Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


well not really...yet
Seems like the short length is more of an issue than anything else.
Eurogamer says 9 hours on hard and acknowledges the way in game clock works. Some other review says 4 hours and leave it at that lol.

It seems like its the same issue of misinterpreting the clock.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Someone should probably make a review thread, rather than have them pile up here.
Yea some of those reviews are mentioning 4 to 5 hour game time based on the completion screen. One review said that it counted retries.

From Jeff

The game keeps a clock that tracks your best times through each area and removes cutscene time. So, if you subtract the time I spent seeing the story and replaying parts where I died, it took me a little over four hours of gameplay to get to the end.

at least he knows the deal somewhat though the calculation might be ymmv


Pretty much everyone who was aware of how long they played the game said the game is 7-8 hours at least first time around. That's a solid length for an action game.
Jeff from Giantbomb is aware of how the clock works, and pegs it much lower.


Yeah, now the reviews are hitting, I guess I'm not bound by the flimsy 'embargo' from the competition any more. This game is fucking awesome. Jeff's review hits it square on the head. Platinum's craziness, KojiPro's storytelling, they all combine to make it one of the most fun games I've played in absolutely ages. The smile didn't leave my face for the first hour of my playthrough! SO GOOD.

Anyone got any more questions that haven't already been answered?
Any idea when the soundtrack hits itunes (or when itunes updates)? It's already available digitally on Amazon but I'd prefer it on there.



well not really...yet
meh, either way I always somehow end up taking longer to beat a game than average. Took 14 hours to beat Bayonetta, 12 hours to beat God of War 3, 10 hours for DmC, etc...

Im guessing my first run through should be between 8-10 hours

Plus factor in VR missions, unlocks, etc, if you are doing it right then there is obviously a lot of replay value


So buying this. Trading in the abomination that is aliens.

Has the vsync issue been resolved? The 360 demo was fucking awful for screen tearing.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
is no one gonna talk about this game anymore? Just reviews? -___-

I like the part with the cutting of the things.

EDIT: Though seriously, can somebody please make a review thread?


well not really...yet
Read a few of the reviews none mentioned length. Do any reviews actually mention it ?

There has been some negative talk about Revengeance's length. My first play-through was on hard and clocked in at nine hours, the second on very hard at about the same. What is important beyond numbers is that there's no flab - every single level is long, varied and earns its place.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If the game has four hours of cut-scenes, I don't consider that a plus.

More towards the 'removes times where you die'. If you spend 30 minutes on a hard boss battle, but then on your good attempt beat it in 5 minutes, MGR counts it as 5 minutes, not 35.


Swiped from vg24/7

Play – 91/100
gamesTM – 9/10
Famitsu – 39/40
Eurogamer – 9/10
OPM – 7/10
Shacknews – No Score
IGN – 8.5
Destructoid – 9/10
GamingBolt – 8.5/10
ShopTo – No Score
Gamespot – No Score (which is odd)
NowGamer – 8/10
New Game Network – 79/100
GodisaGeek – 8/10

too lazy to copy the links too, just check it there

PS: going to sleep now! :p can't wait to slice up some trees in the morning/early afternoon


Junior Member
Read a few of the reviews none mentioned length. Do any reviews actually mention it ?

I think its better to not touch it for a game like this. That ingame counter didn't include either retries or cutscenes so unless a reviewer was sitting there with a stop watch then its so hard to judge..

Then you'd get angry people who said that the reviewer's play time was wrong when they saw 3-4 hours. Silly if anyone did.
Looks like games will have to start putting in two timers - one for "Total Playtime" and one for "Ranked Playtime" or else game journos will keep slipping up on this stuff.


Eurogamer's review seems to be one of the more genuine reviews since the guy actually played on Hard at the start and acknowledges the actual length of the game.

Anyway we will have more data by tomorrow. Someone is going to do this with a stop watch and provide proof.


More towards the 'removes times where you die'. If you spend 30 minutes on a hard boss battle, but then on your good attempt beat it in 5 minutes, MGR counts it as 5 minutes, not 35.
Okay, I didn't realize it worked that way. Odd way of doing things, but no slight on the game.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Read a few of the reviews none mentioned length. Do any reviews actually mention it ?

When you hit the finish line, your final game time might say ~3 hours. It might say ~7 hours. It could say anything, because it will depend on what difficulty you play and how good you are. And in addition to this, the final game time wont count continues (only records the fastest time, not total), cutscene duration, nor codecs. You will have played for quite a bit longer than the time registers.

And on top of this you won't have unlocked and purchased all the swords, outfits, wigs, and boss weapons. Nor upgraded said swords to maximum stats. Nor finished all twenty VR challenges, let alone with gold rank.

And I'm also willing to bet you wont have collected every ID left hand (think: dogtags), every data cube (unlocks concept art), and every MIB (men in box) all in one playthrough.
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