shooting blanks
La Décima
Ain't gonna happen brah
Ain't gonna happen brah
We're practically in. Fry where do you live?
Made a little change to Fryers' wiki
Lets see how long it lasts
Zeki's career-defining moment came in a League Cup match in the League Cup semi-final against Crystal Palace. Trailing 1-2, and going into the last minute of extra time, Fryers made his way to the edge of the box only to see the ball break past him and Crystal Palace set off on a counter-attack. Somewhat bizarrely, and some would say, counter-productively, Fryers opted to choose this moment at a vital stage in the game to practise his swan dive. His first attempt was unsuccessful, but upon regaining his feet he made a second attempt, beginning with a flamboyant stumble and ending with an exceptional swallow dive, hitting the turf at a 45-degree angle. Ex-England star Emile Heskey responded by telling MUFCTV, 'There's a lot of potential in the lad, I've offered my services to the club and he'll soon be falling like a narcoleptic in a brewery.' Manager Alex Ferguson was however less impressed, and was heard by at least 3 spectators to have muttered the words, 'What in Christ's name was that?
São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo
La Décima
Ain't gonna happen brah
Who here is getting Bioshock Infinite?
Colombia goes to Buenos Aires in June. Argentina is going to get shit on. Our defenders play in Italy so we're going to crush that little midget Messi. Plus, we can score goals
it will happen, just not with mourinho, watch whoever comes in next @ madrid wins CL and gets all the credit for something mou built lol
I can't fucking wait for Bioshock to be honest. The first one was one of the best experiences I've had playing a video game in years. Man I loved everything about it. Even my motor mouth friend who wouldn't shut up about everything was just a rehash of Systemshock 2. :lol
I doubt Messi got paid much for that. It's just Esquire magazine. Probably his publicist recommended it to get his image out in different places rather than him looking at a cheque and jumping at the chance.
What do people think about playing single player games together as a group of friends? One person plays and the other watch beers and pizza also commonly involved. I personally love this. My friends and I played Uncharted, Bioshock, Ass Creed, lots of others in this fashion and it was great. When you're watching and not playing, you can absorb the story, graphics and settings more since you aren't concentrating on dealing with the systems and worrying about dying (kind of like when you read aloud you forget a lot of the contents because you're focusing on your voice projection). Too bad I live alone now and my gf falls asleep in like 10 minutes if I play a SP game unless it has boobs or crazy action.
Playing the demo of Bioshock for the first time was probably one of the most memorable moments of this gen for me. Still not sure how I feel about the overall experience but I absolutely adore the beginning of that game.
Playing the demo of Bioshock for the first time was probably one of the most memorable moments of this gen for me. Still not sure how I feel about the overall experience but I absolutely adore the beginning of that game.
The boring gameplay did get me in the end and made me not finish it, but yeah, that fucking opening, so good. The atmosphere was for the most part really great but it just got boring all of a sudden.
I doubt Messi got paid much for that. It's just Esquire magazine. Probably his publicist recommended it to get his image out in different places rather than him looking at a cheque and jumping at the chance.
What do people think about playing single player games together as a group of friends? One person plays and the other watch beers and pizza also commonly involved. I personally love this. My friends and I played Uncharted, Bioshock, Ass Creed, lots of others in this fashion and it was great. When you're watching and not playing, you can absorb the story, graphics and settings more since you aren't concentrating on dealing with the systems and worrying about dying (kind of like when you read aloud you forget a lot of the contents because you're focusing on your voice projection). Too bad I live alone now and my gf falls asleep in like 10 minutes if I play a SP game unless it has boobs or crazy action.
I doubt Messi got paid much for that. It's just Esquire magazine. Probably his publicist recommended it to get his image out in different places rather than him looking at a cheque and jumping at the chance.
What do people think about playing single player games together as a group of friends? One person plays and the other watch beers and pizza also commonly involved. I personally love this. My friends and I played Uncharted, Bioshock, Ass Creed, lots of others in this fashion and it was great. When you're watching and not playing, you can absorb the story, graphics and settings more since you aren't concentrating on dealing with the systems and worrying about dying (kind of like when you read aloud you forget a lot of the contents because you're focusing on your voice projection). Too bad I live alone now and my gf falls asleep in like 10 minutes if I play a SP game unless it has boobs or crazy action.
Bioshock is the best game I played this gen.
Okay, at this point you're just trying to build on that reputation. He's become self aware!
Okay, at this point you're just trying to build on that reputation. He's become self aware!
Bioshock isn't the best game of the gen but the highs of it are well up there with the very best the same could be said of Heavy Rain. The game did falter after the twist
Puzzle games are the best though (when playing with friends). My friends and I played Zack & Wiki together. Extremely good times.
What's the best game of this gen in your opinion?
In my opinion, Demon's Souls. Yours?
I'm in the middle of BioShock now actually, and while I can see the appeal, it's not blowing me away. The combat is pretty average although I do think the game makes up for it in mood and atmosphere. I'm not bored with it--its just not pulling me in and sinking its hooks into me in a way that I'd like.
I think I'm in the final stretch though, so I should finish up by next weekend.
Can someone tell me how much further I have to go please?
I just finished the would you kindly twist and killed Ryan on orders from Atlas.
You're just about done. An hour or so remains.
just beat Ni No Kuni
44.5 hours
JRPG of the gen
just beat Ni No Kuni
44.5 hours
JRPG of the gen
Just started it today. Glad to hear you liked it.
Mr Drippy is brilliant.
Oh really? I should really have finished it then cause I stopped not long after that.
You've already far surpasse the best parts of the game but its worth finishing for the sake of finishing. It's not going to make you dislike the game any more (like the ME3 ending)
We don't buy from the Premier League bro.
Nah. If there are people at those levels who aren;t doing their jobs properly, they're harming the future of your club and need to be either put right, or thrown out. You can't turn an average youth setup into the best in the world without ruffling a few feathers.
I think we had the same conversations on RAWK when the Barca guys came in and were unsatisfied with certain people at all levels and essentially had them replaced. People were annoyed that staff who'd been at the club for years were relieved of their positions, but we've already started reaping the benefits. Its a cliche, but there's no room for sentimentality in the serious parts of football.
False advertising.As a stranger to Burger King, why is everything they serve so fucking small ?