Of course, I mean Technician isn't a hidden ability at all, lol.
Awesome, can I get that one instead?
Of course, I mean Technician isn't a hidden ability at all, lol.
How are you getting so many metal coats?
Nice, I bred an Infiltrator Zubat a few days ago and gave him Taunt, Defog, Brave Bird and U-Turn.Gonna try and breed some 5v Defog/Brave Bird/Whirwind Zubats later. Got a 6v parent to work with, should hopefully get them pretty quickly.
Sigmaah, I believe there's a 20% chance of a mother passing down the other ability, so it might be a bit annoying but you can do it.
Kamisamaa, I have some leftover Sturdy Carbinks but I'm having internet connection problems. If I can fix it today, I'll PM you.
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
No problem, I think I already have you but you're not online.I'll take 2 charmander with a side of 2 HA vulpix if you don't mind kind sir : D
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
So on the high IV dittos, do you just catch them or can you breed them?
You can't breed Dittos, only catch them. You can catch Dittos in this place near the 8th gym and you can also catch them from the Friend Safari if one of your 3DS friends has beaten X/Y's Elite 4 and has been online at the same time as you at one point in time.So on the high IV dittos, do you just catch them or can you breed them?
Yeah, I already have you too,, what's your in-game name?Could I get an pair of Espurrs and a Petilil? FC is 2251-4573-2793.
Yeah, I already have you too,, what's your in-game name?
Seems like all my female Espurrs that are 4 IV aren't HA, so it would be male with 4 IVs and female with 3 IVs.Boa Toh.
Seems like all my female Espurrs that are 4 IV aren't HA, so it would be male with 4 IVs and female with 3 IVs.
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
I gotta go so PM me and I'll get back to youI don't have much to offer but I'd really like a horsea and larvesta. Females if possible. Let me know!
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
Could I get an Aron, an Eevee and a Petilil?
See above! PM or I'll forget to get back to you, I can only continue with this tomorrow.Could I get the Froakie, or Trapinch?
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
See above! PM or I'll forget to get back to you, I can only continue with this tomorrow.
Sup gaf! Looking to level up my Pokemon battling skills as I haven't played competiely since early 4th gen. You guys battle here?
Aw shit, I believe in you.Just got a 6v scyther with swarm, wish it was tech but I also got a 5v scyther with tech in the same batch so I'm very pleased!
Hey guys! Sorry for the shameless post, but I figured some of you would be interested in
this sweater I designed with all 151 Pokemon on it! Cheers!
Available here: http://www.theyetee.com/shop/detail.php?itemid=swf-catchm
Found a shiny Ditto today, guess he'll sit in a box forever. Also finished breeding and EV training everyone (11 Pokemon), so now all that's left is level them up and I'll have a new team, my first team fixed, and the Nita counter team finally. My Espurr came out at 6 IV which was neat, considering his egg group.
I also sat for like 2 hours in front of my PC to organize everything, and it was such a mess, I set aside a couple peeps to make re-breeding easier in the future too, after learning my lesson the hard way.
Anyway I have ~15 boxes of breeding leftovers to get rid of, so I might as well put 'em up here. Come Pokebank I'll be Wonder Trading everything away to make room for the full Pokedex.
Timid HA Espurr w/ Yawn
Timid Horsea
Jolly Infiltrator Zubat w/ Defog, Brave Bird (only like 2 are Infiltrator though)
Modest HA Vulpix
Adamant Aron
Modest Staryu
Modest Larvesta
Jolly Hoppip
Modest Petilil
Anticipation Eevee w/ Curse, Wish, Yawn, Natural Gift (not a lot of those either)
Adamant Beldum
Timid Charmander
Adamant Trapinch
Adamant Mawile
Timid Protean Froakie
I should have 4 IV of all of them in both genders (except for the silly ones like Eevee and starters). Even if not, 3 IV easily.
Playing through White 2 again and man is Hiker Andy (the Ferris Wheel guy) a real creep.
I just steamrolled the Elite 4 and the champion on my first try. What the hell? I OHKO 90% of them.
The game is a joke, that's not surprising.
You should turn it off when you don't need it lol.That was the easiest elite 4 ever. It took me 10 - 15 minutes. The way EXP share works now is so broken.
That was the easiest elite 4 ever. It took me 10 - 15 minutes. The way EXP share works now is so broken.
It is my opinion that turning the EXP. Share on for the main game is basically Easy Mode. Also yes, the Elite Four isn't hard. I didn't have EXP. Share on for any of the game, and I swept every one of them with +1 [Insert Shared Weakness Here].