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Pacific Rim |OT| Apocalypse Never

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he's Virgin Tight™
I love Metal Gear Solid, but yes, something new from him [if we can't have Zone of the Enders 3] would be great.

He's got a great vision.


Weak ass shit was too much. Taking that out :p


I was expecting much more from it. The plot was so simplistic and they just threw every single cliche at it. The main characters were as flat as a 50 year old Coke. It was just... I don't know, weak. The action was fantastially done though, and my inner geek had nerdgasms in some of the best battles, but.... heh. Secondary Characters were worthless. Finale was expected. Etc, etc. Just a weak attempt but an otherwise actually fun/enjoyable moment. Its just knowing Guillermo del Toro I expected a bit more from the story side and more fleshed out characters. 3D was fantastic though!


Sidenote: I hope the movie does great. We need more of this stuff. Its a start! I may go see it again and see how it fares in a second viewing.

rinko wasn't that flat


Got back from the 7PM IMAX 3D showing. The best way to describe this film is over the top fun which does not take it's self too seriously. Even the music is kind of a throwback to older monster films instead of a more serious Inception horns theme.

The battles are simply ridiculous in scale and the visuals are breathtaking. I haven't been that floored at an action sequence in a film in a long time (sets a pretty high bar).

Outside of the battles the human elements will not blow you away but you get the sense that the human side of the film never takes itself too seriously outside of one relationship. There could be some improvement in that area but it never gets in the way to hold film back or slow it down.

As far as the IMAX prints are concerned they were giving them out even for the 7PM showing. They had a pretty big stack just sitting there but the guy at the door recommended we take them after the film. There was one employee standing next to them not even paying attention to see who was taking them and it seemed like people who did not even watch the film walked away with them. Everyone should be able to get one if every theater is stocked like that.
Just got back from seeing a showing of this. My expectations were met. I enjoyed the scientist characters, too.

Joss Whedon needs to see this movie. Del Toro raised my sense of doubt all throughout this movie. This had everything The Avengers was lacking last summer. Had a great score, wonderful fight scenes, and great monster/mech designs. My only complaint is
the lack of screen time for the other mechs and pilots.


Just got back from seeing a showing of this. My expectations were met. I enjoyed the scientist characters, too.

Joss Whedon needs to see this movie. Del Toro raised my sense of doubt all throughout this movie. This had everything The Avengers was lacking last summer. Had a great score, wonderful fight scenes, and great monster/mech designs. My only complaint is
the lack of screen time for the other mechs and pilots.

Avengers was a perfect popcorn movie and made over 600 million dollars. I don't think he needs to learn anything from Del Toro.
I was expecting much more from it. The plot was so simplistic and they just threw every single cliche at it. The main characters were as flat as a 50 year old Coke. It was just... I don't know, weak. The action was fantastially done though, and my inner geek had nerdgasms in some of the best battles, but.... heh. Secondary Characters were worthless. Finale was expected. Etc, etc. Just a weak attempt but an otherwise actually fun/enjoyable moment. Its just knowing Guillermo del Toro I expected a bit more from the story side and more fleshed out characters. 3D was fantastic though!


Sidenote: I hope the movie does great. We need more of this stuff. Its a start! I may go see it again and see how it fares in a second viewing.

I usually don't give 6/10 movies a second viewing.
Just got back. It was... OK. The beginning and the action scene in the middle were pure bliss. The rest kinda fell flat for me. Some interesting characters, and some real duds. Not terrible by any means, but not OMG BEST MOVIE EVER either.


Just got back. It was... OK. The beginning and the action scene in the middle were pure bliss. The rest kinda fell flat for me. Some interesting characters, and some real duds. Not terrible by any means, but not OMG BEST MOVIE EVER either.

I don't think anybody was expecting that. We just wanna be entertained!
Just got back. I didn't go in expecting that much and I was very happy. I got robots beating the shit out of monsters. Wish we could get a prequel but I don't think this movie will generate that kind of $$ sadly.


This was pretty much anime brought to life, for better and for worse. In that way it's a lot like Speed Racer
in that they're both awesome.


Movie was what was promised, big ass robots regulating big ass monsters. The fight scenes were something else.

Think there was like 20 of us in there though.


So...how's the action compared to MOS? I was indifferent on rest of the movie, but the action/CGI were definitely breathtaking...


It feels weird rooting for a bomba.

So...how's the action compared to MOS? I was indifferent on rest of the movie, but the action/CGI were definitely breathtaking...

Honestly, both Pacific Rim and MOS have great action sequences. But PR is great because you feel the weight of these giant creatures fighting.


So...how's the action compared to MOS? I was indifferent on rest of the movie, but the action/CGI were definitely breathtaking...
The smallville battle in MoS was that top tier shit. But Pacific Rim, was something else. MoS felt more like watching DBZ, whereas Pacific Rim felt like you were right there in the action with them feeling the full force of punching a big ass monster with a big ass robot fist.


So...how's the action compared to MOS? I was indifferent on rest of the movie, but the action/CGI were definitely breathtaking...

Smallville fight and Supe vs. Zod were pretty good. However PR action sequences are just done on a crazy scale which is impressive considering what Superman and Zod did in their fight.


It feels good to be able to stretch out in the movies

Word. The ones I'm going to tomorrow look like this (they recline):


When I purchased my tickets only a few seats were taken, but I guess this works for me because we can switch around if I picked ones too close to the screen. :p
There are like three other people in this 3D midnight showing...

There were less than ten people in the theater at the 8:30 show I went to.

As for the movie. Wow, I really don't know what to say. It just punches you in the face with awesome and never quite stops. Easily my favorite movie of the year so far. And the kaiju... Shit. The trailers really didn't do these things justice. Even though you know what some of them look like going in, they're scary as fuck when you see them in action.

Obviously, I loved it.


There were less than ten people in the theater at the 8:30 show I went to.

As for the movie. Wow, I really don't know what to say. It just punches you in the face with awesome and never quite stops. Easily my favorite movie of the year so far. And the kaiju... Shit. The trailers really didn't do these things justice. Even though you know what some of them look like going in, they're scary as fuck when you see them in action.

Obviously, I loved it.

That's what I keep saying! The problem lies in the marketing, but WB can't get over Legendary leaving. *sadface*


Word. The ones I'm going to tomorrow look like this (they recline):


When I purchased my tickets only a few seats were taken, but I guess this works for me because we can switch around if I picked ones too close to the screen. :p
That's one incredibly fancy theater.

Tables [to the left/right of the chairs], as well as mini-lights? Very nice.

The seats in IMAX are comfortable, at least, and we get a cup holder. That's something [in addition to the amazing screen/sound, of course]!


Word. The ones I'm going to tomorrow look like this (they recline):


When I purchased my tickets only a few seats were taken, but I guess this works for me because we can switch around if I picked ones too close to the screen. :p


We still rocking them 1960's seats


I loved this. I went in not expecting much out of the characters as suggested by the reviews. But those action scenes...Oh man. I loved it. There were multiple points where I got a good laugh or felt like a little kid again. Plus, this poster is just badass.


That's one incredibly fancy theater.

Tables [to the left/right of the chairs], as well as mini-lights? Very nice.

The seats in IMAX are comfortable, at least, and we get a cup holder. That's something [in addition to the amazing screen/sound, of course]!

Our Cinebistro locations are similar. You can order food before the show...real food.


The 3D was pretty good and was better than MoS which was the last film I watched in IMAX 3D. I also got the trailer for Gravity which looked amazing in 3D.


Theater ended up filling like 2/3 up at the last minute. Poster was handed out at the end. Movie was amazing. Great night for me.


That's one incredibly fancy theater.

Tables [to the left/right of the chairs], as well as mini-lights? Very nice.

Yeah, they serve food and booze, although I'm going at 11 AM so I'll probably pass on that :p

$12 each ticket tho, but it beats going to the other mega-complex I have near me. It used to be my go to theater, but they redesigned it and put stadium-like seats with zero leg room, which I hate.

I am tempted to go to a 4DX screening (local brand of D-Box) next week as well. If I am going to try having seats moving around and shit being thrown at my face, might as well be this movie, but I'll probably hate it. I must admit I only want to try it due to listening to Jeff (from ginatbomb) talk about how Ryan loved that shit =(


Our Cinebistro locations are similar. You can order food before the show...real food.
Real food, as in a skillfully grilled steak and a side of potatoes to go with it? That's fancy indeed!

I don't know if I'd want to eat a meal while watching a movie [I'd be too distracted, especially if the movie was in 3D], but that's still cool to see. I prefer one-handed food if I get anything, such as popcorn and maybe a soda [although I don't usually get food when I see movies, it's normally only for lengthy ones where I feel I might need something or if it's in-between meals].

That reminds me. We have this place in Edmonton, AB where they offer " Cineplex V.I.P". It has fancy seating and is reserved for people above 18+ and older [so no rowdy teenagers]. They serve in-seat food/drink delivery too.

I've been meaning to try it out, but whenever a movie comes along that I feel is deserving of it, it's usually playing in IMAX too [and come on, you can't beat that experience!].

Yeah, they serve food and booze, although I'm going at 11 AM so I'll probably pass on that :p

$12 each ticket tho, but it beats going to the other mega-complex I have near me. It used to be my go to theater, but they redesigned it and put stadium-like seats with zero leg room, which I hate.

I am tempted to go to a 4DX screening (local brand of D-Box) next week as well. If I am going to try having seats moving around and shit been thrown at my face, might as well be this movie, but I'll probably hate it. I must admit I only want to try it due to listening to Jeff (from ginatbomb) talk about how Ryan loved that shit =(
That's interesting. Alcohol served at a theater? I never thought I'd see the day!

$12 a ticket doesn't seem expensive to me, I pay $19.99 for 3D IMAX movies. I tried the D-Box thing in Canada, and I didn't like it. At all. I felt it actually pulled me out of the experience, and the whole time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but feel that it was a "gimmick". It wasn't a whole lot more expensive than a regular ticket, but I'd never do it again.

Maybe you'll have a better time than I did [if you ever try it]!
Just got back. Theater was about a third full before the show started. But pretty somber crowd.

I enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but I would not call it great. The middle of the film dragged a lot for me, but the moment I thought that was when the Hong Kong battle kicked in, and thank god.

The Hong Kong battle was so fucking awesome. Everything kicked into high gear and tons and tons of fun. Brutal kaiju, and awesome battles with the Jaegers. This was the high point of the entire film for me.

Sadly, the rest of the movie did not live up to the high of the Hong Kong section. It was still cool at the end, but the HK sequence was just too kick ass that was sadly not matched by the end.

Many of the criticisms about the characters being paper thin were spot on. Especially Raleigh. I like Charlie Hunnam, but he was so bland in this.

The film is obviously a labor of love of Del Toro, and his love of monster films shines through anytime they are on screen.

In the end, I would give it a B. Good fun, but nothing amazing. Well, except the HK sequence.
Absolutely loved it, it was everything I could have hoped for. I got a few extra posters if anyone wants, pm me and we can discuss details, long as you pay for shipping that is (us only pls).


you guys recommend 3D?
i hardly see 3D cause of my glasses just uncomfortable ,but i'll stick it out otherwise, no imax here either


$12 a ticket doesn't seem expensive to me, I pay $19.99 for 3D IMAX movies. I tried the D-Box thing in Canada, and I didn't like it.

That's true. I must say that movies here (Mexico) are definitely not as expensive as in other countries. Of course you also have to consider we make less money overall :p Your regular-ass theater here charges ~$7 normally, with the most expensive ones being ~$15, so this is definitely on the expensive side.


Went to a a theater 13 miles away that I never been to. Turns out it is horribly small and has a bad angle, makes my neck feel like I'm at the front despite being in middle/rear section. Only 4 people at the showing including my GF and me. Hopefully the movie is great despite the bad setting and crowd.
Crazy good visuals and action.
Story and dialogue were pretty meh (especially unfunny scientists and I like Charlie Day)
Acting apart from Idris and Pearlman was sub par.

Overall, 7/10.
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