Steam Summer Sale 2013 Thread #2 - Many questions answered in the OP's FAQ

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Market being down is balls in the face.

How ever shall I accrue enough free money to buy portal better not end before I can do it...bah
All right Steam you can do it... Those are pretty much the only games I want to see go daily or flash before the end of the sale. Overall shouldn't be too bad even if I buy them all, mostly cheap games.

-Nascar 2013 The Game
-Prison Architect
-Vampire: The Masquerade
-Rogue Legacy
-Binding of Isaac
-Leviathan Warships.

In Gaben we trust!

I have a feeling this will go DD at some point, as it's on a trading card. I hope lots of people buy it, as from what I've heard, Introversion are basically fucked at the moment and will need some stellar sales from the DD just to actually push Prison Architect through to gold, let alone whatever their next project is slated to be.


I have a feeling (Prison Architect) will go DD at some point, as it's on a trading card. I hope lots of people buy it, as from what I've heard, Introversion are basically fucked at the moment and will need some stellar sales from the DD just to actually push Prison Architect through to gold, let alone whatever their next project is slated to be.

That makes me worried about buying something that'll never be finished.


Organ Trail might be the worst game on Steam I've played so far. Yes, worse than Dungeons of Dredmore. I have no clue what's going on, it seems to play like a scripted C64 game.


Axel Hertz
I really do want Kerbal, but 40% off is a pittance. And I can't even get a deal from Dunder, because the game is cheaper in my local store, the Dollar is high as a kite and I can't gift moneys through paypal (another nice regional restriction), so ppal taxes and high dollar conversion rate means his price is the same as my local price.

75% or bust.

Organ Trail, on the other hand, has a nice price, maybe I should buy it and...

You already own Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Oh goddammit.


That's the greatest trailer I've ever seen.

I was thinking about something like this:


But thanks for the tip, I'll check those out. They're cheap and they have demos.

Buy Unity of Command if you haven't yet. Buy Red Turn expansion pack if you have the base game already. Buy for a friend if you have both. ;)


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Is there a reasonable interface or server reason for the screenshots section of profiles to be so shit? I really like the screen posting feature and don't mind the layout, but the actual loading of pictures is dreadful. Is this a widespread problem?

This question doesn't have to do with the sales period because I know they're getting hammered, I'm talking about normal Steam days.
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