Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

So i just finshed the 5th level of gravity rush, im not sure if i like it enough to keep going... I think its pretty cool concept and all. Kats super hot. But Im not feeling the controls or cam much. I get pretty discombobulated when flying around most of the time. Im really trying to like it, take it bit by bit due to the overwhelming love for it on gaf. But i'm ready to try some other games, maybe play it at a later date... Hrmmm ill give it another few days maybe
Kat is definitely hot.
The game picks up though. You should play some more and see. I just finished level 18.

Go buy Rayman Origins.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You mean the Hydracubus boss?

No, I mean the opening scene. Ryu dropping down the powerlines, lands. FIVE FRAMES A SECOND to walk off.

The hilarious thing is that this past week's announcements would've merited their own Nintendo Direct-style presentation.

Wake Up Club megaton, New Killzone and Tearaway trailers, Soul Sacrifice release date and new media, a reminder that Cross-Buy Sly is on the way instead of doing yet another bomba stealth release, Ys/Muramasa/VK3/GGXXAC+R localizations, and the first legitimately exciting PS+ update in a while. Could've even given SFxT some advertising for the new 2013 update.

What Wake-up club megaton?
What Wake-up club megaton?
The fact that SCEA even bothered to release it


Maaaan gonna be super sweet to have DOA 5 on the go. All that cross stuff is awesome too.

Glad I bought the main game back in September (or whenever the launch date was) for my PS3.

Edit- This appears to be a random comment but I was thinking of my vita while playing some DOA5 right now.


In Japan, there's a additional feature on Vita that can be activated for like $10 that lets you control Nasne (Sony's network TV recorder). It also lets you stream TV broadcast to Vita that not too many network recorders can't do. So it is basically an additional peripheral software provided from Sony and it is also available for VAIOs and Xperias.

The thing is, for Vita owners they are offering it for free until the end of Feb, 2013. Would that indicate something? I don't know..


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
No, just a deal for the software to be used in Japan. They never released that function/software/hardware in America or Europe.

Anyway: Yeah, five golden scarabs needed to get the Izuna Drop and I still don't have the Guillotine Throw. WTF Hayashit? Black me get those from Chapter 3 get-go to where you became an unstoppable badass from that point. Now you have to wait until at least chapter 5 before you can hold your own against most enemies for a guaranteed kill but can't crowd control still. WTF.

I even have a screenshot. If they still allow you to buy it in Normal/Ninja Dog/Hero mode, that's double WTF. Do they really think making you struggle with the time limits (10-20 seconds for 4-5 enemies a pop) in the beginning chapters with level 1 weapons makes the game "hard" hard? No, just annoying.

And I've heard Sigma Plus doesn't have a true New Game plus to where you can take those powered up weapons and wreck havoc. Oy.


Alright, what in the actual fuck? I'm playing through Sigma Plus right now and got to the first boss in the inner sanctum. I get raped and then it sends me back to BEFORE I even get the key? That's really annoying. Also, how in the hell do you even go about defeating that guy? I'm having issues here, lol.


And I've heard Sigma Plus doesn't have a true New Game plus to where you can take those powered up weapons and wreck havoc. Oy.

Sigma didn't have this either.

Though if you want to wreck stuff up with leveled up weapons, the Ninja Trials might be a good place for that once you unlock certain ones.

I don't have an issues with the izuna drop scarab requirement since I rarely use it (except for bosses).


Alright, what in the actual fuck? I'm playing through Sigma Plus right now and got to the first boss in the inner sanctum. I get raped and then it sends me back to BEFORE I even get the key? That's really annoying. Also, how in the hell do you even go about defeating that guy? I'm having issues here, lol.

I'm playing it on hard, and the way I did it was kill the white ninjas whenever they spawn and guard and roll while waiting for him to do some heavy rush move, it's really different from his regular combo so it's easy to see, and after that hit him with a heavy then back off and wait for another. I noticed if you try doing air moves he puts you into a combo so I just played defensive and didn't try to bite off more than I could chew.

Was definitely really memorable for me, it felt really tense and was a great intro level as a whole since I've never played Ninja Gaiden before.


Not sure if anybody cares, but some insane speed on my Monster Monpiece (in transit) order:

2013-01-29, 08:35:00, HONG KONG
2013-01-31, 19:36:00, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94128

Guess it all comes down to whether or not it gets stuck in pseudo-customs for over a week like my last foreign purchase. Either way Hong Kong to CA in 2 days in a 1-3 week estimated shipping air mail, not shabby!

There's finally an English user video of the game on youtube as well, although it doesn't go into too much detail:


Dang, my shipping takes a few days to go across the city, post impressions when you get it, I heard from some other places the TCG part is actually pretty good!


Kat is definitely hot.
The game picks up though. You should play some more and see. I just finished level 18.

Go buy Rayman Origins.

The game definitely does pick up. I finished it it about 2 months ago, and probably will replay it soon. Probably my favourite game of the last 3ish years.


There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.


There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.

I don't know how I'd live with yourself if you didn't.


ADD New Gen Gamer
There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.

WTF. Get it before it is gone. Sign up for PS plus. Profit.


There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.
This isn't even a question.



There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.

If there are actually games you want to play on it, sure. I made the mistake of buying one and hoping there would be games I like for it, which doesn't seem like it's going to happen (since I don't like Sony IP outside of Gran Turismo and Syphon Filter and Hot Shots Tennis)


Rolling Girl
If there are actually games you want to play on it, sure. I made the mistake of buying one and hoping there would be games I like for it, which doesn't seem like it's going to happen (since I don't like Sony IP outside of Gran Turismo and Syphon Filter and Hot Shots Tennis)

I'd never do this. D: I got a Vita first because it had way more games that appealed to me.


WTF. Get it before it is gone. Sign up for PS plus. Profit.

Haha, I sent the guy an email before I made this gaf post just in case. He replied to my first email and said I could pick it up tomorrow but hasn't replied to any of my other ones.

If there are actually games you want to play on it, sure. I made the mistake of buying one and hoping there would be games I like for it, which doesn't seem like it's going to happen (since I don't like Sony IP outside of Gran Turismo and Syphon Filter and Hot Shots Tennis)

I know for sure I want to play Gravity Rush, Lumines, and Persona 4 Golden AT LEAST. Probably Uncharted and a couple others as well but Persona 4 would keep me busy for a while by itself. I do most of my gaming on handhelds these days too with my 3DS.


Guys. This (spanish?) interview with Guerilla Cambridge shows so much footage of people playing Killzone Mercenary using video out.

I really wish our the Vitas could do video out . It's kinda awkward having a bunch of friends huddle around a handheld when you have something awesome to show off.


Guys. This (spanish?) interview with Guerilla Cambridge shows so much footage of people playing Killzone Mercenary using video out.

I really wish our the Vitas could do video out . It's kinda awkward having a bunch of friends huddle around a handheld when you have something awesome to show off.

the interesting part is the only cords I see are on the bottom
and looking at my vita the two cords on the left side go to ports that don't exist on the current model... (as there is to much room between the headphones and the first black cord for that to be the charger)

I wonder if that means there is a new model already made and it will be announced on feb 20th with the ps4 (perhaps with a price cut) o_O:


さて、電撃PS最新号、確か102Pはご覧いただけましたかな? 破壊神さま。いつものコラムが載っておりますぞ。
There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.
Where do you live Ill buy that clean off that guy.


the interesting part is the only cords I see are on the bottom

and looking at my vita the two cords on the left side go to ports that don't exist on the current model... (as there is to much room between the headphones and the first black cord for that to be the charger)

I wonder if that means there is a new model already made and it will be announced on feb 20th with the ps4 (perhaps with a price cut) o_O:

That is the dev kit, which includes video out. I think if we ever do get it (and hopefully we will) it will come from the unused expansion port on the top, or possibly a new dock.


Junior Member
There's a white Vita on my local Craigslist with a 16 gig card on sale for 120 bucks. Should I bite gaf (I don't even know why I'm asking at that price but I am)? I've been wanting to pick one up and there are a few games I'd love to play on the system. Most Vita owners on here seem to love the system.

I had to read that four times to notice it's not some bullshit overpriced 16gig card alone for 120 bucks offer. If you're able to confirm the console works, better call dibs.


Where do you live Ill buy that clean off that guy.

Probably not where you do. Plus I think I'll be picking it up if he replies back tomorrow. ;)

I had to read that four times to notice it's not some bullshit overpriced 16gig card alone for 120 bucks offer. If you're able to confirm the console works, better call dibs.

Description says it is in near mint condition. It also comes with an extra 4 gig card but yeah. Like I stated above he already replied to me and said I could pick it up but hopefully he will reply back later. Scared he backed out but it could just be because it is late.


Description says it is in near mint condition. It also comes with an extra 4 gig card but yeah. Like I stated above he already replied to me and said I could pick it up but hopefully he will reply back later. Scared he backed out but it could just be because it is late.

Weird. I don't know who actually gets their hands on one of these and isn't enchanted. Especially the white model. It's eclipsing my PS3/PC time. Weird.


Soul Sacrifice
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New n' Tasty
Killzone: Mercenary
Ys Celceta
Velocity Ultra
Sly 4
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Samurai and Dragons
Dragon's Crown
Valhalla Knights 3
Dead or live 4 plus
Ninga gaiden sigma plus 2

Someone help me out here. I'm trying to find the turn-based game on this list.


i see... that's lame... i would love me some video out... and i know reviewers would love it as well.


Some reviewers do have these kits. Of course those kits are heavier and supposedly have something extra to handle HDMI out (the thing needs to upscale image to either 720P or 1080P).


Someone help me out here. I'm trying to find the turn-based game on this list.
you already have persona 4, and disgaea 3, that's more than enough sexy turn base for a whole year :p[IMG]

Some reviewers do have these kits. Of course those kits are heavier and supposedly have something extra to handle HDMI out (the thing needs to upscale image to either 720P or 1080P).[/QUOTE]

ah interesting. I never saw any of this stuff before. here's hoping we eventually get video out like the psp ended up getting.
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