Team BlondGuyWithASword
Big site update. Including clean designs of all the new characters shown in the key visual. Most of them are Gatchaman organization members.
Team BlondGuyWithASword
Big site update. Including clean designs of all the new characters shown in the key visual. Most of them are Gatchaman organization members.
man, hope this thread (and OT) isn't closed during e3 traffic, would be boring.
If the Sonic reveal and the console announcements are anything to go by, you might not even be able to get a post in edge wise due to the heavy, hope this thread (and OT) isn't closed during e3 traffic, would be boring.
I don't think I would mind it if I could actually get myself excited for E3. But last year burned me so much I really can't get hyped for this one, even though I know it will be better on a number of fronts.
Syrinx: Downgrade.
I hurt you because I care, Mad Pierrot-chan.
Well, if Nafe has exclusivity over Minako, Mad Pierrot over Tomoe, and me over Ami, then we're going to quickly run out of spots when the SM bandwagon finally hits the road.It might've been an Ami avatar if you hadn't taken it first.
Syrinx: Downgrade.
We will always have IRC.
Kirbyguy: Check your PMs.
Hm...yeah, not feelin' the song, but otherwise, still on board.
It might've been an Ami avatar if you hadn't taken it first.
Well, if Nafe has exclusivity over Minako, Mad Pierrot over Tomoe, and me over Ami, then we're going to quickly run out of spots when the SM bandwagon finally hits the road.
Aiko from Doremi has blue hair.
Then go with Haruka.I doubt somebody will take Haruka before I do when that happens.
But the first season is good.
Both seasons of Nanoha are worth watching. A's is much better than the original, but they're both highly enjoyable.
We will always have IRC.
Kirbyguy: Check your PMs.
Team BlondGuyWithASword
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 4-5
Shiny Luminous get!
The animators must have loved episode 5. They got to use Shiny Luminous' henshin footage twice. It's not even a particularly good transformation sequence. I guess maybe it beats out the Cures', but that's only because their new transformation sequence sucks ass.
Also, confirmation that Hikari seems to be the Queen's "life". Because nobody had figured that out yet. At least Wisdom and the elder went back home to the Garden of Light so maybe we won't have to see so much of them standing around blurting exposition in future. That schtick was getting pretty old already.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 4-5
Shiny Luminous get!
The animators must have loved episode 5. They got to use Shiny Luminous' henshin footage twice. It's not even a particularly good transformation sequence. I guess maybe it beats out the Cures', but that's only because their new transformation sequence sucks ass.
Also, confirmation that Hikari seems to be the Queen's "life". Because nobody had figured that out yet. At least Wisdom and the elder went back home to the Garden of Light so maybe we won't have to see so much of them standing around blurting exposition in future. That schtick was getting pretty old already.
Then go with Haruka.
Some other time.
Shiny Luminous is really the most dull Precure. Shes literally characterless.
That's why she's not a Cure.
....granted that doesn't explain Milky Rose.
Sonic 2 MS/GG was amazing fun times. Nothing in life prepares you for the severity of the first boss on a Game Gear screen; that is a life lesson in pain right there.Sonic the Hedgehog for the Master System is also good. Don't play Sonic 2 MS, though. That game is a nightmare.
technically, but you know what I mean.
She transforms and stuff and works with the Precures.
close enough.
yeah yeah yeah
Shiny Luminous is still the citizen cure of precures.
But the older dude has a DARK PAST filled with ANGST; that's the strongest pussy-magnet in shoujo animu.
I've been rolling with the #masterplan before rewatching Sailor Moon was a thing.Compromise: Everybody get a Tuxedo Mask avatar.
yeah if by that you mean she was boring as fuck then she's quite like citizen Kane.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 6
In this episode, Hikari caught a balloon.
Also, at the end of the episode, a second Heartiel randomly appeared for no apparent reason.
These were the only two things of any consequence that happened in this episode.
I hurt you because I care, Mad Pierrot-chan.
I watched the first one back with you all. I was bored to tears.
Sonic 2 MS/GG was amazing fun times. Nothing in life prepares you for the severity of the first boss on a Game Gear screen; that is a life lesson in pain right there.
Oh and the utterly frustrating hang glider as well. Granted this is all mainly nostalgia since I grew up with those Sonic games rather than the Mega Drive ones but still, so good.
So he's Arata.
The show is actually taking over Chihayafuru's time slot.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 7
This episode contained food. Nagisa made dinner for family () and Hikari made crepes for random customers (it tasted like death). Hmph.they tasted heavenly
This episode also included Passion, the second Heartiel, who is a pretty cool guy. He rides pigeons and doesn't afraid of anything.
There also seems to be a side-plot progressing about some old colleague of Akane's trying to get her to quit selling food and come back to do some real work. Don't listen to him, Akane. Delicious food is the most important thing in the world. Just ask Nagisa.
Man that music, so good. I guess it's just a difference of opinion. Some of the GG/MS games were more akin to Mario's style of platforming than the more traditional "Gotta Go Fast" of the Mega Drive games. But then I'm biased.
Well, if Nafe has exclusivity over Minako, Mad Pierrot over Tomoe, and me over Ami, then we're going to quickly run out of spots when the SM bandwagon finally hits the road.
Aiko from Doremi has blue hair.
I've been rolling with the #masterplan before rewatching Sailor Moon was a thing.![]()
Man that music, so good. I guess it's just a difference of opinion. Some of the GG/MS games were more akin to Mario's style of platforming than the more traditional "Gotta Go Fast" of the Mega Drive games. But then I'm biased.
Well there is that. That entire game is based around that kind of gameplay though; the hang gliders where you can't tell where you're meant to land, the annoying crab boss at the start where you have to dodge point blank range bouncing cannonballs on a slope, the section in Green Hill where you have to hit a series of springs at a precise speed or die or the stupid spinning magnet platforms in the final level where you have to time the button pressing just right for one jump to the next or fall back to the start again.The problem is the leap-of-faith tubes where you have to press the right direction by trial-and-error or you die.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 7
If you don't hate it from the bottom of your soul by now, something is wrong.
All right, Imma get back to Jojo later. Imma try out another one of Urobuchi's masterpieces. Which one? Here's a hint:
whoa why is the first episode 47 minutes.
If you don't hate it from the bottom of your soul by now, something is wrong.
How would I go about connecting to the IRC?