Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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I don't get why Valve doesn't hire some kind of community manager. The fanbase for this game needs pacification.
I'm not even sure a CM bring that much ( maybe because I'm used to the shitty one they had for bad company 2 & battlefield 3 ), it's not like some official communication on a blog on a weekly ( heck even monthly ) basis, is a full time job.


Mek on Viper is so damn good. I used to always struggle with Viper because it seems like if you go for a tanky item you're wasting gold, but if you go for damage you're a glass cannon. You'll be able to get some early solo kills if you want, but he really peters out as the game transitions into mid-game. Mek is just about perfect in that it's obviously useful for getting out alive from solo ganks, and also enables tower pushes and team fights.

The build that VG just used is a great early game build. Treads, Wand, Basilius, Mek into Scepter. Playing Viper more as a nuker than a carry is one of the few instances where it works out favorably in my experience.


Mek on Viper is so damn good. I used to always struggle with Viper because it seems like if you go for a tanky item you're wasting gold, but if you go for damage you're a glass cannon. You'll be able to get some early solo kills if you want, but he really peters out as the game transitions into mid-game. Mek is just about perfect in that it's obviously useful for getting out alive from solo ganks, and also enables tower pushes and team fights.

The build that VG just used is a great early game build. Treads, Wand, Basilius, Mek into Scepter. Playing Viper more as a nuker than a carry is one of the few instances where it works out favorably in my experience.

Yeah I've seen that build working for more people that were playing viper.
I don't really play him that often because he's kind of boring imo but I need to try out the mek build myself.
Thing is though, shadow blade is mighty useful when ganking or escaping.


Shaper Divine

Fnatic totally schools them koreans :3


Oh hey, remember this?

Neichus said:
I'm in the camp that hopes for a revamp.

She's a very old hero who hasn't been changed much over time. However, I think one should be careful when approaching an overhaul because you don't necessarily want to change her so much that she's unrecognizable. Also, she is an introductory hero so you don't want to go giving her abilities tooltips like AA's ultimate.

Frost Arrows are a good place to start; they're an iconic aspect of her, since honestly right now orb walking is one of her few skills. Silence is powerful and would be nice to work in, but not sure if I'd consider it core to her playstyle. TSA and Marksmanship are utterly bland and could be removed with no harm to her enjoyment (as long as she still did enough damage).

With that in mind, I'd imagine something like:

Frost Arrows
Fire a freezing arrow at the target, slowing their movement speed by 30% for 2.5 seconds. If the target is hit by 3 consecutive Frost Arrows they are silenced and rooted in place for .75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds. 1 second cooldown.

-I imagine something like how the Shadow Demon and Batrider have numbers above their target's head, so you can see when they will be frozen.
-The cooldown is in place so that a late-game Drow can't simply perma-disable a target with a high attack speed.

Summon a bird familiar to scout the area, giving you unobstructed vision of the surrounding area for 20 seconds. While your familiar is active your attacks cannot miss. 60/50/40/30 second cooldown. Gives 1200/1500/1800/2100 vision range.

-You do not control your familiar. It is merely a graphical representation that you can see the area.
-Allows the Drow to see past trees and up ramps, as well as negating dodge effects in a fashion similar to the MKB.
-This is not True Sight and does not pierce invisibility.

Trueshot (passive)
Gives the Drow Ranger an 11%/14%/17%/20% chance to fire two arrows when attacking.

-If the triggering attack was a Frost Arrow then the second arrow fired will also be a Frost Arrow. This is from both manually casting and auto-cast.

Markswoman (passive, Ultimate)
Increases the range of the Drow Ranger's attacks by 75/150/225. However, the damage dealt beyond 625 range is reduced. Passively adds 10/20/30 Agility.

-The damage reduction is calculated based on the locations of the Drow and her target when the projectile is fired, not on impact.
-Damage reduction scales smoothly from 90% and 25% between 625 range (her base) and her new max. This means she will be able to do more damage to targets as she levels up her ultimate.

With this version I'm trying to create a hero which fits the old theme reasonably well. She is still relatively simple, relying on orb walking and right-clicking for kills. Still isn't a major escape artist, instead relying on her superior knowledge of the surroundings and long range slowing capacity to prevent being ganked as easily. I tried to also make Trueshot more engaging/thematic as it interacts with the Frost Arrows to rapidly deliver an extra stack to the target (rather than simply being Critical Strike). And finally her familiar gives her an edge against certain heroes who rely on dodge to counteract physical damage.

*weeps incoherently into desk*

dave is ok

aztek is ok
It'd be one thing if First Blood was a nice meaty patch but it was just Captain's Draft and a Portal announcer. They've clearly been working on something for a long time.


re: new heroes. if no one at valve is willing to roll their desk to the Dota team, just temp hire bounchfx and anuxi and their partners. At the rate these guys are working, putting out models, couriers and sets, we'll have hero parity before frostivus starts.
"Hey guys we're really busy right now working on stuff we hope you'll really like! Stay tuned for updates!"

there ya go

"Hey guys, there's no diretide this year"

"Hey guys, due to broken assets diretide will be a bit late this year, stay tuned."

"Yes, there's going to be diretide later tonight."
So of Ember, Earth and Legion Commander, are any of them Junglers, Supports or Offlaners?

Because that's all I really play. I hate carrying. I don't even like semi-carrying unless it's offlane. So for me I don't really think I'm excited at all :(


Corporate Apologist
So of Ember, Earth and Legion Commander, are any of them Junglers, Supports or Offlaners?

Because that's all I really play. I hate carrying. I don't even like semi-carrying unless it's offlane. So for me I don't really think I'm excited at all :(

Legion Commander is basically a melee support who can semi-carry.


Corporate Apologist
༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give . . . TIRED

Shira, how am I supposed to tell you to get good at ghosts if you edit out the ghosts?
           GIVE TIRETIDE!      /◕ ◕\_
                             __\ 0  / )                   .-.
                    .-.     (__/     /   GIVE TIRETIDE! _/oo \
                 _/ ◕ ◕\      /     \                 ( \v  /__
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             (   _._.-._/GIVE TIRETIDE!(___     \/           '-'
              '-'                        /      \
                                       _/        \    Give TIRETIDE!
                                      (   __.-._/


Bull on a Donut
It'd be one thing if First Blood was a nice meaty patch but it was just Captain's Draft and a Portal announcer. They've clearly been working on something for a long time.

Or they consider dota pretty much done, moved the majority of the team to other projects, and left 4 interns to squash a few bugs a month.


wow, I totally missed the new portraits of Earth and Ember Spirit in the game files (I know they were already discussed in here). No one tells me anything. :mad:


Anybody else really unhappy with Faceless Void? I feel he needs a crapton of farm and even then he relies on his ultimate which requres the opponents to have poor positioning. Mask of Madness is terrible and will get you killed everytime you jump in, BKB is absolutely mandatory against a team with mass disables and yet it offers too little damage.
He's really one of the worst carries in the game despite being the best 1on1 hero in the game lategame.


Anybody else really unhappy with Faceless Void? I feel he needs a crapton of farm and even then he relies on his ultimate which requres the opponents to have poor positioning. Mask of Madness is terrible and will get you killed everytime you jump in, BKB is absolutely mandatory against a team with mass disables and yet it offers too little damage.
He's really one of the worst carries in the game despite being the best 1on1 hero in the game lategame.
you can midas him and leave the ult till 11 if you get a bad start nowadays. But yeah unless you can wombo combo the ult with your teammates its not a good pick.
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