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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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She's like Togepi, and Porun's Misty!

I'm...not sure that comparison works >.> Togepi and Misty are both cute!

Futari wa Precure Max Heart 11

Okay, this was without a doubt the best episode of this series so far. Lacrosse (which is, as we have established, the best sport ever) really does somehow make everything better.

The conflict in this episode - two of the lacrosse team members getting in a fight and ruining the team spirit for the big match - was pretty standard as these things go (and kind of reminiscent of Shiho's motivation issues in that one episode last series), but it was really heartwarming to see Nagisa help the team overcome it through the POWER OF HOLDING HANDS technique Honoka (and Hikari) had used to raise her own spirits.

In fact, even Hikari had a pretty good showing this episode. Aside from the aforementioned hand-holding encouragement, it was pretty cool to see her determinedly holding out against the bad guys on her own so that Nagisa's big match wouldn't have to be ruined. For a character whose main role is usually to stand on the sidelines providing support for the two real fighters, she put up a pretty nice fight.

And actually, even the Zakenna this episode was much cooler than the boring designs we've been seeing in previous episodes. A giant metal dinosaur who can use Thunderbolt? That's inherently cool. Main villains, you just got showed up by one of your own minions. My God, you guys suck.

For bonus points, was I just imagining it, or did this episode have actual animation? I definitely spotted a couple of unfortunate off-model moments, but the movement seemed much more fluid than usual in that battle. It's like the animators were actually trying!

Thank you, Max Heart. This episode was exactly what I needed to avoid losing all hope.


Hey guys, someone fixed Gargantia storyline!


Ew, no. Gargantia's actually good. Valvrave is only good because Code Geass drove me insane.


Poet Centuriate
Clannad 13

Kotomi should've become
the Batman
. Though with Tomoya
not remembering being old acquaintances with Kotomi makes me wonder if there are other things beyond Hitomi and Fuko that's he's forgot.

That's what she was doing the scissors? Okay, that was surprising.

One thing that's seems to be sticking out pretty evident is the ultimate path and structure of the series; my prediction:
We'll finish Kotomi's arc and then next we'll see Tomoyo's and that will finish off the low tier girls making way for a (shared?) Kyou and Ryou arc and finishing with the best girl Nagisa

New page. Recommend some intense gambling

I'm...not sure that comparison works >.> Togepi and Misty are both cute!

Futari wa Precure Max Heart 11

Okay, this was without a doubt the best episode of this series so far. Lacrosse (which is, as we have established, the best sport ever) really does somehow make everything better.

The conflict in this episode - two of the lacrosse team members getting in a fight and ruining the team spirit for the big match - was pretty standard as these things go (and kind of reminiscent of Shiho's motivation issues in that one episode last series), but it was really heartwarming to see Nagisa help the team overcome it through the POWER OF HOLDING HANDS technique Honoka (and Hikari) had used to raise her own spirits.

In fact, even Hikari had a pretty good showing this episode. Aside from the aforementioned hand-holding encouragement, it was pretty cool to see her determinedly holding out against the bad guys on her own so that Nagisa's big match wouldn't have to be ruined. For a character whose main role is usually to stand on the sidelines providing support for the two real fighters, she put up a pretty nice fight.

And actually, even the Zakenna this episode was much cooler than the boring designs we've been seeing in previous episodes. A giant metal dinosaur who can use Thunderbolt? That's inherently cool. Main villains, you just got showed up by one of your own minions. My God, you guys suck.

For bonus points, was I just imagining it, or did this episode have actual animation? I definitely spotted a couple of unfortunate off-model moments, but the movement seemed much more fluid than usual in that battle. It's like the animators were actually trying!

Thank you, Max Heart. This episode was exactly what I needed to avoid losing all hope.

It'll only drive you to despair, this episode does have nice animation, in a way, you can say this had some Shiny Luminous Sakuga moments. Anyway, come on, Hikari looks kinda cute, she's just really boring. And evil. The worst part about this episode is that Hikari TRIED TO BE USEFUL, and then Nagisa and Honoka said "Hay you were useful. Don't ever do that again." She took it to heart.

It doesn't get more intense than Kaiji.

Guess that's something to do for my genre shift in a few days. Thanks Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!
Clannad 13

Hitomi should've become
the Batman
. Though with Tomoya
not remembering being old acquaintances with Hitomi makes me wonder if there are other things beyond Hitomi and Fuko that's he's forgot.

That's what she was doing the scissors? Okay, that was surprising.

One thing that's seems to be sticking out pretty evident is the ultimate path and structure of the series; my prediction:
We'll finish Hitomi's arc and then next we'll see Tomoyo's and that will finish off the low tier girls making way for a (shared?) Kyou and Ryou arc and finishing with the best girl Nagisa

parents died in a plane crash.
That would make her
Also is this thread suitable for long-form anime analysis stuff? I was thinking of doing a tribute to Kenji Nakamura thing analyzing some of the filmmaking techniques he uses, but I don't know if that's advisable since this thread is so stream of consciousness.

People post long-form analyses from time to time, such as Jexhius and Shergal (and I like to do it on occasion). Shouldn't be a problem. You might want to also save it somewhere else though, since it's easy for such things to get lost at the speed this thread goes.

Kenji Nakamura is pretty rad, so I'd encourage and contribute to any discussion of him.


Those who don't like VVV just don't get it.

I like VVV just fine. But Gargantia is still way better.

Slayers NEXT 14

So this episode actually reminded me of those episodes of Adventure Time where Finn goes on Dungeon Crawls for fun. Which makes me think that in some ways, Slayers really feels a lot like Adventure Time. In some ways. Take for instance, this dungeon crawl. Lina and the gang are rushing to get a magic book of ancient spells before a pair of monk-sisters can. Along the way they have to fight monsters and some bounty hunters as well.

And when they get the magic book? It's got songs and sailor uniforms for Lina and Amelia to perform the spell in. Said spell summons cherry blossoms and a ball of light. Needless to say, after going through so embarrassing a situation, Lina is less than pleased and Dragon Slave's everyone who saw.


Clannad 13

Hitomi should've become
the Batman
. Though with Tomoya
not remembering being old acquaintances with Hitomi makes me wonder if there are other things beyond Hitomi and Fuko that's he's forgot.

It's Kotomi. Ko-to-mi.

And man, my memories of her arc are pretty hazy. Fuuko's arc was really the highlight of the first series of Clannad for me, I think. I can remember that one arc pretty clearly, but everything between it and After Story is a bit of a blur...

Futari wa Precure Max Heart 12

The trend of episodes not making me want to kill myself continues. This one had adorable Porun riding a cute baby goat, and Maoudonalds-esque fast-food marketing techniques.

Also, it introduced the fourth (final?) antagonist, who looks slightly more threatening than the other three. This episode's Zakenna, though back to the uninspired standard that this series tends to stick to, was at least eliminated super-quickly with a combo of LUMINOUS HEARTIEL ACTION and PRECURE MARBLE SCREW MAX, both of which are among the nicer stock footage that Max Heart has to offer. Can't complain.


Poet Centuriate
It's Kotomi. Ko-to-mi.

And man, my memories of her arc are pretty hazy. Fuuko's arc was really the highlight of the first series of Clannad for me, I think. I can remember that one arc pretty clearly, but everything between it and After Story is a bit of a blur...

yeah you're right, and I knew that, I don't know why I keep typing it, fuck.


People post long-form analyses from time to time, such as Jexhius and Shergal (and I like to do it on occasion). Shouldn't be a problem. You might want to also save it somewhere else though, since it's easy for such things to get lost at the speed this thread goes.

Kenji Nakamura is pretty rad, so I'd encourage and contribute to any discussion of him.

I'd think linking back to previous posts in the series would help too in case someone comes in late.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie First

Well, I decided to watch this in lieu of the entire first season, so it's nice that I got all of that out of the way in the approximate timespan of 5 episodes instead of an entire season. I hear you guys say that A's is supposed to be some top-tier shit, so I'm excited for that now.

I think it's pretty funny that Fate's backstory pretty much made her into Astro Boy, being a replacement and her mom hating her for it. Is that an intentional reference, or is it just lifting ideas from another franchise? :p
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 171:
(a few minutes in) Oh, so it's Pokemon does "The Prisoner of Zenda", I guess that's kind of cool.

(continues watching)

BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! This is some Sunrise level bullshit.
So the Princess, with no Contest experience, manages to pull a complete come from behind victory and snatch Musashi's victory away? And she accomplishes this by...dodging? Oh, and then because the writers realized "wait, Musashi still needs her fifth ribbon", they have the Princess fucking give it to her out of pity? WHAT THE FUCK? It's like they felt like having Musashi defeat the Princess wouldn't fly with kids or something (but it's not like everyone doesn't like Rocket Gang already, plus she'd be beating a one shot character who will never show up again), so they were like "well, shit" and vomited out this piece of crap. And then she goes and gives her Togekiss to Hikari for no real reason? Is this Pokemon or an episode of Oprah?
Fuck everyone responsible for writing this episode.
Clannad 13

Kotomi should've become
the Batman
. Though with Tomoya
not remembering being old acquaintances with Kotomi makes me wonder if there are other things beyond Hitomi and Fuko that's he's forgot.

That's what she was doing the scissors? Okay, that was surprising.

One thing that's seems to be sticking out pretty evident is the ultimate path and structure of the series; my prediction:
We'll finish Kotomi's arc and then next we'll see Tomoyo's and that will finish off the low tier girls making way for a (shared?) Kyou and Ryou arc and finishing with the best girl Nagisa

I don't believe Kyou and Ryou are covered in Clannad. I think their potential route is just in an OVA.
Red Data Girl Episode 10 My First School Festival

A laughing Miyuki, somehow ended up being the most memorable aspect of the whole episode, lol, how odd for him, I liked it. I dont really have much else to say on the rest, its just as Red Data Girl as any Red Data Girl could get, enjoyable.


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 13

Step 1) Nagisa's mum is strict with Nagisa about dressing up warm and staying healthy. Nagisa gets angry and they have a falling-out.
Step 2) Nagisa's dad takes Nagisa out shopping and tells anecdotes to make her realise that her mother loves her really.
Step 4) Nagisa makes up with her mum. Happy end!

I particularly like the part where Honoka and Hikari randomly appear on the scene about two seconds after the random Zakenna attack begins, despite no prior indication that they were anywhere nearby. Some people think Porun was overpowered in the latter half of the first series because he could power up the Cures from literally anywhere, but even he couldn't physically teleport himself to the scene of the battle! Now that's what I call a superpower!


ZZ Gundam 32

Oooooh boy! Sexy shirtless Judau! Bitchy Beecha! And my all time new favorite: Creepy as hell Glemy Toto standing over a naked pre-teen in an ice box. ZZ Gundam is the show that keeps on giving. I have to be honest guys: While I respect Zeta as having the better music, mecha designs, and cast, ZZ is still the better show to me. It's funny, it has a pretty solid direction going on, which Zeta lacked, and its more entertaining.
yeah yeah yeah

Shiny Luminous is still the citizen cure of precures.
Why did you make such a bad joke ?

Futari wa Precure Max Heart 7

This episode contained food. Nagisa made dinner for family (
it tasted like death
) and Hikari made crepes for random customers (
they tasted heavenly
). Hmph.

This episode also included Passion, the second Heartiel, who is a pretty cool guy. He rides pigeons and doesn't afraid of anything.

There also seems to be a side-plot progressing about some old colleague of Akane's trying to get her to quit selling food and come back to do some real work. Don't listen to him, Akane. Delicious food is the most important thing in the world. Just ask Nagisa.
Great heartiel.
And akane is best in her stand.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 8

So in this episode, Porun got depressed because he has to live with Hikari but she has no personality.

I don't know about the bottom of my soul, but it does cause me actual pain that a good series has been reduced to this.
Just accept that max heart is a temporary limbo and that new ideas will come in the next serie.
At this point in the timeline, the staff is busy with the first precure movie so don't expect much in term of animation & plot.

How is that determined, though? Cuz the Ragna Blade looks basically exactly like the Giga Slave did.

It will become clear once you finish this season .

Simple answer:
Both are high level spells but work differently.
In slayers what matter is : Who do you borrow power from to cast the spell , and the range your spell has.

Giga slave has another rule attached beside what i've said above, that's how broken this spell is.


Valvrave 9

Bully guy getting his own Valvrave
is a crock of shit. What a terrible character.

These past couple of episodes have really been killing my buzz for this show. I hope it gets retarded again soon or I'm out.


Poet Centuriate
Clannad 14

Still pretty feel covered, but that closes out Kotomi's arc well. Definitely not as good as Fuko's (the lack of Tomoyo and Youhei was not helping) but still good. I guess my prediction of
Waifu Survivor
was wrong as was
going to Tomoyo's arc cause I guess we're going head first into Nagisa's? Well, if you say so.

One thing I've been noticing in this series is the music. A lot of the lighter, happier stuff doesn't fit sometimes and the more bittersweet piano/strings stuff is pretty generic but yet still very effective for what it is and what it's trying to do.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 13

Step 1) Nagisa's mum is strict with Nagisa about dressing up warm and staying healthy. Nagisa gets angry and they have a falling-out.
Step 2) Nagisa's dad takes Nagisa out shopping and tells anecdotes to make her realise that her mother loves her really.
Step 4) Nagisa makes up with her mum. Happy end!

I particularly like the part where Honoka and Hikari randomly appear on the scene about two seconds after the random Zakenna attack begins, despite no prior indication that they were anywhere nearby. Some people think Porun was overpowered in the latter half of the first series because he could power up the Cures from literally anywhere, but even he couldn't physically teleport himself to the scene of the battle! Now that's what I call a superpower!

Shit writing, not surprising for Max Heart.

Why did you make such a bad joke ?
I explained why


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yuyushiki - 09


Peace sign yuri and LUCKY GRRRRLS!

One of the better episodes (and possibly my favorite so far) from the bunch. Really happy that Aikawa and co are getting a lot of screen time and loving the sweet moments between her and Yui. Now off to find some art shipping those two.

Oh, and it really seems like Mom-sensei is wearing tighter shirts with each passing episode. :O
Clannad 14

Still pretty feel covered, but that closes out Kotomi's arc well. Definitely not as good as Fuko's (the lack of Tomoyo and Youhei was not helping) but still good. I guess my prediction of
Waifu Survivor
was wrong as was
going to Tomoyo's arc cause I guess we're going head first into Nagisa's? Well, if you say so.

One thing I've been noticing in this series is the music. A lot of the lighter, happier stuff doesn't fit sometimes and the more bittersweet piano/strings stuff is pretty generic but yet still very effective for what it is and what it's trying to do.

Yeah, the second half of Clannad S1 is pretty much just about Nagisa from here on out. And things move like molasses.

Date a Live 10

So shit's getting more real than expected for a series about dating spirits. Really not sure how this can get wrapped up in two more episodes, and it probably won't.

There's a couple more spirits who haven't been covered yet.


Hey. That anime stuff. I should watch some of it. But its late tonight, and I'm busy tommorow.

Looks like I'll be finishing off Smile Precure on Sunday, as well as catching up on everything else most likely.
Saint Seiya Omega Episode 60

Excellent episode. More Koga Subaru teamwork moments would be great and definitely what would make Saint Seiya Omega really rise to being awesome week after week.
Though if the steel stuff wasnt so fragile, breaking when it was hit by Hati's daggers, but then when Koga is hit they bounce right off...
The steel theme playing when Subaru was there is rather creative.


Yuyushiki - 09

One of the better episodes (and possibly my favorite so far) from the bunch. Really happy that Aikawa and co are getting a lot of screen time and loving the sweet moments between her and Yui. Now off to find some art shipping those two.

Oh, and it really seems like Mom-sensei is wearing tighter shirts with each passing episode. :O

definitely one of my favorites this season!


Poet Centuriate
Yeah, the second half of Clannad S1 is pretty much just about Nagisa from here on out. And things move like molasses.

I'm okay with slower shows sometimes, especially for romances, so we'll see still weird that you have 3 main girls left besides Nagisa who aren't gonna get any arc time,
especially after hinting at Kyou like crazy. They gotta cover her at least a little bit eventually, I mean come on. It's not that I like her the most, but you can't just hint at her crush in a show like this and let that sit.
Yuyushiki - 09

One of the better episodes (and possibly my favorite so far) from the bunch. Really happy that Aikawa and co are getting a lot of screen time and loving the sweet moments between her and Yui. Now off to find some art shipping those two.

Oh, and it really seems like Mom-sensei is wearing tighter shirts with each passing episode. :O

Might as well start with this (NSFW, lewd, etc.)
I'm okay with slower shows sometimes, especially for romances, so we'll see still weird that you have 3 main girls left besides Nagisa who aren't gonna get any arc time,
especially after hinting at Kyou like crazy. They gotta cover her at least a little bit eventually, I mean come on. It's not that I like her the most, but you can't just hint at her crush in a show like this and let that sit.

It's kind of interesting, because those characters aren't even explored in the second season, either. But that's okay. They at least have their OVAs.
besides the best arc is crazy cat lady


Date A Live 10

So Shidou has to
date and kiss his own sister or she'll lose her humanity forever
. Aaaaaaawkward!

Meanwhile Origami's entire purpose of existence is to perform increasingly lewd acts with Shidou
track down and kill the Spirit of Fire that killed her parents and also happens to be Shidou's sister
. Double aaaaaaawkward!

I do hope these plot threads get resolved within the remaining two episodes. It's certainly possible, but at the same time they strike me as the sort of thing that could easily end up left awkwardly hanging in limbo until a second season that may or may not ever materialise. And this isn't a series I can really be bothered to go and read the original novels for.

Grandpa needs to start appearing more often

Oreimo 6

Manami's family is pretty awesome. Practically made the episode by themselves everytime they appeared.

Kyosuke view toward Manami is pretty conflicting. It's like he's desperately trying to deny his feelings for her.


The Count of Monte Cristo, Final

Well, it's been one wild ride. I'm not entirely pleased with the ending, and not because
The Count died, because they prepared the audience for that,
but because
they never really make it clear that Albert is The Count's son. It's implied once or twice, with Albert's hair being the color of Edmond Dantes' and not young Fernand's, and with Mercedes and Edmond being betrothed and with her keeping mementos of him, especially one in Albert's room.

That said, the show was still spectacular. The Count is an incredible character who commands every scene he is in. Though funky CG, the mecha battles still make my dreams come true. While it deviates from the novel once or twice, it also isn't afraid of said choices, and its own personal take on the story is really quite nice.

I would highly recommend this anime to fans of the novel, and to people in general. It's just a good show.

Now, on to High School of the Dead, I guess.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Oreimo 6

Manami's family is pretty awesome. Practically made the episode by themselves everytime they appeared.

Kyosuke view toward Manami is pretty conflicting. It's like he's desperately trying to deny his feelings for her.

OreImo would have instantly improved by including her family more. The fact that they've only gotten this episode is a fucking crime. >>;
Highschool of the Dead 8 (via NeonAlley)

Oh so this is the episode where those bewbie gifs people always post come from. Seemed so odd in context and what not. Wish the anime had been a bit more fair, so much time on changing the girls clothes, but then Takashi has to keep his same outfit, odd.

If they had toned down the fanservice it would have been even better of an episode as the whole action scene was rather intense
when they were at the wire and such and then hit the snag and the girl flew off front, then everyone doing their big moves and what not
OK, I'm sure someone here can answer this question. I know it's not the greatest, but my son is into Full Metal Alchemist and I want to know if there is a proper viewing order of the anime since Brotherhood came out. I've heard they skip and condense some pretty important things in the beginning of Brotherhood, so I'm wondering if there is a point to watch to in the original series, then jump over to Brotherhood or something like that.
The Devil is a Part Timer 5:
Despite being mostly centered around the crazy plot stuff and battles, this episode managed to remain pretty funny, which I wasn't sure of going in. I especially loved the bit where
Maou makes fun of the B movie style speech, and then Ashiya is freaking out about him wasting money on movies. There's then a pretty funny followup when he's lying wounded and begging Maou to only watch movies on discount days.
So, it was pretty good overall, and each of the main characters had some cool moments. The status quo has certainly changed in regards to what everyone knows, which I wasn't expecting to happen so early.

OK, I'm sure someone here can answer this question. I know it's not the greatest, but my son is into Full Metal Alchemist and I want to know if there is a proper viewing order of the anime since Brotherhood came out. I've heard they skip and condense some pretty important things in the beginning of Brotherhood, so I'm wondering if there is a point to watch to in the original series, then jump over to Brotherhood or something like that.

You should watch all of the original series, because it's really good. Brotherhood can be watched afterwards, and the early episodes definitely assume a familiarity with either the original series or the manga, and condense a lot of important things. I would say that you really want to watch all of the first show, though. It's a very special series.


Poet Centuriate
Clannad 15

Man, Youhei just can't catch a break. I do still like all the humor they basically through at him as the fall guy.

Basketball anyone?

Somewhat uneventful episode otherwise, though I really enjoy the budding relationship between Tomoya and Nagisa.


Subete no aware
OK, I'm sure someone here can answer this question. I know it's not the greatest, but my son is into Full Metal Alchemist and I want to know if there is a proper viewing order of the anime since Brotherhood came out. I've heard they skip and condense some pretty important things in the beginning of Brotherhood, so I'm wondering if there is a point to watch to in the original series, then jump over to Brotherhood or something like that.

You should watch all of the original series, because it's really good. Brotherhood can be watched afterwards, and the early episodes definitely assume a familiarity with either the original series or the manga, and condense a lot of important things. I would say that you really want to watch all of the first show, though. It's a very special series.

As someone who never watched the original and is probably never going to, I'll just say that Brotherhood itself is pretty good and serves as a stand alone series separate from the original.

They can be watched independently of each other, as far as I know.
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