Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Won a game last night where Lich rushed Midas. Never saw it before, but it worked fine. The items he kept buying were weird, but his play was fine.


Don't forget to add nyxnyxnyx to 6.79 trash tier.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
༼ つ $_$ ༽つ MIDAS HIM!


I need to get mileage out of this image.
That is the radiant melee creep from last year's Diretide event.
"npc_dota_roshan_halloween"			"Roshan"
"npc_dota_goodguys_siege_diretide"		"Roshling"
"npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_diretide"	"Diretide Witch"
"npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_diretide"	"Diretide Ghoul"
"npc_dota_badguys_siege_diretide"		"Roshling"
"npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_diretide"	"Diretide Crawler"
"npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_diretide"		"Diretide Zombie"
"ent_dota_dire_candybucket"			"Dire Candy Bucket"
"ent_dota_radiant_candybucket"			"Radiant Candy Bucket"


May contain jokes =>
Can't believe it's honestly starting to look like we're not getting anything. What a joke this game has become. Really unhappy about it to be honest. Normally not too bothered with the lack of updates but for some reason the Halloween one is getting me.


Can't believe it's honestly starting to look like we're not getting anything. What a joke this game has become. Really unhappy about it to be honest. Normally not too bothered with the lack of updates but for some reason the Halloween one is getting me.

Yeah, screw this free game. I'm DONE!


To think there are people who took off work and have literally done nothing but F5 a bunch of websites all day.


May contain jokes =>
Yeah, screw this free game. I'm DONE!

Lol whatever dude, this is a game most people in this thread invest a TON of time and money into, so the whole "entitlement" argument is such a joke.

I don't think it's at all unreasonable for people to expect some new content when they've been led to believe they'll get some, or failing that some form of communication from the developer. How hard is that?


Lol whatever dude, this is a game most people in this thread invest a TON of time and money into, so the whole "entitlement" argument is such a joke.

I don't think it's at all unreasonable for people to expect some new content when they've been led to believe they'll get some, or failing that some form of communication from the developer. How hard is that?

We never get any form of communication from the developer. I don't know why we'd expect to now.


Can't believe it's honestly starting to look like we're not getting anything. What a joke this game has become. Really unhappy about it to be honest. Normally not too bothered with the lack of updates but for some reason the Halloween one is getting me.
All this post is missing is "dead game".
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE this, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE that.. Does it ever stop? When will this stuff stop being HILARIOUS to people? I mean seriously is there no originality left on this world? Are we all just monkey see monkey do? I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of every time I look up a game, or goto the comments, anything really I have to scroll past like 50 of these.
The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE this, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE that.. Does it ever stop? When will this stuff stop being HILARIOUS to people? I mean seriously is there no originality left on this world? Are we all just monkey see monkey do? I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of every time I look up a game, or goto the comments, anything really I have to scroll past like 50 of these.

I don't see you making memes m8.


May contain jokes =>
The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

People just want something besides cosmetics. Heroes are the easy thing to complain about but obviously the holiday mode will be at be forefront when it's applicable.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE this, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE that.. Does it ever stop? When will this stuff stop being HILARIOUS to people? I mean seriously is there no originality left on this world? Are we all just monkey see monkey do? I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of every time I look up a game, or goto the comments, anything really I have to scroll past like 50 of these.

no copy pasterino pls


The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

I don't understand why since we already have plenty of heroes. I have never played another MOBA, but if I am not mistaken, with competitors such as LoL, there is not the possibility to play so many heroes anytime you want and for free.


Bull on a Donut
The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

I think the community just cares more about parity. I don't mind slow hero releases/patches, I went through that with dota 1. Hell, Icefrog only used to update once every 6-8 months (now every 2-4 months). I always wanted dota 2 to just be a graphically updated/new engine dota 1 and it doesn't feel like it will be for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time with the current hero release timetables. My favorite dota 1 hero that I played 6-8 years ago at the LAN cafes (terrorblade) still has no hint that he's even being worked on :(.

It's like nearing the homestretch and then completely passing out; I want that finish line to be crossed dammit! Then you can sit back and enjoy those gold medals ;).
I care more about heroes, but it'd be pretty bad if diretide wasn't released again.

The fact diretide isn't out yet pretty much says that they're working on some new content, otherwise it'd be out by now.

Whatever this new content is or if it's something the community wants is another ordeal.


The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.
I would be happy with a simple re-release of the same diretide as last year if it mean more work done on new heros /techies/, no doubt about it.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
They should just re-release Diretide, but apparently they broke it somehow over the past year. They should have just came out and told people not to expect anything in time for Halloween.
They should just re-release Diretide, but apparently they broke it somehow over the past year. They should have just came out and told people not to expect anything in time for Halloween.
Well we haven't had a single shred of evidence that would point to a Halloween gamemode, it has just been community made hype.


Forever Platinum
How are my personal builds looking? They are all somewhat standard but I always like getting advice. Here's my latest updates:

Death Prophet - I took out an early point in Silence and put two points in Witchcraft instead. I didn't find myself using Silence during the early game very often, so putting an extra point into her passive seemed to be a better idea. I used to rush a quick Basilius for the early mana regen, but I switched that out for a Bottle rush instead. I also switched Bloodstone out of her core items and put in Eul's instead.

I think you should get silence much earlier than that, at level 2 or 4. If you weren't using it before you really ought to be, it gives dp some utility that the hero really, really needs if you intend on doing things other than pushing empty lanes.

And for all you 6.78 seeker haters, you just didn't know. Hero was good.

Well we haven't had a single shred of evidence that would point to a Halloween gamemode, it has just been community made hype.

And also was going to post this in response to Emerson. Valve has said nothing about Diretide this year, it was just assumed. In previous events we were getting hints well in advance, this has had nothing. Wait for your heroes.


dave is ok

aztek is ok
Well we haven't had a single shred of evidence that would point to a Halloween gamemode, it has just been community made hype.
Yeah, but last years' Halloween gamemode is evidence of a Halloween gamemode. They already made one and created art assets for it and the average person would just expect them to throw that out again.


The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

Pretty much.

I don't mind if there's no Diretide.

I do mind if we still don't have heroes after this week =_=

However, we have had evidence that points to a Holdout gamemode.
However, we have had evidence that points to a Holdout gamemode.
Holdout appeared in June/July when the custom gamemode stuff started showing up, it's a testbed for the new gamemode system.

Way too early for a Halloween gamemode.
Yeah, but last years' Halloween gamemode is evidence of a Halloween gamemode. They already made one and created art assets for it and the average person would just expect them to throw that out again.
Last year's gamemode came out many versions ago, it's pretty broken right now and is missing core assets.


Holdout appeared in June/July when the custom gamemode stuff started showing up, it's a testbed for the new gamemode system.

Way too early for a Halloween gamemode.

Last year's gamemode came out many versions ago, it's pretty broken right now and is missing core assets.

Yeah I wasn't saying it'd be the Halloween gamemode, just that there's been the holdout gamemode in works.


With a company wich has close to 0 communication with it's community, everything is community made hype.

The company doesn't have 0 communication, the Dota 2 team does. CS:GO team updates their blog a ton and posts about upcoming updates on the mailing list


With a company wich has close to 0 communication with it's community, everything is community made hype.

What is there to communicate that we don't already know? The most important communication is from the community to Valve, not the other way around, and they get plenty of that through the dev forums, reading Reddit, etc.


The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

Hero releases used to be a weekly thing, as opposed to holiday events which usually come out 2, maybe 3 times a year.

I don't see how anyone could even compare the 2.


The amount of complaining over the past few months regarding hero releases suggests that the community cares a lot more about heroes than a temporary gamemode.

i am pretty sure if they released some heroes today almost no one would be complaining about the lack of diretide


Corporate Apologist
Well we haven't had a single shred of evidence that would point to a Halloween gamemode, it has just been community made hype.
Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I would think if we are really getting nothing, they would have said so by now. I also think the lack of much unreleased content being leaked with the files means valve has gotten better at keeping things under wrap and not shipping with main.
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