Fucking hypnotizing.
Fucking hypnotizing.
Man I just realized. The P4A sequel is really dark in the same vein as P3's main plot. If we didn't know part of the outcome thanks to P4G's epilogue, I'd say it'd be the darkest modern Persona yet.
How big is the Japanese market for these games anyways? Or in comparison to the western audience?
For all the trailers from Sunday on youtube, its basically entirely English comments with a few stray Japanese comments despite it being a Japanese youtube channel with a Japanese title for the video game and everything.
I think it ties into P5 somehow. The red fog. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but Atlus are very clever at laying foundations for things.
I doubt a fighting game spinoff will tie into the next game. Plus it'd be dissapointing if they went with the fog theme two games in a row.I think it ties into P5 somehow. The red fog. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but Atlus are very clever at laying foundations for things.
Please explain. How did any of those games foreshadow the events of later games?Yeah they've done that virtually every installment.P1 had its nods to P3, P2 foreshadowed both P3 and P4A, P3's ending needs no explanation, P4 foreshadowed P4A too...
I doubt a fighting game spinoff will tie into the next game. Plus it'd be dissapointing if they went with the fog theme two games in a row.
Fair enough. I was thinking about adding a question of whether there were simply other places they generally would talk about it instead. That answers it.They average about 250,000 to 500,000 depending on game. Some installments do better, of course. P4A itself was one of the best selling fighting games in Japan for first week if I recall right?
Also remember YouTube is an English site. Japanese posters are probably more likely posting to Nico Nico.
I doubt a fighting game spinoff will tie into the next game. Plus it'd be dissapointing if they went with the fog theme two games in a row.
Yeah, and Tamaki clearly wears the pants in that relationship. (Literally AND figuratively.)
Soejima's the bartender at Clair de Lune, Kaneko's the Demon Artist... not sure about anyone else.
Even if it relates to a certain character, the main purpose do the fog was to "shroud the truth". If the next theme is going to revolve around freedom, I don't think fog will fit the theme as much.The fog (P4 END SPOILZ)is more likely related to Izanami than it Persona 5. Remember how that was basically her gimmick in P4?
That said, I do expect some foreshadowing to P5 simply because Atlus has always done it.
Even if it relates to a certain character, the main purpose do the fog was to "shroud the truth". If the next theme is going to revolve around freedom, I don't think fog will fit the theme as much.
Even if it relates to a certain character, the main purpose do the fog was to "shroud the truth". If the next theme is going to revolve around freedom, I don't think fog will fit the theme as much.
It shrouds the path to freedom. BOOM!
Man I just realized. The P4A sequel is really dark in the same vein as P3's main plot. If we didn't know part of the outcome thanks to P4G's epilogue, I'd say it'd be the darkest modern Persona yet.
I swear... If there are chairs in P4U2, then hell with break loose with theories.
I swear... If there are chairs in P4U2, then hell with break loose with theories.
Sorry, I misread your post.That's what I'm saying. The red fog is completely unrelated to P5.![]()
Yeah, I'm getting it. Gotta complete the collection.Anyone planning to get the Persona 4 Arena: Official Design Works by Udon? They have a 12pg preview up:
I almost wouldn't be surprised if they did it just to fuck with everyone.
Plus there are chairs. Kanji's and Shadow Kanji's
Anyone planning to get the Persona 4 Arena: Official Design Works by Udon? They have a 12pg preview up:
I swear... If there are chairs in P4U2, then hell with break loose with theories.
Was planning to, but then I won mine in the GAF P4A tournament. That thing's been delayed so much, but I guess it's finally out now, huh.
Sorry, I misread your post.
Earlier you said that previous games foreshadow the events of future games. I haven't played P1-2 yet, so do you have examples? Like how did P4 foreshadow the P-1 Grand Prix at all?
I was in Chapters tonight and the machine said they would have it December 20th. Probably a placeholder date, as they'll just have it whenever it comes out.
Warning: every spoiler for every game ever coming up
Persona 1 foreshadowed Persona 3's plot with Tartarus, The Fall, Apathy Syndrome, and Nyx. Apathy Syndrome wasn't mentioned by name however. Persona 2 had the artificial human research (Nanjo's route) as well as the Tatsuya Scenario (EPP.) Nyarly also says he'll be back at the end of EP. Persona 3's ending needs no explanation. Persona 4 has Naoto mention the midnight channel world still existed, and Yosuke offering to all meet up for Golden week when P4A and P4A2 take place.
I wouldn't say that Personaforeshadowed P1so much as elements of its plot were used as the basis for P3's plot, and to give it some connection to the older games.3
EDIT: Fixed the spoiler goofs, smartypants.
They most likely intended to use it for future plotlines, like they did the other elements in the thingybobber.
Well I was actually more poking fun at the fact spoilers really aren't needed. I only spoiled all of my post to be lazy. >_>;
Episode 2: Kanamin's RevengeHeh, well at least the "P-1 Grand Prix saga" ends here. Then we'll have a Dancing saga duology.
Heh, well at least the "P-1 Grand Prix saga" ends here. Then we'll have a Dancing saga duology.
They did say "This is how it all ends after Persona 4."
With red text on the how it all ends.
Heh, well at least the "P-1 Grand Prix saga" ends here. Then we'll have a Dancing saga duology.
Now you're gonna give me hope that P4D was just one of Yosuke's fever dreams.
Anyone planning to get the Persona 4 Arena: Official Design Works by Udon? They have a 12pg preview up:
Glad it's finally coming out, I ordered my copy months ago for my birthday. I love reading through the P3 and P4 books, especially the interviews with the creators... Reading about how they decided on the themes and design elements is really interesting. You can tell these guys are truly invested in the franchise.
While I do like P4A and its uniting of the two games, the retcons and such are pretty silly.
What retcons are you referring to?
Udon has taught me that I best buy their artbooks as soon as they're on shelves rather than waiting, because the limited print runs only ever drive the price up. Way, way, up.
Stupid Art of Phoenix Wright
He's talking about something I mentioned in chat regarding the year Persona 3 took place. The game states it as 2009-2010, but P4A states it as 2010-2011. However I don't think P4A was first to make that retcon, because I recall seeing it elsewhere in some P3 related mateiral....
Other details, such as the year Aigis was made/activated changed too. 1999 in P3, 2000 in P4A.
...those are really specific retcons. I'm not entirely sure what the point was.
...those are really specific retcons. I'm not entirely sure what the point was.