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Halo |OT18| We're Back Baby!


Halo 4 is fun to a lot of people. It's not some objective thing you can just state. As for the numbers, they fell off from the start.

I'd like to see future iterations rely less on the Season Pass model and even rely on charging for map packs. I don't like the degree to which the playerbase is fragmented. Sure you have 343 supporting a load of playlists which encompasses multiple styles of play but then you layer on the added complexity of matching players based on dlc they may or may not have? That's not a good combo.

it's not even a question of combo.
it's Reach v2.0. with perks.
I never like COD perks. and never like Reach playerbase fragmentation.
it's like 343i thought their crazy budget would make them able to turn two horrible things together into one beautifull new AAA thing.
it also had collateraldamage in the form of RIP Firefight, which was my default MP mode in Reach, my one heaven to support and love Halo in the chaos of the Reach saga.

I liked playing Halo 4 MP. but once again, I almost never got to play the DLC maps I paid for.
Fool me once etc...
Does 343 even notice the abysmal number of people of playing Halo 4? Like it's kind of depressing, school just started and I always like to spend time after class chilling and playing Halo, but Halo 4 is just not fun. I tried the other day and nobody was even playing.

I imagine they're more achingly aware of it than anyone else. It's how they react to that dismal population that is important. The weapon tuning update was a largely positive change to the game. The latest set of perks show a worrying inability to learn from the very real errors made at a basic level with Halo 4. Halo 5 will not survive another notorious Game Informer type reveal with the community.

because I simply don't play MP anymore, so my complains would have to be made on assumptions at the playlists/tweaks/etc...whereas palmer is thrown up and front of every Halo thing released since Halo 4...and I still can't help but browse at Halo news...


No need to apologise, Lord knows I've ranted on the same handful of issues over and over. I just personally don't find Palmer that annoying.


if a 343i is looking.

you know what I liked playing Assassin's Creed 3???

the fucking mini games like old school chess you would play when sitting a some guys'tables. they were good. clear objectives. some variations of gametypes. addictive. fun. I couldn't rest easy until I mastered their rules. which at first seemed simple etc...
that was Halo.

rest of the game was a AAA mess.

just think about it while you build the future of Halo.
Halo 4 is fun to a lot of people. It's not some objective thing you can just state. As for the numbers, they fell off from the start.
As they do for every game, but this has been a stronger fall off than most, especially for a top tier franchise like Halo.

I'd like to see future iterations rely less on the Season Pass model and on charging for map packs. I don't like the degree to which the playerbase is fragmented. Sure you have 343 supporting a load of playlists which encompasses multiple styles of play but then you layer on the added complexity of matching players based on dlc they may or may not have? That's not a good combo.
Agreed largely, but even in that playlist management there are a bunch of odd decisions, and probably too many plates spinning.


Using "AssCreed" and forgetting about the edit button? What has NeoGaf come to?

to disliking the Assassin's Creed franchise and using a slang sounding short name for it?

/subject or is bannable?

Agreed largely, but even in that playlist management there are a bunch of odd decisions, and probably too many plates spinning.
yep. COD DLC stills sells and sells and sells...and is played.
Killzone has no choice. it's no COD/Battlefield type of player like Halo is supposed to be.


Does 343 even notice the abysmal number of people of playing Halo 4? Like it's kind of depressing, school just started and I always like to spend time after class chilling and playing Halo, but Halo 4 is just not fun. I tried the other day and nobody was even playing.

That's kind of the problem.

Halo 4 is fun to a lot of people. It's not some objective thing you can just state. As for the numbers, they fell off from the start.

I'd like to see future iterations rely less on the Season Pass model and on charging for map packs. I don't like the degree to which the playerbase is fragmented. Sure you have 343 supporting a load of playlists which encompasses multiple styles of play but then you layer on the added complexity of matching players based on dlc they may or may not have? That's not a good combo.

They fell off from the start because the game was bad from the start. Things only got continually worse. Halo 4 is fun for about 25,000 people. It IS an objective statement. Big developers don't make games and sales based on subjective feelings about a game a few people have.

Using "AssCreed" and forgetting about the edit button? What has NeoGaf come to?



Halo is at risk of becoming a zombie franchise :

still moving (units) but dead inside (its playlists).

hopefully 343i is acting under executive/360 tech constrains, and the shit wagon around X1 has helped them porve their points to their higher ups, so we get a significant refresh to the formula or 343i has been okayed to not run the franchise into a wall playing the bigger boys game.

there was a time when both halo OTs and MPs were welcoming and good to me. alas...

farewell Dear Sires. may our physical paths never cross for I fear your knowing looks will cast me in the pits of solitude.
Exactly, Plamer was bad but way down the list on things wrong with Halo 4. The fact that a significant and pertinent portion of the narrative was on a website instead of in the game is far more worrying. Camo and PV are more offensive than egghead repetition. I understand why people don't like her, I just don't get the scale and depth of it in comparison to other things.
Palmer is the figurehead (along with Didact) of the overall problem with the writing/planning of Halo 4's story. Palmer in particular is deserving of ire because of the stark contrast between Bungie's introduction of a female main character and 343's attempt: a strong, smart, and quippy Cortana compared to a vapid meathead that loves overusing a small handful of words to show how cool she is in a man's UNSC.

In reality though, it's the writer(s) that should bear the brunt of disdain towards the way Palmer was written. A nine year old girl could have literally done a better job at creating a badass female soldier.


if a 343i is looking.

you know what I liked playing Assassin's Creed 3???

the fucking mini games like old school chess you would play when sitting a some guys'tables. they were good. clear objectives. some variations of gametypes. addictive. fun. I couldn't rest easy until I mastered their rules. which at first seemed simple etc...
that was Halo.

rest of the game was a AAA mess.

just think about it while you build the future of Halo.



Halo is at risk of becoming a zombie franchise :

still moving (units) but dead inside (its playlists).

hopefully 343i is acting under executive/360 tech constrains, and the shit wagon around X1 has helped them porve their points to their higher ups, so we get a significant refresh to the formula or 343i has been okayed to not run the franchise into a wall playing the bigger boys game.

there was a time when both halo OTs and MPs were welcoming and good to me. alas...

farewell Dear Sires. may our physical paths never cross for I fear your knowing looks will cast me in the pits of solitude.

343i is acting under their own ineptitude. They don't know the engine well enough to implement changes, so they added to the most recent features. Hence why the game feels like Reach 2.0 + CoD + Turok. A lot of the original programmers are still at Bungie, so half the battle is figuring it HOW to do what they want. I don't really see how the 360 is a constraint to this point. The game looks fine and isn't choppy (for a 30 f/s shooter), but maybe the lighting is intensive on the hardware.

I honestly believe that 343i has chosen the direction they want to take halo and it's all over. There is no point in hoping halo will be a relevant FPS in the future. This recent DLC package proves that. Play halo 1-3 and relieve the good times if you want. Otherwise, get on a new FPS multiplayer bandwagon.

Oh yeah, use a fucking space bar and don't play AC3

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Regardless of which side you fall, I think Halo 5 will tell for sure what the future of the franchise is in the multiplayer space. 343 will know the tech, know the engine, and have the feedback from Halo 4.
That's kind of the problem.

They fell off from the start because the game was bad from the start. Things only got continually worse. Halo 4 is fun for about 25,000 people. It IS an objective statement. Big developers don't make games and sales based on subjective feelings about a game a few people have.


It's clear that these guys made a game THEY wanted to play and removed the things THEY didn't like about Halo.

These new perks are a disgrace. Fuckin shield recharge should have been tuned for everyone. Now you have unlimited sprint with no stopping powered sword players. (pretty sure you can add the shield perk too) so basically they are looping around the maps like a fuckin Juggernaut. Ricochet has the potential to be great, except for the jetpack jugglers that can toss the ball from a place where you cannot hit them.

Do they even test this stuff? It's like they build it for abusers on purpose. They need to raise the total score or lower the points for scoring the ball too. Matches are too fast and Ricochet should be Pro only.


Project Spark will be out soon enough and ya'll won't have any excuse to not make a better-playing first person shooter than 343 Industries.


Regardless of which side you fall, I think Halo 5 will tell for sure what the future of the franchise is in the multiplayer space. 343 will know the tech, know the engine, and have the feedback from Halo 4.

Is it going to be a new engine from the ground up? I dunno, I think this new DLC shows that they really don't give a shit about deviating from what halo is at the moment.


I dunno, I think this new DLC shows that they really don't give a shit about deviating from what halo is at the moment.

This is the most worrying thing imo.

They've fixed/improved many problems since launch but those perks they just released shows they either don't care or are completely oblivious.

Knowing the tech or having feedback from halo 4 won't make a difference if they don't learn from it.
to disliking the Assassin's Creed franchise and using a slang sounding short name for it?

/subject or is bannable?

yep. COD DLC stills sells and sells and sells...and is played.
Killzone has no choice. it's no COD/Battlefield type of player like Halo is supposed to be.

Cyclone's just guzzling so many Microsoft loads that he can't use abbreviations without doing ivory spittakes. It's not bannable.


This is the most worrying thing imo.

They've fixed/improved many problems since launch but those perks they just released shows they either don't care or are completely oblivious.

Knowing the tech or having feedback from halo 4 won't make a difference if they don't learn from it.

Yeah buddy. It's been close enough to a year now and they are still adding to the major changes this franchise has seen. Had they removed flinching or descoping, then I would be hopeful for halo 5. Small steps now would mean a lot later, but the same can be said for the opposite direction. Halo 5 is doomed.
I imagine they're more achingly aware of it than anyone else. It's how they react to that dismal population that is important. The weapon tuning update was a largely positive change to the game. The latest set of perks show a worrying inability to learn from the very real errors made at a basic level with Halo 4. Halo 5 will not survive another notorious Game Informer type reveal with the community.

No need to apologise, Lord knows I've ranted on the same handful of issues over and over. I just personally don't find Palmer that annoying.

No beta no buy...
Package the beta in with Crackdown 3...

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Is it going to be a new engine from the ground up? I dunno, I think this new DLC shows that they really don't give a shit about deviating from what halo is at the moment.

One could say that this stuff was all planned before launch, and they can't really do much of an overhaul until the next game (which also gives them the power of the XBO to work with). Not saying this is the case, but there's an argument for it. Like I said, Halo 5 will show us for sure what the intentions with future Halo are.


Somebody please explain me, what "new hardware" has to do with anything on this matter? It's not like the hardware will decide, what gametypes, weapons and AA's they will put in the game this time...

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Cyclone, stop being so kinda optimistic!

I'm playing the middle ground. Much more skeptical after Halo 4, but they do have another chance here. Like I said, Halo 5 will define the way Halo is going to go for the foreseeable future, so it'll be very interesting to see. Halo 4 had a lot of caveats on it, brand new studio, new engine (to 343), new people (and maybe not all the correct people), etc. Halo 5 won't have the same luxuries when it comes to caveats like that. Halo 5 will be 343's full effort, and we'll see what it turns into.

Personally I do hope it returns to the Halo of old, but we shall see. I like playing Halo 4, but it is a weird off-chute of Halo. It's not the Halo I fell in love with.
The only reason I have any hope for Halo 5 is that they announced 60FPS and dedi's right away. Those are two things hardcore fans have been clamoring for. They just need to get back to basics with Halo 5, look at Halo CE and what made it the phenomenon it was. I think the two things we know so far is a positive sign but I'm not going to get too excited. The one other reason for hope is the new people they've hired, IIRC they've brought in the guy from Blizzard who did matchmaking/ranks in Starcraft 2, the writer from Bioshock Infinite, as well as new designers like Quinn from Epic. Just demote Kevin Franklin to the sustain team or something and let someone else be the lead designer for the MP. Or do what I've been saying for the past two years and bring in John Howard and Jaime Griesemer. PLEASE.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Agreed there, them coming out the very first opportunity they have and saying "HALO, DEDICATED SERVERS, 60FPS" shows they at least have been listening. Now we wait and see if they listened about everything else.
Agreed there, them coming out the very first opportunity they have and saying "HALO, DEDICATED SERVERS, 60FPS" shows they at least have been listening. Now we wait and see if they listened about everything else.

Its gonna take a lot more to show that they "get" it. Halo 4 stripped the user of their control over the game and its settings, taking out a lot of the custom options that Halo was well known for. It forced 343s changes upon the fans, and while some new modes are fun its not a good reason to throw out the old entirely (CTF, Sprint, etc).

On top of that, the SP needs a lot of work.. both in gameplay and story. Also, I really hope they consider bringing back fun stuff like hidden skulls and perhaps even evolving upon that for more replayability.

And then you have the whole Firefight/Spartan Ops side of things.. Spartan Ops got better after the second half and was even fun at points.. Still, it never lived up to ODST Firefight, not by a long shot.. I really hope 343 can really learn from the criticisms, and also realize that if they do something incredibly different that they should still try to appeal to Halos fundamental core.

Pretty awesome, but I wish the Halo 4 version was more sleek and integrated. Something just feels off with the legs and helmet.


I'm not as pessimistic. I think Halo 5 will be a much better game than Reach and 4. They've pretty much said that the Halo 3 rank system was what works. They've realized a lot of the stuff they added just doesn't work.

They need to keep the people playing still happy which is why they brought pit, added new perks.

The best Halo 5 can do is give options to turn all this crap off. Have the ranked playlists be classic Halo. Have the ability to turn armor abilities, loadout, sprint, perks off. Plus, never use flinch, instant respawn again. Make sure it's ready at launch, not 'to be added later'.

Here's a graph of Halo:

But I'm sure you're right, the next one will be great.


Regardless of which side you fall, I think Halo 5 will tell for sure what the future of the franchise is in the multiplayer space. 343 will know the tech, know the engine, and have the feedback from Halo 4.

Yup. I'm giving them until Halo 5 to prove what they've got. And I'm not sure why I'm sticking around that long.
They cant even make a original armor, huh?
By Canon, the Humans have adopted the ideas from Forerunners & Ancient Humans using Geas and Ancient Relics regarding Society, Military, and Technology.

Mjolnir armor is not an exact equivalence to Combat Skins but at the very lowest level to them ranging from 1 - 12. If I am not mistakened.

Recreating the BUNGiE concept of a Promethean Soldier's Combat Skin to fit as a Spartan IV's armor is very surprising. And a tribute to the original trilogy. Imo.

did you really just say BUNGiE
You just did it as well to prove a point?
By Canon, the Humans have adopted the ideas from Forerunners & Ancient Humans using Geas and Ancient Relics regarding Society, Military, and Technology.

Mjolnir armor is not an exact equivalence to Combat Skins but at the very lowest level to them ranging from 1 - 12. If I am not mistakened.

Recreating the BUNGiE concept of a Promethean Soldier's Combat Skin to fit as a Spartan IV's armor is very surprising. And a tribute to the original trilogy. Imo.

did you really just say BUNGiE
Nobody should buy Halo 5 without a beta. I am totally convinced there was no beta because people would have freaked and it would have killed sales. If there is no beta it's because they are sticking to this bullshit. It's no wonder we basically knew nothing until it leaked. That tells you all you need to know.
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