Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Second-rate Anihawk
Was Diretide 2013 ever confirmed?

And, please, can someone explain the "dead game" reference to me? I'm seeing it all over the place now and I feel so nubby.

Hinted at in Cyborgmatt's blog posts last year

Shitty 4chan maymay


To be fair, bzm asked what weekends were available for people specifically to make the tournament as open as possible, so I don't really buy the "there's no set date so it's too hard to schedule" thing.

Also ember spirit plz
To be fair, bzm asked what weekends were available for people specifically to make the tournament as open as possible, so I don't really buy the "there's no set date so it's too hard to schedule" thing.

Also ember spirit plz

It's a chicken or the egg thing though. I haven't sent the pm to set the team yet as every weekend someone can't make it. If we have a weekend we can lock in what players can make it and know for sure who's on the team.

I do appreciate the thought of asking though so a weekend isn't set that no one can make.

I don't envy the people running it, good luck.

I'm forced to look at the Giantbomb channel for my stacks because GAF is so dead.


For your own sanity, I recommend you don't do that.


I am available all weekends perpetually!

Well, until further notice. I have to make time for vacations, jury duty, and death somewhere.


I don't get it.



Corporate Apologist
To be fair, bzm asked what weekends were available for people specifically to make the tournament as open as possible, so I don't really buy the "there's no set date so it's too hard to schedule" thing.

Also ember spirit plz
The honest answer is none of mine are really open, but how badly it is really depends on how much notice I have to try and work around it.


For your own sanity, I recommend you don't do that.
I like playing with GB people because they're closer to my own level. People from GAF be too good. The few games I've had I felt left in the dust. I feel like the fat man in a marathon that the cops give a pity ride to the finish line.


it's a popular refrain because of how long we have to wait between hero releases. Each week we get an update usually full of fixes and hats, but no heroes. Each week we hope it's the week for the next new hero to finally be released. it's in reference to that weekly disappointment.


Hinted at in Cyborgmatt's blog posts last year

Shitty 4chan maymay

So is it unreasonable to think that perhaps we aren't getting Diretide this year and instead maybe a different game mode? Thanksgiving themed, mayhaps?



So is it unreasonable to think that perhaps we aren't getting Diretide this year and instead maybe a different game mode? Thanksgiving themed, mayhaps?

That's unreasonable, yes.

There's no reason they wouldn't recycle an insanely popular holiday event from last year when they have all the assets already in the game and plenty of new, popular Halloween/spooky cosmetics to make money on.


It's a chicken or the egg thing though. I haven't sent the pm to set the team yet as every weekend someone can't make it. If we have a weekend we can lock in what players can make it and know for sure who's on the team.

I do appreciate the thought of asking though so a weekend isn't set that no one can make.

I don't envy the people running it, good luck.

For your own sanity, I recommend you don't do that.
It's this really. It's just trying to make sure that everyone can be there when we need to be ahead of time. Mostly a time of day thing and not a specific date
if we get a new hero for Halloween, the update won't be tonight because of the test client

unless they do some shenanigans and release Halloween on the main client and the hero on the test client and ship the hero tomorrow while Halloween is currently active, but that would be really weird. Or they just release the hero and throw caution to the wind, which runs a huge risk of breaking everything.


if we get a new hero for Halloween, the update won't be tonight because of the test client

unless they do some shenanigans and release Halloween on the main client and the hero on the test client and ship the hero tomorrow while Halloween is currently active, but that would be really weird.

Would still be extremely exciting to get a new hero in the test client. I consider that getting a new hero tonight because we get to see the visuals/how they play, etc.


aw hell naw you are not hating on pugna when he barely got changed
Ward being able to survive a few hits in late game is a pretty big deal. As is stealing mana from your ultimate when you are at full health.

And honestly I still don't think he is that good in 6.79 either. Maybe against certain line ups like the design of the character entails but not a hero you can reliably put on a team.


6.78 Pugna was plenty viable, they're buffing him into peril zone now though.
IMO so was Axe (viable in certain line ups). We are just discussing heroes who are worse than Axe. Old Battle Hunger and old Tranquil Boots were enough to pick Axe. So I disagree with him being in bottom 5 although I can see him in bottom 10.

New Axe I haven't tried much of to comment. Not sure how to play him with the Tranquil Boots nerf.
Worse than the likes of 6.78 BM, Sniper, Seeker? Bottom 10 maybe but not bottom 5.

6.78 Pugna was pretty bad too.

BM as in...Beastmaster?

Let's have a 6.78 trash tier list:

1. Sniper
2. Drow
3. Broodmother
4. Bloodseeker
5. Axe
6. Ogre Magi
7. Bristleback
8. Riki
9. Clinkz
10. Pudge


6.78 pugna was awesome, and people had started picking him already as an OD counter even before 6.79 came. The buff to him weren't even that good, it's just that people noticed that pugna can take your rax at 20 min and that 6.79 is much faster than 6.78 (mostly trilane nerf mean you can aggressive much earlier), so they said : "oh, mb this hero is good". Now it's fp material.


Bull on a Donut
i told u guys lich was op in 6.78 and now he's just even more op i told u guys i totally called it like totally y doesn't icefraud listen 2 me


i told u guys lich was op in 6.78 and now he's just even more op i told u guys i totally called it like totally y doesn't icefraud listen 2 me

Lich overrated this version i'm calling it now.

EDIT: I say he'll get a lower WR% than Visage in competitive.


Bull on a Donut
6.78 trash list:

1. batrider
2. wisp
3. dark seer
4. visage
5. lifestealer

ok can we get ember spirit now

ur forgetting alchemist and weaver kid; also u would want that scum op nome hero in the game wouldnt u; id rather they just add illidan
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