What people want are explanations behind your thinking otherwise people will suspect you cobbled it all together willy nilly.
Totally fine with who i ended up with .
In sdburton i trust !
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W - 05
This episode was trully excellent.
I did get a while before i understood this one , such an obscure reference lol. How many people playing that game that are still watching anime these days ????
But it did fit in the sequence of events. so it was fine.
And then i got a norio wakamoto cleaner ?
WTF. He really appears in the most unexpected places !
Then the plot took place with the appearance of kuuko cousin.
Silly kuuko. I hope the author realise that's it's exactly how many people that are intrested in the MC ATM.
I guess cousins can marry each other if they are aliens.
The whole develloppement was nice , even if somewhat forced since they broke the serious parts with jokes.
I wish i had time to make gifs but this post is heavy enough.
The real part was the bath part with a oh so predictable yet clever trick ( wrap baby ! ) that lead to some awesome mahiro develloppement . I hope he evolve in a harem king in this case