STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Finally got rid of my 360 this afternoon. Should have sold it years ago, but I honestly forgot I had it since I had no desire to play.

Had my hands on the PS4 controller while I was in Best Buy. Felt amazing and I'm tempted to pick it up for the new PS3 and PC play.

Were you able to get $100 dollars for the 360?

I need to try out the Dual Shock 4 since it's well received. Have you tried the Xbox One's controller yet for comparison?
Finally got rid of my 360 this afternoon. Should have sold it years ago, but I honestly forgot I had it since I had no desire to play.

Had my hands on the PS4 controller while I was in Best Buy. Felt amazing and I'm tempted to pick it up for the new PS3 and PC play.
Speaking of the Xbox One pad compatible straight out of the box, or they are gonna release drivers for it?

I imagine it is Xinput like the 360 pad.
Speaking of the Xbox One pad compatible straight out of the box, or they are gonna release drivers for it?

I imagine it is Xinput like the 360 pad.
From what I understand it's said that it won't be compatible on PC 'til 2014, so it seems like new drivers are in order.


I used M&KB is what I used and it worked fine (keep in mind I think Resident Evil 5+6 have fine M&KB controls), but I believe the game has controller support, but you need to input it once the game is launched. Going to controls allows a 'second control figuration' and it reads as if it'd be responsive to controller input, but I'd have to test it to find out myself. I also should mention the two flaws I recall with the port, which may or may not be important based on who asked, is that this game has no windowed mode and that sometimes there's a strange start-up crash (which you can fix by going to the game's files and deleting res.bin, it's some weird resolution issue that deleting that file will fix). One thing I also might want to toy around with when I check controller settings might be the fact that the game has its source files open and easily accessible, so it would be really easy to change things like enemy and weapon damage output and other things in theory, want to play around and see if it's as easy as it looks.

I own both, but have not played Extermination yet, but have played some RLH previously. Extermination, having not played it, I am aware if a Resident Evil clone mixed with elements of The Thing which is infamously known for its terrible voice acting. RLH, from what I played, shows its age, and reminds me of the era of the late 90s/early 2000s 'gritty' action horror that existed. Not action-horror as we know it today, but the more tough-as-nails and grissly type that was popular around that time.

However, something that makes RLH notable is that it has an actually pretty interesting story with some pretty decent acting. I don't want to give away too much, but the Dead Space series definitely took some inspiration from this title (the story has some REALLY similar elements, the setting and some of the backstory is suspiciously similar, and some of the monsters in this game were almost carbon-copied for Dead Space, as in they look the same, function the same, and some even share the same names). I also think that one of the plot twists of the game is a mixture of being laughably stupidly entertaining but also disturbing and actually fairly unnerving.

Thanks for the added info about Cold Fear. I'll keep that in mind once i grab it.
Also can't wait for when you play Extermination want to hear more about that one. As for RLH you've told me enough that I think I might jump back into it if I can find it.
EDIT: Just realized that RLH never had a PC port guess I gotta wait on that one.
Hmm, not sure if I want to wait for it on Steam or iOS, looks like a nice fit on both. Thanks for sharing, I'm sure I would have missed this otherwise.
Having only played the PC-version I just can't imagine the touch controls to be very good. It feels like you need a mouse for this sort of game, especially if you want to be able to compete on score, which is sort of the point I'd say (Steam store says it has controller support, but the original release didn't have it, so haven't tried them).

Well, at least it's cheap enough so you should be able to purchase both and just stick with your preferred version :)


Were you able to get $100 dollars for the 360?

I need to try out the Dual Shock 4 since it's well received. Have you tried the Xbox One's controller yet for comparison?

Yep I was able to get the $100 for the 360. It's a launch unit that I've opened up various times for repairs so I'm thankful for the amount.

I didn't get a chance with the XO controller as they didn't have them out. I was hoping to try both.


NMC's medium texture pack.

Nevada skies is the other big visual improvement I'm using as it makes nighttime look decent.

Thanks, downloading both of those now and will try out tomorrow. I really only want mods that affect the graphics. Maybe after a full play through I will mess with some of the other mods.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So with the arrival of my new PC which is small enough to sit next to my ps4 and hook into my pc, the endless possibilities of steam, origin, and generations of game emulation on my tv have suddenly made me numb to it all. I have no idea what to do first. Damn

Buy a game.


So with the arrival of my new PC which is small enough to sit next to my ps4 and hook into my pc, the endless possibilities of steam, origin, and generations of game emulation on my tv have suddenly made me numb to it all. I have no idea what to do first. Damn

Buy stuff on Steam, stare at your library and don't play anyhting.


I've pretty much given up on seeing Kingdoms of Amalur get discounted during a Steam sale at this point. That being the case, I've been looking at this deal on and off all day, and wondering if I should dip into the cash I managed to set aside for the autumn Steam sale to grab it.

What say ye, SteamGAF? Should I give in to temptation? Is KoA even worth picking up? Some feedback would be welcome.

Well, the Autumn Sale is just a few days away. ;)


That's Saoirse? :eek: She looks totally different in that picture. (I think her eye makeup might have something to do with it.)


So with the arrival of my new PC which is small enough to sit next to my ps4 and hook into my pc, the endless possibilities of steam, origin, and generations of game emulation on my tv have suddenly made me numb to it all. I have no idea what to do first. Damn

What I did when I got my pc was to download a bunch of games from steam and boot them up one by one and trying them all out, I actually like tweaking and stuff so I spent a lot of time doing that as well, I had a small library built up from sales so I had a shitload of games to go through, playing everything at 1080p and 60fps was just glorious.

Best thing is that you could multitask so well and switch between games so quick on the pc. Worst thing is booting up burnout paradise and listening to guns and roses for a minute before you could get into the game.
I've pretty much given up on seeing Kingdoms of Amalur get discounted during a Steam sale at this point. That being the case, I've been looking at this deal on and off all day, and wondering if I should dip into the cash I managed to set aside for the autumn Steam sale to grab it.

What say ye, SteamGAF? Should I give in to temptation? Is KoA even worth picking up? Some feedback would be welcome.


That's Saoirse? :eek: She looks totally different in that picture. (I think her eye makeup might have something to do with it.)

I think Rhode Island is in the process, or maybe has, of selling the rights to the self published game. I'm waiting to find out before I commit to origin.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I've pretty much given up on seeing Kingdoms of Amalur get discounted during a Steam sale at this point. That being the case, I've been looking at this deal on and off all day, and wondering if I should dip into the cash I managed to set aside for the autumn Steam sale to grab it.

What say ye, SteamGAF? Should I give in to temptation? Is KoA even worth picking up? Some feedback would be welcome.

I liked Kingdoms of Amalur, but it is sprawling to a fault. It's basically the product of a one night stand between Fable and World of WarCraft, topped off with a God of War-inspired combat system.


That's Saoirse? :eek: She looks totally different in that picture. (I think her eye makeup might have something to do with it.)

It's from a promo shoot for How I Live Now. I was going to bump the appreciation thread but the image I've used is the only high-res photo I've come across for the time being.

I think Rhode Island is in the process, or maybe has, of selling the rights to the self published game. I'm waiting to find out before I commit to origin.

The auction was recently pushed back to December 11.


I think Rhode Island is in the process, or maybe has, of selling the rights to the self published game. I'm waiting to find out before I commit to origin.

I can understand that. In my case, I have a few other games I play through Origin already, so I can live with one more if push comes to shove. I'd prefer Steam, but hey.

I liked Kingdoms of Amalur, but it is sprawling to a fault. It's basically the product of a one night stand between Fable and World of WarCraft, topped off with a God of War-inspired combat system.

That description is seriously eroding my will to resist. The game sounds like it'd be right up my street.

It's from a promo shoot for How I Live Now. I was going to bump the appreciation thread but the image I've used is the only high-res photo I've come across for the time being.

Thanks to you, I just finished watching the trailer for that, and now it's on my radar.


It's amazing how many beer bottles the dude in Rage could carry with him. I've been doing nothing but looting all these beer bottles in the post apocalyptic world, it's just so weird.
Steam key for Beast Boxing Turbo has now been added to the Indie Royale bundle page.

And it's a different key from the one if you did the Desura client workaround. Meaning you should have got two Steam keys for that game.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Send him to The Thread.

That's hard as he seldom posts. :(

That description is seriously eroding my will to resist. The game sounds like it'd be right up my street.

The DLC is good, too, or so I've read (haven't played it myself; I'll get around to it one day).

Thanks to you, I just finished watching the trailer for that, and now it's on my radar.

I (and Classy!) liked it. The film shifts gears at the halfway point and is better for it but the first, being set in the verdant countryside, is beautiful in its own right despite how rushed it is in terms of plot.


So, no info yet on 3rd party drivers to make the xbox one controller work for PC? I'm kicking my own ass at the moment for thinking that the pad was going to work on windows 7/8 right out of the box. Haven't logged on to steam since I lost my 360 pad a few weeks ago. :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Enslaved at $10 is a must-buy but I'll wait for discounts on Steam itself before picking up Fast & Furious and Fall of Cybertron.


Enslaved at $10 is a must-buy but I'll wait for discounts on Steam itself before picking up Fast & Furious and Fall of Cybertron.

I probably buy it for 10 bucks. Amazon also gives you $5 promotional credit that can be used later for each purchase made during the sale and the whole December


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I probably buy it for 10 bucks. Amazon also gives you $5 promotional credit that can be used later for each purchase made during the sale and the whole December

I don't think there's anything else that I need so I'll probably just use the credit to buy a random $5 game to give away.

Almost forgot that this game exists.

I may just roll the dice and hope for a deeper discount in the future as even if, god forbid, they're yanked from Steam, I can buy keys from a "grey market" reseller.


I just finished Medal of Honor (2010) and much to my surprise I didn't hate the experience. When I first started the game, another GAFfer messaged me, suggesting I don't even bother trying to play this game, not a good sign.

The game is only around 4 hours long, which to be honest suited the game perfectly. Any longer and I think it would outstay its welcome.

The game is a run of the mill modern military shooter that when compared with something like Call of Duty, focus's more on the limited resources available to soldiers rather than the Hollywood style fire fights.

You play as two different characters in Afghanistan over the course of two days. I found the story much more engaging that the other modern shooters I've played of late such as MW3, Black OPs and BF3.

The action is pretty much by the book and the graphics have some nice moments (I think this game is Frostbite 3 powered). I played the game on normal difficulty and found myself dying in some of the more intense fire fights.

Things can get pretty buggy at times, and some of the level design can be downright confusing due to the linear nature of the game. I lost count of the moments where I ran into invisible walls. There were also some weird moments where I would get stuck on the level geometry or have to take a couple of runs at doorways to get through.

This game was part of the EA Humble Bundle, so if you have it on your backlog, you could find far worse ways to kill four hours. I liked the story and the ending seemed very fitting. I can see why this series was axed, the game is by no means ground breaking and is pretty forgettable. I won't be rushing out to pick up Warfighter any time soon.

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