Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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Mjollnir is kinda wasted on Ember. Maelstroms and then raw damage is better for sleight of fist. Skadi is also useful.

He's just a really cool hero who I think is totally viable.


BM as in...Beastmaster?

Let's have a 6.78 trash tier list:

1. Sniper
2. Drow
3. Broodmother
4. Bloodseeker
5. Axe
6. Ogre Magi
7. Bristleback
8. Riki
9. Clinkz
10. Pudge
Forgot about Bristleback. I think he is worse than Axe due to problems with laning him.

Bm = Broodmother. Beastmaster is fucking baller.

Before 6.78 Medusa and Huskar were garbage heroes too. Huskar was BM and Seeker tier. Then they made Huskar broken and buffed Medusa's ult a lot making her better than those trash heroes. 6.79 Huskar I don't know where he stands, I think he is situational now.
Speaking of Bristleback, the 5-7 max stacks change is deceptively strong. Don't know if it's to bump him up to competitive tier since there are other issues with the hero, but still.

Also new page:

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Forgot about Bristleback. I think he is worse than Axe due to problems with laning him.

Bm = Broodmother. Beastmaster is fucking baller.

Before 6.78 Medusa and Huskar were garbage heroes too. Huskar was BM and Seeker tier. Then they made Huskar broken and buffed Medusa's ult a lot making her better than those trash heroes. 6.79 Huskar I don't know where he stands, I think he is situational now.

BB is amazing in solo lanes, but i agree he fall off a lot lategame.


Corporate Apologist
Bat Bidder needs to have a debuff icon called "Blind as a Bat" that indicated his smaller then normal vision radius.
How are my personal builds looking? They are all somewhat standard but I always like getting advice. Here's my latest updates:

Venomancer - I went with a Poison Sting rush because of it's mana-free harass. Since I'm almost always playing Veno as the #5 role I won't be having much in the way of regen. I'm worried that my low level Wards are gonna get easily picked off though. But at least they'll do nice Poison Sting damage. My core items are all pretty inexpensive, but again, in pubs I'm usually the only one buying the courier + flying upgrade, wards every 7 mins, TPs, etc. so I'm often very poor.

Death Prophet - I took out an early point in Silence and put two points in Witchcraft instead. I didn't find myself using Silence during the early game very often, so putting an extra point into her passive seemed to be a better idea. I used to rush a quick Basilius for the early mana regen, but I switched that out for a Bottle rush instead. I also switched Bloodstone out of her core items and put in Eul's instead.

Shadow Demon - I am undecided on my SD build. This is a more greedy skill build, hence why I notated it as a #4 role instead of a #5. The idea was that pubs are almost never going to coordinated well enough with me to justify maxing Soul Catcher first. I would often use it only to have my teammate attack someone else. So I went with maxing Shadow Poison first, which I found difficult to do but I feel like it has better potential. I just have to learn how to land my nukes better. I used to build a Basilius but I switched it out for Urn on my core item list. I feel like the strength and active outweigh Basilius' aura for SD.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
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Corporate Apologist
BM as in...Beastmaster?

Let's have a 6.78 trash tier list:

1. Sniper
2. Drow
3. Broodmother
4. Bloodseeker
5. Axe
6. Ogre Magi
7. Bristleback
8. Riki
9. Clinkz
10. Pudge
Wait, how is Ogre Magi so high on that list? He is a very powerful support, boasting as powerful single target stun, a great buff to your carries, and a nice slow/dot for extra crowd control.

Its a photoshop silly. Not even that good of one.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Why do I solo queue?


Do I hate myself?

Why cause myself such pain?

I should never ever pick heroes like Storm Spirit that depend on teammates actually doing anything


Bull on a Donut
Why do I solo queue?


Do I hate myself?

Why cause myself such pain?

I should never ever pick heroes like Storm Spirit that depend on teammates actually doing anything

storm spirit is probably one of the most solo impact heroes in the game. Every hero relies on their team, but storm is definitely on the bottom of the "most reliant list." Often times YOU make things happen for your team and dictate the momentum of the game. It's like NS, TA, Bat, or any other strong ganking mid.


Corporate Apologist
The Diretide event from last year is currently broken and missing assets.

Yeah, I know, I have seen how bad it looks when some Chinese players manage to get into it by watching the replay.

Can you try and stop the people one Reddit stop spamming "༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE" in the comments of every post? I feel like you should actually be able to do something about it.


Bull on a Donut
Yeah, I know, I have seen how bad it looks when some Chinese players manage to get into it by watching the replay.

Can you try and stop the people one Reddit stop spamming "༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE" in the comments of every post? I feel like you should actually be able to do something about it.

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