Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan


PSY・S;47552008 said:
I hope he had a keyboard because typing with the DS3 controller takes forever. That must be one hell of a PSASBR game. @_@


I've just finished Golden Abyss (thanks PS+) and I've got to say that it's probably tied with U2 as the best Uncharted game for me. There's some rough areas and more slowdowns than I would like but it certainly is an impressive handheld game and more considering Bend had to finish it for the launch of the system.

I seriously can wait to see what they are doing next.

I've read people hated the touchscreen fights with Dante and Guerro but I thought they were okay. Touch was well recognized and I didn't have to repeat any of the two.

Story was simple but well told and I liked Chase.

On to Gravity Rush!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Just lost 2 hours to a single Motorstorm RC level, at least I finally beat the guy who challenged me finally, HA!
I told you guys I was being serious you can easily spend 70 hours on this game.


Not sure, you don't want to play it again? The price hasn't dropped over here from what I've seen..

Unit 13 is so good! Pick it up in the EU sale if you haven't already and are missing a shooter.

Was just playing a tonne of Sonic Racing Transformed...jumped into NFS:MW and really missed the ability to barrel roll and flip with the R-stick :p Must have meant to play wipeout. NFSMW is literally my "just drive" game though. Great to jump into and speed around.

Also, does anyone else notice Sonic RT is faster (slightly smoother fps) when playing with Samba.. ? With a lot of other characters the fps is worse, seems strange since..same track/event etc..

-Also I never seem to get hate mail with PSASBR..maybe it's more of a US thing? Usually just get friend requests here :p Then again, I play Heihachi and Drake although I've only found one good setup with Drake which is the punch/slide into barrel into whatever. Pretty effective though.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Fuuuuck,that dirst NG boss, as enraging as ever.


Fuuuuck,that dirst NG boss, as enraging as ever.

It's basically the JSR tutorial all over again :p Except you actually need to be able to beat him if you want a decent chance at the game hah. Quite a nice idea but yeah tough as nails when you haven't played in a while.


am I the only weird one to think.. that the Black Vita looks better than the White? (getting uncomfy with my poor White vita) lol


No, most White Vita owners are just in denial. :|

More like early adopters are justifying the black they had no choice over!

It's all just preference. I'm not a fan of the transparent PS button (shines entirely blue compared to the black's blue logo) but I think the white&gray color scheme looks far nicer than black.
The guy from Evolution just tweeted "10 days!" excitedly AND said the studio is around 120 people.

Hopefully it's something for both platforms. I really want them to do something new on Vita, I really loved Motorstorm RC and the Vita needs more new IPs. That means it'll definitely be shown off during the 20th event so~


Just downloaded Ninja Gaiden...holy uncontrollable ninja batman! Any tips? Never played any ninja gaiden before, these controls are horrible. Unless it's just me...
Just downloaded Ninja Gaiden...holy uncontrollable ninja batman! Any tips? Never played any ninja gaiden before, these controls are horrible. Unless it's just me...

The controls are a little rough on the Vita version. You mean the movement controls specifically right? I had that problem with them too.

The game is running at 30 FPS instead of 60 FPS, but I don't think that's what it was. They just translated it badly to the Vita's analog stick, I guess.


am I the only weird one to think.. that the Black Vita looks better than the White? (getting uncomfy with my poor White vita) lol

The white vita was the only negative to getting the AC bundle for me. But money > color so I had no choice.

Ljwinter said:
ust downloaded Ninja Gaiden...holy uncontrollable ninja batman! Any tips? Never played any ninja gaiden before, these controls are horrible. Unless it's just me...

There's not much you can do since it's running at 30fps and not 60. The dude straight up cannot turn left or right without stopping because of that pretty much. It's unplayable.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Camera's not that bad except on higher difficulties with rockets/projectiles and boss fights. R/R2/RT-mashing solves the camera 99% of the time.
Ecolibrium is now confirmed for this week, also... twisted metal for the ps1 o_O; i wonder if it will be vita compatible.

Wait... confirmed for USA? Seriously?! I've been waiting for this for way too long. It's already in English... still don't understand why it takes so long for these games already in English to just be put on the American PSN - unless they have to utilize all the American maps and such for the NEAR functionality.


The white vita was the only negative to getting the AC bundle for me. But money > color so I had no choice.

There's not much you can do since it's running at 30fps and not 60. The dude straight up cannot turn left or right without stopping because of that pretty much. It's unplayable.

gotta agree with you. it would have been so much <3 if it were black. oh well
was thinking of getting skins.. but not sure if that is a good idea or not.


The controls are a little rough on the Vita version. You mean the movement controls specifically right? I had that problem with them too.

The game is running at 30 FPS instead of 60 FPS, but I don't think that's what it was. They just translated it badly to the Vita's analog stick, I guess.

I'm trying my best to deal with it. It's a little frustrating but the gameplay seems decent to work through it. We'll see.


An blind dancing ho
PSY&#12539;S;47560432 said:


Nice guys strike again.[/QUOTE]

the future of video games is bright and in good hands,now we can all sleep well knowing that.

Shin IGN 2024 new scoring system created by legendary shin IGN Editor-in-Chief charted-sama

D word Vagina = Shitty games with spammers online.
DD words Vagina = Decent games but with farts
DDD words Vagina = Cool games with zero lil shits online.
infinite Ds words Vagina = GOTY and online mode of forever.


Does anyone know whether your wallpapers are copied to a separate location when you set them, or if they are linked directly from the file on the memory card?

(I'm wondering if deleting an image from the card which is set as a wallpaper would cause the background to revert to the default)


anyone buys cables from Dealxtreme or Monoprice?
been trying to secure another charging cable for my Vita.. (the official ones.. are like awfully expensive)


Does anyone know whether your wallpapers are copied to a separate location when you set them, or if they are linked directly from the file on the memory card?

(I'm wondering if deleting an image from the card which is set as a wallpaper would cause the background to revert to the default)

Pretty sure they're stored on the Vita itself, hence compression. But I might be lying, try taking out the memory card and turning it on?

anyone buys cables from Dealxtreme or Monoprice?
been trying to secure another charging cable for my Vita.. (the official ones.. are like awfully expensive)

I use Dealextreme every once in a while and they're reputable (but SLOW, last one took a month to arrive). I've switched to buying from eBay, search lowest price BIN with US Only Sellers ticked. You can usually find the same Chinese products from DX, but with a slight markup from a US seller. Unless you're in the UK.

USB/AC are like $4 each on eBay.


don't want to remove the card or else my bubbles will get effed up >_>

but good point, I don't recall anyone saying their backgrounds revert when they remove or swap their memory cards, so you're probably right

Ran rp

the future of video games is bright and in good hands,now we can all sleep well knowing that.

Shin IGN 2024 new scoring system created by legendary shin IGN Editor-in-Chief charted-sama

D word Vagina = Shitty games with spammers online.
DD words Vagina = Decent games but with farts
DDD words Vagina = Cool games with zero lil shits online.
infinite Ds words Vagina = GOTY and online mode of forever.

I just choked on my food :lol
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