Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan


GAF parliamentarian
I guess Yoshida wasn't kidding when he said Sony must court and support indie developers. Nice move.

Now, time to do what Nintendo is attempting and help Japanese developers localize their titles.


Frozen Synapse PC version has good reviews. I think I own it from a humble bundle but never got around to playing. Ill pick up the Vita version for sure.
I'm down for that. I really need to work on my short game, though. Uphill I do fine, downhill I make the putt, close my eyes, and just hope.

oh god i know.

what's worse is when the greens are running perpendicular to the putt, so you have to arc it.

I guess Yoshida wasn't kidding when he said Sony must court and support indie developers. Nice move.

Now, time to do what Nintendo is attempting and help Japanese developers localize their titles.

I'd love to see sony do something like steam or ouya, holding game jams/ greenlight project to encourage game dev on the platform.


Even though I criticized Sony for the whole Soul Sacrifice original voices ordeal, I was thinking... If Atlus released a paid DLC with Persona 4 Golden japanese dub I would buy the shit out of it. It's my only complain about an otherwise perfect remake/enhancement/portable port (I played the original on PS2 with an undub version, so I really miss the original seiyous, inbefore you're a weaboo etc etc).

So amazing. And a lot of extra content too that's available right off the bat (FES had less extra stuff at the beginning of the game).


I'm down for that. I really need to work on my short game, though. Uphill I do fine, downhill I make the putt, close my eyes, and just hope.

Uphill I'm awful. Downhill I'm terrible.

I'm much better aiming for the edge of the green and then chipping it in. My putting game is weak. Still love the game though, I had to bring my Vita to work today because I can't stop playing it. Legacy Golf Links is crushing me, the greens are mental.
Uphill I'm awful. Downhill I'm terrible.

I'm much better aiming for the edge of the green and then chipping it in. My putting game is weak. Still love the game though, I had to bring my Vita to work today because I can't stop playing it. Legacy Golf Links is crushing me, the greens are mental.

Uphill I can deal with an arc because if you hit it hard enough, it tends to go straight. Downhill sucks monkey fuck, though.

My Vita is on its way to Sony (horrible wifi issues), but I'm down when I get it back.

Vita 2012-2013

Sony best do some type of connection between vita & orbis.

Oh, they will. I'd be willing to throw money down on it.


Vita 2012-2013

Sony best do some type of connection between vita & orbis.

I think that's pretty much a given, and I'll be damned disappointed if there isn't a meaningful way to connect them. There has to be more for the Vita from the PS4.

And yeah, I'd play some HSG later, I guess. Maybe someone should bump the actual OT though, since I don't think we're technically allowed for it here.
Guys. This (spanish?) interview with Guerilla Cambridge shows so much footage of people playing Killzone Mercenary using video out.

I really wish our the Vitas could do video out . It's kinda awkward having a bunch of friends huddle around a handheld when you have something awesome to show off.

Didn't understand a word of this....

If the final game, available in September through retail, looks as good as the dev unit builds....

....I will be overjoyed.

Looks so good.
Don't know if anyone posted yet.


Soul Sacrifice pre-order costumes.


Looking good, should be unlockables.

Not sure if you're saying they should have been, or should end up being, but:
Fans who pre-order Soul Sacrifice will receive an exclusive pack of in-game content — it will not be sold anywhere else!

I'd like to know if there's a male and female version of each. Guy's looks great, hate the girl's.
Not sure if you're saying they should have been, or should end up being, but:
Fans who pre-order Soul Sacrifice will receive an exclusive pack of in-game content — it will not be sold anywhere else!

I'd like to know if there's a male and female version of each. Guy's looks great, hate the girl's.

Probably not, hence why they show one of each.


Not sure if you're saying they should have been, or should end up being, but:
Fans who pre-order Soul Sacrifice will receive an exclusive pack of in-game content — it will not be sold anywhere else!

I'd like to know if there's a male and female version of each. Guy's looks great, hate the girl's.
Should be in the game as unlockables too.


I suppose it's possible, they only say that the pack itself won't be for sale, not the individual items I suppose. The fact it contains skills seems far sketchier than cosmetic costumes. Either way, preorder and it's no problem :)
not really sure if this thread is for this question.... but:

why is the psp still getting lots of games developed for it? i guess because of its established community and the fact of it not being discontinued - which goes to ask why hasnt sony discontinued it now that vita is out the gates? im guessing its still profitable for them and we are in hte transitional period. and once we truely are full on into ps4/next gen land it will go bye bye and vita will reign full on...


An blind dancing ho
How is the vita struggling with the current library and this on the pipeline

Because games are not the only thing that is matter here.

it's a combination of many things

-Dedicated Gaming handhelds(not only Vita) are dying in the west thanks to iOS/Androids.
-Hardware Price ($250 is too much).
-Software Prices ($30~$50 for handheld games).
-No well known games (COD and AC were spin off,not the main line).
-PSP biggest series in Japan got locked for another platform while Sony is watching.
-No real Sony first party support(only Sony B-teams).
-Sony refused to port Angry Bird and Borderland (and possibly other games) to Vita.
-Cross Play program failed(with other promises).
-Sony Marketing sucks major hairy balls and they don't even know what to do.
-PSM is a complete and utter failure,and didn't give Vita any apps and social stuff.
not really sure if this thread is for this question.... but:

why is the psp still getting lots of games developed for it? i guess because of its established community and the fact of it not being discontinued - which goes to ask why hasnt sony discontinued it now that vita is out the gates? im guessing its still profitable for them and we are in hte transitional period. and once we truely are full on into ps4/next gen land it will go bye bye and vita will reign full on...

It's getting games because the Vita will play them. That means that it will sell to everyone who owns one or the other. Not cutting their market share.

Out of curiosity, how long were DS games made after the 3DS came out?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Because games are not the only thing that is matter here.

it's a combination of many things



(I still love you, Takao)

-PSM is a complete and utter failure,anddidn't give Vita any apps and social stuff.

Hey, it gave us Qix for free, I can't complain.


KZ mercenary should be good :D the devs said they spent a year porting the KZ engine to vita and 2 years in dev time after that :D


I might be slow on this, but just seen on the EU Webstore, that they have a PS Vita 1st Birthday Sale in the Deals & Offers drop down.

Few games in the list none of which have been given the discount treatment yet. I assume this is happening soon then.
I might be slow on this, but just seen on the EU Webstore, that they have a PS Vita 1st Birthday Sale in the Deals & Offers drop down.

Few games in the list none of which have been given the discount treatment yet. I assume this is happening soon then.

PSM flop. When they said Cubixx is free for a week, I thought they meant longer than two days. I was doing to download it today.

Oh well, looks janky anyway (´ー`)┌


PSM flop. When they said Cubixx is free for a week, I thought they meant longer than two days. I was doing to download it today.

Oh well, looks janky anyway (´ー`)┌

I thought they were free on Wednesday, for Wednesday, one game a week.


can you guys list the games in the sale? the link doesn't work for me in canada.

Asphal Injection
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Michael Jackson: The Experience
Rayman Origins
Army Corps Of Hell
Touch My Katamari
Ridge Racer Ultimate Edition
Shinobido 2
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
F1 2011
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extended
SF X Tekken

So basically every launch game. As stated above, they haven't been given the sale prices yet.


PSM flop. When they said Cubixx is free for a week, I thought they meant longer than two days. I was doing to download it today.

Oh well, looks janky anyway (´ー`)┌

I thought they were free on Wednesday, for Wednesday, one game a week.
I've just been back through the updates and at no point do they actually specify how long they're free for. I'd just assumed they were available for a week as well.
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