Left, but only if she had copies of X and Y + 3DS XLs in her hands and was a decent person.]blacky[;85776325 said:So GAF, which one would you choose, left or right?
]blacky[;85776325 said:So GAF, which one would you choose, left or right?
Ohhh fuck this is sooooo good. Got to play for an hour, but now I have to go to a thanksgiving lunch. Fuck!
Ohhh fuck this is sooooo good. Got to play for an hour, but now I have to go to a thanksgiving lunch. Fuck!
thanksgiving lunch.....in Oct??? WTF lolz
thanksgiving lunch.....in Oct??? WTF lolz
Holy shit this game is good. They worked on making your first hour really fun.
Actually, Canada.
Man, it's still the same Pokémon but it's pretty freaking streamlined.
I like the fact Pokémon get exp even when catching a new mon. Best of all is the amount of Pokémon appearing in the wild. One thing I always disliked in older titles were the two, three new Pokémon appearing every time on a route. Even a bit later in the game we'd only get new ones which were the evolved forms of 'mons that you encountered earlier. Now I'm heading for the second gym and I already caught about 20 + Pokémon. Just caught a Abra at max HP in one try hehe.
<3 Charmeleon
You missed the joke. I basically called that guy ignorant hence the 'Murica. I know canada has thanksgiving in october having frequented the country several times myself.
2363 - 5742 - 0044What's yo FC, Sadist? For the glory of DutchGAF
]blacky[;85776325 said:So GAF, which one would you choose, left or right?
What would be a good nature for chesnaught? I was thinking jolly since he is the slower starter of the 3 but I'm not sure.
You missed the joke. I basically called that guy ignorant hence the 'Murica. I know canada has thanksgiving in october having frequented the country several times myself.
how am i ignorant? How was i supposed to know he was from Canada? or that Canada has thanks giving in Oct? i've only been there once and it wasn't during Oct so how would i know? And he could have just said oh well in Canada we have it in Oct. It doesn't make me ignorant not knowing that. so lay off
]blacky[;85776325 said:So GAF, which one would you choose, left or right?
I've never played a Pokemon game in my life. So I was thinking of trying this but I don't know the difference between X or Y. I looked through the OT and couldn't find details in the differences - also, what is this game's genre? Is it a strategy RPG? Please help, I have no idea what Pokemon is.
Got it earlier today. Been playing for 1:15 hours. And spend that full hour on trying to get a Pikachu. I have one now though
When do you get the Exp. Share?
main diference is that one version has some pokèmon the other doesn't and viceversa
it's just a jrpg,only difference is that instead of fighting yourself,you fight using pokèmon you capture around the world map
2363 - 5742 - 0044
Btw, is Skiddo a usefull grass type or should I ignore him?
How the hell do you even add someone?
Have Wi-Fi on, go your friendlist (orange icon) and input my code. DoneHow the hell do you even add someone?
So um, what's the method for trying to get shiny starters? I have no clue how to get a shiny froakie but I need one after seeing his final evolution.