Just came back, overall I'm more satisfied with it than Man of Steel.
Action scenes were much, MUCH better than that movie, they're also better than Transformers.
Loved Elba, Pearlman, and Charlie. The main "couple" were allright,
was SOOOO BAD, is he the producer or something?
Sadly, this is the kind of movie that will do well outside of this country. It's got enough japanese references to be a GAF favorite movie, but if you don't care about that, there are still the action sequences to carry it through.
It'd be very easy to double this movie's US gross, just put some more "USA" in it along with someone like Matt Damon, and it'd do gangbusters. Aside from that, the biggest problem of this movie is conveying emotions on screen and it's only mediocre at that despite having great potential with the neural link and everything.
Ranking of movies I've seen this summer:
1. Star Trek Into Darkness
2. Pacific Rim
3. Man of Steel