Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan


don't want to remove the card or else my bubbles will get effed up >_>

but good point, I don't recall anyone saying their backgrounds revert when they remove or swap their memory cards, so you're probably right
Your wallpapers should stay even if you delete the original pictures. I've done it before.

Edit: Top/middle of the page, go buy PSASBR and get ready for the free Kat DLC on Tuesday! Or at the very least download the Kat and Emmet DLCs while they're free and wait for the game to possibly get on PS+ later. :D
don't want to remove the card or else my bubbles will get effed up >_>

but good point, I don't recall anyone saying their backgrounds revert when they remove or swap their memory cards, so you're probably right
i shall perform this experiment for science and justice

EDIT: the background was still there after removing the memory card

now my bubbles are messed up noooo


i shall perform this experiment for science and justice

EDIT: the background was still there after removing the memory card

now my bubbles are messed up noooo

hmmm if i wasn't watching anime I could have told you guys the backgrounds stay as mine stuck around when i changed memory cards even though I forgot to copy my pictures over :p

Camera sucked in all versions of the game.

But that has never stopped me playing it till the end, even on original Xbox. Game is absolutely amazing in every possible way.

Game is already deleted, lol. There are few things that make a game unplayable for me and a bad camera is one of them. As an example I hate the infatuation of making 3rd person shooter cameras so close to the back of the character, as if you are peaking over their shoulder. Ugh, just center the camera and pull it back and up a little.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Ninja Dog, confirmed.

Just got the plat for Wipeout 2048.

That was one long grind

Are you the bastard that kept making the lobby race mode to where I kept quitting and trying to get into a combat lobby to only run into the same three people a minute ago? Because I hate you. Online campaign practically BEGS for people to be playing combat to finish it.


I'm trying my best to deal with it. It's a little frustrating but the gameplay seems decent to work through it. We'll see.

NGS+ is a pretty damn good downsized port of the sigma game. It does have a few issues regarding the control due to fps slowdown but while quirky, i haven't found the game unplayable. if anything, it makes me think about my actions ahead of time, and it feels a little more satisfying with progress. I have built enough dexterity to use the right stick to swivel the camera during the heat of battle but i wouldn't advise that, lol.

This game is difficult and you will die alot but the experience you gain from combat will make you even more lethal. im only on chapter six on hard difficulty and ive already had to do big switch ups to deal with varying enemy types.

the game rewards preservation in combat and resources, so stock on small elixers and preserve uses by minimizing your damage from fights. When fighting, defense first and look for openings based on your weapon. On higher difficulties, enemies block themselves and can even counter yours.

Im a pretty big ninja gaiden fan since the first game on NES. (thats the second video game i played in my lifetime, i was about 4)

and i think this a great addition to the series


Just got the plat for Wipeout 2048.

That was one long grind

I can't do the multiplayer trophies :( I got almost all the sp ones and they were fun to get, but the mp are just so boring and grindy. I really want this to be my first platinum tough


Just got the plat for Wipeout 2048.

That was one long grind
Congrats! How much multiplayer did you have to play? I've gotten elite pass on every single player event, but I still need to do all of the multiplayer stuff and get an elite pass on one of the A+ challenges. (And reach Rank 50.)


What's the point of trophies? I seriously don't get the appeal. I tried to get a hard one and it just ended up feeling like a boring sidequest in an RPG or something. I just gave up and went back to playing the main game.
What's the point of trophies? I seriously don't get the appeal. I tried to get a hard one and it just ended up feeling like a boring sidequest in an RPG or something. I just gave up and went back to playing the main game.

I don't have a great desire to chase most trophies, however, there are some games that do trophies right and they act almost as challenges to extend gameplay. Others are not so well implementeed and instead we get things like "do a million of this, spend 100 of hours in that, and get to max level in online play".

Another great use of trophies is to encourage users to check out things they may normally skip out on. Like a second playthrough to unlocking something you would see the first time, playing a few matches online, etc.
anyone buys cables from Dealxtreme or Monoprice?
been trying to secure another charging cable for my Vita.. (the official ones.. are like awfully expensive)
Monoprice is very good. I have bought several HDMI cables and also Lightning Bolt to VGA and HDMI adapters, all which I still use. They also ship their products from the US, so no month long dealxtreme shipping from HK.

I can't speak any more highly of Monoprice.
What's the point of trophies? I seriously don't get the appeal. I tried to get a hard one and it just ended up feeling like a boring sidequest in an RPG or something. I just gave up and went back to playing the main game.

I definitely enjoy getting all of the achievements or trophies in a game I really like, like Bayonetta or Vanquish. I don't think i'll ever understand people who say something like "Oh my god this was so grueling" or "wow I hated this game, glad I never have to play it again" after getting all of the trophies in a game though. If you aren't having fun why play it for the trophies?


Completionism. Saints Row 3 was pretty painful for me, in it there's these submissions in your phone where you have to do very short tedious tasks like stealing a specific car or killing a specific person, most of which would be done in seconds. All of the time spent would be minutes driving to the location, minutes driving to the end location (if applicable, such as car stealing), and then minutes driving to the next start location. Probably spent like 8 hours finishing all of those when I beat the game! May as well have been playing a driving simulator.


I ordered a couple of Vitas a few days ago, one for me and one as a gift for a friend. They'll show up tomorrow... I'm getting pretty fucking hyped!
I don't have a great desire to chase most trophies, however, there are some games that do trophies right and they act almost as challenges to extend gameplay. Others are not so well implementeed and instead we get things like "do a million of this, spend 100 of hours in that, and get to max level in online play".

Another great use of trophies is to encourage users to check out things they may normally skip out on. Like a second playthrough to unlocking something you would see the first time, playing a few matches online, etc.

Everyone should make sure they Platinum MGS3 HD

You'll gain a whole new respect for that game's design/attention to detail <3


It really helps when you get lost in your gravity shifting . Also Kat scarf points to original the direction of gravity.
And her hair.

But that has never stopped me playing it till the end, even on original Xbox. Game is absolutely amazing in every possible way.
Except the camera.

Are the controls really as bad for this as people are saying? I've never been that great at the game (furthest I got was in NGS, and I think that was only about half way through the game), so any added obstacle isn't going to help me. Perhaps if it hits EU+ I'll give it a whirl.

true Gek

The Wii U version of Resident Evil Revelations can be played with the tablet-pad alone.

But no Vita version of the game...

Oh Capcom -_-'


Wait... confirmed for USA? Seriously?! I've been waiting for this for way too long. It's already in English... still don't understand why it takes so long for these games already in English to just be put on the American PSN - unless they have to utilize all the American maps and such for the NEAR functionality.

J-Just a heads up, dude. I'm doing you a favour here. It's.. it's not very good.


It's free, though...I'm still very tempted to check it out. Love the concept of these terrarium sims of sorts, few have delivered.

Looks nice, however.

Yeah, you should always try it if it's free~.

I'm just saying, if you're someone like Schobeleth who has seemingly been waiting for this on baited breath, don't go into it with too high hopes. It's an elaborate FB game, where your progress is restricted by either your patience or your wallet. If it was fully fleshed out with more interactive environments and random events, it'd be more enjoyable, but what I played of it soon became a monotonous chore of 'oh, x needs y, better do z'.
does fingerprint, smudges etc look less apparent in white vita? I like my black vita, but damn my oily hand always leaving smudges and stuff not just on the vita screen, but also on the body.

if it is less noticeably on white vita, I have to say white vita is the superior version, kinda wish I have that one instead


does fingerprint, smudges etc look less apparent in white vita? I like my black vita, but damn my oily hand always leaving smudges and stuff not just on the vita screen, but also on the body.

if it is less noticeably on white vita, I have to say white vita is the superior version, kinda wish I have that one instead

I never see anything on the plastic but the smudges on the screen drive me nuts! So I imagine it's a lesser issue on white.


does fingerprint, smudges etc look less apparent in white vita? I like my black vita, but damn my oily hand always leaving smudges and stuff not just on the vita screen, but also on the body.

if it is less noticeably on white vita, I have to say white vita is the superior version, kinda wish I have that one instead

i notice finger prints on my white vita screen but i never notice any on the rest of the vita.

my hands in general aren't that oily though.


Revelaitons certainly wasn't $20 at launch, and it was worth every penny. Almost certainly double dipping on PS3. A Vita port would probably make me triple dip.

Maybe if it were a multi-console release, but it's been $20 brand new for months now.
I'll consider getting it on PC
when it's $10 on a Steam Sale


Are you the bastard that kept making the lobby race mode to where I kept quitting and trying to get into a combat lobby to only run into the same three people a minute ago? Because I hate you. Online campaign practically BEGS for people to be playing combat to finish it.

Haha, I completely ignored races especially from Level 16 of the MP onwards. I don't know how they expected me to hit two opponents, destroy a ship and to get 1st place in a race.

Congrats! How much multiplayer did you have to play? I've gotten elite pass on every single player event, but I still need to do all of the multiplayer stuff and get an elite pass on one of the A+ challenges. (And reach Rank 50.)

Multiplayer was grindy, over 200 races. Level 1 to 15 was long but the requirements for progressing wasn't hard but from 16 onwards the first few races require you to finish in the top half but for the next 10 or so races in the same level you have to get first place.

I also had a panic moment at my 3rd to last race where all my nodes reset because I could not connect to the server. I almost shed man tears.
Yeah, you should always try it if it's free~.

I'm just saying, if you're someone like Schobeleth who has seemingly been waiting for this on baited breath, don't go into it with too high hopes. It's an elaborate FB game, where your progress is restricted by either your patience or your wallet. If it was fully fleshed out with more interactive environments and random events, it'd be more enjoyable, but what I played of it soon became a monotonous chore of 'oh, x needs y, better do z'.

The more I play of F2P games, even on the PC vanguard like Hawken and Planetside, the more I just wish I could shell out for a full-priced game.

We'll see how it goes.
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