn’t think of a natural, obvious, ‘OMG, I want that for what the Wii U brings to the table’ feature.
I've just been playing the original on PC recently. If ever a game could get away with just slapping the map on the pad screen and being a big improvement, it's this one.


Having to buy two 44.99$ controller from an older console generation to play a new generation game in co-op is totally new to me and I have been buying consoles for 25 years.

I know new consoles and all that involve spending a lot of money, but it seems like Nintendo pushed it far for people who never had a Wii. Way to get new customers to join you or to get people to come back to Nintendo! The console looks great, I just did not expect to have to do this.

See if your local Wal Mart has any Wii Play Motion bundles left in stock:


Bought mine online with in store pickup. Going to get it later tonight.


What does having an account tied to your system have to do with not needing the disk in the drive?

They aren't really related.

Even if someone invented a software to uniquely encode each disk, so that the encoding of the disk can be tied to your account.. it would never stop:

- Someone using that game elsewhere not connected online, unless an "always online" requirement exists
- Someone from selling a disk back to a store, screwing over a potential buyer

Disk based games on consoles that install will always need to be in the drive.

I can counter your first point, but yeah.. that last one makes sense. Being able to return the game would be a big problem. They could definitely devise a way so that the installed version only worked on that system though. How about a compromise? Every 5 or 10 plays, you need to re-insert the disc. I'm really grasping here now lol.
Having to buy two 44.99$ controller from an older console generation to play a new generation game in co-op is totally new to me and I have been buying consoles for 25 years.

I know new consoles and all that involve spending a lot of money, but it seems like Nintendo pushed it far for people who never had a Wii. Way to get new customers to join you or to get people to come back to Nintendo! The console looks great, I just did not expect to have to do this.
Mario not letting proper two player work with one on gamepad and one on remote is dumb, but it's also a pretty isolated case. That aside, buying a remote is just buying a second controller, and no different than buying any other second controller.


The real travesty is NSMBWiiU not supporting their own Pro Controller. Embarrassing, really. Nintendo is a first party, this should work.
I can counter your first point, but yeah.. that last one makes sense. Being able to return the game would be a big problem. They could definitely devise a way so that the installed version only worked on that system though. How about a compromise? Every 5 or 10 plays, you need to re-insert the disc. I'm really grasping here now lol.

Not a terrible idea.. but you'd still need the disk around.. and you'd be annoyed those 5 or 10 times.. plus it's yet another thing to worry about being hacked.

I don't see how you have, or could, counter my first point.

It would always have to do an online check.. unless the disk is literally writable, which isn't feasible.. the data for "This disk belongs to this thing" would be stored online.. and tied to an online account.. and whether an account was usable on multiple systems, they could tie the game install to one piece of hardware if they chose.

That's what XBLA does partially. Your game is tied to the hardware, AND your account. On the hardware you installed it on, you can play "offline." If you install on another piece of hardware, you have to be online to play.

So again.. either way.. has nothing to do with whether or not your account can be on multiple systems. Doesn't change any aspect of disk installs requiring a disk.
See if your local Wal Mart has any Wii Play Motion bundles left in stock:


Bought mine online with in store pickup. Going to get it later tonight.

Thanks! I will definitely hunt for those!

And yes I see that if I was looking at another game than the new Mario it would not look that bad. Like it been said just now, there is a few weird things with the new Mario, like not being playable with the new Pro controller or not being able to co-op with the pad and a Wiimote.
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