Wonder trade is fun!
Don't think I'll be pre-ordering games from Amazon any more. Second time in a row a game, with first class delivery, has failed to arrive on its release date in the last month.
Any chance to get a wild Pikachu btw?
X version
Don't think I'll be pre-ordering games from Amazon any more. Second time in a row a game, with first class delivery, has failed to arrive on its release date in the last month.
I haven't trusted Amazon for launch day delivery for a while. Though admittedly it isn't all their fault. The issue is Royal Mail seem to be less efficient than they used to be.Don't think I'll be pre-ordering games from Amazon any more. Second time in a row a game, with first class delivery, has failed to arrive on its release date in the last month.
Royal Mail deliver on Saturdays(Assuming he's from the UK), so he should.Were these games that released on the weekend?
If so, you probably should never expect it on release day.
Can anyone verify if boys have fewer customization options than girls?
I remember reading that boys had it worse, but I'm not sure if that was referring to a limited selection or just that person not preferring the selection that boys had.
Okay....an hour and a half till TRU opens...
*becomes pregnant*
Moar new friends pl0x!
Were these games that released on the weekend?
If so, you probably should never expect it on release day.
Did the estimate say you'd have it by release date? I went on Amazon and left when I saw the 16th estimate.
Pancham:Can anyone tell me the methods for evolving, and the levels that this is possible? I did a quick search on my phone but couldn't find anything confirmed. Ta!pancham and inkay
Spriting everything I catch is a good way to slow down my game time significantly. =___= why did I do this..
feel free to take em if you like em.
Oh man.
Now you two must knife fight for the avatar.
Anyone able to log on to Pokémon Global Link?
Anyone able to start breeding fennekins yet?
Have you got a Froakie/Chespin?
Wel historically its actually a recent thing and if you look at the animal kingdom the males tend to be more colourful...take Litleo's evolution for example...That's just the nature of fashion in general. Women have always had more options with clothing and accessories.
I feel bad for trading ones with gluttony and getting pickup. I got an upgrade, they just got boosted EXP...I freaking love zigzagoons. Starter + 5 zigzagoons with pickup ability = so much cash.
Just use more party members. I have over 15 in rotation currently. Most of them over level 10 with a few in the 20s (starter, Kirlia, Beedrill, Farfetch'd...last two as my False swipe users).So... I'm guessing that my starter being lvl 26 and the rest of my pokemon around 20 before the second gym is a little too OP?
Might turn off EXP share.
Added! My FC:
0044-3838-8100 (Ash/AP)
Let me know if anyone adds me!
I deactivated it as soon as I got the item. Exp. Share would likely kill the challenge of the game, overleveling my team.Anyone else not using the Exp. Share? I'm feeling pretty under-levelled at the 4th Gym
I freaking love zigzagoons. Starter + 5 zigzagoons with pickup ability = so much cash.
Anyone else not using the Exp. Share? I'm feeling pretty under-levelled at the 4th Gym
X or Y?
Retail or digital?
Can't bloody decide!!!!
I've had someone request over PSS to see mine and I had to allow the transfer of my PR Video.Its probablt been answered but who can see your pr video?
Pancham:Level 32 onwards with a Dark-type Pokémon in the party
Inkay:Level 30 onwards turning the 3DS upside down after leveling up
I will take the Braixen one! Thank you!
Changing room I think. Left side of the Pokecentre...mmm how can i change my look when i buy stuff?
Press B to take them off. Using the D-pad lets you move normally.Anyway to turn roller skates off? Slow moving through grass is annoying...
Anyone else not using the Exp. Share? I'm feeling pretty under-levelled at the 4th Gym
Nobody replied to your edit so I feel someone should let you know that friend codes are system-wide.
Register someone once and you can play with them in every online-capable game without registering them again.