brazen editing lynx
Based Amazon. :O
I chose the slow, free shipping option and Pokemon X still got here today.
I chose the slow, free shipping option and Pokemon X still got here today.
Heh, for a future playthrough it might be interesting to get six pokemon from Wonder Trade and do a playthrough just using those. Never know what you might get.
I can't claim all the credit, someone else told me exactly the same thing earlier in the spoiler thread! Good luck catching a Seviper though, I found it very tricky.
Crazy. Why would anyone have this turned off?
Crazy. Why would anyone have this turned off?
If you just caught a Pokemon and want to catch it up with the rest of them.Crazy. Why would anyone have this turned off?
It really is, but it helped me noticing I could do things with honey and get nice Pokes to appar! I want to try out different zones with it.
Based Amazon. :O
I chose the slow, free shipping option and Pokemon X still got here today.
If you just caught a Pokemon and want to catch it up with the rest of them.
I've never played a pokemon game and am considering playing this one, and have a couple questions. Is this a series where you need a guide for a lot of stuff in the game, or is most of it intuitive? Further to that point, is stuff missable/can you make 'mistakes' - or can you just play normally without a guide etc. then use one to do obscure things later if you need to?
Uh, no? It would just increase the time it takes to catch up.I don't get it...wouldn't more xp for all just help with that catching up? Lol
My team is currently Froakie, Fletchling, and Bunnelby. Whoever said that it doesn't feel like a Pokemon game, I agree with them.
Uh, no? It would just increase the time it takes to catch up.
Hahahaha Wonder Trade is the best thing ever
Deposit Panpour, receive some poor kid's Bulbasaur
Watch him try to send me trade requests afterwards
I don't get it...wouldn't more xp for all just help with that catching up? Lol
Having it off seems like deliberate self-sabotage. Haha
I've never played a pokemon game and am considering playing this one, and have a couple questions. Is this a series where you need a guide for a lot of stuff in the game, or is most of it intuitive? Further to that point, is stuff missable/can you make 'mistakes' - or can you just play normally without a guide etc. then use one to do obscure things later if you need to?
Crazy. Why would anyone have this turned off?
Hahahaha Wonder Trade is the best thing ever
Deposit Panpour, receive some poor kid's Bulbasaur
Watch him try to send me trade requests afterwards
There's literally no downside to exp. share in this game, which is why some consider it an "easy mode" as it cuts back on experience grinding. Some people enjoy the grind. I personally enjoy training a Pokemon on a one-on-one level. The thought of training a whole team without ever using any of them makes me sad.
It is simple. People who want a bit more of a challenge from the game will certainly have the feature turned off or else their teams will be overleveled in a blink.
Probably but I got shiny starters from SR in SS and B/W by doing it. I really want to play this game though so I wont spend to much time SR.It's probably easier to get a shiny starter from breeding a female starter than resetting forever.
6th try.
I...really would not want that. Some of the anime voices are overly obnoxious as it is that they would better off all be talking. Pikachu's a random special exception for some reason, leave everything else as it is.That would be brilliant. Yes.
Yeah, but it is not like I lose time grinding. I just don't grind at all. For example, I challenged the second gym leader with a level 20 Honedge and a level 21 Spritzee.Guess I can understand this. I'd rather spend 100 hours with the game instead of 150. Less time grinding is a great option for me.
Guess I can understand this. I'd rather spend 100 hours with the game instead of 150. Less time grinding is a great option for me.
How do you obtain your free tochic pokemon I've tried to search for gift but it won't get it.
How do you obtain your free tochic pokemon I've tried to search for gift but it won't get it.
I'm really impressed with the game so far, but I have to say, the controls suck. There isn't any true analog control and character movement is still within a grid and my character keeps running into shit. If I try to talk to a character I have to spend a few seconds trying to align my character correctly.
I wasn't about to pick the first suggested nickname.
I wasn't about to pick the first suggested nickname.
I wasn't about to pick the first suggested nickname.
Anything shiny is hard to get man.. be happyI got shiny doduo... is this hard to get?
I have a few questions. How does one evolve Panchum? Is it a dusk stone? Mine is level 44 and Dtill hasn't evolved - nor have Zi found a dusk stone.
Also where is the move deleter?
I just did something I laughed at but I'm not proud of.
Caught a female Snorlax and named her Jane after the lead of the show I work on, which is about a fat lawyer named Jane. Forgive me, Brooke.