Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
I guess the lifelessness of the threads making them less than exciting to post in.Well there are already Origin and GOG threads. People just feel the need to dump them into the Steam thread anyway.
I guess the lifelessness of the threads making them less than exciting to post in.Well there are already Origin and GOG threads. People just feel the need to dump them into the Steam thread anyway.
That's getting into monolithic mega-thread territory, though. There is still enough going on Steam-wise to sustain its own thread, even if the rules and standards of the thread were much more explicit.
I agree for the most part.Idk most of the stuff I read here is consistently relevant to Steam.
Personally, my lines are drawn thus:Idk most of the stuff I read here is consistently relevant to Steam.
Personally, my lines are drawn thus:
GoG, Origin, uPlay (the store) - not relevant to Steam
Amazon, GMG, GG - relevant to Steam
HIB, IR, other indie bundles - relevant if Steam keys given
hardware - relevant when it pertains to issues/ability to run Steam games (edit: when it's an older game that's on sale and doesn't have an active OT, otherwise, just use the OT)
hardware - not too relevant when it pertains to build advice
Out now:Batmobile DLC for Sleeping Dogs. Will definitely purchase. Do these things usually go live at a certain time?
The Wheels of Fury Pack gives you full control of the ultimate prototype supercar to tear up Hong Kong - the DZS-90. Uncover the story of Dr. Tang’s secret prototype across 5 all-new missions - each time adding incredible upgrades to the vehicle. The DZS-90 in its final form includes twin, concealed roof-mounted machine guns, 4-wheel steering, an electronic magnetic pulse, boosted speed and armor, and new styling options to show it off.
Darkness II and Spec Ops aren't bad games, but they're both very short (5 hours max each).I think I'm this close to pre-ordering Bioshock Infinite + a game on GreenmanGaming... What would be the best 'value' for the second, free game?
I've just spent the whole night downloading Brutal Legend. I put the PC on power save (turned off after 2 hours) when I left the house to go to work and it was on 95%. I've just got in now and it's back to 0%. I've looked in SteamApps for the actual game, .exe, etc. and there's just an installscript file in there, yet when I go on Steam it says that there's 8247mb on the drive and the game verifies. The Brutal Legend icon isn't greyed out or anything, and when I click on it, I'm told that Steam is 'updating Brutal Legend'.
I have recently moved my Steam library from an SSD to a HDD, but I seemed to have this problem even before that. Any help guys?
It's vastly preferable to whatever e-dick measuring, compare account worth, backlog sizes, etc. cycles that used to plague these threads for a long time. "I see everyone's sharing their wishlist, might as w-..." NO. BAD.I don't think we've ever had a "situation", Tonygate aside, so I don't feel the status quo needs any changing. A bit OT or general PC talk from time to time isn't the end of the world.
What is that based on? GMG are taking prepurchases and it says it requires capsule and the beta used uplay.Trials Evolution Gold Edition might be a Steamworks title.
What is that based on? GMG are taking prepurchases and it says it requires capsule and the beta used uplay.
It's vastly preferable to whatever e-dick measuring, compare account worth, backlog sizes, etc. cycles that used to plague these threads for a long time. "I see everyone's sharing their wishlist, might as w-..." NO. BAD.
It's vastly preferable to whatever e-dick measuring, compare account worth, backlog sizes, etc. cycles that used to plague these threads for a long time. "I see everyone's sharing their wishlist, might as w-..." NO. BAD.
Steam sales threads would beg to differ. End of every sale is riddled with that stuff.
< Guilty
I would've expect Trials to be a uplay exclusive.
Its a Microsoft published game on Xbox, and Microsoft Studios are starting to adopt Steamworks over GFWL.
Ubisoft favors Uplay.
Another point entirely here. I don't understand why Ubisoft doesn't go Steamworks and still offer their games from the Uplay client.
That way people could buy games from their store and either download them there or activate them on Steam. All for free, and they get 100% of the profit.
Uplay was a fucking abomination in Ghost Recon. Steamworks would have been so much better.
I'm probably mistaken, but...
If you notice it next time before trying to download it again, you might be able to copy the folder inside downloading elsewhere, select delete local content con Steam, move again the copied folder to downloading and start the download. This way, Steam will recognize the data you already have stored in your hard drive and will only download the remaining files, as it should.
This was my first time using it for co-op purposesIsin't this always the case?
I preferred controller as I played 100% stealth and did very little shooting. I started a combat run with it and found it much harder because I had to aim Deus Ex Human Revolution better with a controller or M+KB? I'm about to play it again. Only played a short amount before when I got it on OnLive :lol
No credit for my shot at the bottom? This hurts Chris.Thank you based Chris Remo, you can ask me again in the future
Use whichever method you Deus Ex Human Revolution better with a controller or M+KB? I'm about to play it again. Only played a short amount before when I got it on OnLive :lol
Uplay was a fucking abomination in Ghost Recon. Steamworks would have been so much better.
This was my first time using it for co-op purposes![]()
No credit for my shot at the bottom? This hurts Chris.
I preferred controller as I played 100% stealth and did very little shooting. I started a combat run with it and found it much harder because I had to aim lol.
No credit for my shot at the bottom? This hurts Chris.
Use whichever method you prefer.
I am looking for Tomb Raider or Bioshock Infinite.
Can offer an Adventure of Shuggy Key.
Anyone wanna have the key? Will give it to the first to quote me
How long does it take for a pre-purchase bonus to fill.
I want to jump on the Bioshock Infinite pre-purchase but I would feel better if it was at 50% and had a good chance of unlocking the free XCom Enemy Unknown bonus.
How long does it take for a pre-purchase bonus to fill.
I want to jump on the Bioshock Infinite pre-purchase but I would feel better if it was at 50% and had a good chance of unlocking the free XCom Enemy Unknown bonus.
I thought the game was already F2P.
Wario stop hogging all the shit you dont even want to play dammit
Sup guys