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Pacific Rim |OT| Apocalypse Never

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That didn't stop huge crowds for Iron Man, Fast Six, and Man of Steel.

No, it didn't. But you also have to realize that each of those movies already had an established fanbase. Del Toro is coming out with something brand new, here. I imagine a lot of people aren't willing to go to late weeknight showings for a new, unknown quantity like Pacific Rim.
I was surprised that a bunch of people left considering it was most likely a more dedicated audience at a 7 PM viewing.

I remembered hearing about the mid credits scene, but my brain shut out the end credits easter egg that others talked about. Oh, well. Next time.

Two of them (successful) franchises and one of them had 12M worth of ticket sales from Walmart.

Good comparison.

Established franchises or not, it was still people out on a Thursday night. That was what I was referring to.


Waited 2 hours to get into the 10pm showing. The line went all the way around theater. Movie starts in 15 mins. Looks to be sold out. Imax 3D to be exact. Can't fucking wait!!
To those who have stood by this movie: Your faith has been rewarded.

To those who doubted it: Get off your ass and see it. It's a damn good movie, and if it bombs, I'm personally going to re-enact the ending of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Pacific Rim is quite literally the best film I've seen since The Avengers. The action is amazing, the characters, while flat, are still likeable and entertaining, the writing is solid, and it is just one of the most fun movies in recent memory. It was worth the 2+ hour drive to and from the theater I went to just to see it in IMAX 3D.
Established franchises or not, it was still people out on a Thursday night. That was what I was referring to.

I don't think that matters at all. The comparison has to be between what it is that's motivating them to be out on a Thursday night. Brand new movie franchise, or franchises that have been entertaining people for years (or decades, in some cases).
Sold out at my show in nyc, theater was clapping and cheering during all the fights and applauded at the end. Def seeing it again this weekend.
Saw it and absolutely loved it.
I didn't get the hate on the pilot stuff though, generic yes but was nice to have actually.

Call me crazy but the Jaegers actually felt like characters on their own.
Hong Kong fight was better than I expected,


Canadians burned my passport
What?? There's another credits scene after the middle one???

Good thing I'm going to see this like 100 times or I'd be sad I missed it.


Just came back, overall I'm more satisfied with it than Man of Steel.
Action scenes were much, MUCH better than that movie, they're also better than Transformers.
Loved Elba, Pearlman, and Charlie. The main "couple" were allright,
the other scientist guy
was SOOOO BAD, is he the producer or something?
Sadly, this is the kind of movie that will do well outside of this country. It's got enough japanese references to be a GAF favorite movie, but if you don't care about that, there are still the action sequences to carry it through.

It'd be very easy to double this movie's US gross, just put some more "USA" in it along with someone like Matt Damon, and it'd do gangbusters. Aside from that, the biggest problem of this movie is conveying emotions on screen and it's only mediocre at that despite having great potential with the neural link and everything.

Ranking of movies I've seen this summer:
1. Star Trek Into Darkness
2. Pacific Rim
3. Man of Steel


Really liked it. They were giving out this 12x19 poster at Century Theaters



To those who have stood by this movie: Your faith has been rewarded.

To those who doubted it: Get off your ass and see it. It's a damn good movie, and if it bombs, I'm personally going to re-enact the ending of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Pacific Rim is quite literally the best film I've seen since The Avengers. The action is amazing, the characters, while flat, are still likeable and entertaining, the writing is solid, and it is just one of the most fun movies in recent memory. It was worth the 2+ hour drive to and from the theater I went to just to see it in IMAX 3D.

Just saw it in 3D at the Lincoln Plaza IMAX (largest one in the world unless they've made a bigger one while I wasn't looking) and HOLY SHIT. I can't even imagine seeing this on a smaller screen now.

Del Toro delivers. It takes itself seriously but it never overreaches. It has some silliness but it never drifts into camp. It's not a cerebral experience but it's not an insult to intelligence. What it is, is pure joy from start to finish.

Words cannot even describe. GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW.


Unconfirmed Member
Why are you camping so early for a 10pm show?

Hey, I arrived four hours early for the 7 PM showing! Secured my poster and played Animal Crossing with some fellow movie-goers! ;}



Drove by a theater on my way home and you'd never guess that a big movie was opening up based on the parking lot. Really hoping this gets good word of mouth.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Damn the movie was godlike. Also I managed to swipe a poster web though it was for the 3d showing.

Awwww yeah


Canadians burned my passport
Honestly this is the first time I've felt like a movie was made specifically for me. The fight scenes pretty much reduced me to a wide-eyed child drooling in awe. I hope we get a sequel, but I'm just so happy that this one got made in the first place.


THURSDAY 9:30 PM, 2ND UPDATE: Sources tell me that Thursday late shows and Friday midnights for Pacific Rim are headed over $3M tonight and “could catch or pass” last month’s late shows for World War Z at $3.6M. This could get interesting…

Saw it at 10 locally. Great fun. Haven't seen a new IP established in such a no-bullshit/fleshed out way since Avatar.

I'd love more, it's up to word of mouth to carry this thing I think. Kids will eat this up.
And to the shock of nobody, the monster designs were awesome. All the glimpses in the trailers did not sell the kaiju for me, but when you get a good look at them in the film and see how they movie it is awesome. I expected nothing less from Del Toro when it comes to monsters.
That was just hella fun. Plain and simple. I had built this up so much in my head that there was no way the film was going to meet those expectations but it did something different entirely - it surprised me. You're just not going to see a movie that looks or feels like this this summer. Never go full nerd or you're going to alienate some portion of your audience, right? Well, Del Toro goes for it 100% and frankly he hits 75% of the time and that's just something I can get behind.

Are there problems? Of course. I would have really loved to have gotten to know the pilots of Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha. It would have
given their eventual deaths far more meaning. As it stands they are a bit throw away and that's ashame as their introduction hints at something more coming that never materializes
. The complaints about some of the characters being a bit one note or "hero" archetypal cliches aren't wrong but considering the pace and real estate given to real stars of the movie (Jaegers vs Kaiju) these things can be forgiven. Never does it get in the way of how the movie progresses and the time that is devoted to development is rightfully placed on Beckett and Mako. I did actually give a shit about them and even moreso for Pentecost who despite being terribly underwritten at times is so wonderfully portrayed by Idris Elba that it's impossible not to like him. What is there between he and Mako works but is far too brief for my taste.

That's really where my main complaints fall. There is enough here to make you care but just enough. I just wanted to see more of and from these relationships overall and that isn't entirely a bad thing because I was at least invested (which is more than I can say for Man of Steel).

As to the meat? It's a god damned spectacle and I fucking loved it. The weightiness of the mechs, the choreography of the battles and the designs of the Kaiju are just breathtaking. The entire sequence in
Hong Kong
is exhilarating yet it never feels overdone. Del Toro gives you enough without ever exhausting you or having you feel like its overkill. The whole time I kept thinking "this is what you get when you give a man that knows what he's doing a budget". It really does evoke the Godzilla movies of the past and just the fun of seeing big monsters beating the shit out of giants robots and vice versa. It's a grown ass man playing with multi-million dollar effects toys and god bless him for it.

It's not perfect and I can see how some would walk away disappointed the characters aren't more than what they are but it's just plain fun to watch. I want to see it again on Saturday and just sit back and enjoy it without expectations and see how it sits the second time around. For now, consider the apocalypse canceled.


The action and art direction were pretty great, almost everything else was pretty, well, bad. Still glad I saw it.


Boxoffice.com is saying it could hit $300 million OS total but that is based on some very early numbers which are looking good.


And to the shock of nobody, the monster designs were awesome. All the glimpses in the trailers did not sell the kaiju for me, but when you get a good look at them in the film and see how they movie it is awesome. I expected nothing less from Del Toro when it comes to monsters.
I'll vouch for that 100%. Both Jaeger and Kaiju designs were amazing, as well as the fight scenes. Those were the best parts of the movie. Stuff where the humans are interacting with each other needs work though, but I still enjoyed the comedic one-liners. The battle theme was incredible too.
Seriously, all this movie needs are the cheap non-special fx parts redone with better acting and it'd be close to perfect.
And to the shock of nobody, the monster designs were awesome. All the glimpses in the trailers did not sell the kaiju for me, but when you get a good look at them in the film and see how they movie it is awesome. I expected nothing less from Del Toro when it comes to monsters.

I don't know what it was exactly, maybe it was the scale. But whenever one of those things reared back, the imminent damage that was about to occur made me cringe. One or two of them even legit scared me for a few seconds.
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