Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

No way, that has to be a HUGE exaggeration.

Yep, that's what it seems like to me. I sometimes say a game loading 'takes like 5 minutes' when it really takes like 1, haha.

That whole article seems overly nitpicking. I don't think they went into the game expecting to enjoy it.
The 30-45 mins with a handful of missions means 3-4 hours is shit too -

Even at 30 mins - 9x30 is 4.5 hours so already over what they said.


Eek, opinion piece on Killzone Mercenary claims the two levels the writer completed only took about a half hour and that load times were 3-4 minutes. Those load times don't bode well for short bursts of casual multiplayer at all.

I know, blah blah game's not out until September, but I don't expect anything to change because it's not a mere optimization issue. Whatever compression is being used to fit these high-fidelity games on these tiny cards is ruining their portability. Worse than UMDs really.

Uh-oh, that is VERY worrying. I really doubt this will be the case in the final build, though. 3-4 minutes is incredibly long. Really hope this is just exaggeration.


Ridge Racer Vita worth it for half price?

It depends what you want from RR. I just got the RR Complete bundle with all the extra DLC for half price on the Aus store and its terrific but all I do is spot races. Choose a car, choose a track, choose a song and go up against 7 AI racers. The handling is as sublime as ever and the graphics are terrific.
For $60, no way, but for $18 I'm a happy racer.


Eek, opinion piece on Killzone Mercenary claims the two levels the writer completed only took about a half hour and that load times were 3-4 minutes. Those load times don't bode well for short bursts of casual multiplayer at all.

I know, blah blah game's not out until September, but I don't expect anything to change because it's not a mere optimization issue. Whatever compression is being used to fit these high-fidelity games on these tiny cards is ruining their portability. Worse than UMDs really.

Most of his complaints seem to stem from the fact that he doesn't feel comfortable with most of the mechanics yet, and the rest appear to be his own dislike of the system's basic features rather than the way they're integrated into the game itself. Says that there are only a few nagging hiccups can ruin enjoyment of a game, yet finds a way to stretch out 10 complaints into a preview build of the game.

A lot of this guy's articles are numerical lists of whatever, and unfortunately I came away after reading it thinking not of what constructive criticism he may or may not have had, but instead that it feels and reads much like an article of brutal necessity and not critical value.

Also, I'm not sure I've ever come across a game in my life that takes 3-4 minutes to load. I'm sure they exist, but I'm highly skeptical of that figure - particularly factoring in the game is out in September. Same goes for his HUD/UI complaints, something that is more easily rectifiable, surely?


An blind dancing ho
thread worthy info? i hear ragnorock odyssey sold 250,000 units and publisher ceo is satisfied with attach rate and its not even out in europe yet. Found it on n4g if u want to look not sure if the site is banned or not, would it not display if i copied a link?

Ragnarok Odyssey hit 250,000
here is the web site, found it via N4G

don't like the game,but good for them and Vita.
I went on my old PSN account and saw that I had 1 free PSP game left from the PSN outage from a couple years ago. I went to go download KZ: Liberation for my Vita, got distracted and ended up downloading Pursuit Force instead. Damnit :(


Corrosive: Dunno if you have it, but the blue version of the Dragon Helm enhancement + Armlet of the Sun = HOHOHOHOHOHO GAME BROKE.

Hey quick question, Do you get the windmill shiruken in Chapter 6? I don't know if my game glitched out because after I left Hans Bar, and it wasn't on the pedestal


An blind dancing ho
Has there been any new Guacamelee news lately? Seems like it's been a long time since I've heard anything about it.

here from few days ago

Some Guacamelee Highlights:
Game is 60fps now. Mutant blobs was only 30.
Cross save, cross controller
Q2 release window
No customization of the luchadores
They wouldn't talk crossbuy yet

but it's just random info with no video and nothing at all,the game is almost a vaporware at this point.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hey quick question, Do you get the windmill shiruken in Chapter 6? I don't know if my game glitched out because after I left Hans Bar, and it wasn't on the pedestal

If you're playing on Hard, it's like 12-15 scarabs. Guillotine Throw is 10 Scarabs.
Has there been any new Guacamelee news lately? Seems like it's been a long time since I've heard anything about it.

The news toto posted is correct but ignore the vapourware point.

People have been play testing it publicly often and news has been common too


Been playing NGS off and on last few weeks. (got it few days before it went free on +). Really having fun despite 30fps. Master Ninja is harder than I remember in spots though. Ready for DOA+.


I know, blah blah game's not out until September, but I don't expect anything to change because it's not a mere optimization issue. Whatever compression is being used to fit these high-fidelity games on these tiny cards is ruining their portability. Worse than UMDs really.

Is it compression, or is Sony just being really cheap with the memory cards and using slow ones? Tests have shown the regular memory cards the Vita uses are incredibly slow (which is obvious to anyone that has ever backed up their Vita).

It's funny how everyone (except me seemingly) wanted them to ditch optical media/UMD for cartridges. But I think it's really cost Sony. No backwards compatibility has hurt them in Japan. Even with slow ass carts, it's still nowhere as cheap as optical media. Loading times are terrible. The only real advantage is I guess durability and power use. But still, I think it would only bring it down to PSP levels
Sometimes I feel all alone as someone who doesn't like Motorstorm. RC wasn't bad for what it was, but I felt Apocalypse was borderline terrible.

Hopefully their new racer is better.
Is it compression, or is Sony just being really cheap with the memory cards and using slow ones? Tests have shown the regular memory cards the Vita uses are incredibly slow (which is obvious to anyone that has ever backed up their Vita).

It's funny how everyone (except me seemingly) wanted them to ditch optical media/UMD for cartridges. But I think it's really cost Sony. No backwards compatibility has hurt them in Japan. Even with slow ass carts, it's still nowhere as cheap as optical media. Loading times are terrible. The only real advantage is I guess durability and power use. But still, I think it would only bring it down to PSP levels
I think it's a combination of compression and poor optimization.

Games with relatively simplistic assets like Persona and Marvel load nearly instantly, but a few with quite complex geometry (MGS, Uncharted) aren't so bad.
Sometimes I feel all alone as someone who doesn't like Motorstorm. RC wasn't bad for what it was, but I felt Apocalypse was borderline terrible.

Hopefully their new racer is better.
I wasn't a big fan of apocalypse either and I really couldn't tell you why. It just didn't click with me.

Pacific Rift on the other hand was awesome!


An blind dancing ho
Don't they now consist of Evolution, some ex-Sony Liverpool and some ex-Bizzarre Creations? Gonna be one hell of a racer, but almost definitely PS4 rather than Vita. :p

Yeah, PS4 most likely (Vita might get a downport ya know...)

more importantly.. they got Ged Talbot (Blur/Project Gotham Racing Lead)so I'd say they clearly have something like NFS/Burnout/PGR for PS4 (and not new RubberbandingStorm..since the last three bombed)


Sometimes I feel all alone as someone who doesn't like Motorstorm. RC wasn't bad for what it was, but I felt Apocalypse was borderline terrible.

Hopefully their new racer is better.

hmmm i don't think you're alone since the motorstorm games didn't do amazing.

i love apocalypse though. i played it for a couple hours with a friend last night. i really want a motorstorm game on vita. when the fuck is arctic whatever coming to the NA vita ps store???


Curious as to whether we will hear anything Vita-related at the PS Meeting. Hoping for MASSIVELY increased cross-functionality between Vita and PS4 compared to Vita and PS3. I'm definitely not expecting it, though.
Curious as to whether we will hear anything Vita-related at the PS Meeting. Hoping for MASSIVELY increased cross-functionality between Vita and PS4 compared to Vita and PS3. I'm definitely not expecting it, though.

I'm expecting them to show how the Vita interacts with PS4. Improved remote play, maybe some second screen stuff (meh) but not any Vita games unless they're cross-play.


Is it compression, or is Sony just being really cheap with the memory cards and using slow ones? Tests have shown the regular memory cards the Vita uses are incredibly slow (which is obvious to anyone that has ever backed up their Vita).

It's impossible to measure the speed of the Vita memory card when you have no point of comparison. The bottleneck for file transfer speeds is most likely the filesystem used by the Vita OS. The PS3 that shows the exact same problems with standard laptop hard drives, indicating that the filesystem used by Sony in their operating systems is not optimized for that specific use case.

Ran rp



An blind dancing ho
Curious as to whether we will hear anything Vita-related at the PS Meeting. Hoping for MASSIVELY increased cross-functionality between Vita and PS4 compared to Vita and PS3. I'm definitely not expecting it, though.

I'd say any Vita revision talk, price drop or Vita PS4 cross-functionality talk will be in E3

PS meeting will be a pure PS4 party,Sony as a company need PS4 to be big right now and they need to push PS4 in the meeting and make it the only thing people will talk about.


Sounds like it's time to upgrade your memory card, all according to Lord Kaz's plan.

lol. I think I got a better deal tho. Just d/led mega 9/10, on ps3 :D

I tried d/ling darksider but i ran out of space on my ps3 (it's wtf).

also, damn I missed Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack from PS+ like by 3 months..haha I hope it goes back in rotation or something.
lol. I think I got a better deal tho. Just d/led mega 9/10, on ps3 :D

I tried d/ling darksider but i ran out of space on my ps3 (it's wtf).


I always had the notion that you need double the space because of how ps3 works. want to install a 6gb game, you'll need 12 gb.

so you'll need 20gb free before you can grab it.


so I am reading that Ecolibrium will be coming to NA vita with the next store update o_O

any EU vita owners try it out? is it any good?

well if you decide on the Ps3 groupon oddly has it on sale for $28 lol

Having both versions, the Vita one is the more remarkable. Excellent for pick up n' play sessions and even though it doesn't have all the visual bells n' whistles, I honestly prefer it more on Vita 90 perent of the time. This is due to being actually native res and isn't smeared with dat blur filter the consoles versions are stricken with

Thank you good people. vita will be it


also, damn I missed Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack from PS+ like by 3 months..haha I hope it goes back in rotation or something.

very few things have gone back in rotation, most that have have been sega or sony games... so I wouldn't hold my breath for mutant blobs to go free again, instead just hope for a sale.
Playing FFIX again has been somewhat depressing, as I'm realizing that I hardly have the patience for "cinematic" RPGs anymore (and the load times really kill it for me). I'll stick with it for now, though, because it's one of the few FFs I've never really played.
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