Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


At the very least we're getting a game where Raiden can finally ascend to his maximum bad assery and potential. The sword segments at the end of MGS2 make Raiden look like a wimp compared to what he's doing in Rising.
Fuck yes. Slashing with the analog stick like that is auto fail for an action game. It's why Too Human failed... my god what a shitty system that game had.



My retail copy finally shipped from Amazon. That overpriced lamp will be mine.

Holy shit! I Pray for a Kazify.


Loves Robotech S1
At the very least we're getting a game where Raiden can finally ascend to his maximum bad assery and potential. The sword segments at the end of MGS2 make Raiden look like a wimp compared to what he's doing in Rising.

That sequence was pretty clumsy, but it was really fascinating as a way to set up the direction the series would take in Rising. It basically represented Raiden finally abandoning Snake as a role model and becoming a unique character with his own fighting style. Even the way the sequence was structured was like a funnel gradually opening up and losing the cover spots completely, forcing Raiden to learn to use the blade and stop relying on his guns.

It's funny that the sequence only really makes sense more than a decade after the fact (like a lot of things in MGS2, actually).


Oh man that Nip/Tuck gif page is saved for posterity. One of my guilty pleasures of old.

It's funny that the sequence only really makes sense more than a decade after the fact (like a lot of things in MGS2, actually).
Yea MGS2 was way ahead of its time. I was absolutely floored by it the first time.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The way EatChildren commented on it sounds like he has a press release detailing future DLC plans or something. It sounds like we're going to get it too.

Maybe, but atleast from what we know the soul of snake sword is part of the first VR DLC and since he was asking about Sam he may not have known about the DLC in general.

Would like to be wrong, though.


That sequence was pretty clumsy, but it was really fascinating as a way to set up the direction the series would take in Rising. It basically represented Raiden finally abandoning Snake as a role model and becoming a unique character with his own fighting style. Even the way the sequence was structured was like a funnel gradually opening up and losing the cover spots completely, forcing Raiden to learn to use the blade and stop relying on his guns.

It's funny that the sequence only really makes sense more than a decade after the fact.

I actually digged what it represented, but like the Dahbomb said, the actual execution was pretty clunky. Raiden in Rising vs. Solidus from MGS2 would be hilarious to see, Solidus would get butchered.

I've always liked Raiden a lot as a character, never understood the criticism on his attitude in MGS2. Dude had a pretty terrible childhood, he rivals Solid Snake and Bigboss in how terrible their lives are.


Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.


Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.

This sounds like an MGS hentai. Let's be real.


Rolling Girl
Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.

That would be a pretty awesome VR mission if they could ever be bothered to make something like that.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The way EatChildren commented on it sounds like he has a press release detailing future DLC plans or something. It sounds like we're going to get it too.

Oh I didn't mean that, sorry. I Googled it and found this report, which seems to say the VR DLC will have 30 missions and the Solid Snake wood sword. It then notes there will be a second set of DLC for LQ-84i and Samuel.
Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.

You called MGR2, Solidus is returned with a Cyborg Body.


Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.

The slow-mo cutting mechanic would be perfect for slicing away Solidus' tentacles. Shit, have Platinum do the entire ending of MGS2 over starting at the multiple metal gear battle.

I sincerely hope Rising does extremely well, anything that benefits both Kojima and Platinum Games is a good thing.


Ya the Gamestop over by me had a midnight launch. Not sure if any of the gamestops that were selling it at midnight did it soley for MGR because Crysis 3 also just came out and they had a midnight launch for that, but i'm super super hyped. Just got my copy for the PS3 and about to start playing ^___^

also wanted to ask peoples opinion? Do you guys think the guide would be worth getting for this game? And also should i use the gray fox skin on my first or 2nd play through ^_^


Also as far as story issues or the story as a whole goes for Rising, nothing can get more odd or haphazard than Peace Walker's story. That shit was weird and not in a good way.


dis is sum bullshit. same here.

where the fuck do i complain? that shit was advertised.

You mean the one that came as a bonus with gamestop? I got one :D and its funny bc one of the employees got yelled at by the manager bc he was just giving them away to everyone not just people that pre-ordered rofl
Also as far as story issues or the story as a whole goes for Rising, nothing can get more odd or haphazard than Peace Walker's story. That shit was weird and not in a good way.

That's true. I had no idea what was going on. The only thing I remember is....chick escaped into jungle--ooh nice.....






My friend told me he got the game just now. Unfortunately I am about to go to sleep and have work tomorrow. I don't think I will be able to go balls deep into the game until after the Sony event.


Peace Walker was a mess. Dare I say the most overrated game in the MGS franchise. >_>

I loved my time with it, but it felt like a nice bonus to the MGS HD collection. It's basically a action stealth game with meta strategy elements in Metal Gear clothing. Biggest problem is the story isn't redeeming at all, which isn't the smartest idea with a series that strives on story beats and characters.


You mean the one that came as a bonus with gamestop? I got one :D and its funny bc one of the employees got yelled at by the manager bc he was just giving them away to everyone not just people that pre-ordered rofl

*sigh* I gotta deal with this shit in the morning. I will get this book no matter what.
I liked it alot.

Honestly, I'm in this camp.

Hopefully both my orders of the US copy, JPN LE, and Black Raiden figure will arrive before the weeks out.

Went on a trailer binge recently, nearly everything from the 2010 KP MGSR, to the JPN commericals of Rising. I think we as fans, consumers, etc., made out like bandits in the end, in gameplay, story, etc. The turn-around in reception for this game is incredible, looking at the 2011 MGR release trailer.

Anyway, happy Presidents/George Sears/Solidus day everyone.
Solidus vs MGR Raiden would be bad ass. I mean obviously they would have to spruce up Solidus to match up to Raiden but man what a bad ass fight that would be. Even in MGS2 Solidus was zipping around the area like a maniac and setting the ground on fire while leaping around with his tentacles.

Wasn't Solidus's VA in this game? What was his role (spoilers obviously)?


i c but it said it would quit game session. What kind of flop customization screen placement? im scared to press

It will take you to the screen, but then once you back out it will take you to your last checkpoint.

Or you can wait till you finish the level.
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